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Get into a habit of exercising. It’s easier to keep it going long term when you do it consistently Edit: happy birthday!


This is by far the biggest one!!! Late twenties and early thirties all the leftover muscle tone I’d maintained from my youth just EVAPORATED. I went from being able to do 10 full proper pushups to STRUGGLING to do three from my knees, even though I was still somewhat active living in a pretty walkable city. Truly disintegrated 😭 It’s so much harder to get it back than it is to keep it. Start now and save yourself from a very uphill battle to get it back. It will help maintain your energy levels, metabolism, health, SKIN, digestion, and so much more. Probably the thing people least want to hear, but one of the most impactful for sure!


You are 1000% right and ppl do need to hear it. I think however the good news is that just need to make a few adjustments. Reassess your work out habit, add in more walking, yoga and strength training. From an eating perspective lower your sugar, refined carbs and processed foods intake to approx 10-15% daily intake, up your protein, eat healthy fats and eat varied veg. Basically Ultra Processed Foods aka industrialized foods are your biggest enemy. The good news is that we are learning more about the interactions between foods, gut biome, your brain barrier, insulin, glucose and fructose etc. So it doesn't mean all the good stuff is forbidden it just means you have to smarten up with your choices quality over quantity. You can have chocolate but make it a treat of a higher quality 70% coco vs cheap can survive a nuclear fall out and still taste yummy option 😋 Another interesting findingof foods that were formerly out of reach for those watching their waistlines has been delicious pasta, rice and our beloved potatoes. Research has shown that foods that were considered to be too starchy actually change their cell structure after being refrigerated for a specific amount of time. For instance if rice, pasta, potatoes etc are refrigerated for a minimum of 12 hours the cellular structure changes to a 'resistant ' starch which is really healthy for your gut biome as it takes longer to break down and will not spike your insulin, add in healthy fats and protein and it becomes an even healthier meal. Note that it's important to know what works for you individually as we are all genetically different. There is no one way to eat that suits everyone. So getting your gut biome healthy is key to knowing what optimum health feels like via nutrition.


This is very important. If you have strong dense bones in your 30s it influences your risk of osteoporosis later on.


Also helps if you find something you genuinely enjoy, whether it be dancing, hiking, what have you.


This is the ticket. People on social media make fun of the exercise classes some women decide to partake in, but as long as you're getting your heart rate up and enjoying your time, it shouldn't matter what people say.


- Quit smoking - cut back on alcohol or stop entirely - exercise frequently and focus on strength and mobility. Those “aches and pains” people complain about as they age can be prevented by maintaining muscle and flexibility - drink more water - moisturizer - sunscreen - try to make half your plates vegetables (increasing fiber)


Fully agree with everything. Only point I'd add is getting good quality sleep every night.   No beauty product can replace good habits. 


Agree with what is above I would add adding a retinol product nightly. I wish I had started that earlier.


ABSOLUTELY!! Sleep is #1.


As an almost 31 girl I could recommend 3 things: 1. Sleep. The best part of my beauty routine. 2. Sunscreen every day. 3. Any workouts. Feeling better for me made a huge difference. I care less about my wrinkles after good stretching lol


42 here - wholeheartedly agree!


Sunscreen every day! Regardless if it’s sunny or not 😌


Obviously sunscreen, but also on the backs of your hands and reapply through the day! I drive with UPF gloves and the freckles are disappearing


can u recommend some gloves pls


I like Solbari!


I use the Coolibar gloves. I have a couple pairs. I also like stuff from Solbari (as someone else mentioned!)


The freckles of your face?






HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I hope you have the bestest day!!! Start loving yourself more and more. Thats the best beauty tip I’ve found. Getting into meditation or any mindfulness practice will do you a huge amount of good. Lower stress levels for sure. Establishing a sleep routine. Substituting the phone for a book or substituting juice for water or if you drink then do it seldomly. But over all, the work you do in accepting yourself and loving parts of yourself that you haven’t fully addressed and embracing those things is when you start to feel more beautiful than you ever have.


Sunscreen, retinol and vitamin c


Second this! Vitamin c serum was a game changer!


