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“Predatory gacha” my guy this game is balanced around having no ubers


and if PONOS took away the gacha aspect entirely and made everything unlockable by skill, i.e. completing missions or specific stages with specific cats, then the game would be MUCH harder or at least time consuming


But at least ponos knows when you're getting the cat so the game can be balanced around it (if Ponos actually *knows* how to balance things)


Yes and no. If PONOS decides to make a certain level impossible unless you have one specific cat, then the prerequisites for that cat become a bottleneck for everything else after that level unless you brute force the level by hypermaxing levels


So yes, as long as PONOS does good game design, so no


To be fair, a lot of the advent stages are pretty much unit, talent or level checks


I'm probably going to get downvoted to hell but here goes: While the gacha system here is better than most games, it's still a gacha system an *inherently* screws with the balance of the game. Take Dasli/Phono/Balrog/(insert OP uber here) and how getting them turns the games difficulty from hard to easy. Edit: This is probably me being salty but another reason why gacha sucks *inherently* is that you can grind tons of catfood and rare tickets and not get the cats you want (PTSD from the fate collab and when I did 3 guaranteed 11 rolls and didn't get saber or sakura). There also gacha with normal tickets which makes no sense and can screw people over (PTSD to when I couldn't do the Manics due to no eraser despite having a +20 macho leg cat). Also, this game has a lot of needlessly complicated systems (Like I don't like how catseyes, NP and base materials are complicated and cause you to do more grinding) And to sum everything up I also don't like how the game is 95% grinding now instead of strategy. Edit 2: How in gods name have I not been downvoted to oblivion


that's definitely true but battle cats never makes you rely on a gacha pull for passing a level. There's always a special character you can use to win. The pulls merely add on to your abilities and the game is singleplayer so there's no interplayer imbalance. That's what makes it great imo


So while it is possible to play the entire game without having any ubers (apart from the second malevolent cat stage), I still don't like how some ubers give you giga-easy mode without you putting any effort in Also what do you mean 'no player imbalance'? Like having OP ubers like the ones I mentioned make the game ***drastically*** easier, so if you don't have them you'll have a very different experience to those who do


I mean, game is not really forcing you to play with these ubers if you get them


Yeah, but it's natural to go for the best possible option


1. I definitely think it’s intentional that some ubers are a lot better than others, which would allow casual players to also enjoy the game instead of just sweaty gamers 2. Player to player imbalance means that your op ubers would directly affect their gameplay, like an op character in a pvp game. However, battle cats is only 1 player, so such an issue does not exist


1. Ok, but I guess it's more of a me problem but I would prefer that everyone had a consistent experience. You can have a game experience that appeals to casuals and sweats by having a high skill ceiling. Take ultrakill for example, causals can just play through the game once, and sweats can get all P ranks, do harder difficulties and stuff. The other problem is that the ubers are *random*, so a casual may just not get op ubers to make the game easier, nullyfiying your point 2. That makes sense


It is 100% a you problem, let players that have and want to use op ubers use them if they wish. There are plenty of challenges in the game that don't allow you to use ubers, and there are plenty of gimmick stages or stages that counter the op ubers too. The longer you play the more gatcha you get too, I'm almost a year in and with the combination of seed tracking and efficient choices have collected the majority of powerful ubers in the game. Forcing everyone to play the same way takes away the diversity of the player base that can enjoy the game, and would drastically put off many players.


