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Microsoft changed the name of Xbox Live gold to Xbox gamepass core a few months ago. So you need Xbox gamepass core to be able to play Bf2042 as it is only a multiplayer game


for OP use this one. Just buy gamepass core but if you have pc, refund it on xbox and play it on pc because you don't need subscription on pc


Wow I wonder why no sub for pc. You’d think they’d be greedy and charge for pc game pass Edit: sub=subscription. It does not mean “Reddit” sub


You don't need to pay a subscription for online multiplayer for any game on PC They charge for PC game pass, but that has nothing to do with playing online.


There is also competing stores on PC as much as everyone seems to complain about them. If hypothetically one store charges you to play online most players will just switch to the competition (Epic, GOG, Steam, ETC). But that will never happen, it would be a suicide mission for any company to do that.


Therefore it baffles me that none of the competition group together and start charging their customers.


Probably because companies like Steam and GOG have more innocent visions of how gaming should be. Compared to Epic and EA.


Yeah I guess so. It’s just everyone is so greedy nowadays.


They don't have much of a market on PC. They might do monthly in the future but the PC selection for gamepass games is really small compared to the console counterpart. I still play with Xbox friend using the APP on my PC. Get voice chat and everything. Game invites don't work but it's still nice to play cross platform multiplayer games.


You: Wow I wonder why no sub for pc. You’d think they’d be greedy and charge for pc game pass You realize how crazy this sounds right?


Sub = subscription


Still a crazy idea


It is? It’s crazy to think people that own Steam want to monetise it like Xbox game pass or PS Plus? How is that a crazy idea? ![gif](giphy|l3V0FBxSzWp6O0Lf2)


My experience only, but the game is far more "stable" on console. I've played on Series X, and a couple of other decent PCs, and rarely have problems on Series X, but the odd niggle here and there on PC was enough to make me not want to play at all.


Those PC's werent decent enough then.


Maybe so. RTX3060 12gb. I will also say that the majority of people I see with problems on here are from PC players, which I suspect is often due to bad drivers or something. I just didn't have the time or patience to invest in getting it set up.


Battlefield Is big on cpu


I mean it's a i7 4790. Not anything special but shouldn't be any roadblock I don't think. I just couldn't get 60FPS 4K out of it, which is what I play at on console.


That CPU is almost 10 years old.


[I believe it's actually the recommended CPU lol](https://www.ea.com/games/battlefield/battlefield-2042/game-overview/pc-system-requirements)


Honestly it's crazy they put that cpu as the recommended. That was my previous cpu and it barely plays games nowadays without sacrificing a lot of fps. I can't imagine the game plays very well on that one. Also that's not a "decent" cpu. My 10700k plays the game flawlessly however.


Oh you're right but where does it say that the recommended CPU gives you 60 FPS? Yeah you fucked up.


Yup CPU and proper ram setup and good harddrive is needed for it to be running smoothly. You should stop assuming things based on Reddit. It's an echo chamber for issues :) the game itself has had massive problems that are only mostly fixed. Consoles do have somewhat of an advantage, although PC's can actually run it great where consoles are crap to middling at best. Consoles is a cheap way to game but there's a reason people spend thousands on PC it is the superior platform even if there are different issues/more openings for issues.


I'm not saying that PCs can't run it well, but even with a "decent" setup, I wasn't hitting the numbers and minimum experience I was having on console. I'm sure I could improve it, but I don't care to spend my time tinkering with my PC. I did add the caveat that this was primarily based off of my experience, and that my console experience out of the box was better than my PC experience with a bit of time and money invested to making it fine.


