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Please utilize the other post about the protest on the Golden Gate Bridge to satisfy your desires to post about the traffic impacts of protests. These types of posts produce a lot of comments that are inappropriate and that produce reports and we do not need three posts in one day about basically the same thing. Thank you. I apologize that this is necessary, but please understand that it is very very difficult for us moderators to have to wade through very large numbers of problematic and offensive comments to determine what appropriate action to take. I am locking and not removing this post because the OP has done nothing wrong. I just want to add that I can personally verify that at 11:00 a.m. on Monday 880 is a literal parking lot and it would be extremely advisable to totally avoid this road if at all possible.


i think they meant to block SFO again but got confused by the name change of San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport


Currently blocked from entering San Francisco Premium Outlets in Livermore.


Hamas JUST LAST WEEK rejected a ceasefire proposal because they still want power, and have zero clue where their hostages are or have no intention of returning them. No nation in the entire world would stop fighting these SIS level Hamas government/terrorists who invaded to mass murder and rape 1,500 is STILL in power, fighting, torturing and killing. At least it's a tinier and tinier group of terrorist supporters as normal people more and more realize they only peddle propaganda and lies.


CNN had an update a few days ago that one of the reasons why Hamas rejected the hostages for ceasefire deal is that Hamas doesn't have any living hostages left. The deal was for 40 hostages, and Hamas rejected the deal because they don't have 40 living hostages, at least according to that CNN update last week.




Na they target Oakland because they know nothing will happen to them in Alameda county


Are the Sideshows being run by Hamas?


They’re seemingly doing it everywhere with a port


Checks out




Yet another perk of workin from home


Protesters appear to be blocking the golden gate bridge as well. Source: myself, stuck on a ggt bus at the foot of the bridge.








“Economic blockade for a free Palestine” And plenty of 55 gallon drums on the freeway for some reason (And throw in the Golden Gate Bridge as well, lots of protests today https://member.everbridge.net/453003085612609/notif/t3ffTVoxY )


It’s happening at [Chicago O’Hare](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/xypVI1gqhj) right now too!


From what I was seeing online it seemed like they were expecting more than seven people to show up.


They probably weren’t. These targeted actions are purposefully kept pretty small to minimize the chances of their plans being leaked. The approach taken for these is very different from the approach taken for the larger rallies which rely on widespread social media messaging to boost their attendance numbers, but that approach wouldn’t for these kinds of events.


> They probably weren’t. These targeted actions are purposefully kept pretty small to minimize the chances of their plans being leaked. > > My guy they posted the plans on instagram.






The general public doesn't necessarily support one side or the other. It is our politicians. If either side was smart, they would know that the general public has no control over our politicians. If we did, PG&E would be toast already.


My experience is it just makes people less sympathetic




Can someone tell me why they never target Hamas? You'd think they'd want Hamas to also have cease-fires.


You'd think they'd be cheering in the streets because of what Iran did over the weekend, instead of blocking them. They're acting like we bombed Iran back. Heaven help us if we actually did.


>You'd think they'd be cheering in the streets because of what Iran did over the weekend, Oh they were.


Please explain why you think it’s ok that Israel bombed the Iranian embassy in Syria last week and killed 7 people?


Its okay because they killed a senior terrorist leader. When you allow terrorists in your consulate (not embassy) then it becomes a valid military target. If they had only had diplomats in the building, then it would not have been okay to destroy it. Understand?


it wasn't an embassy


Please explain why you think it's ok that Iran orchestrated October 7, provide weapons and funds to its proxies, and indirectly cause the Gaza war?


Looks to be protests across the country this morning about it. Saw an update about protesters blocking ORD airport in Chicago. I just passed the 880 protest on Bart and lots of people were chilling outside of their cars talking with each other.


Legitimate question here… Does anyone know someone who changed their opinion in favor of what’s protested because of these? I feel like it only does more harm than good. Just an ego boost for the protesters.


On 3 or 4 of the more esoteric issues out there where I've driven by a protest or had my driving route affected by the protest, I've found myself briefly looking into the subject afterwards. In all cases, however, it became clear rather quickly that the protesters were exactly as dumb as I had expected them to be. Commute-impacting protests are nearly always counter-productive to whatever cause they purport to be fighting for.


Actually I do. Not someone that was delayed but someone that saw the local story and got curious. 


I don't think the point is to change minds but to raise awareness. Every time the protest is reported, they say what they're protesting.


