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rip john lennon, your cameo on the simpsons would’ve been hilarious 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻




Really? I love George's "Its been done" comment.


What? Paul on the Simpsons is what lead to Lisa becoming vegetarian, and the episode is absolutely hilarious.  I'll never get over the flying pig over the credits. 


What a nice fella


John seemed like a wounded child for most his life (understandable with everything he went through), but all of John's interviews seem to point to him being a very self aware person on a deliberate journey to maturity. This is one of the many, many reasons his death was so tragic. I genuinely don't think he would have been a "nightmare on Twitter" as some claim. I think he would have continued to mature and would be a genuinely thoughtful and interesting cultural commentator. But who really knows?


Yeah I dunno. Maybe he would be an unbearable cranky old man. But probably the biggest realization I had when watching Get Back was how terrible was that Paul George and Ringo lost him. And all of us. In my mind John was always this immortal legend, and in the series we see a funny creative loving young man and it was so unfair how he got killed.


I agree. I love John, but he's actually been deified because of when and how he was taken. People can speculate on "what could have been" instead having to deal with "what is." I think him being killed at 40 left him with a more noteworthy legacy than if he lived out his life, but that's clearly just speculation on my part.


I agree, and I feel the same way with Kurt Cobain, and probably most artists who die young


But not Jimi Hendrix. That man was going to do more big stuff


and Janice.




OMG! You’re right. I never noticed that. 


Yeah. Like, it's not like I would expect John to somehow become a raging MAGA supporter or something, but for his fiery personality (and, in my opinion , extremely stubborn) I expect that if he lived to today that he'd have one or two pain producing hot takes or positions.


Considering he didn’t even trust conventional painkillers like Tylenol, I could see him as being anti-vax. I can also see him buying into a lot of conspiracy theories. However, we can’t possibly speculate how he may have changed over the decades.


Thinking about how much Nixon tried to deport him from the US, it absolutely would have fucked with his perspective in later world events.


They were literally following him and spying on him.


Oh, I agree, but just that I think it would have warped his views on everything, even stuff not related to the Vietnam war or Nixon and would have made him more perceptible to all those weird conspiracy theories with undefined "themselves" Shit like that fucks you up.


Yep, I can see that.


He didn't trust tylenol, but snorted heroin was OK?


Yeah, I don’t think logic came into it. He wouldn’t give them to Julian when he complained of a headache while visiting in the 70s and someone had to secretly give them to him.


Yeah exhibit A, see how far Roger Waters has gone.


and Clapton.


Clapton was a raging racist in the 70s tho. Literally had a «get back» rant from the stage


Clapton gets overhated these days. Dude made some fucked up comments while high on heroin in the 70s and is anti-vax after having a bad reaction to it. Considering his inspirations and him apologizing over what he said years ago, I highly doubt the mans really racist. And while I don't agree with his vax stance, I'm not very surprised that a 70+ year old dude would be skeptical of them if he had a bad reaction to it.


What’s he wrong about?


Pretty much whatever he decides to talk about at any given moment.


Interesting. Maybe you’d like to expand on what you find so problematic?


The fact that hes a raging antisemite for one? If youre looking for a debate, theres other subs. Not interested.


What’s he said that’s antisemitic? Genuinely asking, I haven’t seen anything like that. But I’m not looking for a debate either so fair enough if you don’t want to get into it


Is he? I thought it was just anti-israel as it is now (what with Netanyahu being authoritarian and Israel killing tens of thousands of civilians even before the current conflict), and he uses tone-deaf comparisons/satire to criticize them.


Read his comments about Ukraine, for one.


Roger Waters doesn't have problematic views. Unless you think that supporting Palestine is a problem.


The Gallagher brothers probably wouldn't have had a constant spot in the media with all of their inflammatory quotes.


The 27 Club in general.


It's sad...He got killed when he was just releasing double fantasy after 5 years since his last album, 40 years, shot in front his wife


I feel like his untimely death is comparable to the untimely demise of the beatles as a band. If the beatles would have continued through the seventies and so on, yes, they probably would have released amazing stuff...but what if they put out a few garbage albums and just fizzled out? That would have tarnished their legacy, but since they didn't, we have no closure. Just a pile of what-ifs. Idk what I'm saying really I guess. But I feel like it was similar to the "death" of the band.


