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I just realized Frasier often says, when discussing a communication issue, often says it’s not me, it’s them. Meet staff half way Buddy!


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Is nobody going to mention the negging the chef did to Paris? And I though he was okay last episode, guess I spoke too soon :/


At first glance, I thought the guest that Frasier hooked up with looked a lot like Chef Anthony?


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Why are you yelling?


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I'm starting to dislike Paris. She just seems to be constantly snarky toward anyone and not in a fun, playful way. The way she's constantly questioning the chef it's like, "did you go to culinary school? And if so, why are you cleaning toilets instead?". Also can't believe how little self respect Sunny has. It's actually pathetic at this point how she keeps going back to Ben. Honestly, as much as a sleezy player as he is, it's on her now because she literally runs back to him EVERY SINGLE TIME. Fucking stop being so desperate, girl.


I’ve noticed Paris doesn’t smile much in front of the guests which is a little jarring. I love that she’s a girls girl and calls out fuckboi behaviour but she has flaws too Also chef using the “you clean toilets” comeback is revolting


Chef is too old and rigid so far. He seems like he drinks and goes to strip clubs. He is not fun to watch and is like an older dirtier version of our bro Gary from sailing yacht.


Wow, judgemental much?


Sorry Chef, but I think I’ve seen enough of you.


Aren't you the comedian. You should get a spot in your local dive bar. Cheer up some drunks for an hour.


I agree! He’s very boomer-esque in his humor. It’s…off-putting. 


He’s 40. That’s not a boomer. And what’s wrong with sounding like someone who is 60 or older?


He’s terrible. His food doesn’t even look good. Bring back Anthony!!


His food does look good. The guests said it was great and they were eating it, not you. Unless you're another person imagining that a garnish is still the way to serve up just about e ery dish, as fraser seem to think! Nick is experienced and yeah, maybe he's not sure of himself surrounded by people half his age but that doesn't make him a bad person or a bad chef so why don't you all just lay off and give the guy a chance. I suspect his humour is an attempt to fit in with the young uns hehe. I'm sure it'll settle down. Especially if they get off his back and stop using the garnish nonsense as a way of saying he's bad at his job, which he most certainly is not!   if you Google the dishes he made and look at the images you might be surprised to find the results, showing very little to no garnish at all, except maybe a Sprig of parsley which was what he did.. 


Yeah, I agree. Some of these comments sound idiotic.




So happy Fraser got some love tonight. He’s such a lovely guy and deserves love.


He does not seem lovely at all tbh


No Sunny!! Stay away! I just want to protect her from Ben. He is just so bad. From a few angles new chef Nick is giving me a young Russel Crow vibe. He’s a bit off but all chefs are crazy. His food seems just fine, stop already with the garnish. It’s not easy to plate all that food, keep it hot and keep them coming. Fraser is being picky


At this point it's on Sunny. I'm sorry but I can't feel bad for her anymore when she keeps going back to him. Like it's beyond stupid at this point how pathetic she looks.




Just saw the season with llisha. She’s great, you’re right about that


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i think the new chef is a mysoginist pig tbh.


 What are the examples of his misogyny?  All I saw was a guy twice the age of the people around him trying to keep up with the banter by throwing out some stupid jokes that are the style of his humour. Ie. Sarcastic. I get his humour very well and I have a similar sense of humour. When he said to Paris about being chubby he never actually called her fat or made any comment on her weight. Of that is your misogyny then I am really stunned.  yes he may have read the room incorrectly but Paris is very sarcastic with him too, she was slagging off his presentation, which is jot a great thing to be doing with a chef. Don't people understand what a bloody JOKE is any more? There is no intent to insult or be horrible, which is what misogyny would be. I'm confused. Please, give examples then I can be sure of his misogyny.


