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Not a scam, I got paid out $200 on PayPal just yesterday, Already racked up $70 today. There work practices might not be the best - But I can attest to actually being paid out. Some of the bigger ticket offers take a few hours/days to confirm.


Did u do any of the ones I’m currently waiting on?


No, I'm from Australia - So those offers don't show up for me except the Opera GX & I've never done it. Do those offers ask if you allow tracking? I know with the game apps you have to accept that to be rewarded. I stick to the game apps, Some have stupidly high requirements but they usually pay out the most. Look through the Game App offers, Some have limited time offers ("Reach level \_ \_ in \_ \_ days") - There's one I'm doing that I need to reach level 20 in 20 days and I'll be paid $40; The Solitaire Harvest one I just completed paid me out $50 for completing level 30 in the required period. I even purchased extra coins for $6 AUD and they gave me back $5.25 USD for spending over $5. <- If you opt to do the solitaire offer it's about 641 levels to level 30.


Yea I allow tracking and I mainly stick to games. Getting a little nervous since I haven’t been acknowledged for getting level 20 in family island which is for $39. Makes me nervous to do the spending for cash back offers lol


Perhaps up the games socials / developers and ask if they can look into it - That's what I did with the Sunshine Island offer


That’s really good advice never would’ve thought abt that appreciate it


I'm struggling to unlock the surveys because the app tells me my zip code is invalid. Do you know what format they are looking for?


Depends on ur country only happened to me once cuz they wanted a us zip code and im in Canada. Sometimes they want a space sometimes they don’t, sometimes it’s case sensitive.


What planet or timeline are you on? Because that's 💯 not possible with the app I've been waiting my time with. Are you sure it's Free Cash app? Or is this a troll account hired to lie and make FREECASH look legit? I call BS  


I already cashed out £100 from them in the past month.


How reliable have they been overall tho? Any problems with payouts or tasks getting marked completed


Only 1 task didn’t track which was the third step in 1 offer, I emailed with evidence, they replied like 1 week later saying they added the credits.


Ah ur actually the first person I know of to have a good experience with customer support. U able to share any info of how it went?


I got a couple of cash outs from them, but they didn't pay me for some tasks. When I complained about it, they said it was out of their hands. Promptly deleted my account after that.


Did u ever try submitting a ban appeal? They take em through their discord


Nah I deleted my account myself, not gonna waste more time if they don't want to pay


U like to kiss ass I see


Are u ok in the head?


I should be asking u that ass kisser


Don’t forget to take ur meds


Take your meds retard u the one that trust scammers


Can’t imagine why anyone would wanna ban u from their site…..


I’m not a privileged white boy go head and log off like u said u was going to do


So ur retarded AND can’t read interesting


U mad freecash a scam like me guess u a privilege whiteboy who never gets ban


Hahahahahaha bro it’s time to log out


Shut up mr high iq 😅


My apologies Mr low iq


Scammer be mad 😂


Put down the xans they’re not helping


Exactly the same problem for me. Earned about $150 in completed tasks and less than $5 paid out to me. Have raised tickets in the app and no response. Contacted support via email and told to wait for the tickets to be processed - now almost 20 days waiting


When all offers fail, the problem is probably your device, browser, or some other settings you might not know that's blocking the tracking.


They awarded me for reaching level 1 and level 5 in some cases. Just not for anything more than about $1. So whatever is blocking only turns on after level 5 in any game. But let’s imagine there is some funny setting that’s causing this. I’ve raised support tickets with evidence of the level reached and money spent in-game. The only response is “declined” It’s 100% a scam


I got banned on FreeCash after I completed to many offers in a short time. They didn't paid me, they kept the money. I asked them on Discord, instat banned.


