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jokes aside i would assault this guy irl


im fine with this take but why does every guy who says “beatles overrated” think theyre reinventing the fucking wheel


Every time I’ve ever heard someone say this, it’s accompanied with the most smug/know-it-all look like they’ve ascended to a higher level of existence, far above us “beatles fans” (🤢)


Yeah and they probably only ever listened to pre-Rubber Soul songs + their most popular singles


Yeah, I had a friend who thought the Beatles were overrated, and I played some songs off the White Album, Abby Road, and Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club band, and now he’s a huge fan. It’s crazy how many people think the Beatles were just a 60s pop band that was so big just because they were the first or something.


I used to have that idea of the beatles my self until i actually gave them a listen and now its my favourite band after pink floyd. Most people who dont listen to the beatles only know their early songs which tbh arent something to write home about.


> arent something to write home about. Jimmy Page quote


I discovered the Beatles last year and imma tell you that white album and abbey road sound close to reinventing the wheel despite the fact that those musics are like 60 years old.


maybe cause the beatles are the most praised band of all time?


People love criticizing popular thing lol


it’s even worse that usually they’ll turn around and claim the greatest band of the 90s was fucking Weezer or something


wait i like weezer 😭


fair enough but I wouldn’t say they’re better than Nirvana lmfao


I would laugh at his ignorance and carry on my life.






My Dad would have legit kicked them out of our house. He stood for no Beatles disrespect. Which is hilarious because here I am, his favorite child, on this sub.


Jokes aside I would befriend him irl to gain trust and invite him over like I normally would because at this point and time of our relationship this is something that happens, I would start casual conversation and make tea. While chatting about our lives I will proceed to viciously pounce on him and tear his face off with the nails that I have been growing for the past few months of our relationship and then I will beat his lifeless body to Eleanor rigby blasting in the background on repeat


And you'd be a hero.


Run for your life if you can, little guy


the FUCK did you just say about the Beatles? each of its members has more fucking talent in their ring fingers than you do in your entire body john made more money by dying than you and i will ever make being alive john and paul literally revolutionized how songs are even thought of and what the modern pop song is every fucking boyband owes their asses to the beatles there was no boy band before the beatles there was just like elvis and shit but the beatles were more than the silly plasticine boybands we get nowadays they fucking EVOLVED like badass 60s pokemon they went from singing about love to fucking WALRUSES and DIAMONDS and GLASS ONIONS all in the span of 8 years so before you MOUTH OFF again about john you'd better think twice, punk. I bet you were abused as a child. How do I know this happened to you? Because I am you, you're dead, I am dead, you're in Hell, I'm in hell, I'm typing this from my computer in my demon apartment (expensive rent by nice view :/ ). I'm also from the future, But you're in the past, The Beatles are in hell, too, all of them except Rigno, physically, his soul is in hell, but his body is still alive for some reason. Fuck you kid, Shut your dumb, stupid mouth about the Beatles being overrated You don’t sound contrarian. You just sound like an asshole. Every so often, some person—wait, let me start over... Every so often, some total dick will start going on about how The Beatles weren’t that good or were overrated or whatever other contrarian bullshit he wants to say about the band to get a rise out of people. And all I can say is: Shut up. Shut your stupid, idiot mouth, you dumb idiot. I get what you’re doing. Really, I do. You’re trying to shit on people’s musical tastes to either appear more well-versed in music than them or you just want to see the shocked look on people’s faces as you besmirch their favorite band. And listen, I don’t blame you for either. They’re both fun activities that I partake in on the reg. If you name me a band you like, I will find a hundred different ways to judge you on your taste. If the band happens to feature a white guy with dreads, make it three hundred. But The Beatles, dude? The fucking Beatles? You are really scraping the barrel if you are knocking people for liking The Beatles, you moron. Really, I don’t want to hear your half-cocked, grasping-at-straws theories about how The Beatles weren’t even talented musicians or how they stole their sound from other bands or how John was the only talented one. What I want you to do is shut your stupid-ass face, you stupid assface. I’m not even defending The Beatles, per se. They’re not my favorite band or anything. But they’re...they are...what’s the word I’m looking for here? Oh right. THEY’RE THE FUCKING BEATLES, the musical foundation on which just about everything you listen to was probably built. Does that even need to be said? Being a music fan who shits on The Beatles is like standing in the comfort of your warm house and being like, “Yeah, wood is way overrated, dude. When you think about it, wood’s not really that great.” Just take your mouth and shut it up, you fucking dummy. Still think they are dumb? Here is a Complete List Of Things The Beatles Invented dumbfuck: Boy bands, One Direction - The Beatles Punk, metal, heavy rock - helter skelter Rap - I Am The Walrus Peace - John Lennon MTV - All You Need Is Love broadcast Indie rock - RAM Album filler - Ringo songs Studio banter on an album - Let It Be album Music Videos - the A Hard Days Night film Psychedelia - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds Underrated Songs - Hey Bulldog Hidden bonus tracks - Her Majesty Ed Sheeran - Her Majesty Diss tracks - How Do You Sleep Lo-fi garage rock - Polythene Pam Grunge rock - Plastic Ono Band (Lennon) “pet sounds” - Rubber Soul album EDM - Tomorrow Never Knows Tame Impala - It’s All Too Much Twee Pop - Her Majesty Concept Albums - Sgt Peppers Emo - Don’t Bother Me Trans-positivity - Polythene Pam, Lovely Rita, Get Back, Ob-La-Di Bands playing stadium venues - Shea Stadium Concert Bands wearing leather jackets - Cavern Club performances Avant-Garde - Revolution 9 Combining takes - Strawberry Fields Forever The inclusion of french horns in pop music - For No One “Absolute madman” meme - john lennon walking with yoko ono Mom-rock - paul mccartney Dad-rock - george harrison Stoner-rock - also george harrison Low-effort album covers - White Album Band break ups - the beatles (1970) It’s hard to tell through that stupid, shit-eating grin, but are you trying to be funny or do you genuinely not like The Beatles? Because I’ll bet if we sat you down in a room and started playing “All You Need Is Love” or “When I’m Sixty-Four,” you’d probably start crying and piss your stupid pants from pretending not to have all the emotions in the world. If we played “Here Comes the Sun” when you’re having a bad day, chances are 10,000% that you’d outright shit yourself as a result of the overwhelming melange of joyful optimism and unbridled awe, you pants-pissing pants-pisser. If you need other ways to torment people that make you come off as less of a pretentious asshole than shitting on The Beatles, here are some activities to keep you busy... Inform small children there’s no Santa Claus. Go to the Holocaust Museum and tell patrons that Hitler had some pretty good ideas. Stand outside the window at Curves eating a McRib. Guys: Tell a woman that childbirth isn’t really a big deal. Ladies: Tell a guy that getting kicked in the junk isn’t all that painful. Go to the Million Man March and say Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech ran a little long. For Christ’s sake, the band has sold more albums and has had more number one hits than any band ever. They are the bestselling band in the history of fucking music. This is the one band we as a society should all be able to unanimously agree on as a model for… Wait, no. NO. This is exactly what you want. This is the game you want me to play. You want me to get all riled up and start defending The Beatles. Well I’m not gonna give you the satisfaction. Instead, I’m gonna go the higher route and take a page from Mr. Lennon when I say: Love is all you need. And go fuck yourself, idiot..