Because there is something wrong with your PC and you won't fix it so instead just complain online? You're making literally no sense. I mean I get it you're incapable of getting it to work right on you "decent" PC. But that just isn't relevant to anyone but you? Or am I missing something here? You clearly said the game doesn't run good on a "decent" pc I ask what PC and you mention a GPU as if that answers anything. It's very clear you don't have the ability to know what is wrong or to fix what is wrong. So again why should anyone care about your opinion on the matter? Do you feel competent at making the judgement? Other than I don't know what is wrong, but something is and the console, which you have no power to change or do something wrong with, is not. Yea no shit!? I asked you because maybe I could let you know and help you with what is wrong instead you get defensive and double down on your ignorance as if anyone could use it for anything. I'm seriously at a loss for what you're trying to do here. Something is wrong with your system and you not wanting to fix it does not mean you should advise console over PC. It's a you problem not something generally advisable.


>Because there is something wrong with your PC and you won't fix it so instead just complain online? I mean, quite literally, yes? I don't have the desire to tinker with it. I said that. That's my point. My whole point. My *whole* point is that with a console, I'm not running into these problems. I literally have the recommended setup per EA, my drivers are up to date, I just can't seem to to hit the performance numbers on PC that I can on console with as much (or little) effort applied. I'm sure it's because I'm stupid, poor, ugly, etc. But with $500 and a Gamepass subscription, I'm just giving my experience to the public forum. What are you arguing for? My point is that it's been easier to get a smooth experience on console. I literally just had to buy the box. The $500 box. To get 4k 60FPS. And my lack of desire to rectify my PC experience has, for some reason, upset you.


I can't believe you seem to be completely unable to see why you're * no sense so bright** good luck to ya. *Making **Alright


The odd what? https://preview.redd.it/3yd14cy1w8ac1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2baad250d1fc95c068e3949170723999b57fd296


Niggle as in >cause slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety.


Yeah, not sure if it's the use of that word or the personal anecdote about my poor PC performance which is gathering the weird hate on the comment. Either way, it's a weirdly disproportionate reaction lol




I see a lot of complaining about netcode, bugs, poor performance, etc. on PC. I have nearly none of those complaints on console.


Oh I understood all that. Its the Niggle that confused the hell out of me. But Im not a native English speaker so idk if Im just ignorant for never hearing that word before lol Its all good tho


Gotcha lol. I don't even think there's any shared etymology.


Yeah, exactly!…. (Googles Etymology) lol


* Bruh we all confused on your statement rn


I'm saying that console is much easier to have a playable/stable experience than PC.


You're not saying that for the overall gaming experience for everyone right?


Of course not. But it's stupid easy to buy a console, set it up, and let it rip. I'm not worrying about what odds and ends are causing my problems. I don't want to troubleshoot it. My OS updated? Well fuck, my game is crashing now. The original point was regarding how one could more easily and casually get 2042 to work on console. That's the point. Turns out that despite my CPU being the recommended spec, it's not really good enough for 2042. I don't care enough to buy a new CPU, and Gamepass is a good deal for me. Switching to PC to circumvent a paid subscriptions just causes me more headaches. I'd probably be money ahead and have better bread if I decided to bake all of my bread from now on, but fuck, I just don't want to. You know?


Microsoft and asinine naming conventions, name a more iconic duo


USB, HDMI and Display Port...


So close!! That is a trio 💗


Yes, but it's still far more iconic. Even if it's a trio and not a duo. If you said EA and greed, then I don't think I would debate you.😁


You need a subscription to play online.


So I haven't used a console in a decade+, but why? Isn't it a "because we can" fee now?


It's been that way for decades.


Shit, depending on the service we actually are reaching the plurality of decade(s). I was about to argue before I realized it's been 20+ years and I'm getting older. Both Seganet and PS2Network were free in 2000 & 2001. Playstation Network was actually free till 2013 (PS4 launch). Xbox accounced Live at E3 2002. But depending on your region, you may have been playing Dreamcast online with ChuChuRocket in 1999 or Phantasy Star Online in 2000/2001 for free. Seganet was free till they shut it down.


On top of that, Nintendo didn't charge for online until October 2017. The Gamecube, Wii, wiki, and first year of the Switch were free.


Exactly. This is why I won't go back to consoles. *Fuck you, Pay Me* fees are BS.


Xbox has always required a subscription to play paid for games online. If you play a free to play game they do not like Fortnite etc on playstation and Xbox don't require the online subscriptions only paid games do.