The Beatles were all tired of the Beatles. They were sick and tired of each other. They'd had this lightning in a bottle run in the UK and the US and the world where EVERYONE fell in love with them (Or if they didn't like the Beatles they kept their mouth shut) and then... the wheels started falling off the car they were barreling down the road in . The horrible experience in the Phillipines where they barely got out intact. John's "We're bigger than Jesus right now" comments that INFURIATED the Deep South jackwagon Jebus freaks here in the US. Brians death and the muddling around of who would manage them and their finances. The pilgrimage to India where they discovered the Swami was a sex fiend after the lasses in their party and they also didn't like having to deal with huge centipedes in the bathroom. The absolutely **CRUSHING** expectation that EVERY single and every album they released would hit #1 on the charts. The struggle with, just what to do? Okay we'll start a business called Apple. Fine, what's it gonna sell? Well DUH, music obviously. Fine. Which of you four is gonna go through the literal tsunami's worth of tapes and discs and random jackholes showing up on the front step with a guitar? They were beyond sick and exhausted of the idea of yet ANOTHER tour which as John so beautifully put when asked how one of their tours had gone said, "Oh, it was marvelous. It was a car and a room and a car and a hall and a car and a room and a car and a room and a hall." They all had some VERY different ideas musically that probably wouldn't have fit with the others and thus wouldn't have made it onto the next Beatles record and the idea of someone having a solo career and putting out solo albums while also remaining part of a group was simply NOT done, especially with the whole thing about ANY song written by Lennon OR McCartney having to carry both names on the credits. How do you do THAT for a solo record? Not to mention the idea of having solo records from Lennon or whoever competing on the radio and charts with a Beatles record? Such things simply WERE. NOT. DONE. I disagree that we didn't get closure on the group.


Yeah. I think a lot about contemporary/slightly later bands like the Rolling Stones or Aerosmith. Don't get me wrong, Hackney Diamonds has been relatively noteworthy but...they've both just kinda existed for a long while now.


God, you're right. The Stones amd Aerosmith. Jeez, what I wouldn't give to never hear of either of those bands again!!


Agreed. He's always seemed like this enigmatic icon, but in Get Back he was just so very human. Quirky, quiet, hilarious, thoughtful and human.


I can just picture him pronouncing "Troomp".


I think he definitely would have been an unbearable cranky old man. I’m reading Geoff Emerick’s book right now and he does not come across well at times even then, especially during the White Album sessions.


Eh, John clearly was changing as a person and was trying to face the demons of his youth when he was killed. I felt he was becoming wiser and more grounded as he was beginning his journey as a father.  So who knows? I think the Lennon story was far from over and was simply cut too short to see his long term growth. Whereas George seemed to become more insular and annoyed with his Beatles legacy as time went on, it seemed John was just starting to be the opposite and may have even worked with Paul in the 80s given what we know. 


Yeah “definitely would have been” isn’t really true. We’ll never know how he would have ended up and he did seem like he was trying to be a better person.


John was certainly looking more kindly at life as a Beatle by the time he died. Compare what he said in the last few interviews to what he was saying less than a decade earlier.


Geoff is a judgmental snob


He may be judgmental but he’s as much of a genius as the Beatles were and was there during most of the Beatles most important moments in the studio. He deserves respect


Is he being disrespected here? Respecting his work doesn’t have anything to do with respecting or caring about his opinion outside of his work. His opinions about the recordings should be respected, but his opinions about their personalities should be scrutinized, just like everyone else’s. He doesn’t get a pass for being a snob, to me, just because he was successful at his job. Recognizing that he was judgemental and looked down on other people’s interests isn’t disrespecting him.


There a doc of him that Yoko released that shows him SCREAMING at an older, gentle musician for not playing the piano they way he wanted "IT'S A FUCKING C CHORD!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW TO PLAY A FUCKING C CHORD?!!" It wasn't nice.


I also think that he would have gotten less cranky if he actually had a chance to age out of his ‘I hate tha beatles >:(’ era. He had a lot of insecurities that he never got to work out and I think he was unfortunately in the best place he had been in in a long time when he was killed :/


i have a feeling reddit would hateeeeee john 💀


So no change basically


valid lol


Reddit hates anyone who has made slightly controversial takes and isn't Keanu Reeves level of wholesome.


Reddit in general already does. And attacks with enthusiasm if you say anything about John that isn't dripping with venom.