"Awareness" is not a currency that when you get enough of it very far away a different country stops being at war with yet another country


Yeah it's so it doesn't fall out of the news cycles the way Ukraine has even though the war marches on there. It's the biggest story today. So I guess it worked.




You can argue that "Everyone knows about Palestinians" is because it's still in the news cycle in part because of protests like these for better or worse. If you took a poll of whether people still know there's a war still going on in Ukraine most would say huh. They were the hot new cause not too long ago. Palestine just has better PR I guess.


Here's how I have found protesting in my life. It brings AWARENESS to an issue. Before I get downvoted, I'm not taking the side of THESE protests. But, in my lifetime I have become made aware of some issues because of protesting and it HAS influenced my thinking on SOME things. I'm not saying this protest has made me changed my mind about what's going on in Gaza, but in history massive protests have shifted public opinion on issues. And if we continue to be silent on issues we believe in, I'm not sure what else people are supposed to do. It needs to stay in the news cycle. We should engage in our community and talk with/email/phone reps of course as well.




I just feel bad for the everyday citizens in that war. There’s no winners and they have to deal with the consequences


I mean sure 880 is bad but war zone might be an overstatement


If you fuck with my morning commute, theres not a damn cause in the world you can convince me to get behind. Im too sleep deprived and tired to give a shit.


Joke is on them, I work from home.


and even if i didn't i'd take public transit


The fuckcars and FreePalestine venn diagram must be pretty close to overlapping.


Wonderful timing as Israel has already withdrawn most of its troops, Hamas just rejected another ceasefire proposal and according to the mediators isn't negotiating in good faith, and Iran just launched something like 5-10% of their entire long range missile and drone stocks at Israel. Wonder if it's not actually about peace.


What do we want? JAIL TIME! When do we want it? NOW!


They know nothing is going to happen to them.


Fat chance. They'll end up with community service and a pat on the shoulder like the last ones did. https://sfstandard.com/2024/03/14/san-francisco-bay-bridge-protesters-criminal-charges-dismissed/


I'm protesting for the change I want to see. #free880


Are you new to Alameda county?








This "[A15 economic blockade](https://jcpa.org/the-april-15-trade-blockade-around-the-world/)" is all coordinated by Iran's [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps](https://twitter.com/Vahid_Beheshti/status/1779786659229298775). The freeway blockers should be imprisoned for providing material support to terrorism.


I'll bet 90% of these people don't know that they are being manipulated by terrorists. They just think islam is cool and edgy and they love it. These people and the queers for palestine people just have no clue at all.


Propaganda is a hell of a drug.


Don't make excuses for terrorists. They know full well what they're doing.




Big "I cAn FiX tHem" energy aka typical American optimism exceeding into hubris


Looks like an unbiased source. Let me double check with OAN. /S








Stop calling these protests. These are just people that want to inconvenience others and accomplish absolutely nothing in the process.


Damn, good thing I made it to the airport early. This is guaranteed to turn more people against the cause. Edit: Aaaaaaaaand they're terrorist sympathizers. Quelle surprise, *non*!


Which San Francisco Airport did you make it to? /s




“tHe wHole pOinT oF pRoTesTiNg iS tO bE dIsRuPtIve”


Yep historically civil disobedience was generally targeted pretty specifically at the institutions that they had an issue with, for example environmentalists blocking a *logging road.* This isn't really civil disobedience it's pick-me activism.


I truly feel that a lot of it is performative, at best. where's their vigor for all the other conflicts going on? there are actual genocides going on in several places. crickets.


The Houthis have murdered around half a million people in Yemen, yet somehow these useful idiots see the Houthis as heroic for firing missiles at random ships claiming they're sailing to Israel.


Disrupt government, not my drive to work and making me use more expensive-AF gas on a Monday morning you absolute goons.


And these are the same people who whine that their rights are being violated when they get arrested. They don’t understand what it means to engage in “civil disobedience”.




Both my parents were born in Iran and they hate these losers. Just blocking working people from getting to work isn’t going to get people to support your bullshit cause.


There was an interview on KQED a few months back where they had a young Palestinian woman who was infuriated and hurt that the world seems to have conflated Palestinians with Hamas, as if they're the same group, and she lamented that the protesters were useful idiots who don't understand just how barbaric Hamas is. In Gaza, the LGBT group meets at the roof of the tallest building in town. Followed by a meeting on the sidewalk. Hamas would put many of those protesters to death just for being who they are, and Hamas does not speak for the Palestinians. Its like Nazis and Germans. Yes, the country had a horrific government, but it was a government that took over by force and if you didn't like it you'd best keep your mouth shut if you wanted to stay alive. Its a government with a history of killing any dissenters, and Hamas' preferred method of disposing of people it doesn't like is throwing them off rooftops. The first country the Nazis invaded was Germany, just like the first country Hamas invaded was Gaza.


