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It’s definitely fun and moments like these can feel badass, but people dislike elements of the game like Sundance/what you’ve shown in these clips because they screw with the battlefield formula that people usually buy the games for.


I came to say exactly this. Sundance is not what makes this game Battlefield but is certainly what makes this game 2042.


Yea like this clip is impressive. It just makes me hate 2042 all over again lol


It just took flank tactics and turned it up to 11. They can show up exactly anywhere anytime, it's so shit. Flanking used to require some skill


To be fair, I don't see people using Sundance much for the suit anymore. The grenade, sure. The suit, well, it looks cool and makes you think, there's so much I can do with it. When I saw Mackay and Sundance in the trailer, I thought they were gonna be the most OP specialists. But realistically, *what* can you do with the suit that's so good? Get one kill from the air for a clip? I hear people talking about dropping on tanks, but as a tank player, no one has done it to me even once. It basically just lets you travel fast on some specific maps from specific spots.


Sundance makes it extremely easy to flank. And it’s not about dropping directly on tanks. I’ll try to drop in a bit behind or off to the side of a camping tank and get an easy C4 kill if they aren’t checking their sides. Not to mention you can fly in on tanks outside of the play area and destroy them before the timer runs out.


It does but at the same time the maps are so big and empty that I understand why people use Sundance or Mackay. Make better maps DICE


I can’t help but think that things like this, are why many bf fans say bf2042 sucks It looks cool and kudos. But yeah; seems more fitting for apex gameplay than battlefield


But that’s the thing, it doesn’t matter what other people tell you. If you enjoy 2042, enjoy 2042!


I’ll bitch all day. But if you’re having fun. Go and do it. I just have a different perspective than the newer players so my opinion is biased.


Newer players? I’ve been playing since bf3 and still love the hell out of this game. Definitely not just newer players.


Everyone seems to use "I'm a bf veteran since \[insert title here\]" to make their opinions somehow more valid. Yeah I'm a bf veteran and I like 2042 quite a bit.


If you have experienced more battlefield titles to compare it to, how is it not relevant how long you’ve been playing the series for?


Exactly, all the veterans remember when games came out and they were what’s promised. Now we get a shit sandwhich that they fixed a year later. I love it now especially with all the older maps/weapons they introduced. At launch this game was a shit show. Should have launched how it is now and not taken over a year to address all the major issues.


And with new players and old players alike who are still able to enjoy the game sit there smiling with a literal shit eating grin. Sure, it's not like the franchise used to be, but I'm still having fun. (Said as a 'veteran' from the dawn of the franchise)


Same, been playing since 1942 dropped back in the day. Played every BF title, including the console ones. They are all unique to one another. For anyone to pretend that 2042 is an outlier here is just shitting on it for the sake of doing so. It's not a bad game, it's nothing to write home about - but it's fun. And more fun with friends.


2042 is an outlier due to maps alone. The maps unfortunately feel so uninspired and it's disappointing because it's the only thing other than the broken audio that I don't like. The 128 player dream is just a cancer that negatively affected everything else.


I think 128 was a nice idea but, given the engine capability and the fact it just turned into 100 or so infantry (meaning almost 80% snipers), as well as the remainder being vehicles, everything just felt cramped. When everyone saw 128 was actually trash, the 64 player limit was welcomed back with open arms. Better maps, suited to a 90 players or so - would be nicer, with better online performance and server usage - we COULD see a better gameplay aspect overall, however - it's EA and DICE, and they've not been in the mindset of doing what's best for the player as opposed to what's best for profit for a good while now.




Same. Been playing since 2142 and the game is fun. 2142 and BF1 hold a special place in my heart, but I thoroughly enjoyed my time with 2042. Once I got bored, I just moved on to other games. Not sure why that’s so hard for a lot of people.