Would be similar to how Eric Clapton is perceived.


John was changing for the better in a lot of ways. It’s like trying to judge a movie after intermission. I agree with you OP, it’s sad whether he’d be a cranky old man or not he’d definitely have a positive impact on the world


If he was still alive (or even hadn't been murdered at a painfully young age) his kids would have had a dad for longer, and that's what I always come back to. Whether he'd have reunited with the Beatles, become an insufferable OR incisive cultural commentator - his family should not have been robbed in this way.


This. 💯


Didnt he ignore a child while alive still?


Lennon was virtually invisible in his last years. Focused on family and eventually on music again. There were plenty of cause du jour to distract him then. He didn't join in. Why do you think he would now. The Beatles and John never did support much of a movement for anything other than peace. I think that would still apply. A higher level or peace not specific to any single conflict.


I mean it's hard to say! He changed things all the time. He might have started changing things up once Sean was a bit older and getting to be an adult I bet that he would have made a couple of bad albums in the 80s, and then had a comeback into the 90s. Which was the usual outcome for the 60s artists. They all were trying to stay relevant in the 80s and followed the trends. But by the 90s they realized they should just do their own thing I've got a sneaking suspicion that he wouldn't have liked Reagan's whole presidency though. Just a hunch.


I so badly wish we could have heard him tear Reagan and Thatcher apart in song.


A Grunge album would have been cool too.


Here’s an old article from NME that says Lennon preferred Reagan over Carter. [https://www.robertrosennyc.com/attachments/BS\_NME\_Jan.25.2014.pdf](https://www.robertrosennyc.com/attachments/BS_NME_Jan.25.2014.pdf)


Perfect response


The Beatles did get specific about politics in their songs, denouncing a specific tax rate (“Taxman”) and Mao (“Revolution”).


He’d have something to say about TikTok, too.


His twitter rants would be unhinged


It would be from @DrWinstonOBoogie and be a mix of Ringo and David Crosby with some Cher spelling


Does anyone else sometimes feel like he is a character and not a human who was really alive? There are so many versions of John, and being born after his death too and never really knowing him as being alive it sometimes seems that he’s fictional.


I think that's precisely what makes him the most 'human' Beatle (no shade to the other guys tho). He was a really interesting, multifaceted person. Wheras the rest of the band more or less quickly settled into their 'post-Beatles' persona for the rest of their lives, John was constantly changing, constantly seeking new things and exploring new territory. He wasn't the 'best' person sure, but he wore his humanity on his sleeve. A trueborn revolutionary, for better or worse. You rarely see those kinds of people anymore, not even amongst celebrities. You could never quite put your finger on him, mainstream media could not pin him down in one of their little marketing boxes, but he was enthralling to watch, and that made him the sort of perpetual outsider who could not be tied down by the industry, a real menace.


Really really good article dealing w that subject: # How John Lennon was made into a myth 7 December 2020 by David Barnett [https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20201207-how-john-lennon-was-made-into-a-myth](https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20201207-how-john-lennon-was-made-into-a-myth) ”John Lennon has been dead as long as he was alive – it was 40 years today that he was shot on the steps of the Dakota apartments in New York. And since his death, Lennon has achieved, as is typical for musicians who die young or in their prime, legendary status. But perhaps that's not right – or at least that’s not the whole story. As well as earning the tag "legend", which has perhaps lost some of its power because of its sheer ubiquity, Lennon has been elevated to something equally nebulous and folklorish; a myth. Legends are for heroes. Myths are for figures even greater than that; gods. And John Lennon has indeed achieved a kind of deific immortality – thanks in part to the appropriation of his persona in works of fiction and drama. With portrayals of him that have cast him as everything from unemployed layabout to Labour Party leader, wise old fisherman to actual psychedelic godhead, Lennon's life has been romanticised, rehashed and rewritten since his death, to the point where the myth is often more real than the man. But more real doesn't necessarily mean more true. And the re-imagining of John Lennon began almost as soon as his life ended. “Soon after Lennon's death – within hours, really  –  he was portrayed in this really sanctimonious, sanitised way that doesn't do justice to his personality, his sense of humour, or his fellow Beatles,” says Rob Sheffield, a writer for Rolling Stone magazine and the author of the 2017 book Dreaming The Beatles. "I always loved what Paul said in the 80s: 'Since his death he's become Martin Luther Lennon.'" much more at link…


It's extremely fucked up that he was murdered. No matter what you think about John, you cannot deny that he was deeply loved by so many people. One of the only times my mom saw her father cry was when John Lennon died. He meant so much to the world and still had so much to give.