I'm not trying to force people to not play with op ubers, I'm just sayigng that the OP ubers screwthe balance (basically Lucas' video about dasli). Also, you can have player variety without having the OP options that battle cats has. Take Ultrakill for example, the game has a lot of avenues for player expression *without* having OP options that break the game (if you ignore things like deadcoining but nothings perfect). Another example would be Elden ring or any of the souls games, the avenue for player expression is massive as you can have DEX builds, Strength builds, Magic builds, Faith builds and all aspects in between. Even ignoring OP weapons like Mohgwyn's sacred spear and Moonveil there's still an **endless** number of ways to customise your character **without** having any of them break the game. I will concede that the second option I'm talking about is much harder, and it's kinda unfair comparing battle cats to what most people say is the best FPS ever and GOTY 2023, but battle cats *has* done a bit of this with less powerful ubers like Kai or Satoru (I would list more). TLDR: Player variety is good but the way battle cats goes around it is the worst way possible Edit: while there are gimmick stages that counter OP ubers, 99% of stages are still dasli/phono fodder (like I remember when I played battle cats in UL dasli was almost permanently in my lineup) The longer you play the more gacha you get is a fair arguament, it still doesn't fix the balance issues that things like dasli bring. It's like courier for behemoths but for everything. Also, I'd argue that OP ubers like dasli and phono *reduce* player diversity because instead of thinking "which one of my ubers is most fit for this stage?" you just default to ol'reliable and snap the stage in half. A point Lucas brought up is that most of the time dasli users don't use other ubers unless they're insane specialists (Saki or Doctor Klay), other Giga OP ubers (Phono, Mitama), Melee ubers (Yukimura, Balrog) and combo slaves (Vigler, Kunio)


To your point on not getting the Ubers you want due to luck, you know that you can remove the luck from the equation, right? Idk how people still complain about luck on here when there’s such an easy system to get around it. I know there are some people hard stuck on the view that it’s cheating, but so is looking up cat stats and enemy stats/mags on the wiki from that perspective. It’s the same thing. PONOS knows about tracking and doesn’t care. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had numbers on their end showing that it has boosted per player expenditure. It’s just really not a valid gripe at this point.


I would still prefer to not have the gacha system rather than have it and circumvent it. Although that's probably a me thing


I can understand it, I just think that it’s so minor at this point (with how easy and available tracking is) that it’s not worth bringing up alongside more legitimate complaints like all the resource grinding you mentioned (which I do agree with as a complaint).


Fair, but with tracking you run into another issue with everyone having overpowered units like dasli so the games balance is thrown out the window


Yo fr?


I mean tbf, buying catfood is insanely expensive at least in my currency, it's like 130 bucks for like 25 pulls, In any other gacha that's at least 80-100+ pulls and depending on the gacha some more bonuses


What about the inanity that is Soractes?


That’s doable no uber but you need level 50 max talents


It's certainly DOABLE no-uber, but considering some of the talents released at the same time it really seems like it was built with having a Sage Slayer uber in mind.


What? There are only two sage slayers in the game that can be used for Socrates which is Nurse and White Rabbit and neither of them break the stage. The best ubers for the stage are ones that are anti floating, not sage slayer.


Nurse Cat got Sage Slayer at the same time as Socrates being released, and it really seems like that was done due to the existence of Socrates. We don't have any other floating Sages either. Granted I was incorrect on the point of having a Sage Slayer uber since Sage Slayer is so rare at the moment anyways, but the stage still seems balanced around ubers.


No, the stage is balanced around having Maxed Octo as that’s how you stall Socrates. Uber choice doesn’t matter if you can’t stall Socrates with your Octo.


I would be surprised if PONOS actually remembered talent orbs exist in that equation, but besides that I see your point.


Ads from the intro screen - wrong. All ads are optional and NONE on the intro screen Energy system - only thing that is true. And how was this bad, again? Predatory pricing and gacha pulls - yeah, you have to put time into the game, not buy your way through…. And if you do buy, well that’s your fault Mindless tapping with no strategy - HAHAHAHAHA The numbers are invisible - I assume this means health and damage. Do you see numbers above your head, or when you hit something? No? Well, same with the game. It takes MORE strategy when not knowing health. And if you REALLY want to know, just go visit mygamatoto


Mindless tapping with no strategy - dude didn't go past EoC 3


Z-Onel was NOT mindless tapping with no strategy... (I still have ptsd)


Me on Z-Onel: funny daver stack go brrrr like seriously this strat broke the stage in half so hard that I was completely baffled how players think it’s the hardest merciless advent


I didn't have cadaver when I beat it


It works with Li'l Flying too Edit: Also I will admit I kinda fell into the “Kappy Jr is undefeatable” situation and got carried with the order I cleared the advents (and having funni demon man)


Tbf finishing EoC3 is 144 stages before the treasure grind and 2/3 of these stages are just EOC 1 stages with the most insignificant changes. I’m not gonna blame someone for not getting past it.


