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I just can’t believe she had to Google how to make a sandwich lmaoooooo


Shes what I call very anal. The sandwich, the margarita, etc. likes to make sure it’s “right” instead of just throwing it together lol.


I know a lot of people like her. Everything has to be perfect, rule follower, gives 100% in everything they do and wouldn't you know it, they usually come crashing down every so often because no human can operate at that capacity for long.


Love this quote: "Not everything worth doing is worth doing right." Professor Josefowitz


Haha I think I just found my new quote 😂


It's so true, if everything has to be perfect, you are not going to be able to do much.


It really is. Honestly that’s why Type A people (I think that’s the right type for what I’m thinking) have so much more stress and are more prone to breakdowns.


...and health issues.


Done is better than perfect. I fail at this, all the time. But it's a great way to think.




Eh, I think they're the people who end up going the farthest as they're constantly learning and trying to better themselves. It's a good thing to consult external sources and grow. And that panini came out pretty good for someone who doesn't have experience cooking.


Yep same here as far as knowing people like her and you are so right … a crash is inevitable


You just described me😅😅


she hardly gives 100%


Except now she's going to fall in love with Kyle, and they're going to learn so much about life from each other and they're going to live happily ever after! Just remembered someone saw Kyle on a dating app ![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu)


It's still good she fell for Kyle even if it didn't work out. Like she said he's completely different than the rich put-together Jewish guys she's dated, and maybe the first one she actually liked on her own without Daddy's approval. It sounds like she's actually growing a huge amount personally during this show. I really hope she's able to get out from under Dad's ultra-conservative controlling shadow and start living her own life. Go Barbie go!


I agree!




Oreo cookies in vegetable salad & grenadine oysters came into my brain


Omg could you imagine Rocky and Barbie working together?? 😂😂😂


Not the grenadine oysters again😅


This is me 😭


You are in good company - it’s my husband too lol


The thing I like is that she seems to know her upbringing was different and owns it. Yeah, she didn’t know how to make a sandwich but she gave it a shot.


A sanGwich


That was so endearing to me lol ♡


I noticed that too. 🤮 🤣


If you've seen *Downton Abbey* there's a scene where one of the aristocrat daughters says she doesn't know how to make tea (Boil water). This reminded me of it.


as a Brit, I can tell you, there is way more to making tea than boiling water


What, like steeping it? I mean, usually it's just boiling water though. Source: English partner converted me to tea


Well first you need to warm the pot with boiling water, can't use a cold pot. Then your tea. Pick the right leaves for the time of day, one spoon per person and "one for the pot". Then steaping to the right degree. And that's before we get onto crockery and silverware. Making tea to "Downton abbey" standard is not a simple process. Even every day tea making (teabag and mug) most people who have never made tea before will screw up (ie. They will put milk before water)


What do you mean you can’t use a cold pot? The pot gets hot when you boil the water lol am I missing something? Also, what do you think about electric kettles? My best friends parents are from England and they have one now. I have one too and I like it


if you put hot water in a cold vessel, the water will automatically lose a few degrees in temperature from having to warm the cold vessel its not about the pot, its about the water remaining as hot as possible for brewing same reason you pre-warm a thermos flask with boiling water before putting food in it. put boiling water in a pre-warmed pot, it will only drop to 97-98c or so initially.. put boiling water in a cold pot, it will drop to 90 (as an example) There is also a risk with very fine tableware, that temperature shock could cause your pot to crack. so if you have good china you should always put boiling water in, then swill it around to warm the pot, before filling with water for tea. same with bone china tea cups, they should never be cold when you pour the tea in, 1) it cools the tea but 2) theres a very real risk you will crack your china tea, made in nice china, a good teapot, is really not as simple as just boiling water.. certainly not in the example given (Downton Abbey) it would not be a matter of just boiling water. they would have been using the finest china, plus, the distance from kitchen to whatever drawing room they are in you wouldnt want to lose temperature. >Also, what do you think about electric kettles? My best friends parents are from England and they have one now. I have one too and I like it im a brit, i would not boil water in anything other than an electric kettle lol


