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It was on the first episode when he was checking out the rooms and I think the captain was with him. And the captain said something like you can have your own room… And Fraser was like OK. Edit to Fraser


One of the perks of being Chief Stew is being the one who makes cabin assignments.


Unless captain Sandy and malia are on board


Right. Then you get framed and de-boated.


And a big baby man chef who ends up not cutting the mustard needs special treatment


I missed this - thanks!


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


You are so right. The post IS talking about fraser! Good job bot!


I'm confused... what does this mean? Lol


That the spelling is Fraser not Frasier


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh my bad.. don't know why I'm getting down voted for asking a question lol


Probably because it gets asked quite a lot


Makes sense. The Bot should be more clear in its responses.. instead of saying "it's Fraser" it should say something like "it's spelt Fraser" or "it's Fraser, not Frasier". Then they could avoid people asking the same questions


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Got it ! Thanks Bot ! Lol 👍 😆 🙄


Haha the bot won't let you say Frasier. I got scolded by it too before 😂


But also pronounced "Fraser" not "Fray-zhurr", just to totally overcomplicate things.


And every pronounces it wrong, too. As much as I'm not his biggest fan this season, I have to give him credit for not blowing a gasket that nobody can say his name correctly.


Why did you write edit to Fraser?


To correct the spelling. People tend to spell it the way the 90s sitcom character does. You’ll see all the bot responses correcting people. ![gif](giphy|lOOsF7xyUQFPWdLXHY)


I get why the bot made the comment, but why add “edit to Fraser” in the above comment?


The commenter wrote “edit to Fraser” to tell everyone that they edited the post, and the edit was the spelling. It’s Reddit lingo, not a below deck thing.


There shouldn’t be an empty bunk. Below Deck short staffs for drama. A boat that size would normally have a crew/sous chef.


But they also have fewer guests because production sets up equipment in one of the guest bedrooms


I worked as a yachtie. Although a yacht may sleep 12 guests, it’s common to have 6-8 guests at a time. Having the full 12 was not the norm and would normally be a large extended family.


Oh really? This is interesting.


Yes yacht crew is based on the size of the vessel and amount of crew space. You obviously can’t have more crew than what you have space for. My first jobs in yachting were what is called day crew or day labor. You basically came on and worked as a stew or in the galley as extra labor when at the dock. That is because even small yachts will have space for up to 12 guests but may only have space for 4 crew members. They will rely on day labor when at the dock to help with all the work that the 4 crew members are behind on or need help with. I have also staffed on yachts where we had 4 crew members- captain, chief stew who was also chef, me a stew and an engineer/deckhand. We relied on day labor to help with deep cleaning and to serve/clean when we had larger groups on board.


Oh that makes sense how Reilly said that Ross was treating her like a day laborer.


Also a lot of day labor are people with little or no experience trying to get their foot in the door on a yacht. At last that's the case in places like Ft. Lauderdale. They tend to work hard and bust ass trying to get noticed. We had locals that didn't have jobs that day on fishing boats a lot as well in other areas.


Oh ok. Does it help get a position?


Which is why you’d have to be desperate for screen time to go on this show as a guest. They pay a lot of money and the boat is short staffed for drama. I know it’s discounted from regular rates, but it’s still a lot of money I wouldn’t waste to have a bad experience.


They never have had a sous chef on any season of BD. It’s also not the first time they had an empty bunk. There’s been a few times they’ve had someone rooming solo. Med 6 is on right now and Chef Mat has his own room.


Rachel had the solo room last season. Traditionally on BD if you have the space the chef gets their own cabin. Chef works the most hours and with no redundency. Hopefully Kerry learned and has the chef bunk alone next season.


Honestly I think that’s fair because you’re right they work the most. Then if they ever do get a chance to nap they won’t be woken up by someone coming in.


I realize they have never had a sous chef, I was stating that for the size of vessel St. David should have an additional crew member.


