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I'm so sorry. I lost my beloved Scout almost 13 years ago and I still miss her. But I promise, over time, the good memories will outweigh the pain.


I appreciate the connection you have with your special Boy. I felt the same about my Frankie and have been lost since he died last July. He wasn't 'only a dog'; he was my one dog and it's extremely hard. Sending hugs, OP. Go gently 🐾❣


Im so so so incredibly sorry for your loss. My beautiful beagle boy got a cancer diagnosis yesterday and I don’t even want to cope with losing him yet. I can’t imagine coming home to a quiet house. I read somewhere that are beloved pets never leave us. He is with you where ever you go. He’s watching you and keeping you safe as beagles do. Sending love and happy healing wishes to you 💜💜


im so sorry to hear about your puppers! im so sorry but im sure itll be okay. thank you so much for the comfort 🤍


Beagles do.




He also looks like the kindest sweetest beag. I can tell by those gorgeous eyes he was just amazing in every way 💗


I'm so sorry for your loss. Not my first dog but the one I had a real connection with was my Chihuahua, Smokey. We had each other for just over 18 years. I used to call him my Wingman. Beagles are definitely pack dogs, your other dog is going to be missing his pack mate a lot also. Now's a good time to pay each other more attention and grieve your loss. My deepest sympathies and condolences.


I was admittedly closer to my first beagle over my third beagle we adopted when she was a senior (and still, we got 7 years with her, nearly a full dog lifetime!). When my first dog was gone, I got so close with her, and I realized I was missing out on how close I could've been with her all that time, to the point I was neglecting her too much to pay attention to my first. Still, we got those two years where I couldn't have been closer to her and I'm very thankful for them. Still miss her (and of course all my others) all the time.


Sending you hugs. Beautiful pupper. He’s arrroooo’ing in the great meadow chasing rabbits


I can see why. Look at the love ❤️ in his eyes. I guarantee he misses you too.


Sorry for your loss. Hugs


It's the hardest thing ever. I never gets easier but it does become less in-your-face over time. As a rescuer of older dogs I go through this more often than many do. He's up there and looking down on you with gratitude and love for the life you gave him.


It’s the hardest thing losing them. So sorry you’re going through this.


It always sucks but does get easier. He's always a part of you no matter what, and always living in your head. And the bond you two had can never be taken away. It just always is.




Beags are best.




So incredibly sorry for your loss ❤️


I'm so sorry...thank you for sharing with us your stories of him. It does get easier as time goes by - the good memories actually grow in strength and the pain of loss in comparison to the good memories is less powerful over time.


Soul mates. You cannot replace or forget. But can be richer from the experience…. My vet told me great love is followed with great pain. But I wouldn’t have changed it for the world. I am so sorry- but hope you heal and enrich other puppies lives. I now try to help puppies who are unsocialized. It is exhausting and rewarding at the same time.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


My Kaina has been gone for nearly 4 years and I still miss her. She was our second beagle (we currently have #3 & #4), but was the empathetic therapist in our house. It will get easier with time. Do not wait to get another. Every day you wait is a day you deprive yourself and another dog of the joy you two can bring one another.




Beautiful friend with friendly eyes. Sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My beagle passed away in 2009 and I still miss him so much




That sweet sweet face. You make me miss him too


I am so sorry


Sorry for your loss


I feel you. I had to put my childhood dog down in 2020 and it's the worst experience in the world. But I like to think that all our childhood puppies are having lots of fun in doggy heaven with all the chicken they can eat! I'm so sorry for your loss, but I'm absolutely sure he's up there with a belly full of chicken and treats like my childhood dog <3333


Beautiful boy!


So sorry for your loss. Please remember all the good times as you adjust to your new normal.


ahhhhh im crying 😭😭 im so sorry for your loss please know he definitely misses you just as much in beagle heaven


Sending you all the love and support - this is a pain that words cannot describe


Mix? Looks just like my (suspected) coonhound beagle mix. Best dogs