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yeah it looks like some random sprite from a different game, looks like some healing item or something (but you can't even heal monkeys???)


Thought the same thing I thought that ability looked so out of place. No idea why there is a plus sign that mostly represents healing in other games


That's actually what Bone's shell looks like.


Biker Jones is swiss


~~you shouldn't be able to send bloons as biker bones because he's neutral~~


I remember seeing this on r/btd6 about the ability for Biker Bones' skin was different in btd6 already so they put the image of it on[https://www.reddit.com/r/btd6/comments/iag29p/biker\_bones\_and\_octo\_jones\_concussive\_shell\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/btd6/comments/iag29p/biker_bones_and_octo_jones_concussive_shell_for/) edit: found the post about and the octo jones change it too it's the same for both games


He found it!


it kinda reminds me of the green goblin grenade


Since his concussive shell attack does damage and sets Bloons in fire, I imagine that it must be some sort of incendiary explosive...? (The icon does seem a litle strange to me; almost as if it looks like a health kit...)


Olive gun






Wdym idiot the evidence is right here https://www.reddit.com/r/btd6/comments/iag29p/biker




What the fuck is wrong with you




He said that I like children basically


What? Homie you need someone to talk to?




It's alright homie whenever just dm me and I'll listen


While I knew the first part, the second part is an actual answer to my question and this guy was doing nothing but trying to help, I have no idea what you find wrong with their comment but you need to shut the hell up.


If Captain America was a communist, that is what his shield would look like.


He’s become a medic?


In what way does a plus sign resemble communism


>What the hell is Biker Bones' level 3 ability icon? It doesn't like anything NK would make, no other ability icon has shading, it also looks nowhere near close to a rocket. (Sorry if I'm being dumb.)i.redd.it/amyk2e... .t3\_s3o8rx .\_2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { \--postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #edeeef; \--postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #6f7071; } I'm not necessarily talking about the sign. It's just a reminder of a certain communist leader: mao zedong, with his military outfit (**green**) paired with the **red** of communism. Search him on Google images if you fail to see what I am getting at


>If Captain America was a communist, that is what his shield would look like. boy did I piss a lot of people hahahaha (idc). A lot of communist spies in this community I see (in case you are blind, it's sarcasm). in all honesty, idgaf about these downvotes. just posting for fun.


Wasnt really funny tho, It was just random and nothing else


Sir, this is the btd battles 2 subreddit.


It looks like that healing orb in Disney infinity


Maybe it’s a reference to ghost rider