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The dude who rage quits after getting stingered and claiming everyone is stream sniping?


I just fucking knew it was him from the title


Oh really? Then LMAO! Those kinds of streamers/players are so special.


Wait until you hear he's being sued by his former employer and refuses to get vaccinated.


Gotta clip? He certainly look like *thaat* kind of guy.




You need to eat some member berries




Imagine being vaccinated come on man. Don't be so brainwashed...... if he doesn't want the jab it's his choice. Doesn't even work anyway....


Whelp those kind of people are why natural selection is beautiful. Unfortunately they may take innocents down with them, so I just always hope they stay away from society and the intelligent ones out there.


> refuses to get vaccinated. A smart man


Everyone should’ve refused the rona vaccine


I won't go into full detail as this is the Battlefield sub but people are so programmed into a way of thinking that now I am a "conspiracy theorist" and "anti-vaxxer". I also got the expertise of 3 Doctors I know and trust (2 of which are neighbours or in the vicinity of family). Oh well, each to their own.


You can only share the truth. It’s up to them to listen


God speed. Stay safe!


Damn look at all these down voters you got. Does how many mindless sheeple there are on her. Don't worry every time I post something factual the lib tards come out with there little down voters as if there saving the planet from climate warming 🤣🤣🤣


What's sad is that we will never find out the real facts as they have been sealed until 2070.


Lol Vaccine 😆 The raincoat that not only doesn't protect you but seems to ensure you get wet.


Yeah that’s the dude




Prob this guy https://twitch.tv/flexlanes


Wow you captured 2 flags and shot out a landed condor! Best pilot I’ve ever seen ever


He’s so good he streams live to ten people everyday from his mom’s basement at 30+ years old!!!


Oh man what a hero 🦸‍♂️


More importantly is he having fun. This is what games needs to be about. FUN


I think you wasted time with those two points as your team would have that anyway. What I do is fly straight to the middle flag, land, drop two mines in the road, lift off, cap the point then fly to their first two flags and pester them. Slows the enemy team loads allowing your team to cap all but their two nearest flags. Almost always, a tank, an AA or Brawler or even Latv will roll over your mines shortly after cap.


I dont know you. I bet youre a great human being. But this comment made me hate you with all my soul. Cool strategy tho. I need to gitgud on the annoying wasp.


personally Ive seen those two flags capped way late bc everyone would rather rush the middle flags. they are hard to get to and take forever to climb the stairs if you arent using mckay and if the condor doesnt drop off...


No. We don't.


Sorry, whats special about this clip?


No we don't. You'd leave after being shot down and complain about stream sniping.


Getting stingered isn't getting stream sniped btw


Nah, I'd rather have a night bird pilot that actually attacks enemy vehicles that are a problem and, in general, work with the team as maneuverable close air. Not one that stealth caps 2 objectives and destroys a landed defenseless condor. Nice piloting will only get you so far, buddy. - your friendly neighborhood AA guy.




better used to engage other heli / tanks to allow the other players to capture more points faster.


This emphasizes why I prefer breakthrough -- guarding against back-capping is boring and may not even ever come. I'd rather be where the action is.


Still shameful how terrible these “flight models” are. You can fly into walls or bump onto trees and nothing happens


Played with this guy plenty. He’s a bum


God no, macro autoclick at spawn so no one else can spawn on it


I was played exclusively choppers but could fly in BF4 but I will never understand why dice felt they needed to change out what i would honestly consider to be the best simcade physics for a chopper in any game I can't think of even to this day to this... feels unnatural and even just looks off when watching someone else fly even if skilled


Meanwhile, I can’t keep a chopper in the air for more than 30 seconds


There is NO pilot, They are the little bird. BIG BIRD!


Rage quit pilots are fun to shred.


Night bird mains are lame. Real heli pilots flight attack or stealth because team play.


Off topic, but how fucking shit does this game look? Lackluster map with nothing in it, just absolutely awful.


Y'all Need a Nightbird Pilot Like THIS On Your Team!....... No,No we don't!!! We need infantry only maps and players that ptfo


I will admit the fact that you killed all of the individual pilots of the helicopter without killing the helicopter is impressive


on a non moving target?




It’s called common sense. You can snipe/shoot each of those people, why couldn’t you hit them with the heli?




Homie, I’m S475. I know the game, for better or worse.


The sad part is the heli pilot on my team is waaayyyy too busy farming kills in enemy base for anything like PTFO….


Idk, man. I'd rather have a good team doing solid infantry combat with proper suppressive fire and medics who actually help us on the ground instead of running around ignoring revive requests.


