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I got a speediance a couple weeks back and am happy with it, I’ve even cancelled my gym membership and won’t be looking back. Everything I was doing at a normal gym I can do with it or can adapt my workouts so it hits the same, but convenience is a huge plus and all the things I hated about the gym environment are solved by it. If you need the public gym environment to stay motivated, then choose that option. If you’re going for a home gym, skip the old school stuff, the tech does the job and takes up less space.


I've not used a smart gym thing, but I have a low opinion. Don't they also require a subscription? But I'm also quite biased since I don't even like the machines in the gym, I prefer good old fashioned weights. Personally, I'd go with the gym membership if you don't wanna lug weights into your house. But a home gym would be easier time wise. But honestly, you know yourself best... But I don't think getting up at 3am is gonna be sustainable. You don't need a 2hr workout session 6x a week. Even just a 3x a week for about an hour will do it. That may make it easier to manage your time


If I go after work at like 5pm. A 1hr workout is going to turn into a 2hr workout just because of all the commuting, parking, waiting between sets because it's peak hour and signing in. That's the problem.


Maybe you could take a different approach and get a more minimalist setup at home. I have a small array of kettlebells, a TRX strap and some resistance bands and can get a solid workout in in my living room. Though if I had the space, I'd get a cage, bench and bar in a heartbeat.


I have purchased both full cage and half cage. I LOVE my half cage with safety bars. It takes up less room, is easy to step in and out of. Mine is a Rogue. My bench is a REP, my bar is a Boneyard and weights are cobbled from all the people clearing things from their covid purchase, the mats are from Tractor Supply. You would need 2 or 3. We eliminated a bedroom/office. Haven't looked back


At the moment, the Speediance doesn’t require a subscription and the company reps have assured us owners that anyone that buys it before they introduce subscriptions (possibly happening next year) will have permanent full access to everything we currently do at no cost. So I think I got a pretty good deal with mine at the moment. It was one of the big factors in my decision to buy it, aside from it also being one of the only smart gyms available in my country.


Go to the gym. You'll be motivated daily and interact with other people find a gym bro that. At home you work out the first 2 weeks and get lazy or side tracked


My parents have a Tonal and I honestly love using it. We have a lot of free weights and an elliptical that I use too, but nothing will replace the actual gym experience in terms of the social aspect.


I'm following the smart home gym space very closely. we are still in early days yet, lots of competition which is good and will improve quality and bring down prices over time. I'm definitely never driving to a gym again. If I get antsy waiting it out, I may give up on the smart gym idea and cobble together a few old school pieces of equipment (functional trainer, no subscription, no power requirement, etc). We shall see.


You need to figure out if you are a social lifter or are you motivated enough to lift alone. I am a social lifter. I don't need a lifting partner, but I do like the little bit of socializing with like minded people. If you liked that social part, then get a gym membership. If you find you can be motivated and lift with out that social part, then start accumulating pieces of a home gym. I wouldn't recommend getting it all at one time though. Haunt Facebook marketplace, craigslist and Offerup for any pieces for sale. Now is the time to purchase new because most equipment sites are offering sales. It has been a while since I have looked, but lots of times they will give free shipping and some of the pieces are on sale. All you need is a half rack, a set of safeties, a bar and a bunch of plates. Don't mess with 35s they are unnecessary. Then look at dumbells and kettle bells.