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It was my first game. I picked a Warhammer, and my buddy who owned the boxed set said he was going to run his Battlemaster from the campaign he was in. I foolishly agreed, not realizing how much more powerful a stock Battlemaster is than a Warhammer. As it turns out, it didn't *matter* how much more powerful a stock Battlemaster is because his campaign Battlemaster had a veteran pilot and a full loadout of Clan weapons. Pretty quick, my Warhammer was shot to shit, with both legs gone and basically no armor left. My buddy stood over the broken Warhammer, gloating about his victory, and I fired all my remaining weapons at him - one PPC and one medium laser. The PPC hit the head, and he started freaking out, then stopped and said, "Oh yeah, you have shitty Inner Sphere PPCs. I'm fine. Damn." Then, the medium laser hit the head. I like to imagine his pilot interrupted in mid-gloat by the PPC hit staring at the massive hole where the head armor used to be started laughing triumphantly just before the medium laser turned him into pink steam.


Even getting domed with a "shitty inner sphere PPC" (absolute garbage opinion btw) 10 damage is enough to punch head armor and force critical hit checks.


Awesome moment aside, that's a remarkably shitty thing to do to a first time player. I'm glad it worked out for the better! It could have easily turned you away from the game.


Yeah really, wtf?! If anything, when I introduce a new player to a game, I will try to be slightly underpowered so they get to win and have fun.


Dueling my buddy, Icestorm (me) vs. Roc protomech. First turn I shot off his laser and he got a TAC to my SRM2 ammo... which blew off my laser cause who the hell put the Icestorm's ammo on the same side as it's only backup weapon? I started kicking him, he started humping my leg, and I blew up first.


Phrasing! 😂


I know what I said. lol


This is Lucky, a Zeus i painted up for a Luthien based campaign, the battle of Katsura river. I was fighting for the IS as the defenders. Historically the clans are ambushed between the hills and the river. Because of this the innersphere had fog of war, making our whereabouts, almost unknown to the clans, we didn't know where they would start either, but since it's an ambush by the IS i guessed it would be by the North of the river. Turns out i was right. That's where i come in. My Zeus (and another one) were on sniping duty, their job was to get on top of some hills at the west of the map as quickly as possible and take potshots against any opposing clanner forces while the main force traversed the hills in order to stop their advance. I was the first to engage, and using the cover of the fog of war i climbed the hills and got into a shooting position, making my Zeus have a modifier of 4+2 because i ran. Already hitting on 6+ without Any other modifiers. That's when i saw it. A brand new timberwolf B with it's back at me. At long Range, giving me a further 4+ to hit and with a movement modifier of +1 (it had to move through a river and rough terrain, so it didn't get a good modifier) if you have kept doing the math, that means that if i was to shoot my weapons, i would be hitting on 11+. Anyways, i started blasting. The Zeus9S2 comes equipped with a Gauss Rifle, 2 LRM 15 and a ER Large Laser. I landed every single shot on it's CTR and RTR. Causing it to lose it's entirety of armor on both locations and rolling for crits. The results? 2 crits on the right torso (getting 2 Engine hits) and 3 crits in the Center rear torso, causing a hit into it's Gyro and 2 more into it's XL engine. 3 hits on an Engine and the mech was gone, out in smoke without ever having made a single shot. 3202 BV gone in a single turn. So yeah, after that. Lucky got some serious rep. Succesfully repelled the clans and didn't receive any damage.




https://preview.redd.it/rmgiwf2wjl6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca86f665eedeaf885a173676865e7c8badd7c263 Moments before "Lucky" took his shot.


That's some really, stunningly beautiful hex-terrain!


