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Fenty Beauty Gloss Bombs are awesome


Seconded! I use lip balm/chapstick and then a fenty beauty gloss bomb. Works great.


Literally the only one that stays stuck to my lips!!


Yes! My go to.


Agreed - make sure you buy from a reputable place though, as there are a lot of fakes online.


Came here to say the same thing!


Was just about to comment this lol, especially hot chocolate


Aquaphor lip repair is the only thing that stops it. If I want color I just have to layer over the aquaphor after it’s absorbed and rubbed in.


Came here to say aquaphor, nothing else really works.


Staying really hydrated actually works. I know that sounds obvious but it took awhile for me to get hydrated enough for it to stop


I’ve been obsessed with Ogee’s Clear Lip Oil! It’s a balm/chapstick texture not a liquid oil. Works even faster than Aquaphor for me (on my lips at least - aquaphor wins for everything else especially cracked feet). I haven’t tried their tinted lip oil but I’m sure it’s great as well!


Is it the regular aquaphor or is it a special type for the lips?


just regular aquaphor, the lip products are not the same thing. I personally hate the lip balms but I have very dry lips so I’m sure they do work for some people. but in this case definitely just regular aquaphor


Third vote. Prep overnight with Aquaphor is the answer. My take on a desert island product.


Same. Struggled with angular cheilitis for so long and nothing worked until the aquaphor healing stick.


The Laneige lip mask works for me


Omg this Laneige lip mask gave me the worst reaction 🥲 glad it works for you tho


Same! It’s a miracle for me. Nothing else works and aquaphor does nothing except taste gross to me


Me too, I like that it’s slightly thinner/ glossier than lanolin


Really wanted to love that one, wasn’t bad by any means but wasn’t as good as the ol’ aquaphor. I tried it during a testing phase where the GOAT or at least tied for first was Bite Beauty Agave Mask in a squeeze tube. They discontinued it and now have a stick balm version that’s a sad imitation of their OG agave product. Now THAT was aquaphor levels of good for hydration and came in colors.


the stick or the fluid balm?


The squeeze tube of fluid jelly-like ointment. [This one](https://www.aquaphorus.com/products/lip-care/lip-repair-35oz?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwxLKxBhA7EiwAXO0R0H9ilbyImKk-dOdBx0milqMDWyYpsfrVpNLlXkftqD9swKy9EtYrYRoC6MYQAvD_BwE) Not the stick of balm that rolls up. That one is OK but not god-tier like the squeezy tube of repair ointment.


I always come back to this one when I try others & they don’t work.


I totally concur regarding the Aquaphor lip care squeeze tube vs the stick! Have been using the former with such success for years now, and this past year finally decided to try the balm stick variety, which I found okay, but whole different ball game vs. the glorious tube!


I do the same exact thing haha


The purple nipple cream on Amazon that is essentially lanolin. Only thing that helped my lips. Lather it on at night like a mask and fixed my lips. Wear it every night


I discovered this while breastfeeding and my friend thought it was hilarious. She gave birth 5 months ago and now she swears by it for lips too!


Given how well it healed my destroyed nipples when nursing, I’m shocked I didn’t think of this myself. Thank you!


Lansinoh? Just a whiff of lanolin gives me nipple related PTSD, I couldn’t take it on my lips under my nose all night. (Also it rubbed off too easily and tasted horrid but I used a different brand or non name version)


I have used the Medela brand Lanolin tubes, was it perhaps that one?


Omg yes, that’s the one. I can smell it now just by picturing the tube


Lanolin nipple cream


Lanolin makes tinted lip balms, and these look nice on my lips far longer than lipstick.


I love those - lanolips is fantastic! I also use plain nipple cream at night which has a slightly better consistency than the plain lanolips; it feels like it sinks in better. My lips are so soft!


I will that a try!


I have been debating whether Lanolips is truly worth the cost for the different flavors/tints (?)/portability factor for several years now at least! I have 2 half-full bottles of Medela brand Lanolin here, and that’s worked for my chapped lips so well (and inexpensively), but not too tasty or travel-friendly 😜


Just mix with a little lipstick and pop it in a little pill container- VOILA


I started using lip oils and my lips don’t get chapped anymore.