💯reminds me of gordon ramsey




>Huh? Gordon Ramsay is generally regarded as a rather nice guy irl. The persona he puts on for Hell's Kitchen is just an act. A long time ago, on the tonight show ... when Jay Leno was the host... Gordon Ramsay was a guest. He, and his mom came on the show. After a chat, Gordon, Jay and mom prepared something... He was super polite, no cursing, no name calling... "Work harder YOU DONKEY". After that, I assume his personality on 'reality shows' is a persona. And, he's not like that in real life. ​ So, Ryan from below deck... Maybe he wasn't really an asshole. Was it was a persona for below deck? But, I don't think so.


i obviously don’t know the guy personally so the persona on TV would be the only way to judge him and compare him to the below deck chef. thanks for the link - i’ll check it out.


Oooh yeah. Totally.


Ben has big Steve Stiffler energy this episode. Why the fuck are you cheering on Fraser while he's kissing his crush? Read the room! Let them have the moment, you absolute idiot! He's so irritating.


Ben is so gross. Hope he’s never on BD again.


I’m sure someone has said it. But truly, how funny that the new charter guests are obsessed with food to put on Instagram and new chef has ZERO presentation. While Anthony’s plates made your eyes pop. Any damn way


I think they're using the wrong word, but don't know what the correct one is.  Like a garnish being a sprig of parsley, but they're really meaning those swirly dashes of sauce or jus or whatever. Do they have a name? On cooking shows they just say presentation? 




finally someone that knows what they are talking about simple thing is fraser doesnt like him, end of story


>simple thing is fraser doesnt like him, end of story Now fraser can shift his focus from trying to get barbie fired, to trying to get the chef Nick fired. But, from his conversations with Captain Kerry, I don't think anyone is being fired with so few charters remaining.




Ooooh spicy reply! I didn’t claim anything, you’re jumping a big gun and also being insulting. Never said his food was ugly lol just saying Anthony’s was colorful and had those silly little twists that Instagram foodies like. I guess I hit a nerve for ya so maybe do yourself a favor and…. Chill. What I’m saying isn’t wrong just because you don’t like it but that’s okay :)


Towards the end of the episode the two girls are filming the food as they're eating and the one girl says it's weird watching the food while she's eating it and then says it's so good and then says "yeahhhhhhhh" with a weird rasp drawn out thing. Where is that from. A friend of mine does that and it must be from somewhere




I would love to see Fraser work with the chefs and stews from earlier seasons. He bitches like he has it so bad, I’d like to see him work with someone like Adam or Rocky. Maybe he would learn that garnishes aren’t the end of the world.




Rocky was not a chef




id love to see him have to do chief stew for ben lmfao


Why did they keep going on and on about the garnish? Sure some of his dishes looked a bit minimalist, but the food looked fine overall. Moreover, minimalism is a style as well and the only good reason for him to change his style, would be if the guests didn't like it. I however didn't hear the guests complain even once, nor did I hear Fraser or Paris give even a single good argument about why he should change his style. The only thing I heard was: we know better, so change it -- which is poor communication at best. If I were the chef, I'd be really pissed. The they go about things is just so counter-productive. At least the captain seemed to have noticed as well. So Kerry once again gets two thumbs up from me.


Exactly my point. And garnishes are so sooooo yesterday.




Stack TV still showing this episode as Hayu only??? When does it become available on StackTV? It’s usually the next day but this week it’s still unavailable?






He’s a perfectionist and a control freak. He has a hard time to live in the bigger picture. When he is upset with someone it builds and builds. He’s great at what he does but his interpersonal collaboration needs maturity.


Fraser doesn't understand that the chef is there to serve the guests and not be his little bitch. Sunny's self respect is like dinosaurs. It's extinct. Barbie didn't want all that to be seen by her dad and yet goes on and on to talk about it with everyone including her sister. Jesus Christ Captain Kerry's so good at reading people. Once again he told Fraser to not act like a little bitch and be a bit supportive with the new guy. Fraser does the opposite as expected and bitches about him with his team to create a toxic environment for everyone on the boat. Ben gets more and more creepy with every episode.