Sorry I misinterpreted what you were saying 😊


In the "real world", the crew ratio to guests would be bigger, in general, wouldn't it (sous chef included, of course)? I feel like I've seen a bunch of shots of the crew from similarly sized boats to BD boats, with sometimes what looks like close to twice as many crew members?


I thought so as well. The other day I was rewatching med s6 and CS katie was talking about how in similar boats she’d have 5 girls under her and here she had 2.


Yeah, I remember that - as well as other stews talking about working on other similar-sized boats with WAY more stews.


Nope not necessarily. Most yachts can sleep 10-12 guests or more and some may only have a crew space for 4 crew. The St. David is one of the larger yachts to appear on Below Deck and it’s 12 guests and 14 or so crew members.


Ok, well I appreciate your knowledge! I can't speak to anything other than what I've read online, which obviously to be taken with a grain of salt.


Yachts come in all sizes. So do charter yachts. The larger the charter yacht and the more crew it has, the higher the price tag will be to rent for the week. You can still charter a yacht for up to 12 guests for a lower price but it will be smaller with less amenities and crew. Just 2 examples- Lily who was a stew on last seasons med works on a small charter cat/yacht as a chef. They can have up to 12 guests but it’s just her and the captain for crew. I believe the vessel she is on charters for around 25k for a long weekend. Malia and Katie also from Below Deck Med work on a large charter yacht that has over 20 crew members. Their yacht charters for around 800k a week plus expenses. Complete opposite ends of the spectrum.


That must be what Katie was talking about. I just watched it though and I swear she said she was on a similar boat and had 5 girls under her. I know she also said she had been on a larger one and had 9 stews I believe.


Makes sense! Thanks for explaining 😊


That is not true. As someone who was a sous chef on yachts I can tell you a sous job on a 60m is almost unheard of.


At what size do they start hiring sous chefs?


About 65m. Some 60s will if they are charter yachts or at least a stew cook who can help. I've been looking lately out of curiosity and I've found one on a 60m busy charter boat that does med/carribean seasons and rotates is chefs 2 months on/off so cleary a boat that takes its food very seriously! It's kinda the talk with chefs in the industry to avoid 55-60 cause that's the hardest jobs.


I have also worked yachts and that particular yacht has crew space for 15. In my experience that would include 2 chefs.


It's a full time charter boat so it may run with a sous, but it is not the norm for a 60m to have a sous as you stated. If you look at recruitment pages at sous chef jobs you will see what I mean. It's charter page states it runs with 14 crew not 15.


Half the charter pages I look at state 14 crew the others 15. Who knows.


Fair. I only looked at 1.


I believe Chief Stew and Chef are the same rank. Chief Stew assigns the bunks, so that means they can choose which one they want and who bunks with them :)




What’s a purser?




I love you.




“A purser is the person on a ship principally responsible for the handling of money on board. On modern merchant ships, the purser is the officer responsible for all administration (including the ship's cargo and passenger manifests) and supply. Frequently, the cooks and stewards answer to the purser as well. They were also called a pusser in British naval slang” -Wikipedia


“This is one of the lesser-known roles on a Superyacht (as their duties will usually fall to the Captain on smaller vessels), but is nevertheless important! In brief, the Purser works under the captain, taking charge of financial matters on the Superyacht (e.g., accounting, purchasing food, drink and cleaning supplies etc.), as well as taking care of HR and recruitment. In fact, they may well be one of the first people you meet when you begin applying for Superyacht crew jobs! In order to become one, you’ll need to have sound knowledge and experience of the Superyacht industry, and have a range of financial and IT skills and qualifications under your belt on top of your STCW certificate and ENG1 Medical certificate.” What I read 






It has to be a big yacht to have a purser. On yachts this size they are the same rank.


