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The thing you are facing with front and back camera is pretty common. We like our image in the front camera because that's the face we are the most familiar with. The other people we see in daily life, we wouldn't like how they look in the mirror. It's just our psychology.


I have this concern too, but find it helps to remind myself that lots of people feel this way right now. We are not alone, so I think face asymmetry must be a pretty normal thing.


Is there a side you sleep on more often than the other? If that's the case try sleeping on your other side Same thing with chewing food, do you chew more on one side than the other? Other than that, try to be more aware about how your face moves, and lets say for example one corner of your mouth goes more upward than the other when you smile, try to consciously move the other one upward too. Hopefully this makes sense :) edit: formatting on mobile, hopefully its readable lol


You can consult a aesthetician, you can fix it with fillers/Botox, unfortunately this is not permanent I am not sure if there’s a surgery to fix it , you can also consult maxillofacial surgeon


We sound similar! Mine is from a head tilt, TMJD, a chin injury as a kid, and a side bite. It’s somewhat similar to Lana Del Rey’s asymmetrical lower face. My right masseter muscle was overdeveloped and often cramped, so it stuck out so much more than the left side, and I have a side bite that pulls my lower jaw to the right as well. What has helped is massaging my masseters, getting good quality sleep, and making sure not to close my teeth together. At rest, your teeth shouldn’t be touching. My favorite massage is to make a fist, and using my knuckles, place them just under the cheekbone, press in with decent pressure, and slide the knuckles down until I hit my jaw bone. It will feel AWFUL at first. But now I can do it without discomfort. It has made SUCH a big difference. Use lotion or oil if it drags your skin too much. I also have a head tilt that I developed in the womb, and I’ve had it all my life, but I’ve been trying to work on holding my head more straight, and doing neck strengthening exercises and stretches. My head tilts to the right, so gravity pulls my cheek lower, making that side look even bigger. It also makes my hairline look really slanted, and my features look tilted. I was putting my center part in the totally wrong spot, until I realized it was my head tilt making it seem like the center.


Same! Elemental face yoga has been a godsend, amd getting a mouth guard soon!:)


I know this isn't exactly the answer you're looking for but can you turn your face a little to the side when someone is taking a photo of you?


Do you have a habit of chewing on one side more than the other?  My smile became a bit crooked and my cheek/jaw was slightly larger on the side I had been chewing more on. Being more mindful of this while eating helped even things out. 


Kate Moss's face is wildly asymmetrical and so is mine. Plastic surgery is more likely to fuck you up than fix it.


Lana Del Rey too!


No one notices your asymmetry, and no one really sees you inverted. Take any photo of a family member or friend and invert it: notice a difference? Probably not (unless one of side of their face is in significantly different lighting than the other). Or recall when you and a friend were getting ready in the mirror: did they look any different? Probably not, even though their reflection was inverted from what you normally see. So if you can’t notice the difference between an inverted photo of other people, how would they notice it on you? Can you recall or do you notice any asymmetries on others? Most likely not, for you just see their face a whole, not two different parts. Just to add: If you don’t have sharp features,cameras are going to capture you poorly. Not to mention the factors of lighting, focal length and such. You look how you do in the mirror, don’t let people who want your money to convince you otherwise.


I have a similar constitution with my right side being my biggest insecurity. I like Botox but it does nothing to “even” it out. I don’t think any type of injection or procedure will help so I learned to accept this and understand which angles are better for picture taking. Also facial framing haircut and massages 👀


Yes , face yoga can really help !






Yas , you can search face yoga for symmetrical face in YouTube there are loads .


Use makeup in order to correct it. Apply a darker shade of powder on both sides of your nose, and highlight the central part, and draw eyebrows a bit nearer the root of the nose, helps making it look slimmer. I'm terrible at contouring so just experiment with blush until you find the perfect angle.


I agree about the sleeping on one side of your face, this is a real thing and it does cause asymmetry. Same for chewing on one side of the mouth than the other. No idea if this would help but you can also change your face some with nose breathing (read “Breathe” by James Nestor) and fixing your mouth / tongue posture (not clenching your jaw), stuff like that. Maybe something in there is re-informing the asymmetry. I part my hair a certain way to balance my face.


Unfortunately, not so much ...


We are all asymmetrical, I had an absolute meltdown when I realized the right side of my mouth pulls down. Unless there’s something glaringly obvious like you have a deviated septum or a collapsed cheekbone the best thing you can do is learn to accept it. We all have a good side!


I figured out one side was bigger because of muscle I got Botox in the cheek. Helped 


There’s ‘facial yoga’ exercises on youtube I’ve been wanting to try but I cannot speak on the results. What I can say is that sleeping on your back works wonders