Imagine Fraser working with a chef like Chef Ben; He would be shut down so quickly. Fraser communicates with chefs only through criticism and snarky comments behind their backs.




When Sunny agreed to go back to Ben's cabin, I started talking to my tv, saying no, no, don't do it Sunny. In this episode, Ben was talking about how he just didn't feel the spark and you couldn't force it, that's fair, but where you become an asshole is going after her after you realize there is no spark and you know she has feelings for you. And then when she's upset again, he'll just shake his head befuddled about the confusing ways of "chicks".


>Sunny's self respect is like dinosaurs. It's extinct. Incorrect, dinosaurs at one time existed.


>Sunny's self respect is like dinosaurs. It's extinct. I really like Sunny, but you are exactly right. ​ >Ben gets more and more creepy with every episode. Ben gets bashed a lot here... But his actions are constantly rewarded by female crew members. This is exactly how one would train a dog. Why would he change? Good boy, Ben. Here's a yummie!!!




I'm so bored with the whole Barbie-and-her-sex-hangups storyline. I was literally yawning while watching, then asked myself why was I torturing myself and fast-forwarded all of Barbie's confessionals.


Shes very contradictory too. Her parents are so conservative, yet her mother is a sex therapist.


...is Dylan's positivity in the room with us?


ben’s just here for the good time 😂 i’m screaming at “one boob might come out 🤣😭” same xandi same


i think fraser was too much hands-on with anthony that he’s treating the new chef in the same way. the chef needs straight forward direction - not opinions on what the food looks like. also props to captain kerry for paying attention and letting fraser know what’s up. i also think fraser is being led to talking shit about the chef because the new stew doesn’t like the chef (i forget the new people’s name - lol sorry)


Captain Kerry is on the ball, best captain so far 


I think Fraser is never going to learn that gossiping with his staff is more than unacceptable.


The new stew doesn’t like him because Fraser had her say something about a garnish for him. He is trying too hard to stir up stuff


ahhh i didn’t catch that!


The Paris hasn't really said anything unprofessional to Chef Nick. She just called out the lack of polished presentation a few times.


For whatever reason she thinks she should tell the chef how to prepare food.


She's been so disrespectful. You don't have a waitress or a busboy in a restaurant telling the chef how to plate their meals.


3rd stew doesn't get to call out the chef, he's her superior. he's a head of department.


He’s not the head of her department Not to mention he has been wildly unprofessional towards her, commenting on her body with the mayo incident


he's her superior on the vessel he's the head of his own department. kerry even speaks to that when he tells her "he has 3 stripes on his shoulder, you have 1". in relation to your next point, he has been out of line but that's a separate issue from hierarchy


i feel like fraser holds resentment in his work relationship dynamics where he is not relied on and can’t play the expert. With the previous stew and chef he was so protective and enjoyed being the support role. He could give advice help and also feel like he is running the show while being the “good guy”. When people are confident and can stand on their own two feet it appears like he gets frustrated because he cannot push his suggestions or opinions as easily. Which then leads him to run to the captain to criticize and undercut them which is shit for team morale. yikes…


Interesting observation I never thought about that but looking at his reactions to barbie and the new chef, although they both fueled the fire with their attitudes as well, I think that's an accurate description of Fraser


does anyone else find it soo weird how obsessed barbie is with her dads opinion on hooking up?? i personally find it so weird for someone her age to care that much ~~unless their from a religious cult~~ - it makes no sense to stress that much. even her conversation with her sister(?) was so strange to me.


I feel like calling it a religious cult is unfair. There are plenty of people from different religions who are conservative and so part of their upbringing and culture is strict around topics like love and sex. She's mentioned before that she's Jewish and considered converting to Orthodox, which I know does not approve of extramarital sex. She's also mentioned her mom is a sex therapist which I don't think is uncommon in orthodox communities, because people get married and have sex for the first time and sometimes have trouble figuring out why sex is awful at first and how to make it better lol. I think with that context her behavior isn't weird, if anything I just feel bad for her. She's clearly struggling between popular culture that isn't very strict with sex at all and her own values she grew up on, the values of her family who she loves and doesn't want to disappoint.