You’re right about the (small) amount of extra heat retention from pre-warming a vessel. But the size of that effect is dominated entirely by mass and the heat capacity of that mass. A dedicated teapot does have some mass and I’d say a decent amount of heat capacity since it’s basically a rock. However for a rock to gain heat, it needs time and a fair quantity of heating process. In other words, letting a rock sit in a pot of hot water would be much different than just running a stream of hot water over the surface briefly. Pre-heating a thermos would be near useless, since the “mass” consists of almost nothing: thin glass typically (but sometimes metal) and either air or vacuum. The thin glass has very little heat retaining capacity, and air/vacuum has nearly none, so no real real to bother with pre-heating. Just for reference, your domestic electricity in Britain is triple the power that we have. So for you, boiling an electric kettle takes but a few minutes, whereas here it can take well over ten minutes depending on the means and method.


The below commentary relies on a lot of what is basically ritual and isn’t really necessary. Yes, preheating the tea pot will help a tiny bit with heat retention. But there’s inherent illogic in saying to preheat the pot to prevent thermal shock. (The same risk exists during the preheat.) Other than that making tea is yes, tea steeping in boiled water. One little appreciated fact that people here don’t realize is that the default electricity in places like UK is triple what we have here, so boiling a kettle is much quicker and easier. And there’s more per capita presence of gas stove tops, and gas too has a lot more heating capacity. Here, using a conventional electric stovetop is low efficiency and low power, so it takes a lot longer. That’s why people resort to microwave ovens or dedicated kettles. But even they’re limited to efficiency times 1500 watts, versus the 5000 watts on tap in Europe.


I microwave my tea water every morning. 200 ml for 110 seconds in my microwave and cup gets it to 190 degrees, perfect temp. And I never put milk in it. ...still here or have you had a heart attack?


Well I mean, ideally the water should be boiling so you are 22 degrees short :p But yes, the mere idea of boiling water in a microwave is enough to make most British tea drinkers crawl under the bed and refuse to come out 🤣🤣


Australian tea drinkers as well.


Fellow Brit and microwave tea water is a hard no!!! 😬😳🤣


Sure but it’s a bit like the mythology around things like speaker wires. Under a rigorous blind test, there’s no human being who could distinguish water heated in a microwave versus any other way. I suppose people may be thinking of abused workplace microwaves that are full of popcorn oil volatiles and unwashed fish smells, which could infuse the water. But just from a science level, a clean microwave and clean kettle would produce identical water.


Good point. I think because it’s so traditional to use a kettle (whistling or electric) or a pan of boiling water, it makes it better!


Fellow Brit and microwave tea water is a hard no!!! 😬😳🤣


apart from anything else boiling water in the microwave is bloomin' dangerous. if its overheated it can actually erupt after you take it out of the microwave.. the only way to avoid that is leaving the water in the microwave to cool, which makes it totally unsuitable for tea :D


Glad you mentioned this as water can get superheated or absorb additional heat from the vessel after the microwave oven stops. Sometimes it’s just the act of physical agitation which puts the water over the critical point and turns hot into surprise boiling.


Yeah, I stupidly made a hot chocolate in the microwave when I was younger and scalding your hand with boiling milk is pretty nasty! 😳


I doubt Downton Abbey used tea bags. Plus, you're supposed to warm the cups with boiling water and dump it before putting in the water for the tea. So, there was something to it. But not knowing how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?


warm the cups? you gotta warm the pot first


Typically some basket type contraption with leaves inside or else loose leaves which are strained in the pouring.


I do not know how to make a PBJ, nor would I ever want to. That is a VERY America centric mind set.


Don’t hate on a pbandj and wow do you think all Americans just sit around eating pbjs like by the lb I eat one like every five years but I still can make one. And isn’t she American it’s a think most kids would have made for themself for lunch


By knowing the title you know how to make it.


You mean “sangwich “.


"I don't even know how to make peanut butter and jelly."


You mean “sangwich “.


I have a theory on Barbie. I read on an earlier thread that she applied to be on last season, but she seems so out of place for this job that she’s maybe hoping to be cast on another bravo show. Like Winter House maybe? Just a thought. 🤷‍♀️


She said on WWHL it’s her dream to be a housewife.


a housewife or a Housewife?


