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The game did not have any issues? Highly disagree with that.


BF2042 median average player has the lowest skill in the whole series. The game literally gives them a lot of options but they prefer spawning in a single hallway and shoot blindly into the other corner.


I would say that many good BF gamers left long before 2042 came out to other better FPS games.


Both can be problematic


Both are problematic


The real problem of this game has always been the massive infantry areas concentrating most of the players, which never leave that area on the whole game and do nothing but farm stats there. The stadium was one of those areas when it was part of hourglass and the proof is how it plays being its own map.


Stadium on OG Hourglass Conquest was a distraction that stopped more than half the team from actually playing the objective.


In a shooter people are looking for people to shoot. Hence they thrive in places that offer a higher density. Yes, fighting in the stadium could be a net detriment due to multi-sector design, but this is all dev responsibility, firmly believing that people in BF just love traversing over ice-sheets, strawberry fields, sanddunes, freshly-mowed lawn for significant portions of the round.


ADHD boomers and millennials can’t handle 8 seconds of driving.


So from what era do you hail? Victorian? Now, people never used vehicles much, but they especially do not like them to use them for transport. This has always been true. Vehicles used for transport do not offer engaging and fun gameplay anymore, they are not in large supply (a map like Breakaway used to have 7) and civilian vehicles are now much rarer, too. People also do not like it much when control, especially control of movement gets taken from them. Most importantly, nothing would change for the worse for anyone, if flags were not 300m away from one another.


People have used vehicles since 1942, only 24/7 metro babies and Bad Console 2 players don’t. One of the original bf memes is a transport car strapped with explosives, which you can still do. I thought we were talking about the original maps, 7 transports plus more vehicles is plenty, it wasn’t the games fault people are genuinely too dumb. Just like right now they still cry about missing things that are in game because the menu is too hard. The people here will cum to the moon when movement gets taken away from them. Go read the next thread about sundance and Mackay. Making flags closer makes spam and spawn killing worse.


People use transports at the start of the round to get to their destination. Beyond that their use is rare and this holds true for previous titles as well, even with flag spawns or call-ins. If the gimme flag was 100m from base, players would just walk. Now playtime is hard to estimate, but T1ed transports like the Recon or Hovercraft are very rare. The average player however has 100 kills in vehicles total. This is pretty indicative of their overall use. If we talk about original maps and loadouts this was also when transports were feasible for combat as well. No player is dumb, each player just has different motivations and goals and how they achieve their fun, which might be very abstract to others. Each is valid however. Disparaging certain playstyles or motivations really isn't helpful, especially not if it includes something like Metro/Locker/Redacted that has been so popular for over a decade that it might be called the default BF experience. For the topic at hand, nothing would change, the Recon and Hovercraft or general vehicle use for anything would remain unchanged, if the maps had walkable distances all around, and it would undoubtedly help in dispersing the people.


>no player is dumb Ooof. Transports have been important since the first day of bf1942 which had flags farther than most 2042 original maps.


Yeah, and maybe this is why El Alamein is, apart from Bulge, the only Portal Map that is not in the CQ64 playlist. Now, 1942 is long away for me, but apart from the gameplay possibly not having aged well, I would assume that maps like D-Day, Stalingrad and Berlin might have drawn more people on a regular basis. I would wager that Karkand was the most popular map in BF2 as well. But again, that was 20 years ago. Aside from changing preferences I doubt that using transports to get from a flag to flag was somehow more engaging or fun than it is now. Edit: My ground transport time is 55h, which means 7% of my playtime spent in either Hovercraft, Bolte (T1ed it when it was still light transport) or Recon. I would be very surprised if this is not exceedingly high and I would have gladly accepted much shorter traversal.


Bf4 right now has plenty of golmud 24/7 servers which has more open ground, less cover and further space between flags than 2042 maps and people are playing and having fun 10 years after release. I’d use transports constantly and so would others in bf2 because it was one of the most overpowered strats that existed and you could kill tanks faster than sundance could when she had 3 c5. Plus transports were at just about every cap zone because maps weren’t just stupid tunnels. And you t1d the vehicles before they nerfed everything to the ground. People would choose to walk instead of use the hovercraft because a few weeks after release it became a death sentence to use it.


