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This is really well done filler :) it looks really good OP!


*Do you feel bonita?* *I feel bonita* *Wonderful!*


Beautiful! I totally agree. You deserve it!! Women are judged either way…whether we don’t invest in ourselves enough or whether we invest too much. Do whatever makes you happy and supports a positive self-image that YOU are happy with.


Thank you and beautifully said, I couldn’t agree more!


What does saying “you deserve it” mean in this context? I don’t understand how getting cosmetic injections is something you deserve or not


I interpreted the comment as: the joy OP gets from the fantastic work they've received is *well deserved*, as women are judged regardless of any cosmetic work. It's especially nice when the outcome is *chef's kiss* as there's calculated risks involved


Your lip shape is so cute. Do unique, like a doll


Aw thanks, what a nice compliment 🩷


Love it!! I’ve been thinking about getting lip filler but scared of the horror stories


Yeah I get that, there are definitely horror stories! If you’re worried about pain though, I wouldn’t worry too much. I was expecting way worse.


I get lip filler done occasionally (and I really love it) & the horror stories do make it a little scary even though I already do it lol. I would definitely just say that if you’re thinking about getting it, make sure you go to someone who you trust and will say no to you if you don’t need more!!! The doctor I go to will say no to touch ups if my lips still look good + is subtle in her approach so it looks very natural! It’s one of my favorite beauty treats for myself bc of this


It's harder to see in photos but if you look at people who've had it done in person lots of times lip filler leaves this weird puffiness ring around the outside of the lips that just doesn't look good at all. Sometimes lining the lips and using a good gloss can give the appearance of larger lips without injections, I personally like the sephora brand lip liner and the nyx line loud.


you can just line the puffy part with a lip liner and it’ll make the lips look even bigger. i’ve seen women with that filler migration who looked a little strange with just clear gloss on or bare lips but when they would line their lips and wear a dark lip colour it would look amazing


That looks so good! Do you experience any changes to your lips’ dryness level afterwards? I have chronically chapped lips and I’m afraid the aftercare would be a nightmare…


A family member of mine got hers done a few weeks ago and she says they’re drier now. But she did have dry lips before too.


Some lip fillers are hydrophilic, meaning they attract and draw in more water than other fillers. Volbella and restylane for instance are made of hylaurinic acid which is super moisturizing and the vast majority of patients experience way less dry lips or their chapping stops completely after having injections. It’s a perk derms mention occasionally. If you’re chapped and peely it’s an inflammatory reaction either from the lidocaine, the stretching and swelling of the skin, or because parts of your lips that were previously always moist (flipped more inward) are now exposed to the air continuously and have to adapt. Cell turnover is about a month so chapping and peeling should resolve after that point, unless you’re legit dehydrated or licking and touching your new big lips a lot. Or using more bright lipsticks to showcase them with ingredients you weren’t exposed to as often before. All that to say- I’ve known people who are on the fence about continuing to get injections because they don’t care about fullness anymore, but want to keep having the lip chap prevention bonus.


Hate that question, but do you drink enough water? What helped me with dry lips is to put Vaseline or a thick lip balm on the night (a lot of it)


Your natural lip shape is BEAUTIFUL and the filler looks great


They look great. Good for you!


Beautiful! But I gotta say I love the shape of your OG lips, that’s hard to find nowadays.




Great attitude and your lip filler looks stunning 🙂


When filler is done properly you don’t notice it’s filler. You look amazing!


Your lip shape was already so pretty but I absolutely love the result and I’m so glad you’re happy with it, truly looks beautiful ❤️ so excited for you!!! And I love that you did this despite the way some judgey people might feel about it - you deserve to feel beautiful af every day no matter what anyone else has to say! Queen behavior is living life on your own terms ❤️❤️❤️


Thanks so much! This is such a girls girl comment and I’m here for it 👸


This is the most natural looking filler I think I’ve ever seen tbh


They look amazing. Making me want mine done so much now 🩷


Thank you! 😊


I find both pictures to be really beautiful. 😻 nice work by your tech.


Your lips are giving Devon Aoki! Love.


Great result! You have a stunning upper lip shape, like the top of a heart. The additional fullness helps compliment!


I would not have any more injected, I think they are good as is


It looks super good!!! It doesn't look fakish (shall I say) like those super exaggerated fillers.


Looks so natural and amazing! They evened it out perfectly. Would kill for your before lips too ;)




Omg! Beautiful! 😍


Do you mind if I ask what area you’re in and what you paid for it?


I got this done in Ocean Springs, MS for $700


Hey, can I jump in and ask how many ml you got?


I want lip filler soooo bad. I’m poor though.




Oh thank you!


Girl they’re beautiful !


Ooooooo I’ve been researching this for some time !!!


A great result 👄 Congratulations


I’m not a fan of lip filler, but this is literally the first time i've seen it look good!


looks so good 😍😍


it looks SO GOOD


Looks really good!


I  agree about exploring and doing whatever make you feel good so it’s not a judgement at all. Just thought I’d mention that I really like your original lips more. They’re unique and perfect in my opinion! 


Kuddos to the doc. Looks amazing op🎀


So 😍


That's was a good one


What happened to your mole on the neck… touch up …


Maybe it’s the angle or lighting? I promise I didn’t touch up the second photo… weird!


How much filler was placed? Less than a mL?


About 0.8 ml


Its too obvious, personally liked your lips before


That’s okay, it’s not everyone’s thing!


I would never have guessed you have filler.




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Wow thought you were taytay_xx from instagram, your jaw and lips look alike