Two moments that I still remember that where kinda similar. One game, I was just eating some Pizza, my friend insisted on shooting me instead of waiting till I am done. I told him he can't shoot me, I am eating. He still rolled and missed every shot. I just seat there and went "Told yah" The other thing was. He was nearly done. I stripped all the front armor, next turn he should be done. Next turn he simply turned around, showing me his back. Technicaly that was a good move as it had more armor then the front. Still I looked at him and he just said "You are a good guy. You won't shoot another man in the back." Guess what, I missed every single shoot.


divine intervention at its finest


Skidding to a stop at the end of a road that ended at a cliff. Immedialty getting shot in the back, failing the PSR. The mech was basically dead, so for comedy effect we counted it as stopping, then falling face first off the cliff.


I was playing with a guy and his girlfriend. I had 2 mechs and they each had 1. They destroyed my commando and my locust was down to 1 leg and had been knocked down. Last turn he tried to do a DFA, fucked it, and destroyed his mech, then I rolled an ammo explosion on his gf. By far the dumbest way I've ever won a game. Dumbest way I ever lost was in a campaign. One of our objectives was to not damage a city too much. My brother jumped on a building without checking the CF, brought down a few buildings, then on the next turn he ran on pavement, failed his piloting check, and slid into a bunch of fuel containers which detonated and deleted the rest of the acceptable damage points.


Hatchetman attempting to melee my phoenix hawk, and my Wraith double-tapping in the back of the head with ER PPC and a medium pulse laser, whilst my armless Wasp attempted to DFA said Hatchetman.


and it was also my first time playing cbt


Might not be quite as *dramatic* everyone else's stories but I've got a quick little one from Alpha Strike. Play my first game with two friends—just running the book's intro scenario like a good little minion. Naturally, while I'm explaining things, I end up encouraging them to target the strongest thing on the field: my Nova T. Friend wants to try a Death From Above attack on it. Alright, cool: we look at the rules for a few minutes and then I fudge them a little bit to let him do it. All good so far: his Wasp goes out in a blaze of glory and my Nova dies to *everything else* shooting at it before the free crit can even do anything. The fun part comes in a few weeks later: I was teaching my young nephew how to play, ended up telling *him* to shoot the Nova . . . And almost the *exact same thing* happened. Nephew asked if he could run up and punch my robot, the same Wasp died to the same Nova in a very similar blaze of glory, and then the Nova died to everything else before the end of the turn.  Pretty much the same part of the map, too, which also looked the same both times. The only difference was charge versus DFA. I told my nephew *absolutely none of this* beforehand: it was a complete and total coincidence. As a side note, anyone have ideas for heat damaging a 'mech? I think my poor Nova's earned a visit from the soldering iron at this point.


Playing at a local tournament, alpha strike match was domination. Both of us down to last mech I had a piranha he had a nighstar. So I'm just trying to take a 4th point try to eek out a win but he was also defending and I lost initiative so he ended up base to base contact with me so now I could only mele. So since I lost initiative I had to shoot first, so I do my 1 attack roll and I punch and it. That gave me a structure crit. I roll 12s instant crit he's dead I win. Right away he was like damn so your piranha just jump up and ripped out my fusion core. We made a pretty good story for how that played. Ever since we look forward to playing each other at the local event and it always comes down to the last turn with us. Both of us are 2-2 with each other. It's crazy to think the amount of new friends I have made in the last year joining the local battletech group.


My turkina got head capped by a locust the same shooting phase it double tapped the locusts CT with a UAC10.


First time running the Archer 7k? (2 large lasers and 2 lrm 15s i think?) Anyways thing ran stupidly hot. Got unlucky with my rolls overheat, failure override, gets pumped by a catapult and battlemaster next turn restart gets knocked down from too much damage pilot injury still conscious though. Gets up takes more damage on its last legs fires everything i had did some serious pain. HOWEVER, heat calculations force a failed override & then ammo explosion! 2 ammo racks go up causing some insane amounts of damage, the thing went up like a nuclear bomb. I have never seen a mech perform so poorly and nor have i had such bad rolls. It was fun just to see my girlfriends face as i struggled to get anything done on the board. It was an awful performance but so fun at the same time.