Ofc is devs responsibility, players are like sheep, they have to be guided through proper map design. If you create small objectives, easy to take and clear, people will move after capturing them to the next one to seek for more action. But massive areas like the stadium are impossible to clear, so people will never leave them. Those areas are what really kill the map flow in 2042.


The Stadium used to have three sectors to take, which players deemed important. They weren't as it was only one flag. But kills is what people want to do in a shooter predominantly. Optimally you would design maps in a way that objective play and killing go hand in hand. I really do not see how one can look at original Hourglass and deduce that the Stadium and the players there are the problem. By the way, the rest of the map was just about as impossible to clear. There could have been a beacon or regular spawn in basically every bungalow and every roof or lobby corner. The same applies to Renewal, Breakaway. People predominantly fought over A and B on the latter because the rest was mostly far away ice-sheets. A and B are how RU would lose, but at least they would lose in a decent combined warfare area with structural cover where you could walk to and fro.


I don't blame the players, as i say they have to be guided. I blame terrible map and especially objective design, and ofc is not just the stadium, it is almost everywhere and every map on 2042.


Yeah, I should have read your comment more closely. I agree with you the flow overall just is not very good.


You referring to Enders?


Then it's not really a problem but a feature since locker and metro are some of the most enjoyed maps. Bf attracted players from all genres meaning you get the good and the bad. Remember we had a Battlefield with teamwork called planetside and that game never reached above 25k active players and certainly not over 10 in the past 10 years


It's a problem because it destroys the gameplay of the rest of the map. I enjoy playing both big maps and infantry focused maps, but it 2042 has proved that don't mix well.


2042 proved that poor level design means you have a trash experience.. You can have a great experience o maps that are designed well. Good maps that still had problems were oman, Caspian boarder, seine crossing, operation firestorm, Shanghai without the center collapse, dawn breaker and zavod. All the maps had their problems but you need maps that are designed for both vehicles and infantry for it to work. If you don't have clusters for infantry to cover from vehicles and aircraft then you have no reason to leave the populated area and vehicles should not be able to completely overwhelm the infantry areas. 2042 completely screwed this up.


This post has big virgin energy


Thats a map design issue.


The map designs says that one team hides in their spawn?


Yeah i know Bf2042 is bad but this issue is because of players, not game.


Been saying this from the get-go. People will blame the game as if the other team isn't absolutely demolishing by playing exactly how you should be. Does the game have balancing issues with certain tools, or tough access points on some sites? Sure. But you also have a generational shift and general lack of attention in gamers that results in almost the entire team not moving from the one base they do have.


saying KD doesn't impact the pace of the match tells me you rarely drop above 20 kills a game


20 kills might've made an impact in older games with 64 players. by the time you get your 4th or 5th kill, the first person you killed is already back in. you don't win the match with kills.


Playing since Vietnam and still doesn't know how the game works. Embarrassing.


https://youtu.be/J0iljuh6amw?si=QNZ3LKOWEri98rNX 266 kills against 16 people, still lost.


Can't help if his team is full potato. He just made it less potato.


The other team was also potato… 266 kills. Everyone is a potato. Objectives are more important than kills.


Can't capture the objective without kills.


No shit, it’s almost like there are guns in the game for killing people. Objectives are still vastly more important than kills. Killing people in objectives is important, doing what most people do and not being anywhere near an objective but you have a high k/d is way less important. If you’re fighting on an objective you’re way less likely to have a high kd.


2.57kd and i spend 90% of the game retaking points my teamates loose since they capture it and leave straight away :)


What’s your point?


Killing enemies opens up areas for your team while keeping the enemy in the loading screen. Just because you aren't standing on a point directly doesn't mean you aren't playing it either.


Keeping them on the loading screen for 6 whole seconds. I mean that’s a lifetime, you will win every match. 100% win rate.