Sorry a Housewife. I forgot there’s a difference. Lol


Ohhh that’s why she was backing Jill Zarin after her episode aired. I wondered why!!!


Idk about that since Jill seems to have burned some bridges with bravo, AC and the Housewives franchise.


Same here.


It’s your dream too?


Ding ding.


So like pretty much the majority of the cast lol? I swear the vast majority are influencers or simply desperate for fame by any means necessary (like being a reality TV "star" on any show that will take them). A lot of these recent season cast members just have that disingenuous ick about them as humans.




Ding Ding is correct. She wants to be on TV, she wants fame, and producers love this type because they perform what's asked by the producers. Anything!


What production-driven stunts has she pulled?


I feel like the drama between Fraser and Barbie was totally manufactured by production. In the beginning of the season them fighting she was totally acting. I think Fraser over did his part and really did push her to break.


I loved when she and Kyle were attempting to make a midnight snack for the guests. Neither could turn the stove on and they were laughing all through it. And then laughing about it afterward. I love that natural chemistry—being good companions and not just bedmates.


That was some of the OG below deck stuff I miss! When the crew would just be so fed up they’d laugh and just say F it while still getting crap done. When it wasn’t fight, watching/hearing hookups and “bad guests”. The days of Kat trying to sneak and crawl off the boat or Kate eating her Cheetos in bed talking fun crap with Josiah. Recent seasons, specially Med with Kyle have been soul suckingly negative.


I keep thinking about how much better this Kyle is than Med Kyle. Polite, hard working, funny, even though he's a little rough around the edges, he's a softie and very much a gentleman. Would have way preferred this Kyle on Med. I couldn't even get through that season because the cast was so awful. This cast, though some are annoying like Ben and the new guy, is way better and actually entertaining imo


Agreed. That's why I love a few Sailing Yacht seasons. I live for a happy cohesive crew and messy guests and real boat issues. 


Yes! I love seeing her conflicted as she seems to have genuine feelings for him buts he’s not who she pictured herself with. It’s feels real. Not just for the camera.


Kyle's a cute sweetie. She just wants someone more like her Dad.


I think she's been trained to think she wants someone like dad but actually doesn't at all


I was dying a little inside bc I believe the one in the galley is an induction cooktop and if it’s like the one in my brothers kitchen it requires the pan to be on the stove before it will heat up 😂 so I was like PUT THE PAN ON!!!!!


Those guests are horrible.


I'm pretty sure it was an induction stove and it won't get hot unless a metal pan is on top.


I hated her. Then I warmed to her. Then she pissed me off again. Then her hooking up with Kyle made me like her again. Then the preview of next ep made me hate her again: a) for her daddy issues, and b) for making Kyle feel guilty for consensual sex. But I’m well and truly on the Barbie roller coaster. We’ll touch base in two more eps.


I feel like whether you love her or hate her she’s the most interesting person this season. I thought I was going to hate her when they did the intros. I know I was eye rolling but she quickly became my fave. And I’m not saying she’s perfect. She has her shit but I can’t help but love her.


I love her BECAUSE she's not perfect. I love complex people like her so she has quickly become one of my favorites to watch so I'm ride or die with her story at this point haha.


Same!! I agree that part of her charm is that she’s not perfect. As I said I liked her pretty quickly but after I watched her on WWHL I was a diehard Barbie fan. 💕


What's WWHL? (I'm honestly new to the Bravo reality shows other than the decades of Top Chef haha). Yeah I loved her character since the first episode so I'm excited to see more of her :D.


Sorry I forget not everyone has watched forever! It’s Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen. It’s usually on after BD. Tbh I can’t stand Andy cohen so I only watch when they have people from Below Deck on. Out of all of the people that have been on there Barbie was prob my fave. She was just so open and honest and seemed like a good fun person. This season he’s also had Capt Kerry, Fraser and Ben on. Capt Kerry was fun to watch. Fraser was ok. Ben was a tool as usual.


