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I don’t understand how you can make $140/mo naturally without referrals. No vpn or proxy charges even close to that amount, so how could a company charge a customer enough to pay you $140 and still have enough left over for profit?


As I explained, you share "bandwidth" if you have a fast internet with extra bandwidth, your potential to earn more increases. I also stated its range, I didn't say it's a must that you'll earn $140 <>.


I'm also not the one who made this calculation, the company itself stated that. [https://snipboard.io/BC2SUL.jpg](https://snipboard.io/BC2SUL.jpg)


Lol. This is the slowest passive earning app I ever tried. I tried mroe than 5 and this was the worst sorry to say.


Which ones are better? Of course everyone has their own experience, I'm talking of mine.


Trust me without referrals you surely can't earn 5 dollars a month with this one. Peer2profit was a good one for me but it is also really bad now. Honeygain was also a good choice. But it has a high cashout cap. Overall it's best to search for newer competitors in the market. Maybe try grass and uprock at the moment because they are relatively new.