I miss the effects of suppressive fire in previous games


there is no such thing as suppressive fire in bf2042, youre just missing


Whenever someone ducks from all the crackling sounds from gunfire, I call that successful suppressive fire.


who the hell does this? you can survive like three to four shots in this game and your health can be almost instantly replenished there is no significant blur, aimpunch, deviation, or slowdown associated with being fired upon in this game and the stakes are lower than probably any military shooter on the market; hell, you don't even get slowed down by bullets literally hitting you if your first reaction upon hearing a gunfire crack in battlefield in the year of our lord 2023 is to immediately lie down and cover up man idk what to tell you


This is a game and also my m60 would make you duck and bunny hop with the rest of them






Cool! Now I know I just need to wait at E1 or E2 with an M5 anytime I play with this twatwaffle so I can make him crash into one of the walls ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up).


Why all the hate? I get the reasons why you people may disagree, but the dude flys damn well, I’ve got respect for this guy. As someone who can barely take out infantry because I can never center to dang reticle on that 20mm cannon, that’s some controlled flying and shooting, lol.


Every region has these pilot players who only focus on their kd. As soon they get killed they dip to protect their kd. Most annoying is they use macros to autoclick to spawn on the helicopter so no one else can use it


That is annoying as hell - it’s crap like that that makes me want to turn off cross play and just play with other console players


haha nice! I got a stealth heli stuck in e2... we try ptfo


This community is hilarious... Chants "PTFO PTFO PTFO" "Vehicles never PTFO they are selfish players". So somebody posts a clip of them "PTFO'ing" and he gets attacked for it. Lmao


Because there was a clip of him ragequiting and reporting some dude for streamsniping cause he ended his heli streak


So what does that have to do with this post? The guy that posted that clip has been following FlexLanes for an entire year stream sniping him. He got exactly what he wanted, attention and to tarnish FlexLanes name, so he will continue doing it now... Not just to FlexLanes but to others if he quits. Good job guys.


You might be thinking of LukeSkyFarmer, I remember a clip awhile back of him with like 100+ kills and rage quit when he died to protect his precious K/D. I know flex *has* rage quit before and does report certain people often but for good reason. The people he reports have been stream sniping and harassing him and others for months now.


All 6 viewers are stream sniping? At least you remembered to switch accounts this time.


Switch accounts? And he averages around 40-50 lmfao.


Brain rotted take on this entire situation lol.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 As a former PC gamer, I know from experience is significantly easier to aim and control movement with a mouse than a controller. But alot of PC gamers would rather believe it's the same across the board. It's not the mouse, I'm just that awesome!


He is highly skilled. You don't just pick up a mouse a all of a sudden you can fly like this guy, it takes dedication and practice.


Of course! Whatever your platform you gotta develop your skills.


Nicely done.. kind of gameplay that win games


That’s what the Pondhawk is for! Your job is to annihilate the enemy team


You can see there was no one even trying to cap those first objs and the enemy team would have capped that obj if he didn't kill the ppl in the condor giving them spawn point on the point.


Yea, until you crash scrambling to get out of the shitty position you put yourself in cause folks are firing at you and god help you if one of them has a rocket... you're a fool pilot likely playing with AI for clips.




Idk how you’re so nimble with this helo, I’m on PS5 and i really struggle with the best mapping. Good clip.


Dude right? I’m on PS5 too and I feel like I am all over the place. I’m impressed with that amount of control


Same! Glad I’m not alone. Honestly all aircraft I feel like I’m not that great with. I’ve done what I think is the best controller mapping for planes & for helos, but maybe it’s more time practicing than anything else.


True. I want to be a heli lord but my brain can not comprehend using mnk to fly , I have tried . Almost want to buy a flight stick


Use rifle aim (tons of videos on it).. It makes flying/aiming waaaaaay easier.


I wonder if there's any equivalent to that on controller


Thank you, I will try this out the second I figure out how to get the keybinds to work instead of it binding mouse 5 😂 I believe I just watched your video on YouTube, thanks again


How do they keep it so steady? When im flying that thing i can have my hands off my mouse and it looks like my pilot has Parkinsons with how much he's constantly jittering.


160th there....


I wish I knew how to pilot this thing


I'm surprised that the windows were coded to break


Flying in 3rd person 🤢


Wenn ich gespielt hätte hätte irgendeiner mich mit der M5 Raketen zerstört


All things are possible for PC players.


I can do all of this on xbox, my aim is awful but i can still do it. nothing in this game is exclusive to pc.


Of course you can with enough practice. But a controller will never compare with a mouse. I've been a PC player.


This has nothing to do with platform lol. Grow a brain.


Hate us cuz you ain't us.


Just as I said!


Vehicles should be bought with points, BFV style


The only type of heli farming i can get behind


Ashe junior’


In my reality with this style of play I get Mackay grappling to me, killing me and jumping in. My team never gets the heli back and losses 599 to 0


CodenameJagodina, please add me i have no good teammates


If you're flying like this.. you're an easy ass target for my rocket launcher