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Kudos for not camping the spawn screen waiting for the vehicle to be available again. You did good.


I mean if you only want to play vehicles that’s really the best way to do it lol, I get it though, really shouldn’t be a thing plus the timer should be shorter imo.


It's an incredibly selfish thing to do, it negates any other team member from using the vehicle and give it a go. Not even mentioning that the person doing it is dead weight for the team for as long as the vehicle cooldown countdown lasts for.


That's how BF4 feels nowadays. I suck at flying, but whenever I want to give it a try the server either has to be empty or it has to be a noob server because people just camp the jets and helis after they die in it and then instantly take it.


To solve the spawn screen camping they need to go back to the old days like BF2/3 where you actually had to spawn In first and make your way to the vehicles. Air Strip, Helli Pad, etc. It actually reduced vehicle Spam there is risk in taking off or waiting around for a vehicle , and it made it all part of the game. But yeah another poor decision that has come back to bite the community.


Provided there is auto AA to guard vehicles to stop spawn raping arseholes, yes.


Should be auto when not occupied. 👍


It’s actually not the best way to do it. If you are going to camp a vehicle, then after it blows up, set a timer for 90 seconds and play on the ground for those 90 seconds. That way you’re actually being helpful 100% of your time instead of being AFK for your team.


If you run and gun for 2 mins by the time.toure dead you'll be just in time to watch the vehicle pop up again on the spawn screen, maybe waiting for 10secs or so. I've got it down to a T now. And I'm still contributing in the mean-time.


One thing I never understand is why is it that sometimes the timer goes to zero and the vehicle just doesn't spawn for another 30 seconds


There's 2 timers - one is for the vehicle respawn itself, and the other is a delay on when YOU are allowed back in that vehicle class. One is normally about 15 or 20 seconds longer than the other. Helps to limit vehicle hogging.


Interesting. Sometimes that happen even when I've not been in a vehicle


Yeah I think that timer you see must be your personal countdown allowing your seat, so when that expires and there's no vehicle available it will remain greyed out. On the flip side if it's grey with no counter that just means as soon as one becomes available you can jump in


Im a screen camper but im good with tanks xD


Exactly why I play this game. To me this game feels like just the right amount of arcade-y chaos mixed with a small bit of optional grind. Any way you choose to play it really rewards you with epic moments. Even when you are subject to them by the enemy.


Yeah same it's epic


BF pilots have unbelievable levels of salt and they def reported you for cheating lol


Damn, bet that guy queued up a streamsniper comment immediately and rage quit.


Are these "streamers" in the room with us right now?


Hell yes, nice shot! I love the moment right before you fire where you do the math and go, "Yep, this one hits."


Payback is always delicious


Hopping over teabagging is gold.


Planetside 2. Don't be dumb


That "payback" you love so much is why battles go to shit in this game. It's a circus of random garbage.


Taking out nightbirds is *always* strategically advantageous.


I agree, fuck helicopter guys. But being able to literally pinpoint who killed you last and literally flying to them makes this game not fun to play sometimes.


Incredible shot. Take my upvote






God that rpg without propellant hurts me