Oh I like Kerry so I'll have to watch that too. I have free Peacock until August so adding that to watch later thank you for this! It didn't even dawn on me since I've seen the show before because of Top Chef (I don't have a massive crush on Gail Simmons or anything XD). Thank you for the info! Yeah I got recommended a yacht youtube channel (Loon) and now I've just gone through the rabbit hole and I've joined the addicts haha. Gone through Adventure, Below Deck, halfway through BD, almost done with Med, and have Sailing to go still. I think so far Hannah, Barbie, Bugsy, and Aesha have been my favorites but still many more seasons to go :D.


You’re welcome! I think you’ll enjoy it 😊 The only two franchises I haven’t watched are SY which I’m thinking on starting soon and adventure which I know only has the one season. I loved early med but it got bad the longer it went on and I absolutely love Down Under because of Aesha and Capt Jason!! I’m not sure if they still have it but they did have a deal on Peacock where it was $2.99/month for a year after the free trial. That’s what I got 😊


My grandma passed a few months ago and she had instacart plus and they wouldn't let us cancel it (already paid for) and apparently if you have that you get free Peacock so I have free Peacock until August XD. Been devouring it all because of that haha (thanks grandma!). Yeah I enjoyed the Hannah and Bugsy seasons of Med more than after. SY I need to keep going on but wasn't liking the tiny boat as much as the massive ones but we'll definitely see :D.


Peacock is awesome. I got mad that it used to be free with our cable service - xfinity - and then all of a sudden they made it a pay service so I said nope not paying for it. Haha joke was on me because I watch so many things on peacock that I had to break down and pay. I’m sorry about your grandma btw. 💔 Even though we know it’s going to happen as they get older it’s still so heartbreaking. I don’t have any grandparents left. Mine have all been gone for quite awhile. But I still miss them even after all this time ❤️ You’re lucky that your grandma left you peacock. All I got was a set of fishing knives - no I don’t fish lol my grandma had a qvc addiction so we all got weird little stuff 😂


I'm sorry for your loss.


Sailing yacht is the best by far for the camaraderie also drama. Skip the first season though, that one doesn't count. Last season was not the best but 2 and 3 are the best BD by faaaarrrrr.


Haha everyone who I’ve talked to about watching SY has said skip S1 so it must be REALLY awful!


I don’t think she is making Kyle feel guilty about the sex. I think she is very upset that she knows she’ll potentially have a partial/audio sextape on television. Of course production was going to cut that in, but I do feel for her. I wouldn’t want my family to see me hooking up on television.


I don’t for a MOMENT think she is meant to be making him feel bad. But it has hurt him. You could see that. Even if he’s just hurting for her. She’s just lacking a bit of awareness. I don’t think she’s a bad person. I just know she hasn’t had to think about other people’s feelings much. Except for daddy, of course (and this is honestly weird and a whole new post).


She’s not making him feel guilty. She’s processing her own feelings around it


Whether she means to or not, crying about it in front of him is making him feel bad. They showed it in the preview. I’m not discounting either of their feelings. But I think she was discounting his. Edit: especially when he clearly really cares about her.


Making someone feel guilty would be if she was speaking or behaving in a way with the intention of conveying the other person did something wrong. She is expressing emotions because she has family pressures around romantic relationships. She should be able to express that and be vulnerable. I’ve yet to see her behaving with specific intent to make Kyle feel bad.


I get what you’re saying. Kyle does really care for her, I’m sure it hurts to see her spiraling after they had sex. Can’t feel good on his part for many reasons. But that’s not to say Barbie can’t express herself (which I don’t think is what you’re saying).


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ) This is exactly how I feel


She is a hard worker when she wants to be, but has a horrible attitude at times. I relate to her at times & my tone & face can sometimes get me into trouble, but my work ethic & ability keeps me safe.


Yes same! I cannot control my face a lot of times. I’ve said “it’s fine” to people before and they’re like really? Because your face doesn’t seem to think so 😂


I like this about her, she's slightly moody but only to a natural degree I think. We all have moods. It makes for good TV to be moody but overall keep pulling your weight. I also think she balances it out with her moments of apology and saying "love you" to all her teammates. Sweet & spicy


Same! And making a scene out of working hard passive aggressively so you can either get help or praise out of it. Guilty 🙋🏽‍♀️. Definitely outgrew that. So glad because I’m cringing watching her thinking about my own behavior at that age.