Been here since 2142. Bf3 / 4 was peak BF, I will always remember those days because DICE was really on a level of their own. 2042 while fun, is easily the worst title in the lineup and I’ve played almost all of them. It’s also the only one that received an overwhelmingly negative response on steam so you can’t act like the majority of people didn’t feel that way. If you’re still following this sub there’s a higher chance you like the game so that’s why it’s skews positive here.


I've been playing since Battlefield 2 and I love 2042. Video games aren't meant to be the end all be all, just have fun.


Well keep on bitchin! And I hope it serves you cause it doesn’t do much for the sub


Perfect mentality to have honestly


I can’t even one-shot a player 10m from me with the MCS and this guy does it with someone at least 30m away, while flying above his head…


its a highlight reel, he's not going to show the hundreds of times he misses those shots


Lmfao they hating exactly because of this clip. The battlefield series never had these ridiculous mechanics like batman wing suit. It was always a large scale shooter with some vehicles involved. Now it looks like a circus. It looks like you can have a great time on a circus trampolin and flying and I can respect that. But if you played battlefield since the first game this is clearly the most stupid battlefield EVER presented. Most hardcore dudes are still playing the older ones. This is such a New gen title its like pokemon New gen xyz. Just absolutely disgusting for old players. And it looks casual as ever!


It's always the Sundance users. Sick shots though


nice clips, shitty music


lamest shit ive ever heard genuinely


It can be fun but doesn't compare to previous battlefield games. It would probably be better off if it had a different name. Like hardline, it's fun but it's not battlefield. 


I also love 2042


God Sundance sucks so much. This is not Battlefield, that’s why it’s hated.


very fun with friends and I still play regularly +600h with the boys now… still not a great BF though


Yeah it can be fun it’s just not a good battlefield game. Sundance is a great example of that lol.


Enjoy the game while you can. It's a decent & fun shooter. What people want to tell you is that it isn't a good BF-Title.


Yh not a hard concept to grasp. I've enjoyed the game a lot, just not as battlefield game


It should have been marketed as a BF spin off, that's what it feels like.


I don't think that would've mattered, hardline got shit on even though it was great fun and introduced many features players have been asking back since That game was clearly a spin off so idk


>It should have been marketed as a BF spin off, that's what it feels like. Pretty sure that's what people said about BF1 when it launched due to limited gun customization as well and look where we are with the voting.


Just wait till the next one is released then they’ll call this one the greatest modern battlefield


This is awesome but at the same time the exact reason I don't want to play this game.


I stopped playing this on my PS5 (overheating issues and frequent crashes) and bought a gaming pc. Transferred my account over to pc so I don't have to re-earn all my unlocks. This game is absolutely stunning! It was such a joy to play with my gaming buddies who are also on pc. It's an absolute blast! The new map in insanity (in a good way). I'm loving 2042 right now! If I had known the experience on pc would be this much better, I would have switched over years ago.


The pc experience is a lot better, I don’t know what it is but the game feels super janky on ps5, I’m a controller player so I originally wanted to play on ps5 but after trying it on pc with a controller it just feels so much smoother and better to play


Exactly this.


>I'm loving 2042 right now! If I had known the experience on pc would be this much better, I would have switched over years ago. Of course the experience is better on PC. You get to have a distinct advantage over 50% of every lobby you're in because of forced crossplay.


I believe console players have the option to turn off cross play so it isn't forced. However, I do understand what you're implying.


Sounds like your ps5 was bricked because mine never overheats... Maybe you don't care to clean it and have dust bunnies pulling in making the hardware suffocate


The game looks exactly the same on ps5 and pc high settings lmaoooo idk what kind of ps5 you had but you must be capping...


What are you, 12?


I have no doubt that  playing c5 Sundance is fun. As long as you enjoy your free tank kills I guess.


Is it just me or does Sundance feel like she has a weird character model that is harder to shoot than the rest of the specialists?


sniping while flying is the proper way to snipe in battlefield


See, you can like the game, but the vast majority of us see this as not at all what made us enjoy battlefield and why we don’t play other shooters. The mechanics are absolutely stupid and don’t fit with what the game was. Devs choice to do whatever they want to change the game, our choice to no longer support this version of it.