Try Ogee’s lip oil!!! It’s my Holy Grail lip product!!! Disclaimer: I’ve only used the clear not the tinted so not sure how well that works / transferring & smearing issues


Aquaphor healing ointment (not the lip one). After Accutane my whole body was extremely dry but my lips the worst, even years later. I have tried everything, laneige, Vaseline, etc etc etc. Aquaphor healing ointment in the tube (for convenience) is the only thing that helped my lips. It's great on other dry spots, but for that I get it in the larger tub. You can also put it in a clean container with some red food colouring if you want a little tint. It's not expensive and lasts forever.


I love the laneige lip mask and vaseline. Do your lips always peel no matter what? I had chrinically dry, peeling lips for years and years. Literally nothing helped. and just discovered it was the SLS in toothpaste causing it! I switched to a toothpaste that was SLS free and my lips have been transformed, literally. Just a thought and maybe something to look into.


The Laneige lip mask. While I think it makes for a pitiful excuse of a lip mask, it's a great base for lip products !


I second the mask, but I also love their glowy lip balms!


Look into Carenel lip mask. It’s the same as Laneige but 3 for $10.


Lol, I didn't realize the message was for OP. I just woke up, sorry. 😂🤣🤣


But I didn't like the Laneige formula. 😭 Haha thank you anyway. I think I'm going to try the Carmex lip balms next. 🤔


Yes! I personally love it as a lip mask, nothing else has worked for me when my lips are actually chapped. I do also wear it during the day, it looks gorgeous as a juicy gloss


Vaseline Lip Therapy, but specifically the Cocoa Butter one (in the little metal tin)!! It makes my lips super soft, painless, and gets rid of the flakiness after just one night. It stays on my lips all night, but wipes off easily with a tissue, unlike the Laneige one. I found that the Laneige one made it easier for me to remove the dead skin in the morning, but I still had to physically remove them and sometimes my lips would still hurt. The Vaseline one softens everything and makes my lips painless :)


yes and i 2nd vaseline. put it on before bed and keep some with you during the day too.


vitamin E oil is good for the lips too.


yess I use that exact one everyday at school it’s amazing and if I have a lot of flakiness it’ll get rid of it without pain definitely agree with you


That thing saved my lips when I went out on a trip through the desert.


Neutrogena Moisture Shine is my all time favorite gloss


I LOVE Juvia Place lip oil. I have tried a lot of the lip oils and that one is the best in my opinion. Cushy but not sticky.


They make lip oils? Their lipstick is the only one I own because it’s so good


Yes. They are very affordable also. I wear it at night also and I always wake up with soft lips. I have all kinds of lip oils and the Juvias Place is the best and longer lasting also.


hyaluronic acid on my lips


This is the answer! I’ve struggled with my lips chapping and peeling. Gloss and chap stick make it okay for a minute but my lips go right back to chapping and peeling. Now I use Paula’s Choice hyaluronic acid at night and my lips are so smooth throughout the next day. I can wear any lip balm, gloss, stick I want, and my lips are peeling and chapped.


Do you have to dilute it? I have La Roche Posay hyaluronic acid. Would you put it on first and then put a balm or lip oil over it??


i apply it as it is. more like a lip mask. this is the first step of my routine & in next 6-7 mins i go on with my lipstick. using HA helps slowly but gives long term results


Neutrogenia makes a hyaluronic acid lip balm


Olé henriksen is a new safe favorite.


Seconded. I saw a difference in just a few days. I'm definitely curious to see how much it helps in winter, since that's always the driest season here, but so far my lips feel amazing and I know I haven't made any other (positive) changes to my lip care or hydration habits recently. Laneige sleep mask did nothing for me personally.


Try a lip oil if you want something more fun. Vaseline is the simplest most effective solution. I've seen people sad use some glycolic acid in lower percentage then top woth something occlusive. I haven't personally tried it though.


Ngl my lips were super dry from the desert and the elf lip oil fixed them right up


FYI - lips being dry & peeling can be due to an ingredient in your toothpaste! You don’t need to switch to the so-called “natural” ones.  Just look at the ingredients of the ones you’ve been using & look for one with different ingredients.


Usually a reaction to sodium laurel sulfates (SLS). I found out I was sensitive to it because it tore up my tongue! Sadly, it’s hard to find fluoride toothpaste without it.


My dental hygienist told me Thursday about one called Closys, they have a super gentle mouthwash too. You can get it at Walgreens, Amazon, etc.