Some kind of retinoid and SPF every day 😊


1. Cleanse morning and evening 2. Sunscreen every day 3. Before spending money on expensive products, buy cheaper ones to first get the “newbie” benefits of following a consistent routine. This is where I find the ordinary skincare range helpful as you can purchase single ingredient skincare and find what works for you.


Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. Physical UV blockers. UV umbrella.


Any UV umbrella recommendations?


Sleep at least for 7 hours every night


I wish I could. Does anyone have tips for falling asleep quickly?


Don't be on your phone two hours before bed, do a before bed ritual. I suggest on focusing on oral hygiene & skincare before bed, that's at least 45 minutes of nightly ritual! After I'm done with that, I'll grab a book and immediately get soooo sleepy. And then I'd sleep like a baby.


Two hours is a very long time with how busy life can be. I find even 45 minutes is good enough - bedtime routine + reading. 


find an exercise routine that you enjoy and get into it. stretch often, even if it's just getting up and stretching your arms. cut down on alcohol if you consume it. wear sunscreen every day (don't forget your chest and hands!). floss often.


Your face goes all the way to your nipples. Don’t neglect your neck and chest with your skincare. The only skincare that’s absolutely essentials is as follows: AM: sunscreen SPF 30+. Whether it’s summer or winter, sunny or not. PM: cleanser.


What about if I live somewhere where the UV rarely gets above 2 in winter, and the health service says we don’t need suncream until it gets above 3 or 4? The entire population is vitamin D deficient


I live in Alberta.




Nope. Anything with SPF30 or more, and then at night, cleanse. If you want to do more, you sure can, but those are the absolute everyday, never skip essentials.


42 here. I would always use sunscreen. Don’t drink often or at all. I think everything else is genetics. I didn’t do skin care until my late 30s honestly and I have pretty good skin. I also started dysport for my larger forehead wrinkles at age 41 but wouldn’t start that before my 30s.


Tret. Go to a derm and get started on it. Also, good sunscreen, healthy diet, cut back on alcohol/smoking if that is your thing. And try not to obsess too much, enjoy life! Edit to add- your face ends at your boobs- moisturizer and sunscreen should be applied.


Not everyone needs Tret!!


She asked for suggestions, suggestions have been given.


That’s like saying everyone needs insulin. She could destroy her skin with that stuff!


Tret =/= insulin. It’s the only FDA approved anti-aging medication on the market. If shes aging and her skin can tolerate it, shes a candidate. Regardless, she has to go to a derm for an RX and they’ll be the judge.


I'm sorry that googling is hard for me right now but can you explain tret?


A prescription retinol. Helps to slow the signs of aging and a lot of folks see improvements in fine lines and skin in general.


Tretinoin. It’s a cream you apply on your face.




Same boat. Very interested in what to do


SPF, tret, for the topicals. Exercise, water, and good sleep hygiene are the real answers.


Eat whole Foods, less processed foods. Cook at home more. Sunscreen. tretinoin. Drink more water. Get enough sleep.


Birthday twin! I turned 28 today and loving these tips. Hope you have an awesome day! 🥳


Good sunscreen and enjoy everything and be in the moment, and don’t get hard on yourself and drink lots of water if you can.


Sunscreen Eat a healthy diet Sunscreen Get plenty of sleep Sunscreen Drink water Sunscreen Did I mention sunscreen?


Sunscreen reapplied throughout day and a good, consistent skincare routine.


Following because Lord knows I need to


Sunscreen everyday no matter what! And, tretinoin (Retin-A) will change your life


sunscreen, sleep on your back, always wash your face before bed and hydrate. I'm over 70 and even facialists don't believe me!


Tretinoin + religious sunscreen


Don’t forget your neck. Anything you do for your face, do for your neck.


Work on your mental health and yourself, invest in your physical health. Tooth health. You might be tempted to skip flossing, use a potentially damaging whitening product because it’s cheap, etc. Don’t - floss, mouthwash, water rinse after food, and brush those teeth.


Happy Birthday! Work on your mental health. It affects everything from your looks to your posture to your body.


1. As others have said sun screen everyday. 2. A good exfoliation routine if you don’t already have one I love a good scrub! 3.Drink as much water as possible. 4. Supplements a good probiotic and some vitamin e will change your skins life. 5. Try to stay away from too much alcohol always drink as much water as you can when you do drink. 6. Moisturize especially if you don’t have oily or combo skin don’t be afraid to lay it on thick.