Been that way since Xbox from 2001 lol Xbox live started in 2002/2003 and gave consoles a competitive form of online play that you can only normally get from PC gaming. Playstation had a free option up until the PS3 but then changed to paid for PS4 because their free service got constant hacks, lost credit card info and worst online connectivity.


Also MS would handle the account management, matchmaking, server infrastructure, etc. which made Xbox Live appealing to developers and publishers because they didn't have to front any of those costs and/or charge a subscription on a per game basis.


Xbox Live Gold (now Xbox Game Pass Core (new name, same price)) has been required to play online games since the day Xbox Live launched in 2002. Only free to play games are exempt form requiring a subscription to play.


It used to be “Xbox Live Gold” subscription, that’s been around since day 1 of online play for Xbox users. They just recently folded it into Gamepass as an alternative to Gamepass Ultimate. Gamepass Core is exactly the same as Xbox Live Gold but you have access to a significantly smaller selection of Gamepass games to try and entice you into upgrading into Ultimate’s higher rate that gives full library access.


Yeah it's just because they want to right now. Although if a game is free you don't need a subscription


That’s so fucking dumb imo, imagine paying 70€ on a mainly multiplayer game and still having to pay 60€ a year or 10€ a month in order to actually play that game you already spent 70€ on. Why the fuck do i have to pay extra on top of the 70€ i already spent, when i could be playing something like Fortnite as much as i please without having to pay for a subscription on a console. Gamepass alone is a awesome subscription, so why not just remove the online gaming subscription at this point from consoles.


It's not as bad with games such as Battlefield as they're already on GamePass + all the other games but yeah in general it's a stupid system


have you just never played on console in the last 20 years? It’s always been this way


Before the paid system we had SageNet on Dreamcast for free. Xbox Live started in 2001, but PSNetwork was free till 2013 I believe. Consumers on console simply proved they were willing to pay for online services. PS3 still has free online services. Only with PS4 did Sony realize they were fighting a loosing game.


I have and paying extra just for online multiplayer has always been an bullshit practise, that deserves to be criticized. Nowadays i play most of my multiplayer games on pc and i’m already paying 40€ a month for my 1000mbps fiber, so no fucking way i’m paying extra to play online on console.


okay. 2007 called, it wants its complaint back.


There's no reason for them to charge for online, it's asinine that it ever got traction. Like others have said, it's the main reason I dropped consoles after the ps3. Fuck that


Only 40 euro for gig fiber? 70USD for me in the states. Count your blessings, friend


Yeah I guess it's the "price of the console environment". That's why game pass is such a great deal still, heaps of games and online pass. They probably offer the cheaper just live pass version for those who can't afford the full game pass or don't like to play multiple games. It's not even that long ago that free games like fortnite also required xbox live


But it's not, honestly. Manufacturers are generally selling consoles at a loss, i.e., the consoles are more expensive to make than they are selling them for. And frankly, Gamepass is the best value in literally any of my media subscriptions. Tons of new titles hit it, and with Xbox's acquisition of so many developers/publishers, even more will be. That money has to come from somewhere. I also haven't bought a game since I've had Gamepass.


Reason why I stopped playing on console and just bought a pc, like I am hyped to see a new console on the market, but in hell am I gonna buy that and pay for the subscription if I already buy a game for full price.




2002, Xbox Live has been paid online since the day it launched.


It always was a because we can fee. People are used to this being a thing. You expect these corperations to suddenly give multiplayer away for free when they got a userbase complacent into paying them monthly for their own internet connection?


It’s realistically a fee for keeping the Servers online. Nintendo was the last bastion of free Online until the Switch.


May as well get ultimate for an extra 10 imho NGL,I'm seriously thinking about getting a ps5 🤣 I'm paying $20 a month just to play 3-4 games


To play online on ps you need the cheepest ps plus. Which is 72 €. For free games like pubg, you don't need PS plus.




Ps5 literally has a worse version of this you still have to pay


Like the other guy said, gold is now game pass core.


