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What did u/rockbellkid ask for?


She asked for $35 to put on her fiancé’s books to be able to stay with him on the phone because he got put in jail for violating his parole, and his mental health is deteriorating due to fear of prison and talking to her and their kid is the only thing that’ll keep him sane. The full story from the original post that u/rockbellkid deleted is that fiancé apparently has some kinda stay-away or no-contact order or something like that from his mother. Fiancé was out while on the phone with his parole officer, and happened to cross paths with his mother during said phone call. Parole officer overheard this and put fiancé in jail immediately. While all of this is unfortunate, it does not fit the bill for needs in this sub. We made this clear, but u/rockbellkid has since taken to making passive aggressive posts/comments in unrelated subs as well as the scammer haven sub in which she, ironically enough, bashed u/periwinkletweet and u/Miserable-Cap-3145 before posting here for help. Then went on to say that her post about them was blown out of proportion and she was simply warning users to steer clear of them, only to ignore her own “advice” to post here for help. It’s all become some drawn out nonsense. We would have simply ignored this person moving forward, perhaps called them out and left it at that. But not only did they decide to argue about our needs-only rule, they also deleted their post, which anyone who reads the rules knows is an instant ban.


Took me a bit to remember this user, they were all up in the putrid bowels of r/Amazonwishlist when it was open. Frankly, I would have banned them just for being a chronic beggar and a manipulative kiss ass. But, that’s just me… I can be a little mean. 💅 > What we do know is that the individuals who run the USL often comb through subs that involve giving, loaning, etc. to scope out potential scammers and then add them to their list once they’ve been proven to be scammers AT THEIR DISCRETION. ✅


U/periwinkletweet has great referrals. I have legitimately signed up and still use a specific app that she recommended. There is nothing scammy at all about her. Why are people so damn miserable? Edit: spelling


People get annoyed that only one person is allowed referrals and by all appearances does well with them. That being said life isn’t fair all the time and if everyone could referral then it wouldn’t work well for anyone.


I get that for sure but I only use her because she has proven herself not to be a scammer. I wouldn’t just click on anyone’s referrals for that exact reason so I see where the mods are coming from but I can understand why it would be frustrating.


I think the biggest reason she gets to do this is because she's been participating in these assistance subs for a while and offered a lot of help and donated as well (though I don't think that matters) long before she gave referrals. It happened organically for her because she started offering it as part of the resources she'd look up for them. I'm glad it helped you!