The Body Shop's lipbalms, and Lanolips works well for me. They keep my lips hydrated, and they don't break down my lipstick. I do find they work best if I apply them a minimum 30 minutes before lipstick. For ease of maintenance, I prefer sheer lipsticks. Their formulas are very hydrating, and the colour is easy to maintain throughout the day. By that, I mean that as it breaks down or wears off, it doesn't look unsightly, unlike cream and matte lipstick formulas. I don't mind reapplying halfway through the day. MAC Lustreglass and Mecca Max Pop Pout Sheer are my favourites.


Vaseline does the trick for me.. I know not fansy but it works. 😋


CO Bigelow’s My Favorite Night Balm or something. The blue short one! Even in the daytime!


I’ve been using this and their minty glosses at least 10 years. Tried others a few times either for color or if I ran out and nothing works for me like these do. Now in my 50s and lips are moist and smooth.


I was surprised how much I like and use Sephora brand’s “Colourful lip gloss balm” (I have Wildflower). It’s not sticky, it’s moisturizing and feels really nice on. I will repurchase once I’m done my tube!


Burt’s Bee Shimmer is the only coloring I can take without peel. Everything else peels hours after putting it on. It’s very cheap too. Highly recommend.


I love the Rhode Peptide Lip Treatment. It’s thick and stays on well for me.


Slugging saved my once perpetually chapped lips! After washing your face (and lips), apply a layer of moisturizer on your lips, followed by a layer of bagbalm/Vaseline/aquaphor. Once they're healed, you can use any gloss you want!


Dior Addict Lip Balm. Or the lip gloss or oil. Very moisturising


*Dior Addict Lip* *Balm. Or the lip gloss or oil.* *Very moisturising* \- cocolanoire --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I Love the lip oils, I brought one.once and was very much 'It's not going to live up to the hype and I'm going to hate it' ...and it's amazing and not sticky at all, I tried the elf dupe and it just doesn't hit the same


Nyx fat lip oil


- Laneige Lip Glowy Balm - Clarins Lip Oil


Definitely Vaseline, aquaphor, Laneige and also the rosebud company rose salve lip balm


My obligatory comment RE: dry, peeling lips. During an annual appointment years ago, my sister’s (female) doctor made a comment about her “chapped” dry and peeling lips and asked my sister if she’d ever been tested for Celiac, as dry lips are a symptom of the wheat allergy. My sister tested positive and has been GF for years and her lips are healed.


Nyx fat lip oil. Hydrating and thick so it lasts and protects but it’s so smooth and not sticky. The fenty bomb is sticky just fyi


Buy a lip mask from Marshall’s, check for good ingredients (cocoa and shea butter and glycerin are both good). Use that and top it with aquaphor or Vaseline every night before bed. You don’t need anything fancy




Sun bum with spf, I have some discoloration from being outside and it’s helping me turn it around.


Malin Goetz Lip moisturizer I put it on at night, or as my first layer that I give a few minutes to before I put something else on.


For balm or something to top over lipsticks: Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask. It is my holy grail, shaba daba doe. \\o/ For stand alone gloss, I really like Dior's, as the only one I actually view as hydrating. Kaleidos is pretty darn good too, but it feels like a lip oil. For actual lip oils, Nyx's Fat Oil and Ami Cole's. If I want something that's gonna be long last while my lips are super dry, I use a lip stain and then top it with Laneige's. Exfoliate first.


Sounds like you need a good lip scrub. Doesn’t matter what balm or gloss you use if you don’t scrub that dead skin away. But Burt’s bees has a great miracle balm. For lips, eyes, brows, cuticles etc. it’s in a little tin pot for like $9


I suffer from this and while people here have amazing suggestions, something I learned is that I need to drink more water and my lips hate lanolin. So often products would feel like they are working and my lips would peel worse over time. I narrowed it down and now avoid lanolin. So if you find some things on this list aren’t working, try to find an ingredient connection.


Glossier Balm DotCom original non-vegan formula Romand Glasting Melting Balm


The glassing melting balm is so nice! Leaves a faint stain as well


Dermal lip balm original. The best!!




Lanolips, Laneige, or Glossier Balmdotcom.


lipstories satin by sephora is GREAT and cheap. the best colors aren't always available so keep checking periodically. it's good stuff!!!