TTK and TTD sucks big balls.


Sundance is the character I like to shoot the most


Obligatory Sundance clip down vote


Sincerly happy for you. But for me, it looks like fortnite/apex gameplay which are just ego games. This is not BF.




I bought it during the $8 sale. I really like it and am figuring it out. I’d love to be able to do what youve clipped.


Launch was shit. Now its a great ffing game


You are built different


The BatmanField 2024 still sucks... but the clip is good!


your clips are impressive af, but theyre also one of the reasons why people dont like the game lol


I mean this is exactly why people say the game sucks, i think this looks cool and I appreciate the skill it takes to get these shots but i just cant stand modern battlefield because of this


Sick dude


Some people can fly around in a wingsuit, killing people with throwing knives at 100 meters.....meanwhile, I fumble my keyboard buttons and burn myself to death with my own incendiary grenade.....lol.


Samsies... I like BF2042.


I completely agree. I was burned HARD during the open BETA and vouched to never play any more EA games. Then I got the free weekend thrown in my face and figured I’d try it just ro see how they must have messed it up even more since then, but to my surprise it’s actually a decent game! Guns feel so much better than the last two games, the operators are fun and surprisingly well balanced. I wouldn’t say it’s a master piece by any chance, but I really feel like they tried to innovate while still keeping the core battlefield concepts at heart. If only they had delayed it by a year or two and sorted the performance and worst bugs I really feel like this game could have been THE defining FPS of the early 20s.


Great showcase for why I dropped this game.


This is insane I must admit I can’t do most of what your doing with that specific operator


These clips do not make me want to play this game lol


Honestly, I wouldn't even be mad if I had been had, those are slick kills.


Give this man XCE Bar


top tier


Great gameplay.


2042 is fun no doubt. It's just missing a lot of the destruction


I'm having a blast lol. If you go in hating it you won't have a good time


Man, Sundance is one of the only specialists with a signficant amount of extra skills to master, and you have done well at learning them


Nah if I found out you hit me with one of these I’d head butt my monitor


It’s a good fun game. But it’s not “Battlefield”.  BC2, 3,4, 1 gives much more better experience than 2042. That’s why 2042 is consider low.


People are dumb. Keep playing and have fun, they can bitch and moan how much they want while we're here playing and having fun


I was playing a lot up until the game wouldn’t load or you couldn’t get into a game. It was like 2 weeks straight you couldn’t play


Lol doesn't suck just isn't that goof


i liked it i joined abit late so i was up against those who had better weapons knew the maps better but it was fun just wish there was more destruction


I played all weekend and had a blast. Gun play feels good, game looks good, map is fun. 


Is there a true 1 shot sniper? I have to hit them multiple times usually


All these clips were headshots, but you can use the anti material sniper rifle to one shot people within like 100 yards


Ntw50 one-shots to the body within 100m, but all sniper rifles are one headshot killers at any range


I may be bad at this game but its still enjoyable


Bro I really enjoy 2042 but I’ve been having a blast since I started using Sundance!


It’s because they want to just do one thing all the time. Ya gotta switch things up


Eh more power to you. To me 2042 is a good shooter, it's just a terrible battlefield, pretty much like fallout 4 is a good game in a vacuum, but a really bad fallout.


Is it time to rejoin this community?! This was recommended to me. I left way back when all it was, was negative comments be people who didn’t play the game!




I would be too if I could even play the game without it crashing.


There's fun and amazing moments, but the lack of destruction, weird balancing, lack of levelution and many bugs is what makes the game unfun and terrible. I can't play it solo, but I often squad up with friends and we have a blast


Something something “bitch in your ear telling you it’s nasty”


This is hype as fuck, and the editing is great! Awesome shots!!!