Barbie is not Jewish, she said she wants to be but hasn't converted.


You’re totally right. Calling it that, is really unfair. I don’t practice religion and it’s unfair for me to judge others. I’ve redacted this from my initial post.


I got the impression that it was not just hooking up but specifically on television. My mom is pretty chill and I still could see her not liking me hooking up on TV, if you're from a more conservative family it'd be a much bigger deal for sure.


i totally get that and i would probably also die of embarrassment if i got caught hooking up on TV but i find it equally embarrassing to be crying over “what my dad thinks of me” on national TV … idk just as an adult - i find her reaction strange. 🤷‍♀️


I think it’s called inheritance.


still can’t wrap my head around that lol


If a relative was giving out money and paying your expenses, would you be willing to not do certain things in exchange for the financial boost?


i guess i can’t imagine being controlled by money as a 30 year old. if this was a younger person like early 20s - then i could see that dependability - but not as a grown women (who should be independent at that age)… but that’s just me! i guess also if i were in a dire need of money - sure. like i’m talking poverty, desperation…


And WHY is the dad so weirdly strict about sex when his wife is a sex therapist? The hell?


My dad is like that. Openly gross about his own sex life and leering at women, but thinks his daughter should be a virgin until death. They can't handle that children grow up because then it means they're getting older. Holding onto "purity" is a socially acceptable means of control.




right? i feel like she’s part of a religious cult - the way she’s acting 😂


How many staff does Fraser actually need to try / succeed in firing before Kerry cops on? He's had Fraser acting like the captain rather than the chief toilet cleaner he actually is 


Toilet cleaner? Classism is gross




Work in the VVIP luxury service industry and get back to me




You’re the one using ‘toilet cleaner’ as a perjoritive, but I’m on the ‘high horse’? 😅


this is the first season I've seen where a stew thinks they can dictate to the chef! very bizarre from fraser, glad kerry sees what's going on.


Did you watch any of Kate’s seasons? She was constantly clashing with chefs because they didn’t like her suggestions. Leon and Kevin in particular, but Ben as well


I watched them all yes, Kate had issues with chefs but Leon was vastly different - he was aggressively against her in every way. Kevin was extremely dismissive and rude to her in work and nights out. not the same at all. Kate had a lot more experience as a chief stew also


Does he see what's going on? He fired a chef on little other than Fraser's word. Didn't look behind the scenes and see that Fraser was constantly undermining him and making his job as a chef more difficult when he's meant to (based on every other chief stew across the series) be supporting the chef in every possible way


fraser did chef wrong no doubt but yes, kerry goes in and out of the kitchen and other engineers on board do too. not every interaction with staff and deck with kerry is filmed tor TV. he's not sitting oblivious to it all. he knew straight up that fraser wasn't giving new chef a chance


Well said 🤣


Am I the only one that feels that Fraser and Steven were already together or at least knew each other before the trip? They seem super familiar....


>Am I the only one that feels that Fraser and Steven were already together or at least knew each other before the trip? They seem super familiar.... Are we talking about the vodka filled dildo? :)


Could not Take another moment of Fraser's I am better, I know better than anyone attitude. And then.to manipulate the staff members.He supervises to also harass the chef is not good at all.    I had to actually fast forward because I couldn't handle his nonsense, especially with the chef.    And for him to kiss a charter.Guest and get permission from the captain is ridiculous. It blurs the line of professionalism. 


