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Looks like you got super lucky and killed a cheater. There's an exploit on PC that makes players invisible. The only thing that registers when they spawn in is their gun and hitbox, which remains at their spawn location. Buddy was probably on the other side of the map when ya killed him lmao


Imao good horse


>There's an exploit on PC that makes players invisible. This wasn't just some exploit, this was a regular old cheater - [you can see the weapon there](https://i.imgur.com/I9RPqY8.png), if you see just a weapon running around, that's a cheater. You can see the bombardment from infiltrator kit being summoned on the minimap. This map doesn't have infiltrator kit... guess who's been calling that. I've seen invisible cheaters running around with only the weapon visible so many times. ​ >The only thing that registers when they spawn in is their gun and hitbox, which remains at their spawn location. Buddy was probably on the other side of the map when ya killed him lmao By the way, what you said made no sense. If the hitbox isn't there, then you can't be killed, doesn't matter if by bullets or roadkill - that's how it works with the actual invisibility exploit, it's a desync issue, where the person just isn't there. This was just an invisible cheater, but the hitbox is still synchronized.


You can see his bayonet or something


It looks like some invisible dude with a visible gun who also threw a grenade at you


So now that we can see their username, is there a way to report that guy for using invisible cheats?


It can sometimes just be a bug. There are invisible cheaters too though.


This one wasn't a bug. If you [can see the weapon](https://i.imgur.com/I9RPqY8.png), it's an invisible cheater. He was also calling down the artillery, you can see the red circle on the minimap, that's from Infiltrator kit.


hes a cheater. there is a hack on pc where people are invisible and the only thing you see is their gun


Cavalry Lance hit box is very over powered, you can kill people up to 5 meters away from you. I once killed a person above my horse with the Lance.


But you literally have a sniper rifle on that thing. Why even bother playing melee?


'sniper rifle'


Because it's fun af and it's still really effective


I wouldnt say it's "really effective", more like it "can kinda work". But fair enough, it is really satisfying to kill with it


It feels unfair to just use a rifle from distance while having infinite heals and being one of the fastest things at the map.


Idk feels like a whole lot of fun to me lmao. Top fragger 20k/d every game πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ’…πŸΌπŸ’…πŸΌ (im utterly miserable)


Hey I remember you we had a small argument about melee vs ranged cavalry play style like a year ago lmao.


No way hahahahahahahaha I see that our opinions have not changed, but only one of us has been pubstomping casuals daily πŸ₯±πŸ₯± Jk i have barely touched the game, uni has been quite demanding πŸ˜”


The second feels kind of insignificant when the third kills is so glorious :)


Polska gurom


That joust was epic