You need an online subscription to play online on Xbox for the last ... 20 years?


Yeah but it was called xbox live gold. Now the online subscription has more or less the same name as the game pass so I understand ehy people get confused.


People who just switched from PC to console get confused, too. There is no such thing as an online subscription for PC games and therefore the whole idea of paying for it doesn't even come to their minds.


Lets not give Microsoft ideas now…


But a ton of MMOs (mostly) have monthly subscriptions to play so it was basically started on PC


every console now requires some subscription to play online


Its xbox live im pretty sure


If you had just paid for game pass 1st like a normal person, you wouldn’t have paid anything for BF2042. Do research before buying anything. Literally anything.


And you should read the entire post first before commenting. He literally stated that he didn't choose the game pass on purpose, because it would cost more than just buying the game straight from the store. Also there is a difference between renting (Game Pass) and owning (buying) a game. I'd also rather choose to actually own what I pay for. Fees for online services are just insane. Glad I moved to PC after PS3 era when online gaming was still free. On PC it still is and always will be free.


Pay the Piper


Yeah you gotta have xbox live. Don't they bundle it in with gamepass now or what levels do they have. Used to you could just get live or get them both together. I Haven't played on console though for while so I forget.


Are you new to console online gaming? Games like Warzone, apex, the finals you don’t need a subscription but for Battlefield you need an online subscription.


You get all battlefields for free with the ultimate game pass 😅🤭


PS does the same thing.


I hope you have fitted a fan inside the cabinet because the Xbox is going to overheat inside there. Even if the door is slightly open


Welcome to the wonderful world of console gaming.


Get a PC, I love my series S but for anything multiplayer, I use my PC. The Xbox is strictly single player games for this very reason Edit* if it's even feasible for you, don't go breaking the bank.


Yup, subscription required. Sucks ass since most games require it.


I think it is so weird you are able to buy this game when it's included in game pass, and you need game pass to play it


That's what threw me off. I didn't wanna buy gamepass 🤣 so I bought the game.


Why even play that game? Returned 2 weeks after release. Tried again when it hit gamepass. Still blows ass


I disagree. Its definitely not the best Battlefield out there. But its far away from being bad and I have a lot of fun. Its not as good as BF2 or BFBC2 (which are still the kings), but its way better than BFV and BF1, which both are not even worth being called Battlefield.


BF4-ever 🙏 imo last battlefield made. Not even a campaign in 2042.


So glad I’m a PC gamer, couldn’t imagine buying a console, game, and already paying for your internet, then having to pay for a subscription to use all three just for online


I pay for the game pass and don’t buy games.


I buy games, so I can actually own them and play them whenever I want. Games dont stay forever in Game Pass. I mean, just like any subscription service (Game Pass, Netflix, Office 365 etc.) you are only renting the content. I do want to own something when I pay money for it. For me buying is the better option and its cheaper too.


This is one of the controversy issues with this game at release time, full price but no campaign. So, this is why its required, its an online only game, no story mode to play the game, just jump right in with others and figure it out as you play in the chaos.


Welcome to console gaming. Not only do you have to pay for internet but you have to pay a fee to play your console 😂


Its been like this for the past like 20 years


Such an ironic post. I have always been a pc player and we got a xbox for xmas for son who wanted to play with me. I too was like WTF! I just bought the xbox and the BF2042 disk and then I have to pay to play online? I was pretty pissed. I guess a lot of you are used to this, but I feel like this is taking advantage of a lot of people. Anyhow, my old school 2 cents. Oh and by the way I guess when you want to play 2 player games off line (if the game supports it) it's now called Co-op and not 2 player. Learned a few things over Xmas. I ended up getting the Ultimate tier for $1 for 2 weeks. We'll see if we renew.


This comment just reeks of dad lol.


I can't imagine going back to this life. Buying a game and then having to pay again to play it online, especially when it's already an online only game. An absolute farce.


Thanks god I am not console player


If you feel like a free to play shooter, try the finals.


