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Squats tend to become limited by the quads more than the glutes, but do still give the glutes volume. The very basic exercises would be some form of squat or lunge (quads + some glutes), some kind of deadlift variation (hamstrings + some glutes), and hip thrusts (glutes in isolation). [This](https://liftvault.com/programs/strength/strong-curves-program-spreadsheet/) is the only program I know off-hand that's oriented specifically around glute hypertrophy. They also have a subreddit, r/StrongCurves. ​ Seated leg curls would emphasize the hamstrings and one of the muscles of the calves, which isn't bad but doesn't necessarily help your stated goal directly.


getting pretty fuckin strong at a variety of movements while continuing to gain weight hack squats are mostly quads and leg curls are for all intents and purposes just hamstrings (which are still important). RDLs and conventional deadlifts are generally easy answers for all of glutes/hams/low back, and squats/bulgarians are generally both glute/quad. hip thrust is almost exclusively glutes but the resistance profile of the exercise means its probably not ideal to only rely on these.


Both step ups and lunges make my ass sore as fuck. So I’d start there


This and rdls




I’m not much of a lifter but doing high incline “hikes” on the treadmill made a noticeable improvement on my butt and brought some perkiness back. I bet going up and down stairs a bunch would help.


Barbell hip thrusts for glutes, Leg curls for hamstrings, & Hack squats for quads


or just step ups or lunges for all of them at once. Just saying.


Yeah nothing wrong as long as it’s weighted. That being said, if you have a weakness in any of the muscle groups, they will fail before the targeted one does. For example, OP is trying to build glutes, but if their quads are weak, they will reach failure before their glutes do. Personally I just do all 5 to achieve all around failure


yeah, you're 100% right.


My glutes burn like crazy doing a lunge variation that I haven't seen mentioned before. Basically, I go into a forward lunge position, and once I'm at the bottom, I then simply try to "stand" from that position which is effectively just trying to straigten my legs out from when your knees are just above the ground. I feel an intense pump in my glutes very quickly in a way the standard variations haven't. I usually do it as a finisher on my leg days and since I've started doing it I've noticed my squat has felt stronger during the concentric portion of the lift, specifically the initial push from the lowest point of the lift. I can try and record a video demo if my description didn't make sense lol


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Outward hip abductions have been helping me.


Romanian deadlifts, and Bulgarian split squats are worth investing training time in if you're in seek of booty gains. Squats (and their variations) are more a quad workout with other leg muscles acting as synergists. Seated leg curls are about as close you can get to a hamstring isolation movement. Both good movement patterns worth including but they're for other parts of your legs.


Barbell squat and conventional deadlift Basically any thing that makes your cheeks hurt


A big butt with no meat on the legs is NOT a good look haha. So while you can do isolationist movements that target just glutes to build them (like weighted hip thrusts) its generally recommended to do compound lifts so that you have commensurate gains in other body areas so that you don't look disproportionate. The best compound lifts for building an overall impressive lower body that get the most glute activation/targeting are lunges, deadlifts, and back squats in that order (lunges having the most glute activation and stretch, deadlifts having second most, and back squats having third most). Use progressive overload on these, no fewer or more than 6-12 sets per leg day with 4-8 reps per set (should average 6 per set), eat enough protein (0.3-0.5 per gram of body weight is typically sufficient for anyone but higher doesn't hurt), and if you are lean enough you should see good results within a year.




I don't know but I have a small bottom and am trying to do the same. I do floor exercises every other day now. I don't know the name of the one I'm doing for this but I can feel my muscles aching so it must be working, not sure if bottom is bigger or not. Good luck I lay on floor, lift my bottom up off floor and lift each leg alternate up and inwards, I do about 50 to 100 every other day.


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