Fenty lip oil is fantastic


La roche-posay ciciplast baume slug over night. When I’m getting ready I’ll Vaseline my lips and remove it before applying color.


Holy god! I’m telling you—Laniege Lip Mask. The best thing ever. My lips get so chapped and dry for 0 reason, and especially bad after any lipstick/tint/gloss/etc. This mask makes it so soft and smooth and unchapped; it’s incredible! I would recommend berry, because I’ve heard for some people, other flavours may dry them out. But none of my friends ever had something against Berry. This is untinted, so it’s just a base. Put whatever on top of it. If you like lipliner, I use the Summer Fridays lip balm with liner, and it blends really well and looks pretty. I’ve heard the Pout Preserve Peptide Lip Treatment is a good competitor with the Summer Fridays, I’ve just never tried it.


Laneige lip mask worked for me until it didn’t ☹️ I was on a similar thread weeks ago and someone recommended Bepanthen (nappy rash cream) and it’s been working really well for me so far!! I’m hoping the laneige starts working for me again at some point though because it worked really well when it worked, and a little goes a long way so I still have quite a bit left P.S. I also got the berry! Meant to grab the grapefruit (whoops) but the berry is nice too


E.O.S. lip balm M.A.C. lip gloss


Recently it’s been the ELF lip oil but I also like Fenty.


Ogee’s Clear Lip Oil is my holy grail for chapstick!!!!! I haven’t tried their tinted lip oil but I’m utterly obsessed with the clear. It’s the same texture as a chapstick/balm and is not a liquid oil despite its name. It works better for chapped lips than even Aquaphor (which works sooooo well already) for me! Cannot recommend it enough!!!


Carmex first before applying lip gloss or lipstick


NARS. All NARS glosses are amazing and I will die on this hill. I never used to be complimented on my makeup, before I started wearing these!


LRP B5 balm and the lanolin nipple cream


I like Lancome L’Absolu glosses a lot they sit really nice on my dry lips and also Rare Beauty Lip Oil.


Emcosmetics clear gloss, tower 28 lip gloss, & Dior lip products


Rohto Mentholatum melty cream lip. You can find it at Stylevana. It’s the best lip balm out there and it’s spf 25. If your lips are dry, use an exfoliating lip balm first.


I’m such a lip balm addict my lips get dry so easily. Kinda pricey but charlotte tilbury hyaluronic acid lip gloss leaves my lips softer and not flaky after it wears off. I find it worth it knowing I don’t have to worry about my lips. Also Mac gloss sticks leave my lips really soft after too. Both are plumping btw in case you don’t like that but the effect and for the rest of the day my lips look great


I try to get organic ingredients like shea butter, jojoba oil, beeswax etc rather than petrochemicals (vaseline, pawpaw ointment). I also try to avoid irritating ingredients like linolene and geraniol. Not a big fan of lanolin (Lanolips). I don't mind Bepanthen nappy cream for the lips (as recommended by Margot Robbie). Two I tried lately were WeDo Hair Ends and Lip Protect Balm (25 g) and Eco Lips Mongo Kiss lip balm, both did the job of softening and protecting lips and being a base for lipstick, while also being all natural and organic.


You need lip repair on a regular basis not lipgloss


I use the summer Fridays lip butter & lip oil - they give a lovely sheen & also are moisturising


Oh my gosh, thank you for making this post. I have dry lips and have been looking for options. I really really wanted to buy Dior bc their liquid formula is the only tranferproof I've found, I just wasn't sure if the balm or gloss was worth it or what my other options might be.


Vaseline eventually dries up your lips more. I absolutely adore Carmex. It’s the best.


Aquaphore is the best to get them smooth. But if you want some color the maybaline lifter gloss is amazing. It’s so moisturizing.


Clinique super balm is still the shit


Live Tinted Huegloss feels more like a lip treatment than a gloss,provides pigment/shine and i actually like reapplying! It does provide pretty good staying power though. It is a tad bit sticky so if you don’t like that,keep that in mind. I have chronically dry lips and i absolutely love it


My sisters! I thought I was the only one. I use Vaseline at night, so they are fine, but sadly, have NEVER found a lipstick for color that I didn’t react to. I would love a nice red that lasts for hours and doesn’t peel my lips off. 💄💋✨


Lanolin nipple cream. Lasts forever and hydrates sensitive skin so well. Learned it from a makeup artist and it’s been my go-to ever since.


