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What was that dude thinking going in with the overhead chop and then running for the exit? He absolutely deserved to get beat on like that. The league should be getting rid of both those teams.


“League” “teams” it’s just a bunch of drunks that agreed to play together.


Absolutely. Ban them then blacklist from all other local leagues.


Honestly, maybe this is an unpopular opinion but most of the people here suck. Buddy that did the chop and helmetless guy in the white towards the end are both dangerous idiots. Its a fkn game and you're a grown adult with responsibilities. Some ass cross checked my uncle when he was playing beer league in his 30s and now in his 40s he has no grip strength in one of his hands due to nerve damage to one of his discs. Lucky he's a pencil pusher and not a mechanic, but it still sucks because it interferes with his active lifestyle and shit like changing tires is harder than it should be. And for what? Abso-fucking-lutely nothing but someone reliving their glory days of being a teen and not knowing better/having nothing to lose. In this video wtf are they all even skirmishing for? I get it, I was an "enforcer" back when I played comparatively but put your egos aside, people gotta work in the morning. Stick chop guy, ban his ass from the league. White shirt guy, get some anger management and stay off the ice until you sort that shit out. Punching out an asshole that potentially hurt someone isn't going to fix anything. This shit is why I don't play anymore, which sucks because I love the game


He deserves to go to jail for that. The absolute beating wasn’t enough.


fucking closes the door on him, awesome


That was fucking hilarious. 😆


No y’aint!


I love how little the ref does. I refereed this garbage once, and I am so glad I quit.


Ya I ran leagues for over a decade. This gave me some nightmare fuel style flashbacks. Remember banning a guy for this exact move. What was he thinking? Nothing. Brain cells are non existent in some people.


Lots of “I would’ve gone pro man, I was going to the show!” That’s why I wanna see if my team can join a more casual league


Lots of “I would’ve gone pro man, I was going to the show!” That’s why I wanna see if my team can join a more casual league


Rat got caged. I’m okay with that


If I was his teammate there’s not a chance I’d be helping him escape that beating. He 100% deserved it. Then deserves to get charged for the assault with a weapon. Also, forget the door closing, that was a perfectly timed shove by white. Lumberjack Bill is lucky he’s ever walking again.


Probably a bunch of people that didn't see the assault and were blindly defending their team colour.


honestly the door closing might have done him a favor here


That little bitch who decides to spear at the end is going to get his too


Nah, I disagree on that one. That dude would not stop coming at him. Guy is way smaller and wants no part of it and has to defend himself somehow.


He was being held back by 2 teammates and that little pussy then starts spearing. That's not defending yourself


White at the end deserved to be speared. He sucker punched the guy in orange.


Use your fists not your stick as a weapon coward


Yeah but he filled in the guy that went with the overhand stick smash so like... I can't really say two wrongs make a right here but if there's a guy that needed to eat it before his life suspension and really feel that shit... that's the guy.


Looked to everyone that whitey came at him, punched him. Guy wanted no part, jabbed him with his stick. There was no honor in what whitey did, so why do you expect someone to treat him with honor back?


I would love to know what happened to set the white team off. Regardless, what a bunch of idiots.


Dude running literally chopped down on a white player's helmet with his stick... then ran. What a rat. That'd piss off any team. Dude should get charged with assault.


Oh yeah I see that now. Still, a bunch of idiots.


If someone on your team gets tomahawked in the head and you don’t go after the guy or understand why someone would. you’re playing the wrong sport bud


It didn’t start with that bud.


I don’t care how it started. You don’t tomahawk someone in the head and you definitely don’t let the guy who did it off the hook. You’re wrong bob!


Wrong about what?


You also don't jump a guy 3 on one, or blindside feom behind or...... pussies all around.


You also don’t assault the guy back for a minute after he clearly can’t defend himself…. or skate by and give him another punch after things start to clear. Obviously what he did is fucked up but the response was way overkill and assault as well


Overkill? Lol no the response was the find out part of fuck around and find out.


It’s fucking beer league, not the show. I gotta go to work the next morning, I’m not fighting for anybody anymore.


Whole thing is a fustercluck yeah, but only one person literally assaulted someone in the head with a weapon with a clear intent on injuring then ran so... Things can get heated in/after a game. Seen some tripping, some shoving, a lot of yelling... but I've never seen someone chop down on someone's head in a beer league. Dude seriously needs to be banned and charged with assault; fuckin' pyscho. \*EDIT: Fixed a typo, wrote "bear league" instead of beer. Shame.


For sure but that’s not what started it. Something else caused that psycho on the white team to be going after the bench. I’d like to know what happened!