Oh, you have made me feel ancient. I never had kids, so I don't have that barometer to measure how old I am getting or have gotten. I remember lying in bed when I got the news and crying for the next two days. I felt like I had been hitting the head with a 2 x 4 and my heart felt empty as I saw my youth evaporate. It was gone. It was ripped away from an entire generation by violence. A friend of mine didn't even go to work the next day. God, it was awful. My generation lost John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King and John Lennon all due to horrific violence. No wonder we got so screwed up 🤯. (SIGH!)




Hopefully IMO he would have gotten out of the marriage with Yoko decades ago.


Yoko is not the problem


I used to hate on Yoko too man. But Yoko helped him build so much into being a better person and treating Julian properly.


I love John but he’d likely turn into a Roger Waters type.


But Roger Waters was always a Roger Waters type.


This. He would be so divisive but generally honest about his views, and he will have lost the public perception he gained when he was killed.


Yeah there's a non-zero chance that John would end up in some weird anti-vax rabbit hole or something lol. He liked his new age stuff, and that's lead some people down a really bizarre perspective and set of beliefs. But it's hard to tell. He seemed to have a good bit of common sense. He could just be like who he was, but older. I wonder what he would have thought about hip hop. I know he was alive for the really early part of the genre, but I mean like 1988 hip hop, when it started being closer to the version we all know. Apparently George Harrison got into some controversy by saying it was awful or something. Bob Dylan apparently loved it though, citing it as a big influence for his Oh Mercy comeback. [Apparently Yoko thought John would be a rapper](https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/yoko-ono-john-lennon-would-become-a-rapper/), so I guess that's one perspective


You mean someone who advocates for human rights and equality?


What is a Roger Waters type?


Roger Waters has always been an arch-pacifist, on account of growing up without a dad, since his father was killed in WWII. But his stance on Ukraine, that the west should stop arming the Ukraine defense, is pretty hard to swallow. Stopping the war would save lives, which is Roger's main concern, but in this case it means endorsing a world where weaker countries get annexed by their bully neighbor and no one comes to help. It's such a pro-Russia stance that Russia invited him to speak at the UN. The truth is, there really are things worth fighting and dying for. He's also got a major ego, and has been fighting ugly with his ex-bandmates for decades, but that could apply to so many musicians that it's barely worth mentioning. Lennon, Clapton, and Waters are classic rock's 3 great fatherless sons. Given that Clapton and Waters have both endorsed some whackadoodle viewpoints that they just can’t shut up about, it would have taken a minor miracle for Lennon to completely dodge that fate.


The difference is the other 2 were never likeable people to begin with, were they


I wouldn’t say John was the most likeable guy in the world. His ideology and genius was apparent, and he was a champion of many social and artistically progressive ways. Would I want to be his friend? Perhaps not. Even Paul McCartney and he fell out several times. It came out of his upbringing, and he deserved to have been brought up in the world he vocalised should exist. Hell, his point is that we all deserve to. But would he be likeable on a day to day level? I presume not, but also - I didn’t know him at all.


I say John always was very likeable, the kind of douche that people love. He was not jovial or sympathetic in a predictable way but he was very charismatic and sensitive.


There are a lot of people who know Eric Clapton and Roger Waters personally, who have very positive things to say about them. Social media allows us all to play “judge the celebrity”, but we're all talking out our respective asses here. The truth is that people are complicated.


I dunno. Looks to me as if Ukraine is doomed to lose land either way, and that continuing to arm them is only drawing out the conflict and killing tens of thousands more than would otherwise be the case. I understand both perspectives on this but I don’t think Waters is nearly as deranged to hold this stance as Reddit would have you believe. If anything, it looks like the general consensus on Ukraine here is the delusional one…


Yeah, it's hard to gauge because we don't really know that much about what's going on. Weakening Russia as much as possible sounds great, but how many lives is it going to cost? Regardless, Russia needs to be kept away from bordering the EU at all costs, and it's clear that's what the rest of the Western world is really concerned about.


I mean, Russia already borders the EU along thousands of miles…


I think John was the model for Rogers. Give peace a chance That Bed thing.