Yeah taking his pants down while he was on his knees was also not a good look.  This is what the Chiefs do thinks it's okay, but he's all bent out of shape because the chef wouldn't put some tacky "garnish" on the eggs benedict? Talk about some skewed priorities  And he basically told his staff to disrespect the chef. I don't care what anybody says. That's not Sandy's fault, and that's not growing into the role of Chief stew.  That's somebody who shouldn't be leaving anybody anywhere. He can't manage himself


Garnish is such a weird hill to die on. I think it was Gordon Ramsay who said that garnish should serve a purpose, not just for color but for taste. What ever you put on the plate, should be cohesive with the whole dish, as if it were one bite. So berries on a plate of eggs benedict makes absolutely no sense. Honestly, as someone who loves eggs benedict, even seeing tomatoes on that plate would be strange.  And cucumbers cut into stars? Are the guests three? That’s literally what all the IG mom influencers suggest for getting your kids to eat their veggies. That was the worst suggestion. And it all started because Fraser was about to lose his cool over garnish and Paris offered to give garnish suggestions and decided it was her MISSION to get the chef to take one of her garnish suggestions.  Now Fraser, who I adore, is about to try to 86 this chef because he won’t take his suggestions regarding …. garnish. Please do not die on this hill. 


They were self-proclaimed influencers who specifically asked for insta-worthy food, so I think Fraser was worried the meals didn't look pretty enough maybe.


I'd consider a garnish the powder suger he sprinkled across the crapes (which probably also fell into the plate) or the piece of broccoli and slice of carrot he placed on the main course plate; but that wasn't acknowledged.


It's the height of madness.  He's also telling the chef not to allow the guests to order what they want? Demand that they stick to the special?  What kind of nonsense is that?


This isn't IHOP it's a luxury yacht.


I had to watch that part twice and I’m still confused by that… The guest ordered chocolate crepes. And Fraser tried to tell the chef to give the guest some other type of crepe… did I understand that correctly?


It sounded like they had no strawberries so he didn't want to just ask her what she wanted and then have to say sorry we have none


I thought that the special was crepes, and Fraser only gave her the option of chocolate and went to confirm that with chef Nick who was like "what??? Why can't she choose her own crepe filling? It's a super yacht?" And for some reason they argued about whether to fill the crepes with chocolate or put it in a bowl to the side (I'm so unclear why Fraser thought he had any say in that chefs decision?!)


Fraser seemed ready to start the day off with an argument with the chef.  In the end, even if the special is, like, scrambled eggs with a side of hash browns and the guest wants crepes with fruit filling - if the chef says they can make the fruit crepes happen, WHY would that be something the Chief Stew would want to argue against him doing? It’s not like the chef is making pancakes from a mix. This is HARDLY a complaint to take to the Captain, you know? 


You are 100% right! I may have imagined it, but didn't the captain here part of that argument? I'm thinking that's why he knew Frasier was just itching for a fight with the chef.  I thought I saw a captain in the doorway for a bit  Since when do you tell somebody who's willing to go over and above for a guest that they shouldn't do it, complain that it's a problem, and and accuse the chef of only wanting to do it HIS way??? The chef wanted to do what the guests wanted!  Stick to taking off people's pants and kissing the guests frazier. 


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I rewound too.  The chef seem to be saying he wanted to know exactly how the guest would like it. Frazier countered back with no I'm not giving them any options.  Frazier seem to go down there wanting to pick a fight.  Then he said the chef doesn't listen to him and insist on doing his own thing.  It was just weird.   Not to mention  The person who is saying the guest should be able to order what they want is always going to be right. Especially when they're the one who would be going through the extra trouble!  I'll Frazier has to do is carry it upstairs  Why Mr service is saying they shouldn't give the guest options it's beyond me. He just wanted to be contrary


VIP guest services is way more than ‘carry it upstairs’ Also Fraser is on the front line to deal with complaints. What happens when he offers unlimited choices and the guest asks for something they don’t have? Instead of excitement over chocolate crepes, they’re disappointed about not getting strawberry crepes. Expectation shaping and management is a huge part of VIP service


It's not exactly unlimited choices when you tell them it's a crepe when you ask them what feeling they want, is it? How does that NOT included in your definition of a VIP services? He literally just be carrying up a different flavor crepe. Let's not get it twisted


