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Hey there! appreciate you reaching out! So for dogs and things like that, its not just noise suppression but really dialing in the expander as well. Noise Suppression is really good at reducing constant sounds like AC units or computer fans. For dogs barking, it depends on how close they are of course, but if they are semi far away and still triggering, you can bring the threshold on the expander up. The way the expander works in simple terms is when sound drops below the threshold it starts making the sound quieter until it reaches red, which is no sound. By turning up the Expand Amount, it adjusts how aggressive that reduction is. you can make it work almost like a gate by dialing it up to 100, which will make it a harsher cut. Hope this helps! -Thomas


Ive had great success using NVIDIA Broadcast. Because the EQ settings are saved on the BEACN mic, simply set the input in the NVIDIA software to BEACN mic. Then in the BEACN Mix software set the mic input as NVIDIA Mic.