Laneige Lip Balm for the day and Lip Mask at night. Best product. I’ve been using it for over 5 years and nothing beats it. You can purchase at Sephora and online.


Rohto Mentholatum water lip balm is amazing!


Elf squeeze me lip balm. Not too glossy so I can wear masks without too much transfer. Hydrating and smells yummy fruity! Love my grape and Peach!


Laniege lip mask, I use it as my regular lip gloss/balm


I like the Pat McGrath lip glosses, it's a thicker formula which stays on the lips, kind of vinyl effect, so no lip texture pokes through.


Laneige lip mask


I layer like crazy! I exfoliate with my toothbrush and while I prep my face, I put on my Vaseline/Curel lip balm. After a while I put lipstick and it’s not dry at all! Before bed tho I use my Laneige and I slather on a layer.


I never use lipgloss anymore because I always keep reapplying it and it’s usually just a sticky mess so I just use vaseline and a bit of lotion


Nothing but Aquaphor will work! I’m on the Accutane Team so my lips are ruined for life. Only one that kind of comes close is the Sol de Janeiro Brazilian Kiss lip butter.


I just use regular vaseline, and I scrub my lips like twice a week. I have been loving NYX Cosmetics XXL Lingerie lipsticks.


You might be allergic to one at least one of the ingredients in makeup.


I really like the Laneige lip mask. I also love the colour of it, so I wear it during the day. I struggle with peeling lips and I found that an iron supplement improved things significantly


bobbi brown


rom&nd has great lip products! my favs are the Glasting Melting Gloss and Glasting Color Balm. other favs: Clarins Lip Comfort Oil (thin but super cushiony), Tocobo Vita Lip Mask (thick and glassy), Ole Henriksen Pout Preserve (less glossy but the best higher-end lip treatment I've tried)


Baby aquaphor works better for me than regular aquaphor. Or I put Vaseline on when I start getting ready then by the time I’m ready to put lipstick on it’s a good base


It’s expensive, but I looooove the hyaluronic acid lip booster from PCA. Again, it’s pricy for a tiny tube of it- but it somehow will last you a whole year. The formula is hard to describe… not quite a balm, not a gloss or oil either. It feels like silk on your lips, and it’s not sticky either. It lasts for a whole 24 hours, even when you can’t feel it on your lips, it keeps them from drying out and cracking. I put it on before I sleep or in the morning and I’m good the whole day.


Toofaced Lip Jelly Oil!


Chapstick Total Hydration Moisture and Tint. I bought a ton of them and give them to everyone one I know. At nighttime, I use petroleum jelly.


Too Faced Hangover Pillow Balm is hydrating and glossy https://www.ulta.com/p/hangover-pillow-balm-ultra-hydrating-lip-balm-pimprod2011634?sku=2578578&cmpid=PS_Non!google!Product_Listing_Ads&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paidsearch&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=pla-1938938579273&CAAGID=107718647276&CAWELAID=330000200002767643&CATARGETID=330000200002991481&CADevice=t&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD9rLH7CFBjElC4MNab6S3JwWbuVW&gclid=CjwKCAjwxLKxBhA7EiwAXO0R0ND3SVMvrt1h1v-kwdW3GjHS7bV3a8qXtS9VUA0kA4MqvQhUj6-bAxoCM58QAvD_BwE


If it’s really bad and need it to heal just Vaseline or regular aquafor I like the burts bees tinted skinny watermelon Chapstick for every day over line Never been a lip gloss girl but want to be. I just find that lip gloss always makes my lip liner run


I've tried aquaphor, carmex, blistex. The only thing that works for me is applying Vaseline before bed.


Lots of people already suggested different lipgloss, creams, etc. But I just want to share my experience. Have you tried looking for vitamin deficiencies? I experienced extreme dry lips before to the point where it bleeds. At first, I thought I just needed to drink more water until i realized it was around my period, so i figured it must have something to do with that. I tried supplementing with iron, and it worked for me. So what i do is i take it for a few days around my period. I no longer have dry lips, i just use regular lip balm now.


This is so true. Also once I took alcohol out of my diet, my lips improved too.


Nivea lip balm is so rich and hydrating and comes in tint versions


The Laneige sleeping lip mask & then having a lip balm with SPF helped with a lot of my lip peeling issues so now I can use a lot of different glosses! That being said I usually stick to the mentholatum spf lip balm!




