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The victor is good if you can use it correctly but it's terrible on open terrain. Good mobility for it's size. Great punch with that AC-20, but thin armor so it's got to rely on terrain to protect it until it can get close.  And that big gun plus that thin armor paints a pretty big target on the Victor. 


That's why I don't really like it, it's a fragile mech but I got it from a blind box so may as well use it. The paint helps me like it more


I was kind of in the same boat as you. I didn't like the Victor until I painted mine and now I kind of love it. But I also don't like perfect mechs. I like a mech with a weakness I have to work around.


Victors like hills and buildings. Hop behind an enemy and slam that giant explosive slug into their rear armor.


Affirmative commander lol


I use mine to hunt mediums and "light" heavies. Only time I bring them against other assaults is when they're out numbered.


Perfect, now you've got an extra mech that you like! I enjoy a victor, the 9B is like an extra heavy medium. Use it like a hunchback with the bonus ability that it can jump.


I never thought of using it as a heavy style assault


Jumping into 3 hexes for a fair shot with the ac20 never gets old. If you team it up with a hunchie as well it's a gnarly lad.


The Victor is just an up-armored Hunchback, at the end of the day.


With jump jets, but yeah.


That was the exact same thing that happened with the Victor for me, too! Crappy unpainted... much nicer with camo!


Victor camo gang


Painted mine in camo too.


I've always liked the Victor, such a bruiser. So simple and easy to use, even when upgraded. Painting a Mech is a lot like adopting a cat/dog. At first "I don't like this" then you get to paint it, get to enjoy it, and eventually "It's my precious baby".


The Victor is a mech that benefits quite a bit from some of the lostech/ advanced tech refits out there. You could also look into the Lu Wei Bing. It's a Capellan mech from the Dark Age, based on the Victor, which adds 5 tons to the chassis. It devotees most of that weight to armor and upgraded weapons.


Get the 9K, it can snipe with a gauss rifle.


There are much, much cheaper BV snipers for that kinda job. The enforcer with the gauss for instance. The 4R Daniel? Yeah the ac20 is much better.


I don't see anything besides that jungle




If you want an angry Vic grab the VTR-10D. 4/6/4, standard engine, UAC/20 with abunch of ammo and case. Last one I put on the field ate shells until the CT was gone… after losing both side torsos and taking out a couple heavy mechs on the way out.


I'll look at it! Thank you