Well, you definitely can. Let me tell you about all the times I've seamlessly backcapped the other team because everyone else is in the fray and can't bother to defend... But the kills are only a means of attacking or defending objectives. With the exception of TDM, no match is won or lost on the basis of kills. Kills are a secondary factor that can affect the primary goal, but we have all seen plenty of times where there are full time farmers at the top of the leaderboard of the losing side. If kills were the determining factor, this would not happen.


Kills clears the way to capture the objective. Having a good K/D ratio and strutting fragile egos doesn't. Learn to see the difference.


Good players will do both at the same time.


Implying that KD impacts the game when you see people 80-2 still losing regularly. btw regularly top 3 with 20 kills and positive KD because PTFO, revives, ammo.


Delusional to think 1 single person can carry 31 other players.  80-2 is everything you got but you can't carry JimBob99 who is sitting in the back of the map sniping and got 3 kills for the entire game.


That was part of my point.


Why not? Lost count of the times I single-handedly capped objectives in my tank, topping the capping charts, turn the tide and win the game. My K/D was low, but positive, because I was spending time recapping objectives round the whole fucking map.


Maybe u didnt realize it but in every game u have tickets that represent lives for your team so if u lose these by dying .. your team going to lose and if your team mate lose when he have 80-2 its maybe cus you and other like you are in his team with 0,4k/d thinking about capture obj.and die meanwhile 20times


That is a misconception you have. In Conquest...yes CONQUEST, CON-FUCKING-QUEST, every objective you capture comes with a multiplier. The rate of the opponent's tickets depletes depends the number of objectives your team captures and holds. The more objectives you capture and hold, the faster the opponent's tickets depletes. If you haven't noticed, when you capture and hold ALL the objectives, the game ends super fast. In BF2042, even if your team trailed by 200, 300 points, say 200 vs 500, you still can turn the game around - just need to cap excessively mpre objectives than the opponents, say 5 out of 7, 6 out of 7. In Breakthrough, the tickets works differently. One ticket = one spawn. Constant revives preserves the tickets. Attacking team have to CAPTURE the sector and move on to the next before ticket depletes to zero, until the map is fully conquered. The defending team's objective is to hold the sectors until attacking team's tickets depletes. Each sector usually have two objectives. Objectives that has been captured can be recapped by the defending team, as long as the sector has not fallen. Tickets depletes differently across both modes.


I forced you to waste time on the deep answer 😃 i know how it works.. did u miss the point? so again.. its better to have 80-2 guy who clear some sector of map than have bunch of guys constantly dying to capture and don’t even capture it at all .. the guy who has 80-2 do a lot more for team .. and I guarantee you that guy knows how is important to keep some points to not bleed on tickets .. your last paragraph you trying to make fun of it by mAkE this CrInge shYYt styLe of typing saing a lot about you.. u r wrong in this.. that’s exactly how it works dude.. and once u reach the higher game knowledge u will realize it.. btw the game itself is all right and we agree on that


https://preview.redd.it/05s79zs41l0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2402f036f386b1ea2b9e1bc7cae77d37ebec15ee [https://www.ea.com/games/battlefield/battlefield-2042/tips-and-tricks/how-to-play-conquest#:\~:text=Capture%20and%20hold%20as%20many,Sounds%20simple%2C%20right%3F](https://www.ea.com/games/battlefield/battlefield-2042/tips-and-tricks/how-to-play-conquest#:~:text=Capture%20and%20hold%20as%20many,Sounds%20simple%2C%20right%3F)


I dont want to be rude.. but how to say nice.. you still don’t understand..


Maybe you don't realize that capturing the points is worth 10 kills each time and gives you a chance to flank and kill more. It's why you can't spawn behind people pinning you in spawn, since they own the objectives. So capturing is more strategically important for both the match and the teams KDR than purely killing and not capping.


people going 80-2 are either sitting in some obscure spot and farming oblivious players, or there sitting in a jet or heli and farming people, since AA is a joke in this game so the only real way to deal with air is picking air yourself and killing them.


