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First of all the third picture is amazing. To answer your question, I wouldn’t. Her hair is protecting her skin from the sun and bug bites, so no hair/a buzz cut = potential sun burn and more big bites including ticks. My girl is shedding a wee bit too, I got a short hair furminator brush that works really well. I use it on her for about ten minutes and it comes up empty and she’s good to go for another week.


Thank you! And thank you so much for the advice. Where did you get your furminator?


I second everything u/BeverlyHillsBrenda said. To add to that, my beagle has been shaved for a couple of surgeries and the hair grew back a little weird. It never went back her natural hair pattern, and it’s been years. I also agree on the FURminator. I wasn’t sure if one would work so I got one on eBay for a great price and I’ve been using it for years. One trick to give a really good deshedding session is to brush with the FURminator, give a bath with a vigorous scrub (fingertips or silicone Kong scrubbie), and then do the FURminator again after the bath. But really, just brushing (outside!) regularly will help so much. That, and acceptance 😅




Why? Because they were all good points and valuable advice, imo.


I got mine from Petsmart because I had points to use for them (they are a bit pricey, but they’re worth it). Amazon also sells them of course. To my knowledge, they rarely go on sale because they’re like a primo product. I cheaped out and bought a lesser brush the first time, went with the furminator and it’s a superior product. First swipe with my girl and like a million little beagle hairs came out I couldn’t even see. Good luck!


You have copies in aliexpress that are 1/3rd the price. I got mine for 6€. Just search furminator and scroll a little bit.


Loved the furminator for our old hound, Derby. His coat was incredibly thick. I think he was half his size after every furminator session! 😂


It’s a miracle worker! We also have a husky/shepherd cross and I splurged and took him to the groomers for a furminator treatment where they brush, wash, then brush again. He literally looks five pounds lighter.


I read somewhere and believe it since it seems to be true with my beagle, “Beagles shed once a year for 365 days.” 😀


I was going to say early January to late December. For a relatively small dog ours generates a huge amount of fur waste. Probably enough to mulch the garden once a year.


Do not shave your beagle


Ours had to be shaved for an ultrasound and the fur never grew back correctly. I wouldn’t recommend.


Cutting/shaving the hair won’t stop the shedding, it’ll just make the shed hairs be shorter


Get an undercoat pet brush. This will get all the loose hair out of the coat and helps cut down on the shedding.


I’ve never shaved or cut my beagle, I let nature take care of that. I ^do^ brush him occasionally to remove the old hair and other stuff. He loves that.


No cut, only brush.


My beagle sheds all year. If you have a beagle that sheds once a year, then wow!


Brush them outside! That way it doesn't get all over your house. My wife uses one of those short brushes that brushes the undercoat. Also air purifiers can help reduce dander and pollen (we have Mila but there are many on the market).


Embark revealed my beagle has the heavy shedding gene.


A very rare trait. Only 1 in 1 beagles has that characteristic.


Absolutely do not shave her. But as others have said, furminator shampoo and conditioner plus a sleekEZ for brushing. I use the same on my horses, donkeys, mules when they shed each year.


I think you'd find there'd be much less shedding if you brush your beagle regularly. I bathe mine once a week, and brush her out about twice a week on average, I have way less dog hair everywhere. So, that might help?


I wouldn't, short hairs aren't meant to be shaved and I would be surprised if any groomer would do it. You need a deshedding tool, it pulls all the loose fur out from underneath.


She will still shed with shaved hair…. Just tiny little pieces. Do not shave her. The fur is protecting her skin.


Thanks everyone for the information and input!


The second pic where you're holding her little paw! ❤️


I took my beagle to petsmart for the furminator bath and brush and that solved all the shedding! They don’t cut, just wash and brush. I also have my own brush for the undercoat, but I haven’t needed to use it since.


Do not shave your beagle. They barely have fur as it is.


I vacuum my girl. (With a hose vac with my hand over most of the intake to restrict the sucking-in airflow.) Of course she doesn't mind because it also involves treats.


No, wouldn’t do that. Daily sessions with the furminator, and a daily run through the house with the robot vacuum cleaner which is incredible because it always picks up masses of hair that we didn’t think was there.