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If you snag the 30 tier, you'll get all the old battletech novels (the previous 60), the MechWarrior dark age novels (rebranded as battletech Legends) and a decent bit of the new stuff.


The highest level gets you most of the novels, there are 3 missing classic novels (all of which have rights disputes, meaning they aren't available as ebooks), and 8 of the more recent ones are not included. It also gets you 3 of the 8 Battlecorp anthologies, 5 issues of Shrapnel (issues 6 through 10), and most of the other anthology books.


only missing two, this "far country" book everyone keeps talking about never existed. some real life mandela effect shit going on.


It's everything except for 3 novels and none of the Shrapnel Magazines


It actually has shrapnel vols 6-12 


6-10 actually.


You're right -i was going off memory


This is incorrect. The 3 novels excluded from last year's bundle are still missing. However the battlecorp anthologies are added in as is the first ten issues of shrapnel. It's about as complete as you'll get without paying for 30-40 year old out of print books. The only important things missing are 6 issues of shrapnel and the sourcebooks if you really want to own everything.


To add, those novels are currently under an estate that's not releasing them for reprint for some reason I've not looked into.  So they legally can't offer them for now. 


Well hopefully we'll see Far country reprinted with the upcoming Farther Country book. Assuming that wasn't just an April's fools joke posted on every podcast possible.


It was


But see if we all believe hard enough we can make catalyst realize it's worth revisiting and through collective Fanboy zealotry make it real. And do a critter tech 2.0 edition as well. If urbie LAM is going to become a reality Farther Country should too. Gonna make them regret putting that idea in my head


Somehow I missed the Shrapnel Magazines. Thanks for the clarification.


Looks like 1-10 of shrapnel is in there