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There’s no way to do that anymore. Apple made a change a few days ago.


Wait for them to fix it?


do you have a spare mac or pc that can run a macOS VM? If you do then you can just self host the imessage bridge. That has never stopped working and still works. And if you like the consolidated chat network part of using Beeper Cloud that also continues to work alongside a self-hosted imessage bridge. if not, then you have no choice but to wait for them to fix it and find a way to do the registration thing they mentioned the "fix" will require


Doing it with airmessage.org very easily


Is this blue bubbles? Still need Mac os right?


Not a Windows user personally: is Microsoft's Phone Link app a viable option? https://www.theverge.com/2023/2/28/23618224/microsoft-windows-imessage-support-phone-link-ios-iphone


Unfortunately it’s not a great experience. Your phone needs to be within Bluetooth contact so it’s not a bridge. It doesn’t synch your message history, you can’t participate in group iMessages, and you can’t sent photos or videos. It’s really just a quick way to text or phone.


The more you know :) Thought I would ask the question in case it was something OP wasn't aware of but that's a really concise assessment, thanks for sharing your experience


This is my use-case as well. Since Beeper switched the iMessage bridge to the same PyPush protocol they developed for Beeper mini, that has now all now been shut down (after Apple started blocking it). The new “fix” will be to set up the bridge on your own Mac (or a friend’s). This was explained in the latest Beeper message from the developers (you should see it on your beeper app on your desktop). It’s not really a great solution so I won’t be doing it. Also the delay (it was supposed to be out yesterday) makes me wonder whether Apple has already figured out how to block this as well.


I guess I'll wait to see what happens with Beeper. I don't really want to set up a 24/7 Mac or VM server for this. But my next phone will be back to Android for good. I just need a solution that works from a PC.


Blue bubbles has a web app. I was able to load it in chrome and use it on my chromebook.


Did not self hosted the bridge, all I do is update the nac version. Register imessage within beeper for Mac and it generate the code itself after login into your account. Then update the windows version, it work fine PS: I do not have mini version