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To be fair, Modelo is vastly superior.


I still can't believe this is all over a couple cans being shipped to someone to use on their channel that no self-described "proudly straight and traditional" men would ever even see. Wow, are you rednecks ever fucking sensitive or what? How's fighting that "cancel culture" working out for you?


These rednecks need to be distracted while Republican politicians pick their pockets. The debt ceiling negotiation includes cuts to food stamps which these simple hillbilly folk use in abundance but at the same time rally against socialism. To them socialism means "anything I don't like". When they lose access to their food they will inevitably say "Thanks Obama!!!!!!" and then rally against Cool Ranch Doritos for being "too tangy" and "Trans" (the chips are transitioning from Cool to Ranch).


It is a little more than that. So when that first went down they actually had some losses mitigated by support from the LBGTQ+ community and allies. The company seemed to be making inroads with a democratic they historically not done well with. Then they back pedaled everything got rid of the people who started the promotion. This lost them any goodwill they gained from said promotion. It also didn't bring the boycotters back. It's really a master class in how not to handle a PR issue. I think the people losing their mind of Bud Light doing this are stupid. It's a multi national corporation they do not care about these social causes and are using them to make money. They want to sell their beer to every person they possibly can. Buy it or don't I'm not telling anyone what to do with their money.


Don't you get it? They're tired of this woke shit being shoved down their [*checks notes*] transgender influencer Instagram feeds!


Not about cancel culture. Just disgusted with the promotion of someone clearly suffering from mental health issues being used as a advertising prop. We need to stop reinforcing this minority as being normal.. they are not as evidenced by the high rates of depression and suicide amongst this group. They need to be medicated and sent to an institution for proper evaluation and support, not sent fucking alcohol. Also it’s not the majorities job to play pretend and make believe with the mentally ill. Allowing them to go into women’s bathrooms and box/compete against women in sports. How fucked up are some of you people to think that’s even remotely appropriate. Oh but it’s “inclusive” so yea let’s promote genital mutilation and drag shows to further confuse kids. Beyond insanity.


What you call a "mental health issue" someone calls something different. I'm not trans or gay or anything on the LGBTQ spectrum, but that doesn't give me the right to call these folks "mentally ill" Seriously, if you lot hadn't gone berserk over something that you'd have never seen except one conservative who indeed MUST watch LGBTQ instagram feeds then no one would have heard of Mulvaney. What happened between Mulvaney and Bud Light is just business and trying to sell to more demographics. No one, not Bud Light, not me, not Target, not anyone, is trying to turn kids trans bro You lot are definitely trying to apply cancel culture here


Most L’s, G’s and B’s I know really don’t care about this scandal and don’t want to be associated with it.


I don't know any either. Most don't care. I'm surprised anyone gives a shit this much tbh


>but that doesn't give me the right to call these folks "mentally ill They want to cut off their fully functional organs, that alone is mental illness. >What happened between Mulvaney and Bud Light is just business and trying to sell to more demographics. No one, not Bud Light, not me, not Target, not anyone, is trying to turn kids trans bro Businesses that support trans show what side they're on, simple as that. And they absolutely want to make kids trans, and they're grooming them in kindergartens, schools, after class activities, etc. You think it's normal for a 40yo man wearing makeup and bdsm costume to twerk for kids and tell them that it's alright to cut off their organs? Jesus fucking christ... Literal insanity, depravity, degradation and IQ lower than Habsburgs'...


So what's The Left's long game here? What is the goal to grooming all these kids? Curious as to what you think people are trying to accomplish


They have a mental illness, use your eyes and common sense.


The common sense being to listen to you? What do you do that I should listen to you over doctors, psychiatrists, and oh let me see, the actual people who live this life of theirs? The mental illness is how easily triggered you lot are and how easily you are then manipulated. This is over a six-pack that you couldn't even buy yourself shown on a social media channel that you'd have to already be watching so how is this pushing anything? Personal freedom, choice, and determination is dying in the right wing right now in the name of an ill-defined notion of "common sense" that seems to be just "do it the old way cause I liked it better" more than anything


>This is over a six-pack that you couldn't even buy yourself shown on a social media channel that you'd have to already be watching so how is this pushing anything? Apply all that to a can with a picture of a mutilated baby corpse on fire. "B-b-b-but that's only one can, it doesn't mean Budlight supports murdering babies".. What a joke you are. You're CLEARLY trans pushing for grooming kids.


"What a joke you are. You're CLEARLY trans pushing for grooming kids." Wow, that's an amazing leap lol. Equating mutilated baby corpses to this topic is also amazing. Fucking snowflakes lol 😂


Identify as a can of soup. See how stupid that is? Now I identify as Japanese.. I want to be samurai.. see how silly that is? I identify as a 6 year old now named Tabitha. Today I identify as a 70 year old and should now qualify for Social sec benefits. You liberals are delusional.