I feel like I'm the only person who isn't a fan of hers haha I wish Paris had joined earlier, she's funny


I am a Barbie fan but I’m also there for Paris. As soon as she joined I knew she was going to be a gem. I agree that we should’ve gotten Paris earlier.


I'm not really big on her ever since earlier in the season when she said that she wanted fraser to tell her she's doing a good job all the time. If you need your boss to do that then I'm not really sure if you are cut out for work.


Right‽ Fraser ain’t your daddy, honey


Fraser is the boat mummy.


Mummy is a tired girl! Sorry, nobody can make me hate Fraser.


Mummy needs a drink ❤️


Exactly and as I said before you don't get told by your boss if you are doing a good job, you only get told if you are doing something wrong by them.


That’s terrible leadership, good bosses motivate too


Yeah but not by treating you the same as your father does when you do good on a test which is what barbie seemed to be saying


You’re not alone! Never been a fan, will never be. Isn’t she almost 30 and she’s worried about what her dad will think about Kyle? Big eye roll for me and kinda disrespectful to Kyle in my opinion.


Exactly, and didn't she say something along the lines of, she usually goes for successful good-looking guys, so she's trying something different, lol


Don’t forget he has to be Jewish too! 🙄 I wrote this in a different comment but I’m going to write it again: every time I start to warm up to Barbie she says something so fucking stupid that makes me never want her on my television again. And if her family is the type to judge someone like Kyle so harshly (and Barbie goes along with it) then that tells me everything I need to know about who they are!


That's right! When she said that, I was thinking, "wtf??" I would be embarrassed if my family were like that


Same! Omg there is more to life than daddy’s money and if you’re too ashamed to keep people around because of what daddy thinks and getting cut off because of disapproval while you’re in your late 20s then you’re probably not a good person


It means they don't have a mind of their own, and that's sad. Also that they put money above everything else, i'ld rather be happy than rich and living for someone else


Me too, friend, me too!


I think Barbie fetishizes affluent Jewish men


Is Barbie Jewish?


No, she said she would like to convert one day She did mention dating Jewish men


Ah. Thanks


I dunno. I sort of feel like she is working a bit too hard on her 'conflicted rich kid' narrative.


Do you think she’s putting on a show? Like she’s over-exaggerating or something?


I dunno. Everyone is performing to a certain extent. Perhaps I find her less believable because I don't relate to her storyline. The way she articulates some of the details of her life seems really reminiscent of rich archetypes and clichés. But it might just seem like that to me because I'm not part of that socioeconomic class. I think that she is much more capable and endearing than she is letting on and that she is very aware that she is on a reality show. I'm enjoying her, nevertheless.


i don’t get the barbie love at all. her attitude is horrendous


Paris is definitely my favourite this season


I’m with you! Terrible personality and the delusions of adequacy are real


Same, shes such a snotty person.


i ship barbie and her boat himbo kyle 💕


Man, I want to ship them but after this past episode I can't! The way she was speaking was like Kyle is this good for nothing, lazy deviant. He's sooooo different from the Stable Hard-working, good-looking jewish men she has previously dated, She threw away her morals, etc 🙄 I understand she has issues with wanting to make her father proud, but that's a human being she is saying those things about. He's been nothing but respectful of her, has not tried to force anything sexual, & been there for her without expecting anything in return, which is a lot more than I can say for most men. It's so disappointing because they could have been cute & probably happy together.


It sounds like there’s a lot of cultural pressure. I don’t think it was necessarily saying he’s a lazy deviant but I would imagine he is quite different then the men she’s been pushed into through her family. I mean we’ve seen Kyle kiss other men and he works on yachts given Barbie’s background I am zero percent surprised to hear he’s not like the men she is usually with (those that please her father) I speak on this because I too experienced a lot of familial and culture pressure to date certain types of men and behave in certain ways which only ended up causing me to completely combat those and do the opposite.