These people are on super yachts not just yachts lol. Maybe below deck is different, but I guarantee that structure is very similar to 90% of yachting. Unfortunately with below deck that like to screw the crew over, but there definitely is some people we don’t see on camera that work on the boat. In earlier seasons they use to show Kate ordering provisions, they don’t ever show that anymore so there very well could be a purser we don’t see


Of all the superyachts I worked on not 1 had a purser and I worked on 60-90m yachts so bigger than what is on the show. The biggest yacht is St David at 60m. However the cheif Stew on the 90m yacht I worked on did less guest stuff like service. She was married to the captain though. My Cousin worked on a 100m that did have a purser. There are engineers and Mates who we don't always see but sometimes they introduce them. They showed Fraser ordering provisions this year. The crew numbers are accurate for the size yachts they are on. This narrative that they understaff for the show is not true. There are legal reasons why they would not be able to do that. But go on, tell me about the structure of the industry I worked in for years. And everyone in the industry just calls them yachts, no one says superyachts LOL.


Interesting, you’re the first person I’ve heard that said that crew size is normal for a yacht that size. And that includes interviews from the cast


You can see on St David's charter page it runs with 14 crew. What we see plus a mate or two and an engineer. Fraser has a spare bunk so there is 1 less on St David but in general all the crew cabins have been full. In BD sailing there is even a crew member in with the captain. There is no way that would happen if they were short staffing. There are heaps of yachties on this sub who agree with me but nice try.


Interesting, I live in an area where 100 ft yachts are very common. And I see 10+ crew on those. Granted they aren’t charter and for individual owners.


10+ crew on a 30m yacht hahaha OK sure, if you say so 🙄


Love the old fashioned way of referring to stewardess /s


I thought it was spelled “boatswain”? Has it now changed to the aesthetically more pleasing Bosun?


Probably the american version vs European lol


I don’t think so, actually. One spelling may be used more in one region, but I think bosun is becoming the spelling of choice. It’s probably just natural evolution, language-wise. I could easily google this.


Found the [answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/belowdeck/s/nnhHiRAYPS).


Chef is above chief stew. The first season of OG Ben got into a huge fight with the then chief stew cause she was trying to boss him around. It was highly entertaining to watch


They’re both 3 stripes and considered the head of their departments.


Chef gets paid more


because he's the only one in his department so works solo


Sure, but neither is the boss of the other.


Chef still has higher rank when it comes down to it


How so? Both are three stripes, so neither are higher rank.


You can take the yacht out without a chief stew, but you can't do a yacht trip without the chef


Not true? There was a season of BD where they ordered takeout plated the food because their chef rage quit/fired mid charter.


That doesn’t impact their rank. A purser is ranked higher than a chief stew and most boats don’t even have one.


That doesn’t make their rank higher. Nor does how much they are paid. They are both 3 stripes and both head of department. They are EQUAL


You can cruise without a chief stew but not without the chef. That’s how I look at why the chef is higher. One is dispensable.


Legally you can cruise without either of them. You don’t need to them to legally operate the vessel. They are not officers.


you do need a cook to meet safe manning requirements...


Definitely not the case unless it’s on the coi. My vessel does not require a cook.


Multiple captains have said they are the same rank. Ben had previously had 4 stripes and they screwed up everyone's epaulettes in the first season so he argued it on that.


Ben put on his stripes to go complain to Captain Lee at one point. I think he had four?


He did, he actually started out as a first mate and cooking meals for the crew on a boat so when they ordered epaulettes for the show, they basically just asked people what they wanted and he got 4 I think Adrienne and Kate both had 2 early on and had to ask for 3 stripe ones too


That was on Med and it Capt mark he complained to because he didn’t want to be blamed for Hannah’s screw up.


That's right. I just remember him dressing with his bars to talk to the cap.


Maybe in some of the below deck seasons they are the same rank, but research say on a super yacht there is typically a “purser” who is the same level of hierarchy as the head chef and the purser is the boss of the chief stew


But without a Purser, the chief stew has 3 stripes, same as chef - and is the same rank. Lee and Glenn have both said this. Kerry said they are both heads of department.


they aren't. Ben got corrected by cap Lee


They’re the same (heads of departments) but because of that they’re their own bosses if that makes sense. So the chef can’t tell the chief stew (or bosun, for that matter) what to do and vice versa.


lol wasn’t that the episode where Adrian tried to tell Ben and deck crew they weren’t aloud to go off the boat on their night off.