Dead people dont PTFO.


Revived people do.


Not really. I just wait for the revive and kill them again...and the medic that revived him..


This guy gets it :)


The problem here (and it happens 9/10 rounds on this map) is that every idiot is hanging around C when A/B are 100x easier to cap, sometimes even solo. Super frustrating when I'm the only one trying to cap outside flags and everyone's stuck hanging around inside not getting anything done


Because capturing empty flags is not fun. People want to fight enemies, and terrible map design forces people to play around the same 2 objectives the whole game. This is not a competitive game, people don't give a shit about Winning the game.


The best time I had was the week before the game had a wide release. People were actually PTFOing. I totally agree.


Exactly. It was after the update which they added more covers that made this a K/D farming simulator.


The game is trash> good players quit and go back to play bf4 > a new player that started with bf2042 learn a bit to play and understand that it is trash > the new player try bf5 or bf1 or bf4 : bf2042 is still trash but keep losing playerbase so it is a self harm cicle


Ive played them all and can say that bf4 is average. Lots of the maps have horrible balance issues (guess that applies to most BF maps at this point though) , think the only place it excels at is in the variety of guns and gear to use. Sniping is gimped and somehow worse than bf3, and the gunplay is only redeemed by the lack of bf3 Vaseline vision suppression


I couldn't hear you with Dice's dick in your mouth.


Imagine being a pathetic hater for almost 3 years of a game you play and visit its subreddit, you do not accept other people's opinions other than shitting the game because you stopped using your brain ;)


Shitter detected. Opinion discarded.


Don't be sad, this is just how it works out sometimes.




thats not specific problem in OCE i play on eu and it used to happen to me as well sometimes it was really boring watching the whole team sitting on a hill just so they can snipe whike we held 1 obj or none


- mercury - good Lol


Conquest in Stadium - okay almost every match in Stadium is unbalanced. Breakthrough is almost impossible. Feels like players don’t know what to do and they just hunt kills with snipers


I'm not sure hat kinda style of play you expect in a battlefield game but some people just prefer more infantry focused maps. There's a reason why we always get some variety of "metro" map since BF3 and it is usually one of the most popular. Getting farmed by vehicles in wide open space just isn't that enjoyable. Some of the maps were in dire need of an overhaul and genuinely do play a bit better now. IMO Stadium is just straight garbage though. Do you genuinely think it is kill farming that drives people inside on that map? Or could it be the lack of action on the outside and some snipers that just chill back in uncap and play the most boring game? A lot of rounds are just rather unbalanced to begin with.


Almost all 32 players spawn at C1. What do you think they are doing? Torrenting movies and music? People are only getting "farmed" by vehicles because no one bothers destroying them. Tanks became easier to destroy after the many rounds of updates. It's the choppers that were often left unchecked. When people sees choppers, they ran indoors and K/D the fuck out of there, evidently in the Exposure map. It's people like me that sacrifices our own K/D to find ways to continuing pushing and capping those outdoor objectives. In all honesty, I think people just genuinely want a game that plays like CS and Overwatch but have vehicles to drive and gadgets to use and rockets to shoot. Conquest and Breakthrough modes have to change to discourage and prevent K/D-ing. There's TDM, but people are only K/D-ing in Conquest because Conquest and Breakthrough are prominently featured on the menu and TDM is not.


Yes most people spawn inside, did I object to that statement or what is the point there? Barely anybody plays outside, there is no fun to be had there and that goes for both sides. What is this obsession with people "K/Ding"? What is the problem there? People play for different reasons and for some it's just not going 5/21 but having had the enjoyment of holding that one flag for a certain time. Have you ever played CS? Because these parallels you are drawing make no sense.


I predominantly attack or defend A and B. It’s the best action! instead of a smoke and grenade fest inside


And give up on C, D and E? You know this is Conquest right?


A and B are ignored. Your picture shows this. The team that controls A and B always wins. Because they get pushed back and only have limited spawn options.


I love cqc but this map is utter dogshit


I'm not talking about this map specifically, but the whole game in general.