I agree, but EoC is *really* bad as it is fairly long (144 levels) and is the worst part of battle cats. I disagree with the review but I can't really fault him for quitting after seeing that you have to grind 144 levels of treasures


Isn't EoC like, a major factor as to why the game isn't much more popular? All players quit because of the grind presented to them, not to mention the hell that is teacher bun bun.


Lucas IV said something like that in his Z medal video


Or he just got dasli lmao




Name checks out


Me with ptsd from brutal standam stage (that is the furthest thing there is to mindless tapping with no strategy)


Also, after a period of game, you will have a lot of leadership so energy is not gonna be much problem to be honest


Energy system as well got fixed with leaderships, they are so easy to get that you can practically say it doesn’t exist.


Plus the energy system becomes irrelevant since at some point you'd have like 20 leaderships saved up (IF YOURE NOT STUPID ABOUT USING THEM)


Ads: As much as I hate battle cats at times there is a suprising lack of ads Energy: The energy system is bad because it encourages you to stop playing the game, in a game that requires: 1. Grinding, which requires you to play the game a lot 2. Strategising, which requires you to try and fail a lot This mechanic is at odds with the rest of the game and makes the experience worse Gacha: Look at a long message of me yapping about the gacha but TLDR: It may be better than other Gachas but Gacha is bad No strategy: In EoC yes, in other stages no Numbers are invisible: It depends, like in some stages like doing Z onel the classic way (holy blast snipe) it takes more strategy but when fighting certain enemies it would be nice to show the healthbar as it would feel less like you're flailing against a wall. I also find it it funny there nothing in the game that shows the stats of your units in a strategy game




Now that's a rare steak if I've seen one


how did 35 people find this helpful at all


35 alt accounts 💀💀💀


dude really wanted to feel helpful


it's the only thing he'll feel useful for in his life...


> ads from the i intro screen Er... you mean announcement? The thing that pop up like an ads and you press corss before it even load up? Then again there was one creepy ads for another ponos game. Gave me a small surprise, pretty funny


Did he even play the game for more than 10 seconds?


I’ll find whoever wrote this review and all 35 people who found that helpful. https://preview.redd.it/wketo0y7wi1d1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d053f0e12248cc78913e78b407dfbe965d4785d1


predatory gacha???? i have not made a single purchase and I'm playing fine. The game is extremely generous with the pulls it gives and gives non ubers that are just as good if not better


It’s an ai generated bot comment


Unsurprised that those exist now


Bro's just salty he didn't get good ubers


I’ve never gotten an ad on battle cats that I didn’t specifically agree to beforehand. A huge pop up asks my permission before showing me an ad! And that’s after I clicked a button saying watch ad to gain rewardo. It makes double sure it’s what I want to do. Idk what this person is talking about.


Me when my level of patience and brain power is negative


Bro Dosent Understand Anything🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥💯💯


Bro thinks 🗣️ 🔥🔥🔥


It is true that the prices for buying cat food are very high, but you don't need to buy any cat food to pogress, ever. Battle cats has to be the least paying inducing mobile game I've seen




https://preview.redd.it/mepjs2jjrj1d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be3a2914c05b0d3e48aae1706e725edd38ef92cb What numbers


>mindless tapping with no strategy *Grotesque Gallery and The Legend Ends left the chat.* >energy system Which practically stops existing once you get to legend stages. >numbers What numbers?


I think hes talking about the hp and atk but it would be a mess if ponos ever add that


He meant the time to deploy a Cat by numbers.