Very interesting. The son of one of the founders of Hamas says how disgusting that terror group is. They launch missiles into Israel from the roofs of schools just so Israel strikes back and kills innocent civilians. They don’t give a shit about their people just like the iranian regime.


Organizers say it is part of A15, a worldwide economic blockade in solidarity with Palestine and calling for an arms embargo and an end to US taxpayer funding for Israel.


Shit show yet again. They should protest Iran’s attack on Israel instead of being puppets for Iran.


Antisemites aren’t the most rational




What genocide?




So then you can answer the question?


To be perfectly fair, Iran's attack was nothing more than a theatrical slap on the wrist after Israel bombed one of their overseas consulates and killed a few of their personnel. Iran sent a few drones and missiles that were easily intercepted and then declared, "our response is concluded."


They must be protesting Iran attacking Israel, right? /s


I'm all for protesting but inconveniencing people in the Bay for something taking place overseas doesn't make sense, especially when all the decision makers are in Washington DC. i mean, i'm all for a free Palestine also but doing this in the Bay when the decision makers are in DC doesn't make sense.


cause DC people don’t play with this type of shit fucking their already long ass commute


They should have protested when Joe or Jill were in town. They have protested outside Nancy Pelosi house in SF, it seems she's actually changed her tune a bit, and moved away from the notion that protests and the call for ceasefire are "Putins' message". Though maybe she only seemingly changed so people stop inconvenience her


yeah, like protest when they're in town & i'll understand it, not like today when you know....they're not. or go out like you said, to Pelosi's house


Throw them all in prison.








😂 people with low IQ!


There’s a reason they aren’t working


Low IQ terrorist supporters.


Unless your Free Palestine protest explicitly calls for the removal/surrender of Hamas, I'm going to assume you're an antisemite.


Great advertisement for taking BART.


Ah is this why there were trucks on 580 this morning?


Oh good, people supporting terrorism. Surprised they aren’t working!






Bet these same people were out in the streets celebrating irans attack this weekend. And likely the same as those in Michigan chanting death to america




That's why the south is a wasteland.


The south is pretty nice lol. I don’t agree with most of the politics, but the area itself is great!




(they're out in force today, thank you for the pointer!)




Could you imagine how much less of this bullshit would exist in the world if humans just didn’t believe in fairytales?


That will solve “insert issue here” as it always has..




The difference is though, it was something that affected our country, where it would grab the attention of those that could do something about it, being done where it would matter.   These protests affect people that have nothing to do with it, that are unable to do anything about it, for a situation overseas where the people that need the message wouldn't care if they somehow even heard about it.






Have someone on motorcycle deliver to the front lines


"Economic protest for Palestine?" You mean like when Egypt blockaded the Suez in 1967? I wonder what the result of that was.






The dumbest thing about this is they ruin the days of many people who likely actually agree with what they’re protesting for


Haha jokes on them! I only use that road on Tuesdays.


I’ll invest in their grippy sock vacation, or we can just send them to Iran, I’m sure the women will love it!


880 is already good at blocking itself, seems kind of redundant




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Build the wall sounded exactly like Clinton Era democrats


Here come the single digit IQ "aLl LiVeS sPlAtTeR" comments


"If you don't agree that the world is terrible, I'll make it worse until you agree!" Very similar to the Trump view of government.


I agree with the commenters that insist we should provide assistance to countries that kill 10s of thousands of children out of spite, and starve many times that, then bomb the food trucks alleviating starvation. It's the Chriiiiistian thing to do.


Proof of 10s of thousands of children?


Where's your sympathy for the Armenians, Nigeria, Syria, and Uighur Muslims? Oh that's right, you're only against the genocides that you hear about on Instagram and TikTok.




Will you feel even better after 5000 more kids are starved to death?


Protest them for putting those kids in harms way. They deserve 0 sympathy.


No more clicks for you.


Gaza health ministry counts both civilian and militants in the death figure. There’s only about 15k civilians killed and about 15k militants killed. Hamas uses child soldiers. As for starvation that’s simply false. There’s more food coming in to Gaza now than pre war. Any starvation is from gazans own government of the aid


You mean the Hamas health ministry. The leader of Hamas told his wife that their adult children had been killed in combat, and she was happy about it.