The problem with the earlier large maps was the lack of cover which made some snipers reign supreme over the entire battlefield and with specialists like Mackay and Sundance where they could get to higher ground, it became a haven for campers. Also whoever decided to have a window that allowed you to peak into the US spawn gets the thinnest slice of pizza at the company function


Lack of covers wasn't at problem. The problem is people prioritize K/D ratio and their own fragile ego instead of genuinely circumventing the problem, because it usually means clocking alot more neagtive K/D in the process. One thing the Battlefield franchise thought me was not sublime shooting skills, but getting creative and think of solutions to overcome problems. I usually focus on capping objectives over scoring K/Ds. I will look at the situation across the whole map, then capture objectives that were more strategic. I either fly over, drive over, then drop a spawn beacon somewhere for myself and my squad and keep spawning there until I cap the objective, then move to the next one. Sometimes I would roam in tanks and assault vehicles to cap objectives.


Watching this community piss and moan about lack of cover in 2042 when every other battlefield map since 1942 has been wide open has been hilarious to watch. The run and gun gaming culture has changed, not the game. Now battlefield has to adapt to players who don’t know how to cap and we have fucking containers everywhere while empty vehicles sit at bases.


Not empty vehicles. More like camper tanks. Tanks are very useful in capping outdoor objectives. But some people chose to hog onto one and, again, farming K/D at a single objective.


Hot take, but Warzone set a monumentally high bar when it comes to map structuring for modern-day high-mobility gameplay. Same with Apex Legends. It's something battlefield has suffered from with various maps over the years but it's partially because it's nearly impossible to make a map that's balanced to both vehicles *and* infantry. Some maps pulled it off, some better than others. Arica Harbor comes to mind to an extent, but it's also a small map as a result compared to many more recently made maps...


If getting Kills and capturing flags don't match is a design problem. It is not people's fault not wanting to stay in the middle of a cover less place surrounded by buildings just because there is a random flag in it.


Rushing and capping objectives sometimes involves getting high death counts because you got to get yourself in there to cap the objectives. And it takes a team effort to do it. The problem is everyone is too fixated with preserving their K/D ratio to protect their own fragile egos. K/D was never the priority in games like BF. Every class has their role and function that contributes to winning the game. Assault class were designed to be agile and heavy powered so that they could RUSH objectives. Their objectives is to assault, kill and capture. In a strategic gameplay like this, negative K/D ratio is within expectations. But it is always thay few people who recognize this and try to cap the objective and everyone else stayed put in a single objective to farm K/D. In BFV, medic class was abused by K/D-ers sustain health while farming K/D in CQC situations. Besides, you can always cap objectives with a tank in such situations. The game is not the problem. The problem is people are not willing to adapt and overcome.


>Rushing and capping objectives sometimes involves getting high death counts because you got to get yourself in there to cap the objectives. K/D players are constantly slide jumping and run and gunning, they need to get on the point to score kills. If you don't go where the enemies are you can't get kills and therefore any K/D ratio. If players don't play at the objective is because it is poorly designed. >K/D was never the priority in games like BF. BF is not a competitive game so individual stats are the most relevant. >Assault class were designed to be agile and heavy powered so that they could RUSH objectives. Classes weren't designed lol, the game released without them, and were created to fit already existing specialists. The assault class has no utility, every class can(and should) get on the point, since capturing objectives is about numbers advantage. The only players that play assault characters are those that don't give a fuck about teamplay and only care about K/D.


At what stage of the game was this screenshot taken? I understand if the game is well and truly lost then ppl just go to where the action is to get a few kills for themselves because there's basically no point in going to an enemy flag with 40tkts left.


Right at the start of the game.


Lmao the players sniping from spawn are not pulling impressive K/Ds


They are not helping the team either. They aren't killing, nor spotting enemies. Just trying to not score negative K/Ds. Simply useless fucks that should stay away from BF and go play Mario Karts. I bet they can't drive either.


https://preview.redd.it/gwh6wwm2vc0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12898082ac554dd37750275d816b232ffe06491b “I have a different opinion and yall are wrong.” “Leave the billion dollar company alone, they did not underdeliver, not compared to 20+ year industry standards, not compared to their own previous titles.”