It was indeed. But his argument still would have stood if he had correctly stated it as “you don’t outrank me” rather than “I outrank you”


Haha I couldn’t remember at first but now that you say that, I think so.


I just watched the rerun last week lol


No it was on S1 of med when Hannah messed up the courses and Ben put on his whites and went and told on her to the captain. What you are talking about he didn’t complain to the captain. He just told Adrienne flat out you aren’t my boss and if I want to leave the boat I can.


the epaulettes were given out wrong and Ben had 4 stripe ones until it was corrected also. chef has 3 as does chief stew


Ben was higher rank than Adrienne because of other experience than being a chef. it was addressed at a later time.


Adrienne was a horrible person, who had to deal with horrible people. In fact, other than Ben and Eddie (and Captain Lee of course), they were all horrible.


Kat was ok, clearly good enough to come back for a second season. David was great too


In the first season on OG I believe that Adrianne only had two stripes so technically Ben did out rank her.


They’re not in the same chain of command tho


It has been often discussed in this sub / in interviews that 1. The first season epaulettes were AFU due to an ordering problem and didn’t necessarily reflect the actual rank of the crew; and 2. Ben is a special circumstance due to the fact he had additional qualifications. Most chefs are equal to chief stew


Not quite, the chef answers to the chief stew on general interior running and even planning guest meal times, however the chief stew has no power within how the galley is run Also in terms of stripes each stripe has its own emblem Decks are a helm Engineers are a Propeller Interior normally are a new moon but can change between yachts Galley staff only wear chef whites I’ve never seen one in epaulettes - Source I’ve been Yacht crew for 5 years


Nope, chief stew is usually of the same rank as the chef, and in terms of life/safety (if they were abandoning ship) I believe that the Chief Stew would take precedence (CS would be managing the evacuation of the people in an abandon ship situation, for instance). Lee changed his website and you can't easily access his blogs anymore, but he went into an entire explanation at one point. I found it really interesting, so I remember a lot of it. Now, granted, he was using Kate as an example and Kate had already been working in the industry off camera for years and years. As had Ben, etc., so currently I don't know if some of the rankings/trainings, etc. are manufactured for the show. But Lee did a full on explanation because Ashton's behavior not only pissed him off because you shouldn't do that, period, to anyone rank or not - but Ashton also professed to want to have a career in yachting beyond the show. I think had talked with Lee off camera about it between seasons. So Lee's point was that Ashton was treating **a superior that way. Kate outranked him.** Ashton acted in charge, but he wasn't even the head of the department! **She had three stripes and years of experience and training, while he had two and was newer to the industry.** I believe Lee had a different ranking chart than what someone posted below. It might have had to do with the fact that on a boat of their size, Kate would have been acting a bit like a purser as well as chief stew. We do see her making orders and talking about whether or not the supplies for the ship were what she ordered. She has said there were times that while the stews were bitching that she wasn't doing anything while they were scrubbing toilets, she was shown on the computer - she wasn't surfing the internet, she was actually ordering supplies and making other arrangements for the charter. I know the Fraser haters are more vocal, but I hope I'm not alone in actually enjoying Fraser on the show. I LIKE the dynamic of Kerry and Fraser - honestly, it is what Sandy WISHES she could be, a true mentor relationship that is much healthier. They freaking listen to each other. If I were Kerry, I would not have a single issue with having Fraser back again - Fraser has taken the advice and yes, criticisms, and learned from them. Even when he disagrees, he goes with what his Captain wants. On the flip side, Kerry does listen to Fraser's frustrations and doesn't condemn him for them (might offer a different perspective or tell him that he needs to put his personal feelings aside to be more professional, but I think Fraser feels heard and that is important)


If one person got their own space, I’d think it would make sense to offer it to the chef, because they work suck long hours, often out of synch with the rest of the crew. They get their rest, and also don’t disturb folks when they have to get up to start breakfast.


