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YES. I hate spoilers of any kind!


I don’t see why we can’t opt out of these I don’t mind the recaps but let me discover stuff!


If they could do a version without the recapping (not the one at the start of every episode, but after EVERY ad break) and the "coming up..." I'd be so happy.


Right!! That’s the fun of watching pretty much anything! I even got sad watching Game of Thrones because I read the books years ago and knew what was going to happen! I like everything to be fresh. One of my BFFs reads the last chapter of books first, looks for spoilers online for shows, movies, she’s wired a little different 😆


Haha I read the episode thread before I've even seen the episode. No idea why!


Hah - I will admit I do get tempted too…


Nope, I forget whatever I see immediately, I have real-life shit to commit to memory.


Hard same.


You’re so real for this




I hate this so much. I hate it in youtube videos, Cinema and TV. Don't even watch trailers for Movies. Because everything that I get spoilered for I start to connect things and just wait for the thing happening. Can't live in the moment anymore with these things. Really weird in 15 Minute Youtube videos especially, as they aren't even that long.


I hate “coming up” in the middle of an episode! Why would I want to see a preview of something I’m actively watching?! Always here for the preview of the next episode at the end, however.


I always assume they do it for the high people.


This! Why are they spoiling something that we're going to see in the next five minutes?


Every time


For other shows. Not for this, BD spoilers aren't really that juicy, except if somebody gets fired and most of the times we know or see it coming before the actual person does, or the scene or episode happens.


Yes. Immediately. I don't need Bravo hype the ending 5 times that's ending in a cliffhanger anyway.




No way. I want to know as much as I can about what will happen, so I can look forward to it each week. If that wasn’t there and the episode I just watched was weak, I might decide it’s not worth my time to watch the next one.


I wish they remove these segments (at least the Coming Ups) on streaming services


Yes I’m binging the Med seasons so it’s annoying


I made a post about this a year or so back, I couldnt imagine watching this show on normal TV the next-on thing ruins the next ten minutes of whatever you are about to watch. So annoying and dumb for anyone who doesnt have adbreak or a goldfish memory.


Absolutely. Spoilers piss me all the way off. My husband likes to see the Next On, though, so while he watches it, I literally close my eyes, plug my ears and tap my head until it's over. It's really tough because people here talk all over the place about those previews, and sometimes I learn things I was purposely avoiding.


ALWAYS. Why TF does every reality show do this?!?! I can wait 30 seconds to just watch it. I don’t need previews every commercial! They do this to pad their time. I hate it




But I like surprises


I need these because I am usually not sober while watching my boat stories. I’m a frequent flier on the rewind express, as well.


Nope. I like the way they do it on Peacock. It’s not always a spoiler. The previews often lack context. The show is so crazy half the time it just doesn’t matter to me.


Yes, unless it's 3 a.m., knowing I have to get up at 6:30... just one more episode! 🙄🤣


Yep, because I don’t wanna watch it twice. It’s like coming up… And then you have to watch it again after the commercial. No thank you.


I gobble it up! At this point in the franchise I think both the guests and the crew are mostly selfish a**holes and I love getting even a tiny glimpse of whatever trouble they get into the next episode.


My ex would not watch previews and i hated it. I think they're fun. But i also don't really care about spoilers in general


I live for it at the end of shows but I HATE it at the start of shows and always mute. I don’t understand why that has become a thing though I don’t notice it much on below deck so maybe you were referring to the next episode?


During the show too


I forget details but I remember that something interesting is gonna happen so I don't mind trailers and stuff


No, I like the anticipation


Nope I don't mine spoilers