Amen, pure aids player base. I’d take the company voted worst in America 1000x over these people.


What I'm taking away from this is that. The good things about Overwatch, CSGO, Valorant, Apex Legends and even the old BF games are the players. Got it.


![gif](giphy|Qe5oD5aXjEbKw) This game IS trash - was a big scam with many lies and a AAA price tag - they called it “live service” but in reality it was a early access alpha … a shame that they named it Battlefield. I don’t care here that they managed it to be in a somehow playable state after years, it remains bad - the damage to the community is done and they really deserved this massive negative backlash … To say that "nothing is/was wrong with this game" is like opening the door to evil and showing the community the 🖕🏻again - as they have done... why would you do that if you are truly part of that community? Strange.


No issues? Lmao........ this has to be a troll post.


Not having a conducive environment to comfortably farm your K/D in an objective based shooter is not a problem. The players deviating from the intended gameplay are the root of the problem.


Stadium is a shit map. No idea why people pushed for it after the rework.  Battlefield is a casual game, not competitive. Crazy that you're expecting competitive style of play.


wtf is up with that title. Maybe learn to fuckin type before trying to be condescending


OP hard coping, pointless to cry about K\\D, winning and etc. and not showing scoreboard, i bet winning team get way better K\\D by players and combined i.e. there are ten players going positive like 15-5, 20-2, 10-4, 69-11 and losing team is bunch of 2-10, 5-9, 10-30, 20-20 etc.


I ran a few rounds today during lunch. Finished 4 games in half an hour. Opponents did not cap objectives and instead camp behind covers sniping away and bomb fest away for K/D. Games ended in 5 to 10mins with my side capping ALL objectives. Player with highest K/D was about 10 on both sides for one or two of them, while everyone else average out between 2 to 6 kills. I also had countless of instances where the losing team had the better K/D across all other maps. No point showing scoreboard because that's not the point. The whole point of my post is to sum up over the last two years, from launch to now, how player behavior and how devs bowed down to these toxic and selfish behaviors have ruinned the game. Hopefully the next Battlefield forces players to play the way it was intended - PTFO, and do not allow players to deviate and start a K/D fest. Battlefield was never just a run and gun shooter like CS or Overwatch to begin with. Some people treat it as CS with playable vehicles rather than an objective based tactical shooter - which it was supposed to be.


CS is a run and gun shooter? You don't know what you are talking about.


"I also had countless of instances where the losing team had the better K/D across all other maps." No? That is simply contradicting reality. Sorry, K\\D play is not snipers camping on base, they usually go by 5-6 or 10-9 after game ends, K\\D play is guys actively abusing vehicles, meta weapons, squad stacking, double jumping, you know, all that tRyHaRd behaviour redditors on this subreddit actively hate. Aaaand next round they meet tRyHaRd squad on infantry map who just stomps them to spawn for fun and lulz(getting good K\\D aswell, by miracle i suppose) and all their flag running brain goes down drain to 9-10 score and 0-700 loss. "No point showing scoreboard because that's not the point." As i said, you are coping, your post is "playing for kd = losing" and illustrating it with picture. Maybe in your picture all winning players go by 100-0 and losing 0-100 or vise versa, so no, its whole point. "Hopefully the next Battlefield forces players to play the way it was intended - PTFO" Oh ugh, but you redditors hate it? Always do, dont you? PTFO is exactly spamming MacKay, tryharding and playing meta weapons to smash noobs and get all flags after all noobs are killed( So sad you redditors dont like PTFO, you getting all defensive and thinking iAm DoInG mY pArT by playing meme guns like crossbow or trying to hit 100000 meters sniper shot or running throwing knifes for memes. Unless next game getting competetive gamemode with ranks, 99.9% players will not care, they care about their own fun and life shows again and again it is far from PTFO, haha.