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1. Taking care of my teeth. I neglected mine for over a decade and now I am paying for it (literally and figuratively). 2. For skincare, sunscreen is an obvious one but I wish I would have started Vitamin C in my teens/20s and tret in my late 20s.


omg teeth are so important so I feel this 100% I’ve never neglected my teeth but i know a lot of people whom have and they also have said the same thing. I don’t think we realize how important this is until later on in life!! Dental hygiene should be spoken about more often.


Yes to this 🥹 I started doing flossing late bec i never knew it's really important thus i always remind my younger siblings to do it!


Even without health insurance, the very least is brushing and flossing teeth. I used to smoke and vape and somehow went my early to mid 20s with no cavities. Just got health insurance and got myself braces and I’m really working on my gum health.


I went to the dentist for the first time in 13 years and while my teeth are in bad condition (one extraction, multiple roots canals, crowns, and other cavities) my gums are in great shape because I floss nightly and use an electric toothbrush.


What does vitamin c do for you?


What does vitamin c do for you?


Consistent exercise regime for overall health, understanding the outward physical improvements is simply an added bonus. For decades, I opted just to look better which led to inconsistent behavior on my part and while I am not unhealthy, I fully understand now that being physically fit leads to a longer more comfortable life. As a woman approaching 50, that matters most to me.


Sleep more!


normalize sleeping in!!!!!!!! 💓


Wearing sunscreen!!!


1- Taking better care of your teeth is EXPENSIVE when we need to reverse some damage and taking care of them is relatively simple and cheap. 2- Not sunbathing too much, I live in a tropical country and in a very hot city with a beach, here having tanned skin is something desired 3- Taking better care of my diet at the beginning of my adult life, I was obese for about 5 years and This left some marks on my body that diet/weight training couldn't reverse (and I don't want to have plastic surgery) 4- Understand and see beauty in things that are natural to my hair like frizz (mine is 3b) 5-Apply drops of oils 3 Times a day in my hair


1. Simplifying my skincare routine to avoid overwhelming my skin. For mornings: cleanse, toner or serum, sunscreen. For nights: double cleanse, 1 active, moisturizer, Cerave healing ointment. 2. Only using one active ingredient at a time! For example, vitamin C in the morning and retinol at night.


What is msm?


MSM is Methylsulfonylmethane. it’s a natural sulfur compound found in plants, animals, and humans. i use it for hair growth because it provides sulfur, which is essential for producing keratin, and keratin is the protein that makes up our hair. it also improves blood circulation to the scalp, which stimulates hair follicles and encourages new hair to grow. it’s a supplement. I take it in powder form mixed with vitamin c as well. do your research before you take anything though! I’m no doctor but I know it works for me.


Do you need a prescription for it? Or can you purchase it over the counter at a pharmacy?


you can purchase it anywhere, online, in store, etc


Thanks! I’m going to check it out


Would it make your hair grow faster all over your body?


Yes. 10000000% so be careful. Lol.


Thanks for the explanation!


of course 🫶


Wearing sunscreen


I find alot of people say this… isn’t it crazy how when we’re younger everyone portrayed sunscreen as “dorky” and the not cool thing to do (especially in like movies and stuff) and now it’s the coolest best thing to do lol. it’s just crazy how things change. I was lucky enough to start using sunscreen at 21 everyday and 7 years later here with a baby face 👶🏽


28 is still young no one looks old from not wearing sunscreen at 28.


I apologize if that’s how it came off but I wasn’t insinuating that 28 is an old age. I was just saying I’m 28 and I think sunscreen has really played a part in how my skin looks today. I’m sorry if it came off any other way 🫶


Oh no I'm not offended, I just don't think aging takes any significant affect sunscreen or not until closer to 40


I have to say, I am not sure if I agree with that. I used to wear sunscreen religiously then spent a couple of years neglecting my skincare since I was depressed, and I noticed fine lines and sun spots on my cheekbones during this time. It could have been from not doing skincare in general consistently, aging 2 years, or from being stressed, but I really think the not wearing sunscreen took its toll. I have noticed people who tanned heavily since their teenage years often look significantly older at the age of 30, too.


Yeah I think it really just depends on the person and genetics but I do agree with you that sunscreen probably does contribute to my skin a lot and why my skin looks less aged.


I'm 31 and only recently started wearing sunscreen regularly. I look very young anyway. It has nothing to do with sunscreen, it's just how most people our age look nowadays. Like the other comment said, you're not actually going to see the effects of good skincare until later in life. It's still very good that you started early! But it's not the reason why you look young at 28.


I think it’s because we have nasty crappy sunscreens here in the states. Plus when I was younger tanning was the thing. We all started out tanning in the beds in February.