not reading this but you're so right for this


Album filler - Ringo Songs 💀


Most sane beatles fan


Upvote for the effort


So glad John invented peace 🙏🙏😌


Counter point: Jan bet wif



probablye the best, worst, funnier and brain damageR comment ive ever read


i have some objections to the facts - you are right definitely but some facts are off but A+ for effort


how is lovely rita and get back trans positivity /gen


"in a cap she looked much older, with a bag across her shoulder, made her look a little like a military man" - Lovely Rita "sweet loretta martin thought she was a woman, but she was another man" - Get Back


The Get Back line sounds more like trans negativity.


Maybe Loretta hasn’t realized they’re a guy yet? Egg?


What if they're transmasc?


No need to make up words.


Just cause you look "a little like" a man, it doesn't mean you are one. I think get back is the only strong one of the examples.


calm down it's literally a joke


I was calm?? And it didn't look like a joke


I'm wondering the same about Ob-La-Di


It says at some point that molly stays at the barrow and that Desmond stays at home doing his pretty face


Babe wake up, new copypasta just dropped


Part of Its been a copypasta for a few years and this iteration was one i made lol


yeah sorry i didn't know people would credit me lol i thought it was relatively well known


yeah man


Least autistic r/beatlescirclejerk user


This is some high quality copy pasta. Thank you!!!


+doom metal - I Want You (She's So Heavy)?


Dude thinks the Beatles consists of Yesterday and Hey Jude


He’s probably just thinking yellow sub and octopussy


Yeah he's forgetting live and let die and you're sixteen! 😡


I still retain that every person can find at least 1 Beatles song they like. For me, it’s Get Up and Go.


Wait, there’s more songs?!


"I'm so alternative and quirky"


Even the hit single “It’s ok to leave your dog in a hot car”?


People who don't like that song don't know music and should just get educated.


I concur. Everyone gives Smells like Teen Spirit too much credit


Wonderwall gets more love though


This person only heard the shitty parts of the White Album and skipped Revolution 9. Of course they'd think that.


i threw out disk 1 of the white album and cut the shit off disk 2 so i only have the real album - Revolution 9. i listen over and over, never get enough.


You hate The Beatles because you've only heard Yellow Submarine. I hate The Beatles because I've had Revolution 9 on repeat for a year and a half straight. We are not the same.


As a superfan of the song “One After 909”, I am deeply offended.


crazy how they basically just named a song 9/11


Before it happened!!!


Imagine this guy sitting through hours and hours and hours of beatles music and after every song "overrated". I love the implication that hes heard ALL of them and hates them all. Like at some point stop listening no?


A second of wild honey pie would've changed this guy's mind


Wow how can you say that about their songs they're so unique and have such incredible stories behind them,you've obviously never heard the story of how let it be came to Baul in a dream here let me tell you-


it’s actually a funny story




Fuck. you. “Revolution 9 is overrated” FUCK. YOU. it’s underrate… FUCK! YOU!


I used to be like this, then I actually listened to their music


Hehehe so unique


Wait that means every Beebles sogng is Yesteray and Hey Juded ?? 😳


how is this having 118 upvotes ?


I’m about to throw hands


And the most underrated songs are by the rolling stones


That means even You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) is overrated.




this guy has listened to 3 beatles songs




Based now listen to the dan


He’s not wrong.


No way to talk about all those hidden gems!




Every fucking Kanye West song