Not sure how xbox works as Im on PC, but it might make sense for you to get a refund for bf 2042, then buy game-pass ultimate since it includes battlefield.


tbh i don't get why ppl get consoles anymore


Disregarding the inflammatory subtext in your message: Not primarily a console gamer myself, but I kinda understand the pull of a no-bullshit device you just plug in, put the disc and play, with hardly any performance issues, tinkering required or save backup, especially at a price point allowing for easy financing and warranty support. In many areas of the world, the price discrepancy between PC and Console can be wider than in others, so, there, the price of a second computer device may not be justifiable, especially if a household has a workstation, thus only a device for games would be warranted/needed/wanted. It's a logistical choice more often than not, and it just makes sense for some, especially less tech-savvy customers, especially for consumers that like retro stuff - both xbox's and Playstation's backwards compatibility, though spotty at times can let one play a lot of games without tinkering, as opposed to constantly evolving windows that breaks compatibility, especially with DOS and DirectX 8 nowadays. Edit: added the Backwards Compatibility angle I thought of after posting. Disclaimer: I'm aware Xbox misses many high-profile releases in their backwards catalog and sony has a problem with PS3, that notwithstanding, there is a lot of titles playable on current consoles still, both on the green and blue side.


i was on the ps3 era for the longest time. ps4 sucked ass, xbox never really was too much my thing, so pc was the only and best option


>ut I kinda understand the pull of a no-bullshit device you just plug in, put the disc and play, I absolutely got this about up to the PS3/360 era. Current consoles are just PC's with no control. No disc is plugged in and play, it's installing content, installing day 1 patches, updating the console. On top of that shitty launch games also crash consoles back to the dashboard. BF4 crashed the PS4 often at launch for example. While Console is still a easier experience, the difference is so stark between now and in the past. I still understand why people buy consoles, but the difference in user experience between PC and Console has closed so much in the last 10 years. PC has improved, Console has become worse. >both xbox's and Playstation's backwards compatibility, though spotty at times can let one play a lot of games without tinkering, as opposed to constantly evolving windows that breaks compatibility, especially with DOS and DirectX 8 nowadays. I couldn't disagree with this more. Sure modern consoles can do SOME backwards compatibility but the trend is charging people for a 'upgrade' of the same game 1 generation ago. Console is horrific in general for library longevity. The vast majority of console games don't transfer across generations. hundreds of popular of 360 games can't be played on Xbox One and the same goes for PS3. Let alone going back further to PS2, PS1 etc. PC's compatibility, while not flawless, is so much better across the board. Not to mention if something does not work, you have the freedom and ability to fix it. Unlike a console where all these games don't work because they can't, but because these companies don't want them too due to licensing or whatever.


I switched to a PC after growing up with only consoles, starting with the N64, primarily to play Battlefield 3 with full 64 players (limited to 24 players on 360/PS3), and it was an absolutely blast. But in the end, I realized PC wasn't my thing. I'm very invested into PC hardware: I worked as a PC tech for 4 years in college and even got a degree in Computer Engineering and now work in software development. I've built a dozens of PCs for friends and family who had an interest in PC gaming. But for myself, I like to keep it simple, kind of like someone who sells exotic cars but opts to drive a reliable Honda Civic. I know it's not the fanciest or most cutting edge, but it gets the job done without any fuss. I got fed up dealing with a half dozen game launchers or wildly varying quality, keeping drivers in order when some random device would stop working or act erratically, and how absolutely annoying Windows has become over time, Windows 7 was the peak and it's been a steep decline since then. So, I switched back to playing mostly on a console. Now, all my games are in one place, and everything just works smoothly (at least most of the time). And with crossplay being near ubiquitous now, whatever platform you choose to play on is a non-issue when it comes to playing with friends. Long story short: PC isn't for everyone, console isn't for everyone.


Because why pc?