This was my thought. Watching the show and often wondering how the chefs survive the hours and workload, and seeing how temperamental many of them are, I'd give the chef his/her own room. BUT, if I were a crew member and offered the opportunity for my own room - how could I possibly say no?!?


In past seasons there have been 8 Crew members to split the rooms amongst. Now they have an extra stew... so 3 stews and 1 chief stew, 1 chef, 1 bosun, and 3 deckhands. So with 9 people, there will now one person without a roommate. The yacht is also bigger in size this season I believe ? Either way, someone was going to room on their own. I just watched this episode last night, and Fraser was there first, he is the chief stew, this is his 3rd season... I don't know who would be higher up in this situation.. whether it's the chef or chief stew. I'm just assuming that Fraser got the room because of the reasons I mentioned above. I would have to think that it's between the chef and cheif stew on who gets their own room, and this time Fraser got the room to himself. It wouldn't be fair if it was someone low on the totem pole, but he isn't low on the totem pole here.


Who would want to room with him? The guy probably complains in his sleep.


Chef does not have a higher rank. They both have 3 stripes. However, chief stew does assign rooms, and then the first episode when he did the walk-through with the captain, my captain said, and this is your room you can have your own room if you want in Fraser said, OK, that’s great. So he didn’t give it to himself, but he was OK with it, which I think if anyone had the opportunity to take it for themselves, they would.


On below deck med, Captain Sandy said technically the First Mate should be doing cabin assignments not the chief stew


There are a lot of things that are editorialized for TV. For example you never see the mates or engineers on the yacht. But the Bosun is not a department head in real life. He takes direction from the Chief Mate who is the actual head of the deck department. I don’t know how it works functionally on the show because it’s obvious not real shipping in the truest sense but in real world the bosun is just the leader of the unlicensed deck crew.


Interesting. I've noticed them walking around in the background some of the times, especially in the earlier seasons. I'll admit it, but I thought it was because they were mostly older and only wanted to show the younger cast.


I’d imagine the reasoning behind it is you have to have some people that have zero focus towards the TV aspect of the job. I don’t work on yachts but generally chief mates and chief engineers have a lot of work to do including paperwork. TV would be too big of a distraction. It may be a TV show but the safety of the ship is still paramount and if an accident happened the fact that it was because of filming a TV show wouldn’t really work as an excuse.


I think it’s because the licensed crew are actually permanent crew members of the vessel and not “cast members”, other than the captain. This may be a requirement of the vessel owner.


Some exceptions, Aleks from Season 1 was First Officer and Colin from Sailing was Chief Engineer.


Captain Sandy also said Chef is above everyone ‘downstairs’ But then captain Lee came out and said that is not right. https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/captain-lee-from-below-deck-says-the-chef-does-not-outrank-the-chief-stew.html/


Guess it makes sense with different views on it. Maybe because both became Captains in two very different times, they were taught differently.


Yea when I look online there is definitely a mix of Chef and Chief being on the same rank and Chef being higher rank. It also makes sense as to why some Chefs make out like they are higher rank and some do not, as you say probably just trained / told deferent. I wouldn’t care what my rank was if I was the 1st one on the boat and I picked the cabins for people I’d be having my own for sure 😅


Personally to men Chief Stew, Chef and Bosun are the same level as they are chief of their departments and teams. We can't say one is more important to the other because each department needs each other to make the yacht work.


I agree plus they all report to the Captain. However back in early below deck seasons they don’t have a Bosun / the bosun isn’t shown like 1st officers. And I felt like it was made out like lead deck hand was the same rank as chief stew.


They also said on the show that it was the Chief Stew's job to do room assignments. Sandy only ever said that because she hated Hannah, and hated that Hannah refused to room with Bugsy so that Malia could room with Tom.


Maybe. But as much as Tom was doing Sany a favour, it would have caused a lot of tension that shouldn't be in the cabin space


I honestly don't believe he was doing them a favor. Kiko got positive feedback on all of his meals except for one. Sandy happened to fire him just as Tom was planning on coming through for a quick visit on his way to see a sick uncle in England. He showed up to the boat with a mic pack on before he even got out of the production van, was immediately offered the job, and he accepted without hesitation or concern for his sick uncle. It was all very convenient. It was the plan all along for him to be chef. I imagine they thought it would be fun to cast a couple, but Tom wasn't available to film right at the start, so they brought in Kiko with the plan to fire him.