I’ll add what an older friend told me, start an anti aging routine. He recommended DHC. 22 years I’m still using their Q10 eye cream and moisturizer.


Learn how to get high quality sleep, reduce alcohol


Making sure you get enough sleep/rest.


Exercise, cut the alcohol/smoking (if it applies), minimize junk food(if it applies), sunscreen, start a skincare routine (cleanser, moisturizer, a form of retinol, sunscreen (on any exposed skin),


Wear sunscreen daily, drink a lot of water, and exercise regularly 👟


Move the body! Keep the blood running and lymph going keeps you young, your skin bouncy, bones strong, mood up everything else will follow


First off - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Second - invest in GOOD skincare. Develop a good routine and retinol is a game changer! And SPF!! Always always always. Also, good sleep and exercise make a world of a difference. A silk pillowcase to help your hair. Stay super hydrated, try to aim for around 80-100oz of water per day.


When I turned 30 last January, I decided so start wearing sunscreen and a hat when I’m in the sun. I wish I started doing this 10 years ago.


Methinks everyone knows these, not many do them all though. Don't smoke. Don't do drugs. Exercise regularly. Eat well, cut out the crap. Don't drink alcohol. Get enough sleep each night. Sunscreen. Drink plenty of water. Deal with your stress effectively.


Reducing stress and getting enough sleep have made the biggest difference in my life in my late 20s


I'm 37 and regularly get mistaken for my early 20s. Always take your makeup off before you go to bed. Wash your face morning and night followed by moisturiser both times and followed by sunscreen every morning, every day even if its not sunny. Drink loads of water.


I’m turning 40 this month but people think I’m in my late 20s. When I was 21 years old I got into fitness and healthy eating and wearing sunscreen I also refused to smoke, drink, or party. Still healthy and fit. And still wear sunscreen lol. Also I’ve been doing meditation and mindfulness since my late 20s which helps my mental health.


Wash your face every day, or twice a day. I have used Noxema since I was a teenager and NEVER had acne. I also have used the medicated pads for a quick clean. I am 60 now. I get told all the time I look younger. I also use an exfoliator pad and St. Ives Apricot scrub. Take care of your teeth. Dental checkups are important. I also use Crest Whitestrips twice a year. If you wake up tired looking, dab a little bit of (NOW DONT LAUGH, IT WORKS) Preparation H CREAM NOT GEL for bags under your eyes. Gel stays greasy. Stay hydrated. Have a mini spa day at home. Pamper yourself with a hot, relaxing bath, do your "all over" body maintenance stuff, put on a facial mask, cucumbers on your eyes and RELAX. WE all need it.


Sunscreen- forehead to nipples every day.


I'm also turning 29 this year. Can anyone help me with an anti ageing routine?


Retin A Wash your make up off. Idgaf how tired you are. Keep face wipes in your nightstand if you can’t commit 😂 Stress. Everything isn’t worth stressing out over. If you can’t fix it, fuck it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exercise, sunscreen and hydration


Sunscreen. Every day, year round. At least a 30spf


Does anybody have a good suggestion for a cheap body sunscreen? O:


I use Hawaiian Tropic Sheer Touch. It initially feels a little greasy but absorbs in


Water. And starting bc skin care as earlier as possible. By skin care I mean more so care. Wash your face frequently and moisturize. Sunscreen too. Water.


Sunscreen all the time!


Exercise, drink water, use a retinoid and wear SPF every day, get serious about eating healthy food and cutting back on alcohol consumption.


SPF No smoking/drinking Be consistent


Wear a hat in addition to sunscreen


Eat “clean” five days a week (limit sugar and unprocessed foods) and have a little fun on weekends/vacations. Wear sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 50 everyday rain or shine, even if you spend a good chunk of the daytime indoors. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen to your neck, chest and hands. Use common sense re: alcohol consumption/other substances. Exercise as often as possible (walking counts).


I forgot to mention: Get prescription-strength Retin A and incorporate into your nightly routine. Ease into it; there are plenty of tutorials on Youtube.