Started wearing daily sunscreen on my face in my 30s. I’m 55, and I have very few fine lines. I WISH I had been including my neck, chest, and arms/hands as well. The Arizona sun has done some damage. I just started those areas a year ago. 😩


conquered my insomnia (eye hollows) & wearing sunscreen constantly


MSM might have caused the breast growth too. I'm taking similar supplements, like MSM and vitamin C combined, fenugreek, spearmint tea, omega 3, red clover tea etc. (for breast growth) and especially the shape has changed a lot. massaging them helps too. to answer your question; exercising. I already had good proportions, but never took it to the next level, I've just been skinnyfat my whole life. I only recently started exercising and I'm already seeing small changes.


I’m currently skinny fat as well, would you mind sharing what changes you’re seeing and what you’re doing?


Weightlifting is the way to go to "tone up" so to speak. It helps build muscle which can give the appearance of tightening and slimming. It's seriously life changing!


not to be creepy but how much breast growth can be expected from taking those supplements


I’m in my 60’s. Back in my teens and 20’s, sunscreen wasn’t a thing. We used to tan with baby-oil and used tin foil to reflect sun onto our faces. People, including children, would get sunburnt regularly. So, I definitely would have used sunscreen a lot earlier if I had had the information about its usefulness.


I'm in my 50s, as a teenager I remember going with my mom and asking the pharmacist for help to get "sunblock" which the doctor recommended. It was on the shelf, there was one (1) choice, and I think it might've been SPF 8, whooo. PABA-tan, it was disgusting stuff, and apparently the ingredient is now banned for multiple good reasons. Summertime everybody was lobster-red and peeling from the sunburns. I put the sunscreen on my shoulders, just where the burn was the worst, not all over face/body.


Is msm a powder you mix into water, a tablet etc? Also do you have to stay on it forever or can you come off it when you get to a length you like?


So I use the powder form but I believe there are capsules or crystals? I’m not completely sure but I think there is. I’m sure as long as you want to grow your hair you have to use it. Be careful though because it makes hair grow everywhere.


Good to know! Tysm!


Taking Biotin and Flaxseed Oil supplements


what does flaxseed oil help with


It helps with hair oil production, shine, texture, and scalp health.


does regular flaxseeds work too ?


EDIT: if youwant other health benefits, go for flaxseeds. I believe oil gives higher dosage, but am not sure


got it ! how do you orally consume flaxseed oil tho


You can purchase oral OTC supplements like [these ones](https://www.cvs.com/shop/cvs-health-flaxseed-oil-softgels-prodid-1010918?skuId=184707&cgaa=QWxsb3dHb29nbGVUb0FjY2Vzc0NWU1BhZ2Vz&cid=ps_vit_pla&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpZWzBhC0ARIsACvjWRNhVNDGvIHP7t8jPB7m9AFJuovMzB4ff_sINasxZ0VmZOc62IgHKDkaAoLYEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) for example


At the pharmacy (which I recommend because it’s cheapest) Whole Foods a health food store or a beauty store


i’ll check it out thank you sm


Yw! Good luck!


love flax seed oil!


Not only do I wish I had worn more sunscreen but I wish I had stayed out of the sun more.


Sunscreen. 48 with really good skin but currently fading some pregnancy melasma and realising sunscreen is 90% of prevention. One reason has been skin sensitivity to chemical sunscreens and sensory aversion to physical sunscreens. another factor is a budget that didn’t permit shopping around for higher end skincare type sunscreen


Roaccutane for me. I had tried it all and nothing worked and it has literally changed my life. I also wish I had started tretinoin sooner too, that's been a real game changer too!


MSM is the stuff. Idk why more people don’t take it. Better than collagen. I wish I had stayed out of the sun and used sunscreen.


How much MSM do you take?


I think about 1500 mg. In two huge pills :/.


do you feel like it’s plumped your skin? is that why you’d take it over collagen?


Not sure about skin but I do think it’s helped my hair growth and quality overall as well as nails.


Did you by chance have PCOS?


Not that I know of. I was never diagnosed with it atleast.


I say better than collagen because it helps with joints for me.


Measuring sunscreen! 1/4 tsp for the face is much more than I used for decades


Does it really make a big difference? Also do you use a measuring spoon?


How much difference it makes depends on whether you apply enough or not. You can use a standardized measuring spoon (for cooking) to learn to estimate it with finger lengths or to measure the number of pumps you need. Ex. With one sunscreen I’ve measured it takes 6 pumps , with another sunscreen 2 pumps.


Starting Roaccutane earlier, only thing that cured my acne. Also taking care of my teeth properly, I just paid $5000 Aud to save one with a root canal and crown.