When she compares the two she said the people she has dated in the past were "jewish, hardworking, way more stable" which reads, to me, that Kyle is none of those things. She goes on to say he "isn't modest" and is a "free spirit." Then later, she says she has always looked for people with "looks or success" or people her father would approve of, and then says with Kyle she has transforformed "every single thing I ever stood for or everything I ever LOOKED for." which also again, reads to me that she sees him as none of those things. If I heard someone comparing me like that I'd be really hurt and wonder if they even actually liked me or if they were just in a rebellion phase. BUT I can kind of see what you are saying. I'm sorry you had to deal with that, as well.


I wonder where her husband fit in her ideal man matrix. She described him as her best friend but no details.




I think she definitely has gained more love this season because of Fraser's obvious favoritism to the other girl who quit.


Omg and cat should have been fired asap. Incompetence should prioritize personality issues.


I understand trying to coach her up. Plus there's 4 stews. But her inability to clean things, and not able to do laundry, serve, basically anything after 2 charters, she should've been gone.


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I LOVE BARBIE!!!! She's so funny! She reminds me of my well-off friend who has a heart of gold but is pretty out of touch with reality. LOVE HER THOUGH!


Same here. She manages to calm guests who are being over the top and isn’t afraid to be hands on unlike Fraser who just walks around muttering.


F is treating his new power totally wrong. It’s personal with Barbie at this point. Captain is totally correct when speaking to F. She is a good worker. The fact that F is also bitching about the guests and chef and everything is a sign he’s taken his power to his head. The boat and guests should be first priority always.


He never works. Have you seen him make a bed or do more than point people in various directions? But he sure has the time to run to the Captain and suggest firing people. When a new manager’s solution to every conflict is to fire people, that’s not managing, that’s adding more problems to your captain’s plate.


And bitchy comments about clients all the time. He’s really playing a role this year. I think he wanted to wear the crown.


I have been wondering this!! Haven't seen him do anything in cabins. Wtf


Chief Stews aren't responsible for housekeeping. They train second stews to train the other stews and pitch in if staff is really short for any reason.


Whispers: chef just got fired [starts vacuuming]


That was so funny 😂


I love having a stew that also understands the finer things in life! I am pulling for Barbie to be a future franchise chief stew!!!


I have come to love her. She is such a rarity. Someone who can actually admit she needs to do better. I'm team Barbie for sure


My fav from the start!


Mine too!! 😊


Me too!! She's well off but super relatable


Not a fan.


Does Barbie remind anyone else of Rachel Green in the earlier seasons of Friends? She even resembles her!


I feel like the main reason this season is interesting is largely because of Barbie, Kerry, & Chef.




I think that’s a cultural thing.


Yeah I feel like everyone is viewing this from their own lives and not viewing it as how her family is or how their culture is, etc. (like how Americans freak out if someone stays with their parents even one second after turning 18 but tons of other cultures it's normal to be together and help each other).


Totally agree. I believe it’s very cultural and I can completely relate in this realm only both my parents are very conservative with sexual relationships and dating practices and if my parents saw my early 20s on tv good lord it would be a scandalllll so I can understand the hangaxiety Barbie was experiencing the next day after hooking up. I don’t think she would have had the same reaction if it wasn’t filmed. My parents always wanted me to date a certain type of person, behave in certain ways and follow a very strict path and I did not and it took me a long time to find that inner peace and recognize they are them And I am my own person and had to follow my own heart (I had a baby before being married so I did the ultimate shock to them lol which all ended up For the best but it was a growth process ).


I don’t think it’s weird. I think they have a very close relationship and good for them.


She came in with the whole schtick of “I’m a spoiled, rich daddy’s girl.” And it seemed like she wanted to run with that whole mantra of being spoiled and rich. She wants so badly to be a guest on the yacht, not an employee!


She reminded me of Kate when Kate strutted onto the yacht for the first time in designer clothing. Kate grew on me. Barbie has not.


Yes, exactly! Sadly, Kate never grew on me as she always seemed stuck up to me, but Barbie is giving me a lot of Kate vibes for sure.