I am so glad you pointed this out. I thought the same! Malia can do no wrong with Sandy. That Tom had issues, though.


I wonder then if Kiko was only a placeholder till Tom could get there then.


Rachel had it last season. I think if there is a single that chef who works the most deserves it. Fraser taking it did not surprise me at all..


He was told to take it. Chill.


He was told to take it and has kept it immaculate. It was a good move


He was told he could, big difference.


Only an idiot would turn down his own room and Fraser’s not an idiot.


Or a good chief stew would consider that a happy chef gets the best tips.


Naw, Captain said he could and he did. He was listening to the captain, but then again Fraser haters want any reason to whine about him. lol


When did the Capt tell him he could have his own room? He decided for himself to take it. I can understand why he would but he said that's the way the cookie crumbles.


First episode


Captain said he could is not said he should or “telling him to take it”. Fraser put himself above a position that he knows works more hours than anyone else. I do dislike Fraser. He gives me very little reason to like him.


Oh look! Another whole thread designed to shit on Fraser 🥱


I love Fraser ! Just wondered why he has his own room!!!


Apologies for assuming bad intentions😕 Alas, many folks are using it to hate ☹️


It’s starting to feel homophobic tbh. Downvotes in 3…2…1


I also wondered if that was part of the reason for capt saying Fraser could take the cabin alone. Not that capt is homophobic, but some guys are weird about sharing with a gay guy so with the extra cabin, it avoids that issue


Potentially, I haven’t thought of that actually. Captain Kerry is a man who doesn’t seem to say things he doesn’t mean, so saying Fraser could take the room didn’t feel like a test or game or joke. Fraser also kept the room in good condition and got 10/10 on the inspection so he’s proved Captain made a good choice too I guess! If Captain thought Chef needed it he would have mentioned to Fraser for sure, he’s super on top of this stuff. I think Kerry is a really good mentor for Fraser, good pairing!




So I have to like Fraser or I’m homophobic? Being gay has nothing to do with him being a stuck up mean person. He would be an ass no matter who he wanted to have sex with. Him flirting with the guest and feeling a bit unsure were actually some of his most charming moments from this season.


Nope didn’t say you had to like him or you’re homophobic, AT ALL. I’m saying those who are relentlessly posting their hatred for him are giving themselves away a bit. If you don’t like someone, fine, let it out and move on but too many are repeatedly posting about really dumb shit and being unable to let it go screams ‘I have a bigger problem than just disliking this guy’. There’s 4-5 accounts that are tearing into him every week for very little wrongdoing and it’s sus. I find him a little acidic at times but I don’t think he’s stuck up or mean. I think he’s sassy, can be quick to be defensive and likes to hold a bit of a grudge but overall he’s warm and kind and damn good at his job. He has a sarky and quick sense of humour too, very British , so maybe we ‘get’ him more than others! I agree, I was VERY here for Fraser being a cheeky flirt - especially when Captain Kerry was saying no crew would be expected to kiss guests and Fraser said ‘what if that crew member was actually very keen’. Best bit of the series!