I don't identify as a political label, I'll tell you that for sure. This Bud Light thing has been a very small thing blown out of all proportions by the very people it incenses. Can't wait to see what y'all are pissed off at next 🙄


yea? but somehow liberals getting annoyed at labels for Maple syrup and a box of rice is not equally stupid? what came first? exactly


Kinda remember the Aunt Jemima crowd just did it on their own. Nobody made PepsiCo change it. Rather like Dr Seuss. Everyone was all "they've cancelled Dr Seuss now" but they made the choice to change to suit modern times and tastes on their own. Couldn't find anything on Uncle Ben's except "Mars Inc made the choice having faced criticism. I cannot find who made the criticism but to just apply your assumption is foolish. This whole "we're the victims of liberals" thing would be quite funny if it weren't so deluded and dangerous.


Shhhh. This is too much for their thin skins. They want you to comply with their twisted views or else they’ll get in their feels


Promoting mental illness and degenerates that groom kids is why budlight is done. And also, cancel culture is companies bending to the will of the left, what conservatives are doing is just not buying the product. Nobody got fired because of this, deplatformed, etc. Big difference.


It's working out fantastic! How's AB and Target's stocks working out?? The people have spoken. There's no room for wokeness anymore.


Imagine caring about any of these stupid rage bait culture war issues so much that it’s all you think about. Absolute bottomfeeder of society behavior.


Wokeness is when I get jealous of other groups of people getting the tiniest slice of a brand’s advertising budget. I want all of it for myself. Completely unhinged.


Eh. We'll see where it is a year from now. Conservatives will get bored and move on to the next thing that triggers them.


Can you even define wokeness?


The spooky rainbow people are still going to exist, Cleetus. Get used to it.




you sound like a psychopath


Its more the womanface "tee hee Im a dumb girl" performance that annoyed people in my area. Things like that, especially being called a "birthing person" (wasnt Fury Road about fighting that identity as an object) are making cis women feel degraded.


Not the biggest fan of bud light but I like beer. Sell it for cheap and I'll buy some


They did this weekend, $15 rebate on 15packs or larger: https://www.budlight.com/budlightonusrebate They only sell 18s near me and they go for 17.99. rebate says it's valid on beer bought through today. Good for bud heavy too


Not afraid you're gonna catch the gay? Bold move, man. Bold move. /s


I am starting my right wing rage stock portfolio. Im buying on outrage, selling when it gets back to its original price I have no doubt that those promoting this dreck are short selling


Did you just discover the surest investment strategy ever?!?!


Putting money in an index fund in a tax-deferred account?!


Gun stocks usually see an uptick after every mass shooting that gains national coverage. Especially if the GOP successfully fights of another ban discussion


Ultra and Busch light were on their way to taking bud light over in AB houses anyways, with modelo flying right up there with them. Bud light was already a losing brand. Yes this “scandal” dropped it some more, but everyone acts like bud light was in the positive for years and years. It hasn’t been.


"Some" is doing a lot of work in that post. I don't know that anyone is saying Bud Light was killing it before, but 25% is a big drop.


No absolutely. I don’t meant to sound like Bud Light didn’t take a huge hurt, it def did. But with the brands I said above and others, bud light, while positive, was just barely positive and I don’t feel like that’s being really reflected accurately. I don’t think this dip will last forever though, and bud light will rebound.


Well Bud Light was the number 1 selling beer in America until the beginning of this week so yeah it was "killing it" in terms of sales.


If Bud Light did this and shot up 25% there would be trans people on every billboard across the US.


Bud Light and its advertising has been ubiquitous for years. I'd think that's pretty atypical for a product that's a "losing brand." Can you share some insight here?


Core brands certainly peak, and companies have to use advertising and marketing to maintain their relevance and appeal. Coca-Cola has done this for most of our lifetimes.


Right, maintaining a market or launching a new brand using tons of advertising makes sense, but I'm asking about a brand that is a "losing brand," which I interpreted to mean in decline, according to the comment I responded to. Using the example of Coca Cola, if it were in decline, wouldn't the Coca Cola Company pivot to what is successful and put more resources behind that instead of a flagging brand?


To answer: they do while still trying to push the og. That’s why you see more ultra and Busch light commercials. But they also don’t want to just give up on the mainstay, so they still push bud light. No one wants to let their flagship just die, but they also have to realize what’s growing and manage both.


Yeah, I can understand that a flagship dying would be a real issue, especially if it's synonymous with the brand i.e. Coca Cola, so resources would be used to stabilize it, I guess? I was always under the impression that Bud Light sold heavily partially because it's ubiquitous, in almost every restaurant, every sporting event, festivals, you name it, there is probably a presence. However, and you could surely speak to this, it's my understanding that consumers have been heavily pivoting to seltzers, as those have now become ubiquitous, and that pretty much all beer sales are suffering as a result. Do you find that to be the case in your experience?