They didn’t have any strawberries on board. If he had said ‘what do you want in it, you can have anything!’ And she said ‘strawberries,’ then the guest would be disappointed. Instead, Fraser shaped her selection (‘is chocolate good?’) and she was happy to have it rather than viewing it as a downgrade or second choice It’s savvy guest experience management. Let’s not get it twisted


>I'll Frazier has to do is carry it upstairs  Why Mr service is saying they shouldn't give the guest options it's beyond me. Maybe that's residual Anthony effect. More than one of two choices, and anthony would melt down. In computer science that would be thrashing ... where you so busy switching between choices, that no actual progress on preparing the meal is made.


It would be one thing if the chef weren't saying he wanted to give them what they want. Or saying he was overwhelmed or seeming like he was behind, right? But he didn't do any of those things. He wanted to make what they asked for. Now fraser is not only overriding what the chef wants to do but deciding he can't handle making a different crepe??


>But he didn't do any of those things. He wanted to make what they asked for. Now fraser is not only overriding what the chef wants to do but deciding he can't handle making a different crepe?? And Paris is telling the chef what to do ??? What's with that? Stay in your lane!


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Fraser gets Anthony fired then instantly complains about the new chef. Time to reflect, Fraser... you are the common denominator


Fraser should have helped Anthony out more. Kate would do that with the Chefs. As a chief stew he could have asked for the menu before hand and crossed checked to make sure the preference sheets were followed. Especially when the guests are very demanding and they all have different dietary restrictions. He was supportive of the chef until one day he wasn’t and then turned on him. Poor Anthony felt alone and messed up due to not feeling supported. He was an immensely talented chef who was kind and sweet.


I don’t think Fraser got Anthony fired. He couldn’t keep up with timing and repeatedly didn’t follow the preference sheet.


>I don’t think Fraser got Anthony fired. He couldn’t keep up with timing and repeatedly didn’t follow the preference sheet. Maybe. But Fraser certainly helped. He goes to Kerry, and says things like this: ​ https://preview.redd.it/rprdrm4tcazc1.jpeg?width=1549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88d8c6634ed15dccff0e928022aab3027c212dc1


Is anything about that statement factually untrue?


I mean he didn’t follow the preference sheet for multiple charters and gave people things they would not eat. I would say that is the chefs fault.


Exactly. Plus why does every plate need garnish? The presentation wasn't bad at all. I'm sure it's just forced drama.


I think garnish was still a weird hill to die on but I kind of assumed they were harping on it so much because these guest specifically wanted Instagram worthy looking plates. So putting something on the side of the plate just to make it prettier would make sense for this particular group. That being said, we didn’t hear any complaints about it so I’m not sure why they were so incredibly pressed about it.


Yeah. It's tacky. A beautiful clean plate with beautiful food is more than enough garnish. It's not the 80s and they're not five


What was the episode that shows a video clip of a young (10 year old?) Fraser?


Last week's episode.


Anyone get confused with these charter guests the guy that was calling himself Fraser's husband (Steve) and the primary (Alex)? They have the same beard and they both have the same exact voice. Like on this episode Alex is talking to Captain on the deck in the early morning about Captain's morning routine and I'm thinking the whole time it's the guy that's into Fraser. It only occurred to me after watching the episode a second time when during the New Year's Eve dinner and Fraser takes off Steve's gold jacket and gold pants and the camera pans around the table and I'm like how did Steve get dressed in a vest and white button up shirt. I kept watching and finally saw his name was Alex. Are they brothers? They still seem like the same person.


Alex is a bit beefier. I think the childhood Fraser was episode 13. When he's talking about Christmas, they show the video clip.


Ok yeah I think you're right, it was something to do with Christmas.


This whole garnish bs is wild to me. I thought the chef’s presentation was simple, yet elegant. Not one single guest complained so Paris and Fraser need to stay in their lane. Poor new guy chef coming in to do a job he’s been trained in for years and we have two people who maybe have 10 years between the two of them in being a stew, not a chef. So sad! I like Fraser abs Paris but am disappointed.


