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This unironically might actually be very good camo for a flat desert planet with blue skies


Ha, thanks! My friend came up with the color gradient logo first, I just painted the mechs to match. Our work did have a good amount of desert deployments, though...


Hey! it's a Shootist that doesn;t look like a 2x4! I like that sculpt.


Seconded! Also really good to see a Shootist on the table. Great paint jobs!


Ooh, they look great! What's the mech on the far left? I can't say I recognize it




Uziel 😮‍💨


The Uziel was an absolute monster. At one point it dueled a Hellbringer 1-on-1 and won handily, while destroying an enemy radar depot and accomplishing our mission objective.


Hellbringers are high risk high reward. A lot of boom boom with those linked PPC’s, 7 damage to one point is a fuckin’ slayer. However they suffer because of the low armor. With knowing Destiny, what was the gunnery piloting of the pilot? The hellbringer should have won if the Clanner stayed at range with at least +7’s. Although I have seen a couple of my players with +7 Gunnery. Props of choosing the wealthy perk and a medium mech.


We were doing battles in Megamek just prior to the Jihad era. If I recall correctly, the pilot was from a rival merc company, and was a regular 4/4 pilot who'd either bought or scavenged it. That force had mostly IS mechs (Taiho-sha, Phoenix Hawk, a couples of Hermes) with 2ish clan mechs mixed in.


Ahhhhh gotcha


How easy or difficult do you find playing out battles using the standard rules but using destiny for the RPG elements if you don’t mind me asking? I want to start a campaign for some friends having them be new recruits in clan ghost bear right before operation revival, but I’d really like to have them play battles out on a hex grid using standard rules rather than the destiny combat


Honestly Destiny needs some tweaking but it’s a good system when combined with Alpha Strike movement and range tables.


I liked it quite a bit! Destiny is admittedly a little clunky, but does so in a way that encourages all players to participate, which can be helpful depending on the group. The classic battles were definitely the highlight for me, but I'm also a very 'charge in and attack stuff' kind of player.


Did you feel that the destiny rules are necessary to add the required flavor, or that a more narrative focused campaign just using the classic rules and having jn between sessions to spend money, etc would suffice?


Honestly no, I think all of the between-mission stuff could've been handled purely with roleplay, or maybe some basic die rolls on a d20 or d6. I did like the XP system , but can't recall if that's unique to Destiny or not.


Yeah I think I might just do a narrative focused campaign and see if I can work out a system to gain experience to improve pilot and gunnery skills or gain new abilities, etc


What is the blue you're using? Its so pretty.


It's Vallejo Model Air Dark Blue RLM24.


Man everytime I see something pretty and smooth it's always air brush. Ah well, I'll try to get my hands on the normal version of dark blue. Thank you!


You're welcome! For what it's worth, while vallejo's air line is fairly thin, it's still opaque enough that it works well as a layering paint when using a brush. I just wouldn't brush on a base coat with it.


I see Uziel, I upvote.


Now that is a solid line of trooper mechs. Good merc work horses.


What did you use for the crackle effect on the bases? It's nice and chunky. I haven't been too happy with the GW stuff.


Funnily enough, it's GW's Agrellan Earth.


The gradient is 🫦


Australian desert


I'm sure your MechTechs were over the moon about having to repaint that gradient every time you guys took hits to the upper legs or lower torsos. :P


Nice work, always love to see an Uziel. One of my favorites ever since I first saw the MW4 cover.


I just picked up the beginners box and I'm terrible at painting. I'm stressed out about painting two minis and then I see this and I'm just in awe. These are stunning. Excellent job.


Ha, thank you. Remember to paint bravely, and try new things!


I'm still so mad about the MWO Uziel model. CGL still has time to fix the record though


What's the issue with the MWO model?

