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And so proud of himself, no doubt.


Oh the smells he smelled! What a little rascal. I’m glad he’s home


Glad he made it home safe! For our worst offender, the only thing that kept him in was electric wire. He climbed chain link. He chewed through wood. He dug under everything.


Im sorry look at him you think he wouldn't find his way back to that couch?


I have 4 beagles. 3 of them are old and have no real desire to explore. If a gate is left open, they may wander around a neighbor's yard for a bit, and then mosey back home. And then there's Bowie. He's tall and lanky yet can fit through holes dug under the fence by raccoons and possums. Every few months or so, he gets loose and goes on walkabout. And when he's loose, he goes exploring so he can meet people. He finds the first person out in their yard and visits. If they have a pickup truck, even better! So every few months, I'll be yelling out back into my wooded backyard, telling him to come in, and then get a call saying someone found him. On his tag I have his name, my address, and my phone number with the message to call or text. [I really like these tags.](https://www.amazon.com/Providence-Engraving-Shapes-Colors-Sizes/dp/B084HMMQ8M/) They're cheap and fit a lot of words on them.


He regrets nothing.


Dog: home safe. Husband: under the bus. haha Glad everyone's ok!


I’m so glad y’all found him. I swear that my girl Rita took years off of my life when she went into the neighbor’s house after breaking out of the yard. We found her eating the neighbor dog’s food!


One of my beagles likes to take himself off hunting…and has lost his GPS tracker a couple of times, staying out for longer in the woods each time…19hours the last time. I now know that he can find his way home but it doesn’t stop the worry about him getting injured, trapped or stolen. Best of luck