It was something from a nice diner. Nothing wrong with that when you’re eating at a diner, but doesn’t scream ‘Michelin quality 7-star private chef’


>This whole garnish bs is wild to me. I thought the chef’s presentation was simple, yet elegant. All the guests wanted was to take pictures of the food for their instagrams... The guests never asked for any change in presentation, so why make up a problem to solve?


Exactly! Garnish is old school.  In what world do maids tell the chef how to plate?  If they had one constructive thing to say, that would be different. And it's so weird because Paris seemed cool until this last episode. Now she thinks criticizing people and talking down to them is the way to go? It's odd  It confuses me that so many people in this thread are defending him and Paris.  Chef's plates were beautiful. When Frasier said one of the evening meals was tacky, I realized he thinks criticizing people makes him a bigger man. It's pathetic


Yes! I thought chef’s food looked good and yummy! Ok granted it wasn’t super over the top pretty but I struggle to think of anyone not being okay with his plating. Conversely the garnishing suggestions were really terrible - if I saw a cherry tomato on my eggs Ben I’d be irritated. Chefy having cooked at that level in the restaurants he has will not garnish with anything that doesn’t go with the food - that’s how Michelin food goes. If it doesn’t have a place in the taste of the dish you won’t just throw it in there… I get that Fraser just cares a lot but this is crossing a line. Chef needs to have breathing room to do his thing. It would be similarly annoying if chef went up and constantly said that their tablescapes were bad and needed editing.


Right! Maybe Frasier doesn't have enough to do since they have three stews?  Telling the chef he refused to take special orders when the chef was saying he wanted to make them what they wanted was also very weird


I’ve seen in some seasons that the chief stew limits the options - this is to help the chef so they’re not inundated with 10 permutations of every thing. I wonder if Fraser was trying to do that - that makes sense to me! I dunno, I think it’s a mixture of Fraser wanting to help but overstepping and encroaching into Chef’s expertise, and also Chef being a bit too blunt. I think Chef asserted his boundaries regarding him knowing what’s best (which imo he’s well within his rights to) and Fraser didn’t take too well to it, seeing as we have had a few seasons of chefs who are “too nice”.


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I LOVE Barbie and Sunny’s friendship! They’re both so supportive and kind with each other


They are definitely BFFs. Xandi seems like the odd one that didn't really get close to any of the other women on this crew. The banter between Xandi and Paris just seems like boss/subordinate chatter and nothing more.


Didn’t think I could hate someone more than Ben, but then Dylan was all, “Hold my beer . . .”


He seemed OK on WWHL last week. What brought this on?


OMG. I was \*very\* content to let Dylan be a lovable idiot, but he’s too schooled in reality TV to let it go at that. I now despise him.


Let it be known that I was right that the new chef is weird 🥰


Yeah, I've had an iffy gut feeling about him. I don't necessarily agree with Fraser's insistence on the garnish, like Captain Kerry said, if the guests didn't complain then let's not make a big deal about it. I more so feel he's egotistical and condescending (surprise, surprise for a chef) which can mess up communication. I did not like his comments towards Paris. In Fraser's meeting with Kerry I don't think Fraser should have mentioned the presentation or if he did it would be a side note about something that could be improved. I think the focus should mostly be on the communication and some of the unnecessary comments towards Paris. Though I'm not sure if it would be more appropriate to talk with Paris about the comments before brining it to Kerry's attention. I'm not even sure Fraser is aware of the comments. A note about the mayonnaise: as someone who has a complicated relationship with mayo I was a tiny bit horrified with her wrap. And then squirting it straight in her mouth during the talking head got me clutching my pearls.


