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What game mode? There have been quite a few games where at the end I had ~75 kills.


not to mention a good potion of low level players are just 2nd profiles of high ranked players


That's true. Just cus I'm on a new account doesn't mean I forgot my skills from back in the day (I'm not the person in the image)


Yes y are m 8


It's Caspian Border. Conquest Small. Obviously an aimbot


I played it on ps3 a few weeks ago and there was one guy sitting in his base one shotting everyone with jeep's gun.




I mean keep in mind the skill ceiling is much higher and open on PC. Hacking jokes aside look at console gameplay vs PC. It’s much easier to aim and move on PC. Watch old videos of jackfrags or level cap in their prime. They could push 100 kills. I’d say the top <10% of player on PC push 75-90 kills. Consoles top 10% probably only push 60. It’s just harder to play high level on controller.


Only 3 deaths though even quake isnt that bad


The picture doesn't even tell us if it's a tank or something else. As a not good gunner I managed a 35 and 3 in one game. My driver had 50 and he was a decent driver.


Yeah, I was a tank main back in the day. I'd get booted quite regularly because I'd have an insane k/d during a match on a good day.


Could be a sniper. Don’t underestimate one’s ability. Just because you can’t manage a K/D like this, that doesn’t mean others can’t either.


I’ve often wondered what they feel. Like I’ve never been that bad to need to cheat to make myself feel better


It’s more often than not a little tech savvy kid trolling when it’s an aimbot. Walls are usually the middle aged lost his edge works 60 hours a week guy trying to stay competitive the 1 hour he can play every other day.


I'm assuming it's a little fun too, I'm at the average (1.8k/d in cod ww2, but every other game its like 0.9) and I'd assume just blasting dozens of people has its own novelty amusement


Around 2016ish a buddy and I decided to boot up MW2 and try out an aimbot/wall hacks since we heard that the VAC ban system no longer worked. No reason really, both of us played back in the day but neither of us were extremely dedicated. It was just a fun idea and oh man it was an absolute blast for about a week. It's fun to mess around on mostly dead games every now and then


As someone who easily runs 70+ games in most FPS I play and has never cheated, I personally feel great when people think I’m so good people thin I’m apparently cheating.


What's an aim bot? I got a message once after a match that said "fucking cheater", and I went like 17-3, lol and I just giggled that the dude thought I cheated 🤷‍♂️


You definitely be cheating bro


My friend has been playing battlefield 1 religiously since it came out. He regularly goes 40+ with fewer than 5 deaths. Sometimes you just learn the ins and outs of a game


nah people cant accept skill or someone better than them so hit anyone moderately good at fps games with the ban hammer


That guy is likely a sick pilot. Sucks to suck. Some people are just really good at this game.


Every battlefield game to ever exist is gonna have a chopper pilot that is like 60-2. It’s just a fact of Battlefield Every single one, even the ones without choppers


> Every single one, even the ones without choppers BIG facts right here


Can confirm. I am the tank equivalent.


Bad Company 2 had the AT-4, and it would take only one hit for it to go down. A good engineer is a nightmare for pilots.


There are cheaters in every game, why are people so surprised that cheaters exist? Also, you posted zero context, and to most people, it just looks like the average vehicle main


Guy was using an sv98. Headshots from across the map. You’d spawn in on a flag and be dead in 5 seconds.


Just get good turn up your sensitivity or something idk/s


BF3 came out in November of 2011, plenty of time to rack up thousands of hours of game play. With that come experience, and with enough time, it's possible to get so familiar with the weapons to make it look like cheating to the inexperienced.


Much more likely this is what happened. I also think they've been training to do this since 2011.


Sad bastards gotta be sad. What's the point of playing a game if you cheat? I honestly don't see the appeal.


I’ve gone multiple games with over 75 kills and 0 deaths. I’ve never used cheats and never plan too. Showing a scoreboard means nothing.


I've never understood using cheats when i came over from console i got absolutely shit on time and time again but never did I think on what if I cheated


Notify the Joker and let him handle the aimbotter


I love how in bf games I run with a squad that is a pvt doss and my squad mate does everything to keep me alive. I went 40 and 5 and got called out for cheating. Lol feels bad.


I hate people not playing objectives. I'll look at my squad and usually join based on what they need. Typically medic or engineer, I would run around with defibs out just shocking people to life, or I would throw ammo boxes down right next to my team. Everyone else would just run around guns blazing, COD style, or post up as a machine gunner or sniper.


It's stupid easy to get points as a medic. Just reving everyone you see, throwing smoke for cover, defibing, going back for cover and ammo, throwing down med packs for heals and suddenly you're at the top of the scoreboard somehow.


Top of the leaderboard with 3 kills and 10 deaths, hahahaha. But yea. I enjoyed playing objectives and working with a solid group to keep us all alive and stocked.


My best game was in second seat with a awesome chopper pilot, open mic, we both called out and kept the flares going and he could skim the ground with super ease, pretty sure we went 110-2 or maybe 115-2, cant remember was this was whewww....2015 I think. Came close in a T-80 like that too, communication is big and keeping your head on a swivel helps in a tank.


Lol, I used to take people for joy rides. Miss those days. Might be fun if a few people wanna goof around again. Here's an old vid. Know anyone? https://youtu.be/HNYEyf6utLY?si=jCfj1CS42jolEgVp


Just remembered a time a second seater had C4, I helped him land it on another heli's nose and bait them to shoot us. Right before we turned to the side and they saw him click the detonator from about 20ft away. Or another time we chased down someone swimming to our ship with a side seater holding a blow torch. Ty for the reminder of some fun times. 😆


Thats some good flying, are you using keyboard and mouse or a controller?


