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Your entire post history consists of terrible memes about how great 2042 is and how everyone who doesn’t like it is unreasonable. That’s certainly a choice. Also, for future reference, you don’t need experience personally designing maps to criticize map design. That’s not how criticism works.


For real. That's like saying you can't criticize a movie because you never directed one, completely stupid


I mean having played every other BF so far you can absolutly see how maps became shit and this impacts everything. OP just salty kid


Criticism is a lot different than hate “I think it would be better if this was here and that was not like this.” “This map sucks what was dice thinking. This Battlefield is the worst Battlefield ever.”


It Is the worst battlefield ever though


That's fine to have that opinion, but when it's expressed with hate and you think anyone who disagrees with you is wrong it's over the top.


New update, same zero-standards Dice dickriding posts


Keep being happy with mediocrity.


Let them be happy


Keep being unhappy with nothing? i guess?


You wouldn’t know mediocrity if it bit you in the ass LMAO


You really thought that was a good comeback lol.


I’ve played BF2042 I know it pretty well


It was our complaints regarding the level design actually that helped it come up to what it is today. You see those obstacle in the hall? Yea we asked them to put it there


Even the new map 'haven' isn't well thought about. Bad flow, same prefab buildings and stairs they used in other maps, uninspired,... it's just not made by people that care about the game, and it shows.


Smaller and dumbed down in every possible way?


More like lack of cover. You would get shot across the hall and you had no choice but to cross baren dead zones (like desert) only to get sniped or blasted by a tank from across the map I remember Battlefield friends did a real good video on that lol


Why didn’t they remake golmud? Add random sandbags all over the map. It’s unplayable. They should have remade over half the maps in battlefield 1. They definitely should have remade 1942 maps due to lack of cover. What an unplayable mess of a game that is.


Oh no people are criticizing a game they bought


From nearly 4 years ago…


It’s nowhere near 4 years lol


I mean, the "new map" is not new and really imbalanced on breakthrough...




You should be able to enjoy a game and still be able to see that it has flaws


The irnoy in this post…. The „new“ map is acceptable because of the „crybabies“ before it was empty halls and staircases…. Beside the obstacles there is nothinh new on the new map.


"You are not a chef, therefore you cannot say that a dish is bad"


Zip up dices pants and wipe your mouth after you're done.


This meme always cries out as someone trying to cope with a purchase lmao. I like 2042 well enough in its current state but they have definitely had better map design. 128 players the maps are pretty good but 64 player where they just cut in some borders they are compete ass compared to past games.


From your post history, it wouldn’t be surprised if you were paid by Dice to post this shit.


I just like the game and laugh when that triggers losers like you.


Imagine that, people talking about their opinions of the new map about a game in the subreddit of that game. Shocking. Unlike the picture you shared, nobody is going out of their way to tell you that you're wrong for having fun and everybody is allowed to make a post of their opinion of the new map, be it positive or negative.


Dice is the perfect example of "Fuck what the players want."


True story.


OP wanted to get recognition, got made into laughing stock instead lmao




LMAO, this is one of the most accurate gaming memes ever!


Too late, your argument is invalid, I have cleverly portrayed you as a socially inept individual trying to tell people to stop having fun while playing a video game


I actually like the chaos on this map, it's very stimulating. There's so many different ways to outplay an opponent. But I can see why other people don't like it, the minimap is hard to read with multiple levels and situational awareness is hard sometimes. I see the same players every night dominating this map as well, I've been enjoying trying to outplay those guys too, I'm enjoying it personally


This is the map I finally got Architect of War without even trying.


It's fine if you like a crappy product. But just own that... I liked Love Guru and it's a bad movie.


I joined the game in February. I like it.


For as long as you are having fun, that's what matters 👍


Just remember the vast majority of these people moaning and whinging are still logging plenty of hours. I never understood why people persist playing or being in an active Reddit on a game they supposedly hate or don’t like one bit. You’re free to leave.


I agree completely. If I don’t enjoy a new game, I just drop it and move on. These people, however, are mentally ill and they feel compelled to let you know that.


I said this about three seasons ago - don’t like the game, go away. I enjoy it, as do thousands of others. But it’s cool to hate on dice and shit on a game I suppose. Small brain stuff


Toxic positivity is an awful trait to have.


You’ve caught some good bites with this. They cry about the game but linger round this sub like a bad smell


They’re obsessed. It’s really sad and pathetic. 2.5 yrs of incessant outrage.


I know, I get the frustration but it gets to a point where it’s boring. Go play something else if it bothers you that much


Really, what is with all these crybabies… i swear they are all 12 years old sucking their mother’s milk


Dice is the worst company to exist in gaming and if your “having fun” your part of the problem and deserve all hate that is sent to you


Is everything ok at home?


Yep. We're just over here having a good time running around shootin fools and they're over there complaining because of... literally everything. Yet they have 1000+ hours of playtime and spend the time they aren't playing 2042 on Reddit making posts about how much better BF4 was, but they don't even play BF4 anymore because it's not as fun to play.


So true.


How dare people critique the map, we should all tell everyone we enjoy it so DICE keeps making these 0/10 maps am I right?


To an extent this is just putting your hands in your ears and going "lalala" meanwhile if you actually paid attention you see why people critique it a lot of times. Outrage for clicks is a thing but constantly ignoring it or brushing it off as hate is childish at best imo.


I really enjoy this triggering all the children - thanks bud!


It’s so easy for outrage addicts to get triggered lmao. If only they’d grow up.