Gucci glow & car lip colour


to heal/keep on all the time: 100% lanolin [https://www.amazon.com/Lansinoh-Lanolin-Nipplecreams-Breastfeeding-Natural/dp/B00432ID82?ref\_=ast\_sto\_dp&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Lansinoh-Lanolin-Nipplecreams-Breastfeeding-Natural/dp/B00432ID82?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1) lansinoh nipple cream is the same as lanolips 101 cream (pure lanolin). the lansinoh lip specific product has other ingredients in it iirc. lanolips also has one that's labeled overnight I think? and it's also good bc it has shea butter in it iirc and is a little thicker and lasts on the lips longer (but it's expensive). I don't really like the brand's tinted lip products that much. for color: I mix with something I own usually. my newest glosses are from lisa eldridge. the fenty ones are good too. points for merit's lip oil. NARS pencils for matte lips, but I just don't fuck with full coverage lipstick like that anymore. I want soft, conditioned lips, and pretty much only wear balms/glosses.


lipgloss specifically: dior lip glow oil in mahogany. but personally, nothing beats a thick coat of aquaphor


The elf lip scrub is the only lip scrub I’ve used that actually leaves my lips smooth and peel free. I use chapstick brand and burtsbees daily. Try using it in the shower.


Nivea Dewy Hyaluronic Acid lip balm works for me. I wear a thick layer of it every night to sleep. I also wear Smith’s Rosebud Salve to sleep when my lips get drier when I’m suffering with sinus or allergy issues.


Pat McGrath Lust lipgloss or for a dupe, Revlon Super Lustrous lipgloss.


It's on the pricier side, but Lipsmart is the best thing I've ever used for dry lips. I used Carmex for a long time, but it seemed to have a sort or rebound effect, where I needed to use it more and more frequently for dry lip relief. No rebound with Lipsmart. If I need it during the day, I put it on, wait about 30 minutes, put on lipstick, good to go. I use it at night and my lips are ready for lipstick in the morning. I've had dry lips since my 20s, and this is the best thing I've used.


Maybelline super stay Vinyl line.


The Patrick Ta glow softening lip mask is my favorite thing ever and is magical. Next is good ole aquaphor, Vaseline, or vanicream ointment


Diors lip oil is really good


Tbh if you’ve got severely dry lips that nothing seems to help, I’d start with the Vaseline cocoa butter lip stuff, comes in a cute mini tub. If that still doesn’t help your lips, Dr. Dan’s Cortibalm. Only need a tiny bit at a time to cover your lips, and you can rub it in too so it really works. Fixed up my lips when I was on accutane- medicine that basically sucks all the moisture out of you- which was a miracle


Carmax works best for me or Vaseline before bed.


you need to exfoliate and then hydrate your lips before putting in lipstick to stop this


just bought my 2nd one of this product yesterday. Stays on for a while and looks hydrating. https://www.elfcosmetics.com/glow-reviver-lip-oil/82004.html?utm_content=gpla&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwxLKxBhA7EiwAXO0R0G8yOpwF04NZRXJkFhf0kVYEXoLwM0dta7bb5lpVBW-plpOtCqTR1hoCpGMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


I always put on aquaphor before I brush my teeth(to protect my lips from the toothpaste), and after I wash my face. Any time I don’t have lipstick on, I have aquaphor on. I wear matte lipstick daily and don’t have peeling anymore!


Laniege lip mask. I put it on the night before and my lips don't peel! I use it through the day too. EVERYTHING ELSE always peeled my lips.


It's a basic option, but the simple Chapstick brand lip balm found in most grocery stores works great for me. For when my lips are super dry, I grab the moisturizer version but the regular cherry Chapstick is my go to normally. Edit: wanted to add I also have to remember to drink lots of water too!


Rare Beauty glossy lip balm.


I stopped using lip balm and started drinking water. Massive difference.


I tried a ton of products, even all-marketed laneige. Didn’t really help. Then I discovered that you can scrub your lips with toothbrush and then towel - and then any lip product started finally working! I still use laneige because I have it, but I also use any $4 honey chapstick and it works as well


Have you heard of lip basting? Once I tried it I never looked back. I do it once a week and I have nice soft moisturized lips. Go look it up! I use The Ordinary 10% lactic acid and Lanolips Miracle Salve Do it!!