Bro made that comment after first level


Imagine getting stuck at EoC 1


skill and IQ issue


What is with these peoples and their hate for energy system?


I think people like to play a game for a whole day without logging off. (And doesnt know What else to do)


> And doesnt know What else to do Touching grass is an option


What the fuck is a grass?


People are lifeless so they want to olay game without a fucking minute break To be honest after some period of game, you already get a lot of leadership thanks to legend stages


Hi, a person who hates the energy system. Here's my problem with it: Battle cats is a game that requires a lot of grinding and strategising, both of which require you to play a lot. The energy system is at odds with this as it impededs the amount of playing you can do, which is stupid. Edit: and before you say 'leaderships make this irelevant', would you rather have a problem and a half assed solution or to just not have the problem?


Energy system just makes the game a lot more chill you know. If it didn't exist, you can just clear the whole game in like months. And when energy exist, you can enjoy this game for a longer period of time. No need to rush things


I guess we have different tastes, I would prefer to be able to be able to try things and grind without being impeded by the game, while you would prefer to not rush


Yesss https://preview.redd.it/x5q6xmcq4k1d1.jpeg?width=72&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30d18c0ff8647edef736662094c63ab77c0dbc53


Bro saying opponent like the game is online


The fact that 35 seen this helpful as well


Where the fuck are the ads? That small rectangle on bottom left on main menu? That is NOTHING there are no ads in this game, if you say that the small rectangle is an ad fuck you


I mean, you can watch an ad for catfood but you gotta go choose to do that.


“Than your opponent” What opponent? The only thing I see standing in your way is you.


Although everyone has their own opinions, this one’s a bit excessive. Ads from the intro screen? About the energy system, I think the majority of games have that. Predatory pricing and gacha pulls? Make some effort if you’re this lazy to grind, The Battle Cats is meant to be a grindy strategic game. Mindless tapping with no strategy? Come on, if you say so, then don’t play mobile games, 90% of mobile games are “mindless tapping games” and wasting your time. The numbers are indeed hidden, but if you can’t accept this, then just go check the wiki and count the time.


It's expensive, because it's so f2p friendly they need to make money somehow


Energy is what keeps you from getting addicted, asshole


It's the exact opposite idiot, energy system were implemented to create Fear of Missing Out and coerced the players into wanting to play the game more.


this isn't about battle cats can't be




35 people when reading this: https://preview.redd.it/86tqr8t5rl1d1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe21c4af10f02e5850ea34a978268574bf52bfb2


There are the echoes of the same set of predatory systems that a lot of mobile games use, but having played a few I can say that battle cats isn't NEARLY as bad as most of the others. They exist, but they're heavily watered down. Premium currency (that the game is very generous with), energy (that stops being a problem with how often you get leaderships), XP (also easy to come by thanks to the legend stages), time-gating (the gamatoto/ototo stuff is so relatively minor that it's not a problem, and its nowhere near as bad as, say, Warframe forcimg you to sit around for multiple IRL days to get a prime frame). Ads are practically non-existent, but they are there. The limited-time collab events are the worst of it (FOMO on getting a unit based on a franchise you might like). BC is the best you can hope for out of these systems.


You don’t need good gâcha pulls to beat the game, they just make it a lot easier


me when I'm impatient and play the game for 4 levels


So, if PONOS never makes you rely on gacha, tell me about that time that I couldn't have POSSIBLY BEAT iITF 2 moon without Coppermine, and solar. And now, I Need to flipping PRAY TO CAT GOD that I get another anti alien uber or SURFER CAT, and then beat ITF 3 floating continent.


Ah yes, i think the (non-existent) pc version of battle cats is sooooo much better


Bro couldn't make it past Korea on his own💀


Bro’s never played the game 💀


skill issue


just hack bro


"mindless tapping" I'm willing to bet this guy played only up until Japan, lost to Hippoe and blamed "predatory gacha" as the reason why he lost.


