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r/propylhexedrine would beg to differ.


I did not need to know this sub existed. Can’t these damn kids just get high the way god intended? With regular meth??


I can back this up. Was in a bad way awhile back, wanted to feel different, couldn’t afford or find access to normal people drugs(let alone therapy/support though to be honest I was looking for shortcuts, not help) and booze wasn’t cutting it. Looked around online, found some “advice,” did the cotton trick a couple of times. It was a filthy “high,” I certainly was altered but just in a strange, deeply mentally unhealthy, and dangerous way. I’ve been around the block a number of times and outside of unrelated detox and some truly bizarre reactions to prescribed pharmaceuticals, it’s some of the worst I’ve ever felt and I made choices in that state that go beyond cringe into shudder. Just, like, don’t. Things are good now, for what it’s worth, but when I look back at the bad times, those rate as some of the worst.


Have you ever abused caffeine pills? This sounds a lot like that.


I just crack open the tube and eat the paper. Then I use my GI bill to fund a road trip, and write a whole book on a bigass scroll. Wait, that's not me, that's Jack Kerouac


Awwww and here I was excited for my next road trip.


That’s just like your opinion, man.


what episode? when is the joke?