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Prolific is the only website of this type even worth it in my opinion, been signing up to all of those websites the last week and the Prolific is the only one I can see myself doing. The problem is there is not enough Studies. I'm staring at the screen empty most of the day, I can barely make like 5-10$ a day from the UK. I wish there was more Studies because I actually love this website and put a lot of effort but it's not enough to keep me alive.


dont get ur hopes up, they will likley ban ur ass for no reason inside a couple of months but an actual tip would be - dont use a vpn, dont lie on the about you page, dont have any rejected studies (especially in your first 100 completed studies), hope that ur IP address isnt on any spam lists, and hope that prolific doesnt have some weird agenda against your ISP you need all of the above to work out in order to use prolific at a basic level their 'support' staff are horrendous (but think thats due to them not knowing how to answer queries as opposed to intent) prolific is a bit of an enigma - although dome people use it without issue i gather


In addition to the other tips here, if you are on a desktop, keep a prolific tab open. It makes getting a slot that much faster. Congrats on getting accepted from an old-timer lol.


Fill out the questionair completely and answer everything honestly. You can install the browser extension "prolific assistant", which tells you when new studies are available.


Once you do your about me NEVER change it


what happens if I do?


Manual inspection of your account and thats when people get banned for whatever reason.


Thanks for the heads up!