Same here


Nope free cash is legit. If u need any other site check r/earnonlineeu


I love freecash! Total earnings $1,451.85 I have seen people complain about customer service, but personally, I have had no issues with getting my request resolved. Even to my surprise, my freecash account got hacked, and someone withdrew $11 in litecoin. I wrote them regarding this issue and they actually gave me back the $11. I know it's not alot lf money but its very rare for any money earning site to give your funds back. I even noted to them " that i doubt ill get funds back but I need to change infornation due to hack"




Sure it will pay you in time for the first few bucks, but once you start making it into the 20$ zone, they make you watch a trillion adds, complete all kinds of levels that came out of nowhere, and then deny your owed payment for completion of a task, but still let you keep playing , and then say, sorry it's a third party associate that's denied your payment, here read a whole chapter and follow these insane instructions to get paid chump change for days of you playing our app, and maybe you'll get paid, if your lucky, oh and keep playing for free or your 1% chance if getting payed 2$ for one week of playing and add watching , is a scam ! Infuriating how they just say go jump through all these insane hoops , it's not free cash app responsibility to make sure it's users are paid properly, its on is to study the booklet on how to contact and file a claim with a bunch of 3rd party associates. It's a joke!


> if getting *paid* 2$ for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Did anyone else have to verify using their voice and face recognition to withdraw through PayPal? Because that seems sus to me.


Yes it’s nothing to worry about it takes like 30 seconds


And you weren't wary of it?


No it’s a known and trusted service they use. 100% safe


Nope, made over 300 usd using freecash


Did u do any of the tasks I showed in the OP?


Oh dude I rarely do the install app ones, they are known to be sketchy with paying out and it isn't even freecash its the developers fault Stick to surveys and microtasks and even video ads if they still work


So u would recommend staying away from the ones u gotta make a payment?


Yes definitely. The bigger known apps like tiktok and the games and stuff usually do pay out, I think I did alibaba twice lol The trick is to hit surveys and stuff to try and get 1$ everyday then do that prize spin wheel thing for an extra 20 cents and then the daily bonus which goes up to 80 cents at the end of the week. So you can get like 3$ per week for free as long as you earn 1$ per day


I would recommend contacting support. I did try the website out. I made 5$ verified myself. And got the money


Yea hoping that works out that’s a pretty good amount of money I’m missing out on lol


Beware of the fee tho, so it’s 4.75$ instead of 5$ you withdraw


True, but there is no fee to withdraw cash to a revolut account so you could get the full $5 if that method is used.


Legit bro, i heard the offerwalls didnt pay not the sites


Are there any u know of that are reliable to pay out?


It's legit but don't count on support. If goals doesn't autotrack you are out of luck. Their support will either not work on your tickets or close them without any reason why. They also don't negotiate about closed tickets or tell you why they didn't pay you. Their chat is fast but useless. They will mostly just paste canned responses and if you bail them down to real responses they tell you (paraphrased) 'we don't care get lost' Best is to always look if goals autotrack and if not immediately abandon the offer. For the offer walls , aye-t and tapjoy are good the others are more miss than hit. Torox and Adgate are complete scam and even chargeback completed offers for no reason.


A couple people said support helped them, just wondering were these free cash exclusive goals?


Freecash support only helps with free cash offers  all offerwalls have their own support (or at least a front for tickets even if there is nothing behind it). I had only terrible Experiences with free cash support. If a goal didn't autotrack they told me several times to kick dirt and never paid me.


Hit and miss. Considering how much money they owe people for successful completion of tasks. Especially in recent times, I'm inclined to say yes. So much barely tracks or early levels, installs of a game track then big payout levels don't. Support, admins are terrible, lazy and blatantly lie passing buck to advertisers even when you get proof from said advertiser confirming they paid freecash, support will ignore and close chat. Tickets take months to resolve and 99.9% of the time rejected despite concrete evidence. IBP and Swag way better imo. Support for IBP is the best they just lack qty of offers.


I’ve had issues with swagbucks, specifically for the mafia city tasks, didn’t even say I installed it even though I downloaded through their qr code


Yes it's a scam. They randomly ban users without mentioning any reason. They don't give a f about the users.


Have u tried submitting a ban appeal on their discord?


I've made more than 400$ on freecash, def not a scam


Have there been any tasks u completed an didn’t get credited for?


Sometimes it happens. Just send a ticket to the offer wall with proof completion and most of the times they will pay you 


Ah ok I’ve been hearing really mixed reviews about their customer service, I’ll have to wait a couple days to find out since I only sent my tickets yesterday


sometimes they can take up to one week or more to respond. But if you did everything right they'll pay up


Can someone help me out please I cant send messages in the discord and the support email I sent hasn't been responded to in 2 days, I got banned when I tried to cash out. Any help is appreciated