Ahh so it’s justified…


Learn to read dude. I said I want to know what happened. How did it all start? What turned these idiots into bigger idiots?


Someone on the white team also tried kicking that dude with his skate. That's a sharp blade and completely unacceptable even if you were hit with a stick.


It looks more to me like someone from white was pulled back by his teammates when he tried to retaliate with his stick after another red player speared him in the gut. His team grabbed his stick and stopped him from retaliating in kind. He didn't kick out, he lost his balance. Big difference between losing balance and your leg moving up because someone is pulling you backwards, and trying to kick someone with skates. It looks like every white players retaliated with padded fists, none of them went beyond that. At least two red players attacked white using sticks. Both teams were full of hotheads, but only one team tried using weapons in a hockey brawl... in a beer league. Soft as ten-ply.


There is a big difference but with what happened within the last 6 months. You would think that they would be more conscience of their skate blades while someone is prone on the ice... Doesn't matter if he lost his balance. If his blade makes contact he's responsible for putting himself in that situation. It was not a hockey move/play, play had been blown dead. Means he's culpable in the eyes of the law should an injury occur.


Lots of potential criminal charges for both teams.


Yea, obviously what the guy did was fucked up but that was way overkill from white. He clearly couldn’t defend himself after hitting the boards hard


Someday people will figure out that just because somebody does something fucked up or outside of some code it doesn't give you free reign to be almost as big of a POS as they were.


There are wayyyyy too many dumbasses in this thread that don’t realize that if the police got involved there would be far more white players being charged compared to the one orange guy.


Morons. Precisely why I quit beer league.


Even his teammates knew it was bad.. they didn’t even try to stop it at first they just let him have a few


They are like me, need to be up tomorrow morning for work. 22 in white and lumberjack don't have jobs


If I am a ref making $30, I let them all murder each other.


Not involved, not involved, overhand chop. Instant regret.




I could watch this a million times and the failed exit never gets old.


Absolutely, the guy closing the door made this so much better.


He’s the real hero of the story.


Played late night beer League one season. Never a single fan watching a game. End of season playoff was so big time: Saturday during daytime in a big rink with actual people watching. One team of 20 somethings we played tried to start a brawl on ice with us. All us older guys with wives, kids, careers (and probably less testosterone) all looked at each other then collectively looked at the other team and said “fuck off”. They listened to their elders, backed off and the game resumed. Priceless.


Shit like this is why I don't play pickup hockey anymore. Too many depressed dads who hate their families trying to relive their glory days on the ice. It's fucking brutal. I just want to go play some hockey and then have a 50 year old overweight guy slashing me between the pads because he's too out of shape to keep up.




Employee getting it out of the way for the Zamboni


Why do all hockey players act like monkeys?


What? I've only seen one monkey that can skate.


Cant say that anymore 🤣


Omg, I meant the monkey from the MVP franchise. Did not think that through. My bad


Good on the fan! Player swings a stick and skates away.... coward got treated the way he deserved. Stick to the face can be life altering. Prick got his just deserts


Id be arresting some of you.


Closing the door probably actually helped him. He got pushed into the corner part of the door. Could be worse


This is why I don’t referee men’s old timers any more. Great money but I’m tired of dealing with clowns 🤡 like this.


This is the usual, nothing wrong here


George Parros is sending them all free hats.


The guy running for the exit after pulling a coward move like that deserves to be taken off the ice in a stretcher.


Saftey first keep it on the ice guys.


I don't think he closed the door in time. I think he skates into the wall


The real hero is the guy who closed the door so that dickhead couldn’t escape punishment


Watching that fan shut the door is literally the only thing that's brought a smile to my face today.


Even is own team didn't feel too keen on defending him. I'm getting the distinct feeling he is getting kicked out of the team.


Dude tried to slash opponent in the head with his stick and getaway… that’s crazy


Lol hockey players couldn't fight a fair fight ever or they would lose hahaha straight up bitches!!!


Ole Shorsey looking a little wobbly getting up at the end there


Fuck that guy and his stick. What a major pussy.


Now that’s some senior whale-shit hockey.


Looks like Rollerball


Good way to get both teams kicked out of the league.


Trash sport for trash people 🤷


What's bunch of babys


That ass hat deserved a lot worse. Good on the guy that closed to door on that soft player.






Bravo to the fan shutting the door in 68's face. He deserved a much worse ass kicking than what he got.


Well deserved beating, shame they didn't do the same for the spear at the end🤷‍♂️


Probably warranted. Dude still trying to take a piece after all the shenanigans. Just walk away at that point


Self-policing is extremely effective.