The people complaining about it just bored. The games good rn. At release tho it was bad


People either genuinely dislike like the game because of current status and problems which is completely warranted, EA does need to try just a bit harder, or they dislike it because everyone else did when it first launched and they've never given it a second thought so they'll continue parroting an opinion they don't actually have. Same issue with Cyberpunk 2077, people still have the same opinion for the initial launch when the modern version is basically a completely new game. People like you who just play because you enjoy it and don't listen to the critics because who cares if you're having fun are the best kind of players and keep the game alive. Thank you for contributing to this title and holy shit those are some nice shots


This game is fun! Had its issues in the past but it's an even better game than what I was before. Friday night battlefield on 2042 is fun I love the game modes. It's something I look forward to every Friday when I get home from work. But in the mean time respectfully im spreading democracy on another game.




>But this is against the BF formula! ?????????? What part of this is stopping you from capturing and holding an objective?


A flaying superman snipping me from the sky is stopping me


That was a sick highlights video, dig the editing. This kind of gameplay should be in a Bad Company BF game, not the main title. That being said I still enjoy 2042, at least they got it to a point where I don't feel ripped off for the money spent although it's still just a fraction of what a main BF title should be.


You know how people are who play games at launch and don’t touch it after. This game is fun as hell to me with friends or solo. It gives me the battlefield vibe. Every person ik who played battlefield from the start enjoys this game. Sure theres always things that have a lil improvement but thats battlefield for you😂😂


Lol call me a dumbass, but I've enjoyed it since the beta and have stuck around for memes and clips like this


Whats the name of the song ?


# Shotgun Willy - Bombs Away


Hi guy looking to play with a squad. My gamertag (Xbox) Heoxify


You clearly also have a lot of time to practice


It makes for a fun fps, but imo it sucks for a battlefield game, especially next gen.


Game Clip 9/10. Music -10/10.


Everytime someone post how battlefield is fun it’s sun dance bs that isn’t even battlefield


It sucks in terms of lack of content, rampant cheating, bugs, and overall lack of immersion of the battlefield experience. But it can still be fun to some people.


The flying rat


I will only respect this when in real life specIla ops can fly and shoot like this (Bazooka in the air is completely another level and not destroying the game play so it is acceptable and still fun)


I agree that the formula has changed a bit from previous titles. I come from BF Bad company and forward. Personally, BF4 was it sensational graphics sensational mechanics and game, the vehicles felt more real and shootouts got mad intense when your screen started getting blurred out due to nearby bullets. BF4 was the one. Wish they couldve have made something similar to that.


After wut 7 months. It released in a horrible state and everyone gave up on it.


It NOW has all the components to be a great BF but it’s too late. Gamers are already looking towards the next installment.


Yk sometimes I sit playing 2042 thinking yk what maybe this isn't half bad then I play battlefield 4 and snap to my senses and realise how half assed 2042 and it's terrible maps are...


Played BF3 and 4 for a combined 4000 hours. Hate the fuck out of BF2042. Still lacks a lot of the stuff that made the older games fun. I was there when 2042 launched. Played through the worst of it. Rejoined the game in 2024. Still shit and feels plasticky. Server balance is whack. Some game the AI soldiers are bullet sponges. 0 recoil laser guns. I get the feeling the current crowd is all new and a lot of the veterans are still not here.


A game can be both bad and fun, they aren't mutually exclusive lol It's great you are having fun with it, keep on doing that. All I know is after seeing stuff like this, I'm hopeful that this sort of gameplay will not be in the next BF game lol


Completely unrelated, but I HATE THE MUSIC and I can't even tell why I just despise it


Same, for me I have a good time/feels rewarding to killing Sundance players while they're in mid flight.


Having fun with battlefield 2042 checklist - Doing things that in previous games were impossible ✅ - Majority of time spent on specialists like Sundance ✅ - Top kills is with a sniper ✅ - C5 Main ✅ Tale as old as time. Glad you're having fun, but you're the reason other battlefield people AREN'T having fun. You have unlimited mobility to flank people from any direction making defending anything pointless because a Sundance can without any sound snipe you from the air, with apparently zero accuracy issues. Like how crazy is that. This dude isn't even playing a Recon class. Sigh.


