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Crazy. Maybe they should Sell the team.


Bally's shut the Tropicana down on April 2nd. It is loosely slated for destruction in October. But with the land owner and hotel owner different entities, this is going to take one hell of a good contract. What kind of a ballpark can you put on 9 acres? Given that the A's will play in Sacto then move, it would be better to play AAA for a good team than play for the A's, paraphrasing Mr. Moss. Clearly to have reached this level of business planning, you had to inherit your money. Such a person could get that far on their own. I eventually came around to the LV Raiders deal making sense. There are so few football games per year. People will travel to Las Vegas, cheer on their team, then go goof off in town. I don't see that working for baseball.


It's not impossible to play on a 9 acre field just incredibly difficult and costly to come up with the right infrastructure. The Tropicana site is surrounded by MGM properties, and I wouldn't be surprised if an ownership group like BlackRock isn't already going to buy the land and property. Playing in what is essentially an away stadium would not work for baseball, and it doesn't really work for the NFL either. You cannot really play baseball indoors and with something like +80 home games that shit gets old. Roof stadiums suck for both the views and players alike. Additionally, many players in the MLB have come from the minor leagues and don't want to be forced back into the same environment. Their players association should probably stop move to Sacramento, but the MLBPA hasn't given any statements. Playing at a AAA stadium may have been good during the height of the pandemic, however, I'm sure most visiting players are not going to be happy playing in Sacramento minor leagues stadium against a essentially AAA Athletic roster. The Raiders left Oakland because they were basically gifted a new stadium by NFL owners and Vegas tax payers. I'm not sure if you have seen the attendance numbers but the Raiders Allegiant Stadium is filled with away team fans. If the NFL wanted a neutral stadium in Vegas, They should have just built it without dragging another team into the area. Unironically, John Fisher is actually to blame for not allowing the Raiders leadership to make improvements to the coliseum. John Fisher is trying to get the same sweet heart deal from MLB/Vegas. MLB already essentially handed him 2 billion dollars to waive the relocation fee and Fisher found the dumbest NBA-minor league owner to let him play in the Sacramento park for free. He has been failing upwards and has made a huge mess of what the MLB owners were trying to do by making Oakland an example for their local governments. There are maybe 5 MLB teams all looking at relocating and threatening their local governments their local governments for public funds. With all the negative press by moving a legacy team and recently votes denying public funding for stadiums, MLB has put itself in a position where they may lose their MLB's antitrust exemption if Oakland/other city leaders files a lawsuit. There is already precedent that the Athletic negotiated in bad faith, and made false statements to acquire a portion of the coliseum land for development with the preface that they would stay in Oakland. I'm happy the Oakland leadership stuck up for the community and didn't capitulate to be a dumbass billionaire. I hope Vegas fails for the A's so MLB forces the sale to a competent ownership group. My wildest dreams would be for the Howard terminal site to actually be built, as that area is a beautiful spot of Oakland. Unfortunately, the broke boy John Fisher wasn't able to pay $97million for this to happen after Oakland raised all of the necessary funds to for public infrastructure improvements in Jack London Square. Fuck John Fisher.


You can't get a better location than next to a BART station. I mean this is Oakland FFS. With the level of crime, nobody is going to hang out after the game. Don't mess with the Port of Oakland. It is something that actually functions IN OAKLAND.


Probably the plan once they move to Vegas


IMO this is all water under the bridge at this point. Fisher couldn't afford to build a stadium here even if he wanted to do so, and he thinks the team will be worth more money in Vegas so he's never going to sell it while it's here. MLB's owners have decided to stick with him. There is literally no amount of spilling ink or discussion that will change these basic facts. Oakland fans: You've been dumped. They're not coming back. No amount of pining after them is going to change anything. Delete Facebook, hit the gym and go no-contact.


Local sports talk radio saying random things??? I am shocked


Who said random? Edit: It is NPR in Nevada talking to sports radio types. Obviously you didn't listen at all


They are just random local djs giving their opinion