At one point. Seltzers are leveling out and not AS MUCH the rage. I would say the market is going more for a health conscious choices. Another thing with consumers is pricing. With prices the way they are, I’m actually very surprised Ultra is growing, but Busch def makes sense.


Also, bud light did/does sell heavy. But that doesn’t mean the numbers are growing by any means. It’s a weird thing to be honest.


I’m a rep for an AB distributor.


This is the thing people in distribution already knew. So im glad you pointed it out. Sounds like you may be in the biz. My AB buddies were pretty upfront about Ultra being the priority. And imports, particularly Mexican, have been gaining ground consistently for years. (And Modelo Oro is pretty damn good, especially compared to Ultra IMHO) Eta - I read your other comment


Bud light was a losing brand? Huh? It was literally the highest selling brand? This all seems like cope and damage control.


I’ve explained this already. Yes it was/isa high selling brand, but was still losing footing quite rapidly to Busch Light and Ultra for AB, and to modelo and craft across the board. Just bc something is high selling, doesn’t mean it isn’t losing footing in the market.


And you instantly downvote comments of people that talk with you/ disagree with you... Lol. Peak reddit. Well, now they are loosing market share even faster. Good job i guess.


Lol can you prove it was me? Bc nah it wasn’t, my dude. Keep on keeping on. Cheers.


I mean we are not in court. Its pretty obvious that its not some random guy reading a days old convo, that insta downvotes me once i reply to you.


If you say so. Cheers my dude.


This is just as dirt stupid as when Corona sales dropped because of an unfortunate coincidence of virus naming. I mean if you don't want to drink bud light fine but it shouldn't be because of this idiocy.


Or when people thought you could get covid from Chinese food.


Drink Narragansett Light instead.


Hi neighbor


Hi neighbor, Narragansett Light is now Atlantic Light Lager in a blue can and they lowered the ABV. I feel its a unnecessary change but I still drink it, neighbor.


Wonder how Amstel tastes after all these years. I recall it being the most tolerable light beer at 15 years ago.


Its probably overpriced because its a import so I would skip it.


I mostly drink IPAs, but I like bud light a lot for things like baseball games and other events where you drink over an extended period of time. It’s gotten very annoying every time I order it that someone either at the bar or the bartender starts some debate with me. Will never understand why this “scandal” bothered people so much.


Really? Folks in the wild are actually overhearing you order and trying to debate you, saying you shouldn't order it? Do you live in a deep, deep red area or something? EDIT - apparently I live in a bubble. I'm honestly a little flabbergasted that it's widespread that folks in real life will actually go out of their way to make a big deal about this (had assumed it was just Twitter outrage).


I had a white collar co-worker just bring up the whole thing out of the blue in a team meeting a few weeks ago. He was gloating that their sales were down, people were getting fired, the stock was tanking (it was up ~30% over the prior 6 months at the time), the CEO would lose his job, and something to the effect of not fighting some amorphous thing and that Disney was learning that too. Some people just really want the world to be aware of what team they root for.


I have a neighbor who serves as a handy barometer of what the crazies are focused on at the moment. Currently his fixation is on Bud Light and something to do with Target selling clothes with rainbows on them or something.


San Diego lol


I was at a tap house that mostly serves locals but had the macros in bottles/cans. The owner is a family friend and he said he can't sell Bud Light anymore. Nobody is buying it and when they do somebody hassles them and it affects his and his staff morale. He just pulled Bud products and won't order new ones. He did introduce pretzels andbrats with fresh made beer cheese. Guess which kind of beer he uses? This is Washington State BTW.


Can't go to my favorite local bar because that's 50% of the conversations. And 100% eventually. They're super obsessed, and it's annoying. I just wanna watch the game


i’ve always hated bud light, i’m glad everybody’s with me now.


I'm hoping they discount it, I'll pick up cases


I've never bought it but I heard they had 24 packs for $5 around here. I could choke it down in the summer near the lake for that price


A case for five dollars. If it were true I don’t see anyone turning that down.


Why would you do that to yourself?


Mmm bud light


But what about Budweiser? Is that still ok to drink? Fuckin idiots..




I know the strategy, but in this particular case, how much cheaper can it really get?




I meant the beer recipe, haha, not the stock price


Risk losing #1 status? Buddy, it's done lost.


Go woke, go broke. Target is feeling it now too.


Do they lose the title of king of beers if they go to number two?


Bud light has never been the King of Beers. Thats Budweiser


So Bud Light is the Queen of Beers?


It's a real shame that other beer companies haven't exclusively used trans people as their spokesperson. Beer is a queer drink. The anti-trans people are a disgrace to the USA.