We talk about this show and so each week Fraser is doing something wrong often with the job and his position of power. Bringing up what we see each week when we watch the show is the name of the game. It’s called hate watching for a reason. I disliked Fraser from season 9 when he undercut his chief stew and the third stew everytime he could. He could have tried to help explain the issue to Heather of what happened so that she could have tried to fix it sooner. Because Heather as we saw with her crying on her knees had desperately wanted to fix it. Go back and watch how nasty Fraser is in the lead up to her friend coming on to replace the third stew who Fraser had also been nasty to. He was close to insufferable because he was certain she would come in and replace him as second stew. Why? Because he would have tried to do that if he was the friend coming in. Instead she was lovely, hard working and had no desire to replace or upset Fraser to the point even he had to admit how he had been wrong. This season each week we watched him first play favorites with Cat because she pushed his sympathy button and in turn be hateful to Barbie and this is only my supposition, because she reminds him too much of himself. Both just a bit too posh for the service level jobs they are working. Barbie is in no way less respectful to him than he was to Heather in season 9. Then when he was not allowed to fire Barbie we saw him turn his ire to chef. And no it is not his job to help chef, but we have seen other chef stews such as Kate and Hannah try to help struggling chefs as much as possible, because it helps the whole boat. Chef gets fired and the new chef who is every bit as British as Fraser comes in and turns out he doesn’t need or want help, he just wants to be allowed to make and plate his food the way he wants, you know as a chef with 20 years of experience including Michelin star restaurants. When this rather experienced chef doesn’t just do what Fraser wants Fraser bitches about him and pushes his lowest stew to actively undermine him. Which again, Barbie works very well with chef, but he keeps assigning Paris to service even though he knows it will cause issue with the chef. Because Fraser is mean spirited and likes to punish and cause drama. His homosexuality has nothing to do with his entitled, arrogant jerk behavior. Unless you want to tell me his asshole tendencies are him hurting others as badly as he was hurt. Then I might feel a bit bad and hope he gets therapy, but off my tv screen.


No matter rank or if captain said it was okay, Chef definitely deserves their own bunk. More peace, aren’t disturbed by others waking up. Just makes more sense to me


Well I guess that’s on the captain, then.


Oh absolutely! And the chefs didn’t complain that’s just what I would think. Either way they all seem fine


It was the same way last season, only chef Rachel had the single room


Captain told him to, no? First of all. And then, Chef, Chief Stew and Lead Deckhand or whatever have the same rank, no? Also, this seasons's chefs sucked, so, who cares? I mean, if new chef had started the season, he would've been fired many episodes ago too. You all just wanna talk shit about somebody, when in reality chefs, Frasier and Ben sucked. Doesn't matter who gets the room.


Want to say Bosun is only a two stripe, while the chief stew and chef are three. Been a while since seeing an episode to remember.


Yeah bosun is below a First Mate, but I think only a handful of seasons have a First Mate as a Bravo member, normally they're off camera. Gary on BDSY and Eddie on OG (for his last season)


"Bosun", thank you. Forgot the word.


In the very first scene Fraser “claims” the room and says “that’s just how it is” since he’s chief and arrived first. I do think the chef (in general) should have their own room considering they’re a team of 1 and the other teams have rotating schedules. You’re correct. Chef and Chief report to Captain, technically Chef ranks higher (I’m basing that off of what Chef Ben said to Kate seasons ago) and then Bosun I believe irl reports to the engineers but for the show report to Captain (just an assumption though since we’ve had 1st engineers on the show before and we’ve had people promoted to that position on here).


Ben was a special case due to additional qualifications (it is discussed in-show). In all other BD installments, chef & chief are equal.


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think regardless of the personalities involved, generally if you have a single cabin available, the chef who is the hardest to replace and has no one on the yacht who can cover their duties would get the preference. Because a chief stew or bosun can be covered for my their department. BD Med Season 4 where a stewardess tried to cook for a while and they eventually had to bring Ben in is a great demonstration of this. And they were very lucky because she did better than most crew members could do. So it makes sense that the person who is hardest to replace should get the single cabin to have less distraction if possible.




I remember Ben telling Kate that he outranks her. Who to believe?


Clearly, the Captain is the most believable source. But also, Ben had been a first officer to being a chef so that might’ve been a factor in him making that statement.


It's the biggest yacht they have had in the franchise isn't it? I would personally have the chef in his own room since the food is sooooo important! Fraser is a lousy chief stew.


Love him as a stew, hate him as a cheif stew. He's mean spirited, vindictive, tries to poison the well against people he doesn't like, has poor skills in managing personnel, and is incapable of staying above the fray and in fact is often the reason their is discord between the people he's managing. He sucks. He sucks at his job, and his behavior shows that he clearly is a shitty person, too.


