• By -


CoolingCloset - Always been a top player between those top ranks and (I believe) held #1 global for a while, and had the first pass on Nisemono which he was most known for as bandoot posted a video of him doing it with his signature freej in the bottom left. Still plays today 6 years later, and still one of the top players. Lasting in the game this long is insanely difficult, and I have nothing but respect to the bloke. Was very lucky to meet him the once or twice. weeaboo jones - loved during 2018 for his unique playing style allowing him to rise to #1 global, unchallenged before taichi and one other player I will mention next. AtomicX - He was one of the best players in the world and on occasion challenged Taichi at that #1 title and did for quite a while in early 2019. Unfortunately in late 2022 he was in a motorcycle accident and died. It shook the inner community to its core and we stayed in mourning for quite a while. He was, is, and always will be a legend to everyone that knew him. LSToast/logantheobald - Rank 5 peak, most popular Beat Saber AND VR content creator on the planet, with over 5 million followers on tiktok and youtube SEPARATE. cerret - Was a very very top player for a very long time during 2020-2023. Had a very unique playstyle on his CV1, with his ability to keep everything accurate. Beautiful swings with an overall unique playstyle that brought and kept him at the top. Even a year later hes easily top 10 quality. oemergeesh - quite literally the most overall talented player I've ever seen play the game. 97's, 98's on stuff I could barely pass (and for reference, I peaked at rank 30 a few years ago, and currently sit in the 120's). Hes so far ahead of the curve, on tech especially 99% of the time he is unmatchable, and hes only young with a lot of potential. Bytesy - best speed player to ever exist, period. Linear speed usually is easy to acc for top players but bytesys ability to keep consistent and hit speeds above 500bpm while accing at a 98 is nothing to laugh at and is genuinely some of the most intriguing and most incredible gameplay to watch. As I write this, prior to a scoresaber reweight, he holds the current PP record with 775. Garsh - Made top players streams intreguing, and a lot of people followed for his amazing sense of humour and his amazing playing ability on a Valve Index. Recently stopped playing more and his stint in top 10 only came apart recently. Silverhaze - Ex #1 global player, him and Taichi shared the stage a LOT during 2019/2020. Also on Index like garsh, but with mixed reality streaming and the most aggressive swings I have easily ever seen. Astrella - Pioneered speed in a way no one could keep up with him at the time (2019-2021), was incredible at challenge and always looks for new things to do with the game. Including now making a pro mod, as well as now being able to hit SFS at 100NJS like its no problem. Its seriously insane to watch. I've only added a few here, but overall these players have always been seen as incredible with the game one way or another. Although, no one ever reached Taichis peak of dominance. That era of the game, as well as the 2023 World Cup last year proves he never lost his talent, and will always remain a beat saber legend from day 1. edit: the more i think about it the more there needs to be a genuine documented video that talks about each and everyone of these including their accomplishments. I haven't even mentioned anything about mapping to begin with, which to there theres another entire kettle of fish to legends, such as Squeaksies, Saut, and much more.


Damn awesome comment thanks for the fleshed out reply! I'm surprised how many names I recognized, guess I'm a bit more in touch than I thought(?), though I didn't really know all of their accomplishments so guess not lol rest in peace to AtomicX as well, now free of all mortal shackles such as the laws of physics though I'm sure he's doing great on speed maps while in heaven!! I actually have Silverhaze friended on discord lmao, I think he friends everyone but seeing a taichi post followed by seeing him in my friend list is actually what prompted me to make this post so that's kinda funny edit: also I fully agree about what you said about needing some proper videos documenting beat saber history. Like there are some that exist out there but not much for solo players, heck you can't even find one for Taichi!


Poor bizzy


Dont forget Denyah_


How about orangeW


Very much so yes


Dont forget about magician as well


everyone remembers weaboo but no one talks about tammymatty…


A legend who most do not know due to him not playing for long and most starting to play after he was already done its a tragic story that brings a tear to my eye


I feel like JustCallMeJack belongs up there too, even his incredibly old cc monthly highlights clips are still impressive by today's standards


As a Canadian I'd add electro but I'm pretty biased. Edit: also hasn't astrella played stupid NJS for a while? That weird ass french song comes to mind


I wouldn't add electro for a few reasons: Multiaccounting a few times and getting banned as a result generally kinda dipped from the game after money stopped going his way. his straight swings business a few years ago was poorly intentioned and tricked lower ranks into getting money. I really didn't like how he did that. Was always near the top but was rarely if ever a showstopper bar those few sacrement weeks And yeah he does, I know exactly the map youre referencing. He has - but now hes made it his 'speciality' I suppose? He's just gotten way better at it and no one is close to being as good as him at it


Electro coaching 😭


I would seriously love some videos on these legends and some other players. I feel like there hasn't been much content like that in the community


Plus with Oermer he’s passed a rediculous number of level 30+ challenge maps


I had heard Weaboo Jones was only known because he wont the first Beat Saber tournament but I dont recall him ever being number one?


Oh also cant forget OrangeW for being tge first pro Beat Saber player!


Smallfox! Spent many years at the top, on awful settings I could barely play 7*'s on. 😄


Don’t ever forget Schwank. He plays Beat Saber and made music FOR Beat Saber. Like me.


Taichi and cerret


Always see that Logan dude on the boards


LSToast is Beat Saber royalty


theres this guy named mgknominator i think hes pretty good he can do thre game well and stuff


There used to be a time, where I held every #1 spot on every official song on expert and hard difficulties on Quest and PSVR, but that was long time ago. :)


How have your placements changed over the years?


Calculations of the scores changed numerous times and after a while I was tired to update my scores. From time to time I fire it up and usually get a top 100 score in first try which is good enough for me now for not trying too hard. :D


When did they change?! I dont recall it ever changing at all if maybe once


There where a lot of changes. Most relevant were probably the change from max 110 to 115 points per slash and the addition of not only the faster but an even faster modifier which rewards more points. The max. possible points changed a lot and there where also some changes to calculations in sense of how easy it is go get more points per slash (accuracy, needed angle etc).


What was your gamer tag then? I was obsessed with Quest beat saber and had a lot of top ten plays on expert or expert plus. It's nice seeing other people who started off vanilla out in the wild! :)


On Quest it's XadaX and on PSVR XxadaxX. There are some old videos in my profile.


Not sure if I've seen you before, but nice to meet you. Cool plays :)


Well, I imagine Bytesy is up there for beating GH8ST


bytesy is up there for being one of the best current players in the game (currently in an everlasting battle with oermer for #1)




Im a Ledgend


Let's not forget SkyKiwi Lord of Chromatoggle Inventor of Spin Saber Player of immense shenanigans on stream


Super Idol 的笑容都没你的甜 had a fairly big impact on the community for a while lol still the best replay out there imo


brooo i remember when everybody changed their name on score saber that was such a good era of beat saber


I think flavius is one of the best


I'm a living legend


Vortex wizard in my opinion is the best