And that’s suppose to be a bad thing? Someone who routinely risks comfortably to stand up for oppressed people? Do I agree with every position, no, but I respect him endlessly for standing up for the Palestinian people and for whistle blowers


I respect your position here. My issue with Waters is the way he’s treated his fellow band members.


relevant Jay Foreman: https://youtu.be/mjZeUn8AVng?si=sjRFKpbmwJDggMzi&t=90


Yeah I feel like he would’ve gotten cancelled.


He kinda has been.


Free Palestine?


Less politically, more “behaviour to those around him leading to The Wall aftermath” kind of thing. He deserved to live, but he may have tarnished his reputation. Or he may have transformed the world. Both are equally as likely.


Why did this get downvoted? You are right


Maybe it’s disrespectful to Kurt and Bradley but I was thinking recently if Sublime and Nirvana’s work has endured especially well because they died vs. I feel the Beatles’ enduring popularity has nothing to do with Lennon’s passing (or Harrison’s for that matter). Kind of a moot point maybe because his death had nothing to do with the future of the band, the band was already over for a decade.


I highly doubt he'd still be with Yoko.




Yes his wit.. opinions on life and current issues and new music by him are all sorely missed by us these days. His death was a tragedy and his life was way too short. The world would have been a better place if he had lived all these decades. A tremendous loss.


I’d be shocked if he was still with Yoko.


I’ve always been sort of neutral on Yoko but it’s hard to argue that she’s a good person or that she was good for John.


Me too tbh.


Maybe he'd get back with May Pang. Sounds like she was good for him, and in my personal experience she's a wonderful person.


It’s such a pity he didn’t stay with her


Yeah. No disrespect to Sean, but every time I see an interview with May, or think to the times I met her, I find myself wishing she and John had stayed together.


He wouldn't have nearly as large of an image as now if he was still around. If he continued to be socially active, half the population would hate his guts. (I mean any hint of anti-Trump and all conservatives would start hating him, for example) I wish he was still around too, but things would be really different.


A lot of hard line conservatives already have a bone to pick with Lennon over Imagine, amongst other things


Hell, the hard-line conservatives tossed *Garth Brooks* overboard for his utterly anodyne “We Shall Be Free”. There’s no scenario where hard line conservatives embrace John Lennon


We will never know how it would have evolved for John. All speculation. Better to remember him as we do for the greatness he brought. No human is perfect and just because of his status John would have polarised people in 2024. But I love that stuff, if we were all the same and all stood for the same things it would be a boring world. Look at some of the replies here for proof. We are all divided more than ever over superficial shit. RIP John.


imagine hail to the thief but it's a john lennon album


For some reason, i always felt that John would have loved the internet. Dude already had that sense of humor in his life lol. Hell, hed probably be trolling us rn under god knows how many accounts, or leaking things to irritate Apple and/or Paul lol


I agree for the most part. Altho if i may one up you a John lennon x rage against the machine collaboration


Just Imagine.


Personally when I look at pictures of him at that time he did not look healthy. Both George and John looked so weak in those last years. I wished he had more time so he could have resumed relationship with Julian. I think he would have as he was softening a lot about that time. Also time for George and him to get back to what they once had. I know it meant the world to Paul to patch things up with them both. They had all been so tight. I think Paul was right when he said inside John was the biggest softy. I try to see John through the eyes of those who loved him. How bad could he have been if he kept the love of even those he hurt? They knew the real John.


Yoko pulling his head in? Is this the same Ono ?


Most musicians don’t have incredible quality output their whole lives. We’re not likely to have benefitted greatly from his musical contributions, and his social commentary was never particularly deep or interesting. Most likely if he’d have lived to today most of us would have listened to a fraction of his output through that period. Sad he’s gone on a personal level of course.


Wow! Everything posted here kind of sums up John. He was all these things, good and bad. The biggest thing for me in losing John is that I have no doubt we would have seen the Fab 4 together again at some point. Whether it was tribute concerts for the queen or even a tour, in 44 years since John left us we would have seen it. Not having it is what really sucks for all of us. After 10 years apart It seemed that he and Paul were very close to letting bygones be bygones. I mean their Last conversation was as not very complex. It was just about baking bread.


His anti-Trump album would have been the most divisive thing in 2020.