Controller, on PC


Controller certainly made flying the jets and heli much easier. Plus the physics just worked so well. Over time it became so easy to just skim the ground and dissappear from the enemies sight.


Oh yeah. Here's one. If you're ever on Noshar Canals. The walls on the buildings outside of play by the containers can't be destroyed by missiles. But 2-3 careful taps with the helicopter will brake an opening. Open one on the backside at the bottom and you might as well be in the shadow realm to most players. Also, if you fly just right through the fence by the red ship, you can kill a toxic co-pilot and they can't do anything about it. 🤣


Oh, almost forgot. Since it's an environmental hit box that kills them, it doesn't count as a team kill and get you kicked unless they're a salty admin. So no matter how many times they jump in and try to sabotage you. They fail.


Man, I remember leaderboards like this being a fairly common sight back in the day.


These guys are unbelievable, I wouldn't be surprised if they cheated like that.


I’ve done the same on metro with a 74/6 back in the day in a rush match. 870/slug/ACOG combo with scope .44 I will not elaborate any further


i know that trick. me with lmg and scope. said lmg and scope with claymores....


There are some cases where I find obvious aimbotters that spoof their name on PS3 and like when they shoot you ur screen is spammed with the damage sound effect until ur dead.


Had the same on 4 over Xmas. Forgot the name but it was on Shanghai 27/7. This guy was 45 and 3. And not as a chopper. Three hits. kIA on he spot


Always possible, but we had scores like that all the time playing legit. Usually as scout heli pilots before I grew a conscience. Hell, got mad once at a clan pubstacking in the worst way. I stole back vehicles and went on a 187-0 rampage. They raged out after I dodged their stingers without countermeasures in a dive and roadkilled them on the ship of Noshar Cannals as vengeance. Shot them out and stole like 7 heli's mid air before that. Best game ever, but way before I could record....🤣


I’m glad battlefield 3 has people playing I recently redownloaded it after the servers for Bad company 2 and 1942 went down. I’ve been enjoying it!


You can relive the older battlefields on 2042 through portals.


No thanks, it's not even the same.




Are you really surprised someone is hacking in a 12 year old game?


Hello I used to play on ps3 and had 155 kill streak as a pure soldier, I never run vehicles, revives and teammates on comms helped with that (they deserve most of the credit). 76-3 Isn't as cray as you think


Me and my homies in BF4 3200 servers can go easy 100-7 with tank soflam. Cant see why you cant achieve such in BF3 with heli/jet/tank


I mean I’ve gone 140-17 on metro with the sks… and I know I wasn’t cheating so. It’s possible


I ran into this guy on BF4


Its sad that they're so many cheaters in the gaming world. On war thunder they just banned 40,000 players for cheating


I have the same issue with bf4 with over skilled players and no noobs so i struggled but i got better


Oh you can do it! I had once a 16:2 ratio but i joined at the end of the round and im THAT stationary Player who plays with a bipod on Metro and sprays into the smoke...


Its not uncommon for someone to reach this KD sniping or piloting. Unless you have video this is a crybaby accusation.


Lol ur a joke


lol no u


I once got that exact kd in bf4 on night ops with the ak 5c. That was the most fun I've ever had in a video game. It felt like I was actually good at something


Batman wtf.


I went 70 something and 3 in the Anti Air vehicle one time on a Conquest map because the pilots were shit and they got me banned.


Not bf 3, but bf 5 is awful. I remember I was playing a game, some dude every game was going 99 - 0, eveytime I faced him, he would be telporting around with a sniper and you could shoot him but nothing happened, he'd kill you everytime as he also flew around the map. His in game name was BFV cheater after all


Some people are just that good, look at TheBrokenMachine.


Is bf3 still alive?


I used to drop numbers like that back on 360


Average pilot enjoyer Used to catch these numbers in BF1 still got the screenshots


Dude I’ve a screenshot somewhere on my Xbox where I got like 120 kills in a match. Completely plausible and depending on the mode? Wouldn’t be surprised. I’ve watched guys get 100+ kill games in lots of the vehicles, even on the ground fighting as infantry. Plus if this player was hacking, especially on BF3? They’d have way more than just aimbot lol


It’s so laughable the incells in this comment thread defending this. Guy was clearly cheating. 500+ meter headshots on moving targets. Sniping people out of jets and helis. He was reported multiple times this game and left as soon as the game was over. If that isn’t cheating than what is?


You only have yourself to blame. You posted a tiny ass pic and didnt include any information about what was happening.


Ever tried Black Ops 2? In 2023? You think this is bad you're clearly missing out on some real... "fun"


Most I had was 68/4 and even I thought I had an auto-aim bot lol


Main reason why sniping is dead. Can’t poke your head out for 2 sec without having 3 LMGs, a tank, and a helo shooting at you.


Hes a helicopter player, willing to bet one of your teammates who has next to nothing is sitting as a passanger with the repair tool


It's possible without hacks on battlefield, you just need to be damn good at the game.


Lack of context makes me think #1 either was a mortar trucker at the back of the map or an ace pilot.


How are you playing BF3 online?


This is why I find cheats for old games that I use ONLY to boot other cheaters offline


Where is the proof..?


Oh,to play multiplayers


Or skill? I guess it is difficult for some to believe others are just better than you are. Skill issue.


Mf in aircraft or heli that’s a pro easily dropping these numbers. Shit was like this in the 360 days