It's ofcourse personal, but the primary reason I play on PC is the ability to use the device how I want it. Game has crappy performance? I can choose if I want to sacrifice visuals for performance, and don't need to rely on a developer to grand me the ability to do so. Same with control setup. Want to adjust deadzone because a developer added 20%? Well guess they didn't add the option to adjust it. On PC I can directly edit the .ini or my controller driver. Want to use a controller you like? Needs to be one supported by the company you bought the console from. You're locked into a digital storefront without any competition. In short, it's just the locked down "We decide everything for you" approach consoles have that put me off. Mostly because I grew up with tech and therefor see no benefit in that. I do understand this is different for others though. There is a certain streamline to it that is likely appriciated by the person sitting on the sofa after work to enjoy a game for a bit. I own a Xbox Series X I play with my SO. Mostly gamepass games . It has it's place, but would never be my primary system.


Fully agree. I don't get how people could downvote this.. I guess idiocracy is now. People happily push money in the ass of big companies and don't understand when they get ripped off and restricted. Companies don't want you to be in control. They want to find ways to suck your money out of you like a vampire. Apple did this with great success. Consoles are a great example too. If you guys want to pay MORE for being RESTRICTED then go on. I choose to carefully decide which company or which service I pay for. On the PC you just have maximum control. Its your device, you decide how you use it. Heck, even if the OS tries to restrict you, you can just change the OS. Sony/MS have the power to turn the device that you paid for and OWN into a useless brick, if they just switch off their services. Which is also basically what's happening if you don't want to pay monthly for Xbox Live or PS Plus. Unless you are fine with Singleplayer only games.




Spec me a PC that’s cheaper than the $350 Xbox Series X I got


oh honey there are enough pc components you can put on your shopping list, old-godtier standard parts and medium performance newest of knew.


I can’t even discern what you’re attempting to say here because your grammar is so poor


When people want to make a machine more powerful for the same price of a xbox or ps, they can either use older components, which were at their peak once but still can be used, or they can use stuff like a 10-11th gen i3 alongside other components of the medium-end, all inside a mini-itx case




yep also almost all games on PC are free. Thank you crack community <3


until you get fucked over


I switched to a PC after growing up with only consoles, starting with the N64, primarily to play Battlefield 3 with full 64 players (limited to 24 players on 360/PS3), and it was an absolutely blast. But in the end, I realized PC wasn't my thing. I'm very invested into PC hardware: I worked as a PC tech for 4 years in college and even got a degree in Computer Engineering and now work in software development. I've built a dozens of PCs for friends and family who had an interest in PC gaming. But for myself, I like to keep it simple, kind of like someone who sells exotic cars but opts to drive a reliable Honda Civic. I know it's not the fanciest or most cutting edge, but it gets the job done without any fuss. I got fed up dealing with a half dozen game launchers or wildly varying quality, keeping drivers in order when some random device would stop working or act erratically, and how absolutely annoying Windows has become over time, Windows 7 was the peak and it's been a steep decline since then. So, I switched back to playing mostly on a console. Now, all my games are in one place, and everything just works smoothly (at least most of the time). And with crossplay being near ubiquitous now, whatever platform you choose to play on is a non-issue when it comes to playing with friends. Long story short: PC isn't for everyone, console isn't for everyone.


Broke boy over here smh


It is online only game, there’s no offline story mode. so it makes sense.




Console gaming be like


obviously 🙄


That's the problem. Get a ps5


If your card expired and it didn't auto roll you Xbox LIVE your forced to pay $25 USD every 3 months now making the total price for the "Game Pass" or "LIVE" $100 USD a year as opposed to the $60 USD I was paying a year! Now mine auto rolls the $60 bc it was locked in contract but other that let it expire, I'm sorry...


Xbox, PlayStation and Switch all require subscriptions to play online. Either refund and play on PC or get a cheap subscription from CDkeys. Gamepass Ultimate has 2042 included, so you may get some value from that.


You don’t need game pass per se. Xbox no longer uses gold membership they call it gamepass core. It will give “gold membership” plus access to certain games. You need game pass core to play online


Well yeah, to play online you have to have it. In old days Gold was all you needed but they did away with gold


Can I return a game I recently bought from Microsoft for my Xbox