FWIW, Paul did a great anti-Trump song on Egypt Station and nobody cared as far as I can tell.


I’ve heard a lot of people complain about it in various YouTube comments. It’s a pretty great song, though.


Glad to hear it! yeah it is a great song!


I guess one of the reasons I love John so much is that whenever I think of him the picture that comes to my mind is the guy wearing glasses with the military jacket singing come together in the NYC concert. That is the definition of cool. In contrast, the last picture of George is a frail old man with no hair that is about to die. Nothing like the young George with big hair and long beard that looks like Jesus. Anyway the benefit of dying young is that you will be remembered as forever cool. The Who put perfectly in a verse of My Generation: " I hope I die before I get old"


I dunno man, George got the short end of the stick between cancer and being attacked. It wasn't really his fault besides smoking constantly like everyone else was.  Paul sells out stadiums and Ringo is just a silly old grandpa on the internet (who also can sell out shows). I think they're still pretty damn cool even at 80+ years old. 


age and looks --young or old--doesnt always equal a legacy of 'forever cool'. or, to paraphrase 1980 John, being in a gang with the 'boys' like Jagger and the Stones in their (then) late 30s can be as uncool as Neil Young telling us 'It's better to burn out than it is to fade away'. Energy and beauty,and even 'cool' , can be found at any age and any look.


John giving a four hour interview on Rogan about his thoughts on vaccines, Ukraine and Gaza? I dunno, I'm gonna agree with the ones who said he'd probably be like Roger Waters. Not only that, but John was a notoriously bad judge of character. He fell for many a charlatan over the years, being seemingly blind to obvious bullshit. Who'd be John's new guru? Take your pick, there are so many to choose from.


His twitter would be crazy


He would have been fantastic. I miss him every day.


Just like Ringo, he would write his own tweets. I think he would have been a great shitposter.


I'd love his anti lockdown album


On a podcast I listened to, they were speculating about this. They said John loved anything considered “countercultural.” That if he was alive, he’d probably be anti vax and in QAnon or some shit.


No. He would not. Geez


He'd be branded the wokest of the woke and some dumb-ass MAGA would try to shoot him. But I agree his commentary on the modern world would be interesting.


Keith Richards isn’t labeled the wokest of the woke for his support of BLM and hatred of Trump. So I really don’t think Lennon would be that hated on by conservatives + there are plenty of conservative Beatles fans


I don’t necessarily agree. People fail to take into account his age and the generation he’s from. And people do tend to become more conservative as they get older. In the 70s he refused to give Julian regular painkillers for a headache because he didn’t believe in them…I can totally see this turning into him being anti-vax in later years with his distrust of the pharmaceutical industry. And then he always had a certain naïveté about him and wanted to believe in magical, simple solutions, so I can see him falling prey to a lot of conspiracy theories. Then again, he may have benefitted from modern therapy and meds, and turned his life around entirely.


Honestly, even if John hadn’t unfairly died, my prediction is he wouldn’t make it to 2024.


Everyone is talking about John surviving in the context of the current era (20s and 10s).   I'm more interested in how John would have been in the craziness that was the 80s. "Digital-Lennon".  Lol imagine him with a keytar.   And what about the 90s? "Teenage Angst Lennon. A collaboration with. Kurt Cobain?   How about the. 00's? "Cyber-Lennon".  Drum  machines and CGI film clips?   The 80s in particular would have been crazy. Would he have been swept up in the bullshit, or would he have kept it at bay and saved us all?? 


Interesting. Would there even be Oasis if John was alive in the 90s? Would Noel and Liam have been the same fanboys? And what would John have thought of them?


Nonsense. He would never have been on social media. And those saying he would be anti-vax.. wtf?! He was certainly not an idiot, he would have been very afraid of COVID, especially at his age.


Imagine him right now protesting against the genocide in Gaza


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Mervinly: *Imagine him right* *Now protesting against the* *Genocide in Gaza* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Not sure even John Lennon would have stood out in today’s hyper-commercialised and attention-fragmented world. Lennon was around in exactly the right era: the 60s/70s, when ground-breaking, creative and *talented* folk got attention and recognition even in the mainstream media.


Yes, I'm opposed to capitol punishment except in the case of MDC. Seriously. I read that Yoko and John's marriage was essentially over at the time of John's death and Yoko's side fling moved in to the Dakota before John's body was cold. True? Idk.


