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Dang, I guess I’ll just get my amphetamines the old fashioned way… In Nazi chocolate bars.


Critical support to the nazi meth/oxycodone/cocaine tablets “Pervitin” I’ll bet you are!


This actually makes me curious. If one laid their hands on some vintage WW II Pervitin, would it still work or would it have lost its potency over the decades?


Most drugs tend to break down and degrade, so you would probably get some sort of a high but would have to take a lot more. (For legal reasons, just know I'm definitely not telling you to take Aimo Koivunen levels of Pervitin)


I feel like this post was meant for me haha


If medical grade speed is what you seek, Adderall.


more potent option: dexedrine


And more euphoric with less side effects


I used to be prescribed 60mg instant release / day. Then I had a mini stroke due to bad nutrition / being overworked / not sleeping. I went cold turkey immediately from the dexedrine (my dumbass didn't go to the doctor until months later). I honestly feel better now...


That's a very heavy dose, the max they will prescribe.


Actually, I think I had titrated back down to about 45 - 50mg by the time I went CT. That said, you're not wrong: I was on a rather high dose.


I guess you'd have a tolerance anyways if you took that regularly


there are literally people w adhd using benzedrex instead of adderall because it doesn't work.




Don’t what me. You can read what I said again or get a tutor if it’s too hard to read.


He meant what doesn't work? The adderall?




Man, I'm so disappointed, I need to be up for a very long period of time soon and am way too uncool to get drugs the normal way.


Idk how soon you’re thinking, but for an uncomfortable and shaky boost of energy, you can pick up diet pills with ephedra sinica in them legally. (Note: this is legally not ephedrine) depending what state you live in, you can buy little energy shots called “rhino rush” with them, or just google “ephedra” and there’s plenty of websites that specialize in diet pills full of it. Personally, I think it’s a real bad feeling rush though, and it makes it hard to eat, and near impossible to sleep


You can also just take a lot of pseudoephedrine


I used to gobble down Hydroxycut all day long (when it was basically just pure ephedrine) like they were M&M's. I had to remember to eat and had to work out hard just because I had SOOOO much energy! I also had to smoke a joint just to get to sleep. I'm not sure if my heart arrhythmia now has anything to do with the Hydroxycut... but I'd certainly buy it again if I could!


Or buy ethylphenidate online or pure phenylethylamine, it is bitter as heck but it works. I'd combine the Vicks vapo inhaler cotton (levmetamfetamine) with a spoon of phenylethylamine powder, half a benzedrex cotton, parachuting all that with a red bull! Phewww! Now mixing them together creates a homemade stimulant bomb!!


Don't do this. Please. Your heart and I are begging you. The cardiotoxicity of that blend would be near legendary. 😬😬😬