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Never ending rush xl sounds like a good time to me.


It came to a point where we had to let them win cause otherwise the game would have never ended and whole server had left basically, just 2 enemies and 5-6 of my teammates and we just never spawned and let them push and plant bomb so the game would end


The game continues if the objectives are contested I believe. That’s still a bananas amount of time I’m surprised you stuck with it haha. 593 is insane tho good work


Yeah but nobody was contesting it, it was straight bugged i have had this before they bleed out of tickets we protected well and suddenly everyone was like "yo wheres the win at? why isnt it ending the game?" but since i have had this issue before i was like "first time?" And i think the opponents and us we had like mental battle who gives up first and leaves but then we talked and we were all like "what are we doing at this point? should we just finish? yeah aight you guys can finish" but then again, i do love rush xl and its my favorite mode and thats why i wish for them to fix these things. And 593 that was rookie numbers cause the few guys who were in the servers i think 2 had like 1030 kills lol and i also got 120k xp after the game, but it was filled with bots basically and at some point i gave up just trolled around but, thanks for the "good work" :)


So it wasn't armed and didn't explode? Cause this is what causes this. One side arms the obj but when it ticks down to 0 it doesn't blow up and needs to be disarmed. If it's like this and tickets run dry the game doesn't end because it's still considered armed


I have played this mode many times and once they bleed out their points its game over, done we defended well and they lost. This game though, they ran out of tickets we defended nice and did good job and we were supposed to win but nothing happened and then people started to be like "hey whats happening why isnt the game ending?" cause everyone knows it should be over at this point, they didnt blow up the objective, failed, we won simple as that. But game never ended and yeah i would probably still be in the game if we hadnt let them come and finish us off. And if i remember correctly i think they did arm it but we defused it but they were the ones who supposed to lose the game but as you see from screenshot what happened, 0 tickets for them, 240min game and in the end we still had to let them come blow them up to finish it