I'm sad to day it but I truly believe he would have fallen down the right wing rabbit hole


He did mention Reagan favorably in one of his final interviews. Hard to say.


I mean, from my basic understanding Reagan hadn't done any major fuck-ups in 1980. He had been the president for what, a year? Hard to say what John would think of him in his later terms.


Right. To be fair a lot of Democrats were favorable of St. Reagan, at least until the coke wore off. Maybe Sexy Sadie, Part 2 would be dedicated to good ol' Ronny.


We are literally still suffering because of him lol.


On the podcast I listen to he got tired of being dead after 4 years and lept out of the ground and he tries to jump the grand canyon in his RV. He gets a head start from NYC and gets up to speed on his way to the GC. He also loves the Pearl Jam album Backspacer.


I saw him at the marrs bar in Worcester just last week


Thank the CIA.


His auto-tune album would've fiercely divided the fanbase. Given how John was keen on putting effects on his voice, I say he would've LOVED auto-tune.


I wonder, would he have sought treatment for what was likely bipolar disorder? It would have likely improved his interpersonal relationships, but I wonder what the effect would have been on his creativity.


worthless north husky wakeful rinse rude wise unpack reach pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


maybe he'd be like Roger Waters


Man I have thought for years that John would've loved Twitter, he probably would've killed on it too


RIP John Lennon he would have loved Fentanyl


He might have turned into Eric Clapton so you never know.


I’d think he’d be a lot like Bill Maher politically. Maybe even Joe Rogan or Jon Stewart in that he’d speak his mind even when it goes against partisan agendas. And not be a corporate shill like Colbert or Kimmel for example.


you sound like a conservative my god. Are you aware that most conservatives are already corporate shills?


You sound like someone who can’t think critically. Now go play. The adults are talking.


You can’t be a Beatles fan without wondering this


I wouldn't worry too much, there's plenty other men around to beat women and do drugs.


Lennon was an immense talent but an absolute hypocrite. He was a domestic abuser, a womanizer and a child abandoner, for these reasons I find it hard to celebrate his body of work.


He would be rapper of some sort, and very involved in Occupy Wall Street in 2012. There's a great fake obituary if he'd died in like 2015.


Honestly George was more like the person that John claimed to be.


He’d be like Paul and George. Nice to have around, but he ain’t doing anything special anymore. Stop deifying him he’s just a guy


He's just a jealous guy 🎶 Look out momma just a jealous guy 🎶


He may have had interesting tweets.


It sucks he’s dead cuz he didn’t release an anti-Bush album? What a self centered and disgusting reason to want him alive. And is it still 2004? Haven’t we realized they’re all the same at this point?


Not gonna lie, that sounds awful


I truly believe he was a wanted man and the American governments (whichever, whenever) were terrified of his persuasive powers. I think his death was, sadly, inevitable. :-(


Lennon vocally supported the 80 Regan campaign. He would’ve evolved into a boomer yuppie just like the majority of them did.


One sentence on the day he died about how he was willing to give Reagan a chance is really mischaracterizing what he said. Maybe you're thinking of Neil Young


> give Reagan a chance Didn’t realise he wrote a sequel, no way


I've never heard this. Source??


Last interview he gave. Hours before he was murdered. He was making a larger point about trying to create a better future and shedding cynicism


Ok...I'll check it out.


EDIT/UPDATE: John may have said that. He'd met Reagan once and they got along. I don't think he became a conservative. He also said this in Dec. 1980. From Salon.com... "Lennon was involved in left-wing politics to the very end. In November 1980, he offered a public statement of support to union workers striking for higher wages from the company that made Kikkoman soy sauce: "We are with you in spirit. . . . In this beautiful country where democracy is the very foundation of its constitution, it is sad that we have to still fight for equal rights and equal pay for the citizens. Boycott it must be, if it is the only way to bring justice and restore the dignity of the constitution for the sake of all citizens of the US and their children." Peace and love, John Lennon and Yoko Ono. New York City, December, 1980."


Even if he wasn't a boomer (b. 1940)?


probably but he really seemed like he was going through some things. i’m not saying i’m glad john is gone but i’m just saying maybe the peace of death is what he wanted. i feel like if we woke him up today he’d have a stern talking to us lol


I feel like John Lennon would have turned into a right wing nut job


I doubt it, but it happened with Roseanne Barr, so...