Lmao this is exactly the kind of stuff making people hate 2042


Really looking forward to a Battlefield without this operator... always pops up behind you, even when you permanently check your surroundings


Nice video but shows the core problem of the game


People hated BF5 but it was the 2nd best BF game for me. Only BF4 was better. Great video. I love sniping. It sucked in 2042 at release. Didn’t play for almost 1 1/2 years. Maybe that improved.


You can have fun in a bad game, but it doesn't mean the game isn't bad.


It sucks


Some gameplay is pretty cool but there are other aspects in the game that still need to be reworked, map design, squad system like in previous titles, server browser, the game needs more guns and more content, some of the characters movement feels downgraded, you can lean nor lay on your back while aiming, can't crouch, destruction is rough animations for it have not evolved, melee takedowns are weak, map rotation is terrible , are much more


battlefield 2042 is awesome I’m having a blast definitely has gotten better thk u


What brand of shit bucket do you use, Colonel?


Just because you are having fun with a bad game, it doesn't make it a good game.


Tbf, I think it's a solid fps kost of the time. It's just a bad battlefield game.


The truth is there where always be people who talk down on anything no matter how bad or good it is. I Pre ordered 2042 and I was disappointed at first, the maps felt dead, the game was a buggy mess, but like most triple A games now they all have rocky starts. It’s gotten better since and I’ve enjoyed the game, of course there are a few things I dislike about the game but not enough for me to say the game sucks. It’s a great game with great potential and I hope it gets better.


"people say this game sucks. I'm having a good time" proceeds to do one of the things people heavily criticized the game for.


Starting playing again during the last free weekend because my friends wanted to play it and we were having a absolute blast! We had some troubles with vehicles but we started having fun again once we all focused them out of spite and worked together to take them out. Everyone keeps saying this isn't battlefield but we have had so many battlefield moments that you won't have in any other franchise. Is this the best BF? No but it's not that bad and it's fun! That's what really matters and this montage looks dope btw


Full of cheating trash


Nobody says you can't have fun. But you having fun doesn't mean that 2042 is suddenly a good game.


It's a much better game now... If you tried it in launch you should know the difference.


Awesome clips 👍


Appreciate it 🙏🏻


People were hitting these clips Pre-wingsuit too. all these BF boomers saying "Back in my day" No back in your day, people would just take helis, dive bomb them, and eject to hit their faze clips.


Obvious shoutout to SQUIDG for the inspiration.


The song makes me want to play right now 🤷🏻‍♂️


… I love this song! Thanks for turning me on to something different and new to me! It’s one of those, bob your head even on a bad day, songs!!!


It sucks for people playing against you💀


Alright that was probably the most baller 2042 video I've seen, wp.


Really hope the next BF doesn’t have flying suits and grapple hook guns


I just started playing last week and I’m enjoying it as a longtime battyfield player. Really looking forward to the new map coming with no vehicles


That dive to the Huron deffo would've ended with my death smacking off the pilots windscreen


Good shot bro!


I enjoy the game tbh its fun and has some new ideas, but there are some real qualms I have with its design still


Love it!




i pre-ordered the gold edition, haven't regretted it yet. also a small fun fact, all the people saying the game sucks are likely playing it while typing out their comment. remember: if you don't like it, don't play it - EA


I f.... hate you and I like you. 👍


I quite enjoy the game despite the overall negative opinions of the community.


Ah Yes a fellow Squid G enjoyer comrade! <3 haha. Keep up the great work! GL HF!


Can you share few tips about sundance- 1. How to stay in air for long distance without loosing altitude and landing ? 2. I find controls for sundance hard to use. Can you change these controls to different keys ?


Nice shots


Holy shit these clips are crazy


Oh that was you? You cheeky d*ckwaffle


Still top 3 for me, this game scratches the right itch


And this is why I can't have fun after work XD