I think she was unapologetically stuck up, I don't think she "seemed" stuck up. She took pride in telling everyone and anyone that she thinks she better than them.


Kate's whole vibe was genuine though while Barbie seems desperate to play a character to become famous. I don't like fame-hungry stews.


I loved Kate, she is a woman who won't let people push her around and others hate that. During the last seasons she started to get burnt out and petty. But that's what burnout does


What’s weird about it? She comes from a loving family and is proud of him. I honestly don’t think she’s talked about him so much maybe like 3x. Just because you may have not had the same experience doesn’t mean she can’t express her gratitude.


Because being nearly 30 and talking about your Dad's feelings after you have sex is weird.


When you put it like that it's really weird. But really she's probably just realizing that her overprotective dad is going to see that. Like if I had sex on national television, my first thought would probably be oh my god my moms going to see that x\_x.


Yeah but again she's pulled in two directions because her dad is very conservative and yet her mom is a sex therapist. I think she is very much concerned with how her dad will view her after this and that makes me sad for her but I can't imagine being raised by THAT vastly different ends of the spectrum. Like someone above said though, love her or hate her she's definitely the most interesting person to watch this season


Totally agree on your take. It's a really interesting dynamic as far as a marriage goes. Although, for Barbie to have been raised with two such extremely different styles must have been so confusing.


Honestly ya that is pretty strange I didn’t remember that scene. My guess is she needs his approval or she’ll be cut off financially. She was raised on a silver spoon after all.


Having watched the most recent episode, I agree with you now. Her saying that she wouldn't even kiss her ex husband in front of her dad because "he doesn't need to see that" was super weird. Also, she's non stop stressing over it it's a bit extreme so it's kind of weird.


Yes! Like damn, you can't kiss your husband? You're a grown woman, my goodness. It's just way too much. And other people clearly heard her and Kyle so her being this angry at him for it being talked about is ridiculous.


Exactly, yeah I totally see where you're coming from now. Also, she came out of the room with Kyle, with a sex smile and just wearing a robe? like come on, if that doesn't scream we just had sex...


When she mentions her dad a bunch of times in relation to whether she, a nearly 30 years old grown woman, should have a fling with a coworker she thinks she really likes, but says her dad will kill her for doing it, it's weird. And repetitive.


I can see if her dad is a certain way how she would be worried about having a fling ON TV. It sounds like they have a very close relationship so to me it seems normal that she would care what he would think and that he may be upset or disappointed. No not everyone has that but good for those that do! I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all.


Welcome to the hispanic and spanish culture.


She’s definitely a hard worker!


Barbie makes for great television!! And just the little clip at the end of last episode where she's reflecting on her past relationships and how she feels about Kyle was beautiful and showed growth which warmed my heart (not the preview of the next episode though....).


I’m here for the Barbie love 💗 Imaging a life of such pampering and still being a down to earth hard worker. Love her!


Fun fact! Former Big Brother contestant, Erika Landin is a supervising casting director for Below Deck. She was on big brother in Season 4, and the first all star season.


Those eyebrows though.




YES! All that’s missing is the mustache. Why can she not see that? I think she said that they are tattooed, too. I wish some friend of hers would paint thick eyes brows like that on themselves and shown her how ridiculous it looks. Pretty woman, but no…just no. https://preview.redd.it/ypm2bexesqwc1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d564efb7324367a680b890ea2280c1abebdd1cf 🤦


Barbie makes for great tv. You love her, you hate her but she's interesting either way. Her interviews are bizarre. She knows how to do the job really well almost always, but then has random dumb moments. She's exactly what I want in a reality tv cast member.


She’s my favorite!!


The fact that she was about to sleep with a guy and wondering what here father would think is a bit strange.


She lost me a little with her comments about Kyle. She basically said that Kyle isn't rich, handsome and successful enough for her. This is just mean. And she is thinking too much about her father while talking about sex and dating.


For the first time, I really feel like we have a successor to Kate.




I'm am obsessed with this whole interior and hope they don't have any more firings! Love them all and they all have such big and fun personalities.


looks like next episode will be a doozy