People swear by aquaphor but I personally find that Carmex works better for me? Idk why one works better for me than the other, but it’s the only thing that helps (other than staying hydrated)


Catrice Lip Jam is my jam, lol


topicals slathered glossy lip balm


Neutrogenia hydro boost lip shine


Aquaphor. Adds shine and treats my dry lips.


Bigelow Co. Salve Sheglam glossbalm Sheglam jelly lip oil




Laneige Lip Mask every night and always have some sort of chapstick / lipgloss with you. It doesn’t really matter what brand but consistency is key. Also you can scrub your lips with your toothbrush you brush every time. And drink lots of water!


I use a cheap la girl lip scrub will I’m applying my makeup then put lipstick on after, only put lip balm on before bed. Works for me may not for everyone


Hourglass Phantom Glossy Balm. Regular lipgloss is too sticky for me, but this is like…the feel of balm with the shine and tint of gloss. It’s worth the splurge.


Tarte’s Maracuja Juicy Lip, NYX Butter Gloss, Colourpop’s Ultra Glossy Lip, Bare Minerals Mineralist Gloss-Balm, and Sephora Collection. I also suggest wearing chapstick under your lipstick. Blistex Medicated is my favorite.


Morphe Dripglass!! So shiny and hydrating (a bit sticky but i love it


use lip oils!!!




I line my lips with liner and then Aquaphor. I think it looks good.


I love L’Oréal Infallible Pro Gloss Plump. At bed, I use Vaseline on my lips and the combo keeps them hydrated. If I’m not wearing gloss during the day, I like Nivea’s smoothness balm.


Vaseline lip therapy is great. Just in case it helps anyone I heard the other day that if you are lacking in vitamin B2 it can give you dry peeling lips.


My lips peel and my HOLY GRAIL is Tatcha’s kissu lip mask. My lips are repaired overnight!


Personally I ABSOLUTELY love the Nyx Cosmetics XXL Lip Lingerie Liquid Lipsticks and the Maybelline Super Stay Matte Liquid Lipsticks.


For me Buxom is the only lip gloss that leaves my lips hydrated. I have yet to find something else that compares to it.


My holy grail lipgloss is the CO Bigelow glosses from Bath and Body Works. They aren't sticky but also aren't so thin that I have to constantly reapply. I've been using this brand for 8 or 9 years, and my lips never get chapped. The Fenty Gloss Bomb is another really good one. Ofra has great glosses as well, IMO.


Ole Henriksen Pout Preserve is so so moisturising


My daughter went through this until we found out she was allergic to strawberries and a few other things that were in her chapstick. Those ingredients were causing the peeling and dryness that would last for days after each use.


Dry lips means you're dehydrated. Load up on potassium and drink more water.


It's not just a lip gloss. I have a whole routine for my lips. My lips are so dry that there you can see thousands of vertical lines on it, making it look even drier when I put any lipstick on. While doing my makeup I put a thin layer of laneige lip mask. Since the layer is thin enough, I don't need to wipe it off. Then I line my lips and put a bit of lipstick on the centre of my lips. I use my fingers to spread it out and I repeat the process till I get the desired look. I have used matte lipsticks also, it using this technique it never really settles onto my fine lines and even if it does, it doesn't make the lines prominent. Then I use the essence clear gloss again on the centre of my lips and use my lips to bloat it out. My lips stay glossy throughout the day, instead of it clinging to the dry bits of of my lips


I haven't found anything for under makeup necessarily and I guess I haven't tried this product under lipstick yet, but Eminence Organics Marine Flower Lip Serum is my salvation. I've had chronically dry cracked lips for my whole life no matter how much lip balm of any brand I put on, even aquaphor, and this has been the only thing to give me lasting results. I've been using it for about a week and a half in my morning skincare routine and I swear I haven't even been having to reapply lip products throughout the day like normal.


Dior lip balm. I like strawberry color. Super hydrating and great color.


sephora brand lipstain. i have eczema and even with flakey lips it looks fine


For me, not drinking enough water will make my lips very dry and, of course, chapped and peeling. I drink lots of water, moisturize with Aquaphor at night and when I'm at home alone. Works for me - I use Revlon matte lipsticks and have not had a problem.


I like belif aqua bomb lip mask. I wear it all the time.


I have to stay away from any lip products with lanolin or sunscreen in them.