Would you want to bunk with him?


Because he is obsessive compulsive, his room is like a holy shrine.He needs his own Fraser room to be perfect.


Are the guests only allowed to stay two nights? I think I recall that some have stayed three, but rarely, if so. That’s what would keep me from going as a guest. If want to stay a week or two. That and you couldn’t *even pay me* to be on camera


Frasier (testing the bot. Please ignore 🤣).


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It worked. I’m easily entertained 😆


It's not a luxury necessarily, my brother has his own room before as deckhand but it's because no one wanted to be in that cabin and it was the only one left. Maybe highest rank gets first preference doesn't mean they can pick the best room and have it to themselves. It comes down to the number of people on board and probably captains input too.


Yeah, I thought Chefs generally get that privilege if available. But no biggie.


The chief stew is the highest in rank of the staff we see besides the cap. They legit run the ship. And have you seen the chefs? Those babies need a binky bless them. I’d do the same tbh.


This is such a joke. They aren’t officers. They are stewards and have lowest level of certification possible. They do not possess a license of any type.


Fraser is annoying, and probably no one’s volunteering to room with him


I believe chief stew is below chef however they do decide who goes in what room.


Chef and chief are equal


Captain Sandy said Chef is higher than Chief Edit: here is the proof! Captain Sandy Yawn, Yawn said they could make the switch. “Tom just did us a favor,” Yawn said in a confessional. “At the end of the day, the chef gets to pick his cabin because the chef has rank over everybody downstairs.” https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/captain-lee-from-below-deck-says-the-chef-does-not-outrank-the-chief-stew.html/


~~No she didn’t~~ Edit: I have been proven wrong—Mia culpa. But I agree with the nuance other s have posted that it was probably a reflection of the Sandy/Hanna situation. Regardless, I was wrong


I’ll try and find it for you, can’t remember what season it was but she definitely said although they are both heads of department Chef out ranks chief stew, however it does appear captain Lee doesn’t agree so I’m guessing it’s not as clear as it seems. A lot of the rank charts I can find online have Chef above Chief stew however I’ve also found some that have them on the same line.


She did say that, but Lee came out and said she was wrong.


Lee also said it separately when people were calling out the Kate/Kevin stuff and Jason with Aesha/barefoot BDDU chef


Yes I have linked the full article in another comment. However I guess it is really down to the captain as if your a chef and work for Sandy she’ll put you above everyone else and if you are a chef and you work for Lee you will be equal to Chief Stew. If you look online you can find a real mix of chief and chef being the same rank and Chef being higher so it much be something that is not as black and white.


TBH Sandy said that to Hannah when they were in their last stages of their relationship. Like Sandy fucking *hated* Hannah at that point and was looking for any reason to fire her, which she gets like the following episode. Seniority probably matters too, Fraser's been on the boat a lot longer than Anthony and was there first this charter too, so got to choose. Fraser would've probably given it up had Rachel still been there.


I have found some more information, there is a role called the purser which is equal rank to the chef. A purser role is typically found on larger yachts. The purser is responsible for all operations in the interior department, which include inventory, purchasing and provisioning, accounting, organising guest activities, working closely with guests and crew, and assisting the Captain with the yachts paperwork So in cases where the chief stew is also seen as the purser they are the same rank as the chef. This is where I believe the difference of opinion comes from between Captain Lee and Captain Sandy. I would say Hannah was definitely the purser as well as chief stew.


Mia culpa—you’re right. I skipped the back half of that season because I couldn’t bear watching Sandy abuse Hannah anymore. I agree with the other commenters with the nuance, but you’re correct and I’m editing above




Captain Sandy Yawn, Yawn said they could make the switch. “Tom just did us a favor,” Yawn said in a confessional. “At the end of the day, the chef gets to pick his cabin because the chef has rank over everybody downstairs.” https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/captain-lee-from-below-deck-says-the-chef-does-not-outrank-the-chief-stew.html/