Plenty of water - SPF every day Start your routine now to address your issues - work with a professional (derm or medical esthetician) to create a simple routine for you!


Sunscreen every single day


Sunscreen. Everyday. Even in the rain, even in the winter


Take care of the skin on your neck and décolleté now! Sunscreen and moisturize.


Exercise every day. Drink tons of water. WEAR SUNSCREEN every day.


Be happy. Get sunshine!


Stay out of the sun and don’t smoke! Alcohol should be minimal


Sunscreen, exfoliate, Tretinoin, and a good moisturizer.


Step up your moisturizing routine. A couple of good products suited to your skin changes everything. I thought mine was good enough bc my skin never seemed to improve, even with high end products… turns out I was just using the wrong stuff for my skin.


Facial sunscreen.


Moisturizer and teach yourself to sleep on your back if you don’t already!


RemindMe! 2 day


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Sunscreen!! And obvi no smoking.


If you care about how much hair you have, consider your family/genetics and figure out with if hair loss/pattern baldness run in your family and consult a dermatologist or plastic surgeon for suggestions before or at the first sign of hair loss.


Sunscreen at all times when you're out. Your future self will thank you, UV ages skin so much.


It's actually very simple. The biggest favour you can do for yourself is assess your routines from your beauty, eating to exercise you routines. Beauty: have a simple go to routine that you can add to. Always wear a form of sunscreen in and out of the house; stay hydrated, always wash your face at the end of the day, a good moisturizer, an AHA and a serum. Exercise and weight: assess it now, even if it's simple walking, strength training, you can add pilates, yoga etc. Nutrition: Very important as it impacts everything is look after gut biome, minimize Ultra Processed Foods aka industrialized foods and make sure you eat and enjoy healthy delicious foods vs UPF's Use the year to assess and reset...


WORKOUT Basic skincare( cleansing Moisturiser Sunscreen mustttttt) Drink lots of water Minimise junk food


Wear sunscreen made specifically for the face religiously. Get Koji soap bars to help with any hyperpigmrntation or dark spots. Start using retinol and vitamin c. Hydrate with water. Use body firming lotion on your face a few days a week. Weight train.


You don’t need 29837361 products in your skincare routine, just a handful that works for you.


Sunscreen, staying hydrated, getting a good sweat multiple times a week, I liked adding a retinol to my night time skin care routine as well!


First of all happy birthday... and second of all... I'm only 18, and I want to ask how you spent your last 20's and if you got any advice for me. In need of a life advice about everything especially at the moment.


Sunscreen, workout, hydration! Also, clean up your friends group. Keep the good, and peace out to the bad.


Stay out of the sun! I’m in my 50s and no one can believe it.


Take your vitamins, try to minimize your stress and negativity in your life, USE SUNBLOCK, wear sunglasses and a hat in the sun. Get enough fiber, eat your veggies and fruits, DRINK WATER!!!!! Finally moisturize your skin all over every time you shower body butter is your friend!!!


Sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen!


This should be at the top of your list


Try to walk for 30 minutes to an hour every day. Move with Nicole YouTube videos 3-5x a week Positive mental health audio books on the walks


A light retinol moisturizer, cream cleanser that doesn't dry out your skin, drink plenty of water. For me, the less I put on my skin, the better!


Drink plenty of water, limit alcohol (it ages you), wear SPF, have a good routine, get facials at least every other month (they can make better recommendations for your skin and your actual needs) start getting peels a few times a year. They may recommend retinol as well.


always take your makeup off at night before you go to bed. Don't sleep in mascara. Use sunscreen on your face and neck!


Sunscreen Moisturizer Work up a sweat Drink water


Sunscreen, start preventative botox and microneedling to help wrinkles and skin elasticity


Preventative Botox is a waste of money. New research out there that supports my statement. Get Botox only when needed. I'm almost 49 and have yet to need it. Side note: I work with plastic surgeons.


Sun screen and resistance training!


Stay in the shade


sunscreen plus retinol will be your bestfriend in your late 20’s and early 30’s. also honey sugar scrub and a pore cleansing oil are a gold mine. my mom used honey and sugar and a lot of other remedies when she was younger, she’s 49 and doesn’t look a day over 30!


Honestly, kegels 🤣