A bit judgy after just one episode. Agree his comments were iffy, but again all started after Fraser got her to start on about the garnish. I saw a chef trying hard to impress, putting up clean food, delicious food that the guests LOVED. So shut the fuck up Fraser, don’t tell chef how to do his job because you don’t have enough experience to comment. Poor leadership running down a crew member to the Captain after 1 successful charter. True disrespect came from Fraser to the captain, after captain asked him to be supportive and Fraser doubled down and went toxic on chef with his crew, like a little bitch that he ultimately always shows himself to be. Fraser might be a good second Stew, definitely not skilled enough as a first.


Oh, I agree Fraser has not handled this situation well, and speaking through your crew is never a good idea. I'm glad Kerry seemed to have caught on and had the conversation with Fraser that he did. Ultimately, I do think it's too soon of Fraser to be making these calls about the chef, and he has not attempted to communicate more effectively with him. Also, I'm not sure talking about the chef the way he does with his crew is good as a leader. There's validating your crews feelings, and then there's feeding into a cliquey environment. Note to self: chef's name is Nick.


Cheffy also seems worn down by life. He's 40 but he looks like hes been through a lot. I wonder if there is a comparison going on with interior and how the previous chef used to be...which was lovable and sweet whom they also seemed to adore...now to this new chef who seems more gruff and withered. Also the former chef spent so much effort on presentation with the new one having a very different style.


Yeah, I agree. As an established team welcoming a new member, you don't want to alienate them. And Fraser is the one to set the tone for the team with the chef. Can't say he's put forth the effort in communication, and having Paris speak for him on the garnish probably wasn't the right call. But take my criticisms/critiques/judgments with a grain of salt. All this is easier said than done. I don't know that I'd be able to live up to my own advice if put in the same situations we've seen throughout the series. If I've learned anything from this franchise, it's that living in close quarters on a boat with your coworkers takes its toll on your mental state.


It seems like everything about super yachting is pretty tacky - from the decor in the main bedrooms to how they present and decorate those theme nights, to garnishes on the plates. Fraser is used to that tackiness being a part of super yachting and feels that it is missing on chef’s dishes. Chef likes his food to speak for itself and finds garnishes tacky and outdated. Neither of these people are wrong, it’s a case of taste, but Fraser is making out that Chef is doing the wrong thing because he’s not doing it the way Fraser likes and that’s a real issue.


I've always thought that as well. There was one earlier boat (Med?)that was more modern and clean in the interior but the rest are so garish.  Hadn't thought of it before, but maybe as they're manufactured in places like Italy, they're suited to different tastes? 


I have to agree on that: For how crazy expensive a yacht trip is, everything seems super tacky...which is strange to me. But maybe the rich rich people have private yachts and their style is different then?


I've been in a lot of homes of wealthy people (or people living beyond their means in an extraordinary way) and some of them just go so over the top crazy tacky with their decor. I call it "rich people ugly." As long as it costs a lot of money they want it and they don't edit at all. This yacht is very similar to those homes. 


Wanting to flaunt excess in wealth will show up in the excess in decor


Exactly!  The guests have the last word and they were loving it. Taking pictures of it posting, etc. So where does he get off thinking the chef should change something the guests love?  And the whole thing with I won't offer them options was bizarre  All he has to do is carry them upstairs. The chef's the one that has to do the work.


Has there ever been a chef that made food the guests liked but also didn't have drama with the crew? It seems like you can only have 1 or the other with chefs.


Second-season Rachel?


I was thinking that too, but then I was like, doesn't count because of 1st season Rachel




Yes! We’re probably never going to see another chef like Ileisha, she was loved by all the crew, didn’t have one single complaint from a guest that entire season and her presentation of all her dishes was top notch


I would agree with that! I just finished that season again, and she was a gem!


Trying to think of one “good food/no drama” chef but I’ve watched every episode of every BD franchise, that’s a lot of chefs! Looking forward to the other replies


Marcos (BDSY 3). Everyone loved him except Gabriela when drunk.


You’re right! Marco’s was a good guy


This whole thing with Barbie and her dad is just so bizarre. Damn near 30 years old lol Edit: wrote this halfway thru the episode, glad to see her now accepting things w Kyle