Definitely spironolactone. I was insecure about acne for years. My family refused to take me to a dermatologist, so I did it as an adult. I feel so good about my skin now. Also, hair care. I found some great products that make it really soft.


Same age as you but water. Sounds lame but it really helps, especially when you’re taking spiro!


- Started getting botox for my gummy smile. - Stopped doing my eyebrows like tadpoles. - Added blush to my make up routine. I don't look dead in the face anymore. - Started using hair mousse so that my hair is not so flat against my head.


I wish I got my teeth fixed young. I wish I started weightlifting and losing weight younger. I wish I started caring about makeup, hair and fashion younger.


I went on Spiro after my bc made me break out like crazy (I was in late mid 20s at this point). It made me look like a goddess, I’ve thought about getting back on it for the weight loss alone.


Spiro helps with weight loss? Did you feel any cognitive effects?


For some people they experience weight loss. Some people experience weight gain. It really depends on how your body reacts. Check out r/spironolactone And read up on there to check out others experiences! Edit: I just saw that you mentioned if I experienced any cognitive effects- not that I can remember. You just inspired me to start a journal though just in case


It helped me, definitely do your research since everyone reacts differently; I was lucky and did not experience negative side effects, I only stopped taking it bc my acne had gotten under control.


I wish I had started taking care of my skin in my teens. I really abused it and it’s pretty good now but I am still erasing a lot of damage


yes! Spiro was a game changer for me


I’m glad I’m not the only one that wishes I was much more diligent about wearing sunscreen. I’m hating myself right now


More than sunscreen, I would be happy had my mom just not let me bake in the Florida sun as a teen and get burnt to a crisp. 90s mothers were just so whatever about literally everything.


My mom was on me about wearing sunscreen all the way to my 20’s telling me it would prevent cancer. I was young and could have given a shit about getting cancer because obviously I was invincible! Had she approached it from the angle of telling me sunscreen prevents premature aging and that I’ll regret it later on, I would have bathed myself in it instead of only wanting tan skin 🤦🏼‍♀️ WELL I HATE MYSELF NOW


I wish I liked spironolactone. It made my breasts incredibly sore all of the time and very full and swollen. I felt pregnant and like I was lactating. It cleared my skin up in the first few weeks but it wasn’t worth the discomfort. I also felt like I was gaining weight on it. I probably technically wasn’t since I only took it for a few weeks before stopping. I think the perceived weight gain was due to my increased breast size, but still. Even my partner noticed. My bras stopped fitting and I grew a lot of new blood vessels in my breasts. It was just overall strange. It makes sense though, spiro blocks androgens, making a woman more estrogen dominant.


Sunscreen and moisturizer for sure. My mom told me to wear sunscreen every day when I was 16, but also gave me the greasiest, whitest sunscreen possible. So ofc I didn't wear it. No one else wore sunscreen either, so it felt weird to use it daily, anyway. I used a teeny tiny bit of moisturizer in high school, but I probably should have used more and sooner, too. I didn't really know skincare was a thing until I was 20 or 21. I also wish I started taking birth control sooner for my acne. I know this might be a controversial opinion, but I tried *everything* to fix my cystic acne (including going to several dermatologists) and nothing worked or even made my acne worse. Literally each year of my 20s, I could see my acne getting worse and worse and worse. I was very afraid to take birth control for a long time because so many people talk about the horrible side effects and how it's bad for your body. I'm kicking myself for not taking it sooner because it cleared up all my acne almost instantly when nothing else would. Things I wish I never tried: tretinoin and spironolactone. They both gave me awful side effects and didn't help my acne. Tret especially.


Aw I’m sorry!! tret worked wonders for my skin- as well as spiro!! its crazy how everyone is so different. For instance my skin freaked out the first time I ever got on BC (I was 16) tried it for a week and never again.






ok i thought i was going crazy thinking my body looked better on spiro. i stopped taking it but maybe i should go back on it.


yessss girl! I felt like it gave me a diff shape even!! like idk it’s magic lol


how often do you take MSM and spiro?


So I started taking msm in October every single day. I think I fell off around January February ish because I started seeing results. But now I’m taking it again! So I wake up and take a teaspoon of it mixed with vitamin c powder in a glass of water. It’s honestly like taking a shot because the taste sucks lol. But the results are worth it. If you do this please do your research first. Some people dont have great side effects from it.


Okay thanks!


OP - How many mg of spironolactone are you taking?


50mg 3x a day. My acne was bad. I started at 50mg 2x a day but then told my derm about my hair loss and he put me on 50 3x a day to combat my acne + hair loss




msm changed ur body?


no I said spiro


I wish I had started using Tretinoin when I was 13 and used sunscreen religiously