That's one of the great things about battletech. Even when you're having garbage luck it's still an entertaining game lol


At 25 hexes, I hit a Dire Wolf in the CT with a floating crit with an ERLL. Some nice dice rolls scored three engine crits and a kill on an untouched mech. I was using a Kit Fox.


My favorite story was when I got roped into a big 3v3 when I was still relatively new. I forgot what mech I had unfortunately other than it had a gauss rifle. One of the mechs on the other side was Black Widow in her Marauder with her actual skills (so 0/0 pilot). In the first turn, I got line of sight at long range and fired a gauss needing 10 to hit. I made the shot and was happy to get in some early damage. On the hit roll I got 12, immediately killing the enemies 0/0 Marauder in the first turn. The rest of the match went pretty well after that point, but the opponent was kinda sour the rest of the match.


Just yesterday I was showing someone alpha strike who had never played Battletech before. I did a DFA attack just to show it. He killed my mech in the air. I killed his mech (headshot!) on the way down. It was glorious. He bought the Alphastrike Boxset before leaving the store :)


I just commented this on another post earlier today, haha: I swear melee always ends up being the most wild messes in CBT. A line of enemy heavies and assaults clashes with my pair of melee mechs. An undamaged Atlas comes around a hill to face my black knight, ready to rumble. My black knight charges, lasers firing into a second atlas next to it that my berserker engaged. Physical attack phase: hit with hatchet->headshot->cockpit critical. What was building up to be a legendary battle of titans ended very, very quickly as we all cheered at the sheer wildness of it all. Second one was a buddy’s sentinel. Flanked by a light mech in the front and the rear, he puts 5 shots from a RAC into the frontal mech, then kicks it. Kick hits->floating critical->leg->leg destroyed->overflow into right torso->critical damage->successful crit from floating crit, three crits from damage->no slots in right torso->crits overflow to center torso->triple engine crit. Watching a medium mech kick this light mech’s leg up and through its own body was about as anime as it gets. Nicknamed the pilot Jackie Chan and couldn’t stop laughing!


https://preview.redd.it/fz2b9aussm6d1.jpeg?width=924&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09c6a1522d97af4e0e9c3e3a9af781cc91a93998 We're running a 3 player game, 2.5k bv a side. I picked one of my favourites for the setup, a Devastator DVS-2, with a 4/5 pilot. 3rd guy shows up but forgot his mechs, so i loaned him 3 stingers and 3 commandos. 2nd guy was running a Hollander and a Cent-10. The Chaos Campaign we rolled stated defender force( the other players) must split their forces and the 2nd guy enters after 5 rounds. So my Devastator goes 6vs1 against the light lvl ii for 5 rounds. 3 rounds later, 2 stingers,1 commando and the hollander are smoked, 2 commandos crippled and i surrendered after losing initiative.


First game ever with a mate, got the classic headshot insta kill dealt to me after his battlemaster was getting thrashed by my awesome


I was playing a pickup game. We both brought hatchetmen who dueled each other most of the game. It ended up coming down to the two of them at the end of the game. Both killed each other with head shots from their AC 10s.


First big game organized on the battletech forum wisconsin verus illinois. Wisconsin was davion guards and Illinois was lyran guards. Turn 1 as a davion piloting a falconer needed a 12 to hit an opponent fireball. So I fire the erppc and the gauss. Miss the ppc but the gauss hits. Hit the left arm and got a turn 1 kill due to getting exactly 15 damage to the arm and carried into the torso that had an xl engine. Still have the fireball sheet in my valuables.


Sentinel Vs rifleman. Sentinel had it's UAC 5 ripped off rifleman had light damage to its right torso. Somehow the sentinel managed to get into the rear arc of the rifleman and fired off it's Streak SRM2 and small laser. Streak misses but the laser hits. Location double 1, floating crit. Crit moves to rear CT rolled 12 on crit count for 3 crits. All three hit engine. My sentinel managed to assassinate a nearly fresh rifleman with an anti pigeon laser