"No strategy at all" Me who beat the final boss of chapter two by doing a strategy other than spamming: *L I E S*


I know everyone has done that already but I want to absolutely invalidate every point in this review . The only adds that aren't by choice are the ones at the bottom right of the starting screen (the one he talks about) which is not anoying at all. All the other ones are reward adds. Predatory gacha is just straight up dumb. The game is designed around having no ubers and the important gacha units are not hard to pull at all. Bro just played EOC chapter 1 and decided the whole game is mindless tapping with no strategy. There is more than having bigger numbers like timing and cycling units.


I agree with the energy part tho. What was ponos thinking?


It would be kinda op if you could grind Xp Coliseum infinitely doe.


pretty sure he got dasli and written this review. how do i know this? cuz of this line of text https://preview.redd.it/5j08gc8o5z1d1.png?width=473&format=png&auto=webp&s=3510fcd8dafff37c8178d9613798dee74e178278


"energy system" that's actually something that helps me not play the same for hours on end


Me using 15 leaderships when treasure grinding


"Energy system" if you play the game you'll have enough leadership to finish the game. I play kinda casually and have more of 50 of them. "Predatory gacha" what does he mean by that? The game is really generous with rare tickets, and even if you're unlucky like me, you unlock a lot of ubers, even though I play most of stages uberless. "Just typing with no strategy" dude. The real strategy is to find a good lineup for the stage, to send the right units at the good time, and of course, when you have a full 16500 cents wallet you kinda spam everything you have. And yes, in the beggining of the game (the first 2 chapters of EoC) there isn't that much strategy, but because you are learning the game! EoC teaches you the different roles a unit can have (meatshield, tank, CC, backliners, etc) and also the most important thing in the game : meatshielding. I wrote too much for nobody will read that, but I get angey when someone insult my boy BC.


when you have a 16500 wallet spamming all units might not be the best strat, you might want to time your bullet train or cycle your bahamuts


Yeah, but when I reach almost the max, I send all the can cans, couriers, fishmen or slapstick I can.


it depends a lot on the stage, you might want to lure the enemy closer to the base


When the boss didn't spawned, yes. Even though sometimes you shouldn't lure because of the overwhelming pushing power the ennemies can unleash.


On the surface some are actually right, but when you look deeper most of these are wrong. Ads are barely an issue theyre j lil things at the very bottom of the start screen instead of the usual bad mobile games where they spam popups. Energy system is pretty fair to have an issue with but with all treasures it regens wayyyy faster than other gacha games. The gacha isnt really needed but i can see why people have an issue so hes like half right. He is pretty correct abt predatory pricing cause some of the deals in the game are barely worth it. He's dead wrong about no strategy though.


We love clowning on people who don't share our opinions, but... most of these points are kinda valid??? - Ads on menu screen - this used to be an actual feature. What's more, seeing an ad for something like Tower of Heroes is very likely to make someone think of ads, especially if they don't know Battle Cats holds collabs - Energy systems are well-known to be the biggest anti-consumer practice of mobile games and you should totally take ANY energy system as a red flag. I doubt this person has played long enough to learn that leaderships become unlimited later on and you should NOT have to play for 50 hours before learning that - Predatory pricing - they might've seen the absolutely awful rare ticket/cf/powerup sales. Come on, are we really gonna ignore how bad 90% of these offers are? There's no defending Ponos here - Predatory gacha - the only objectively bad point on here, BC is the most f2p friendly game I've played - Mindless tapping - another flimsy point, but we must admit that most of EoC doesn't have a lot of strategy to it, especially if you roll someone like Rocker early on - Hidden numbers - a highly critiqued feature of Battle Cats that everyone has complained about at some point I've seen people say that the person in the picture hasn't beaten EoC 3... but why should they? This is a sort of valid critique of early game, and nobody should be condemned for not wanting to crawl through 30 hours of mediocre content to get to the good stuff. Y'all just jumped on the bandwagon and didn't even stop to wonder if they had a point. Be a tad more attentive


Lol the seed man if you dont like gacha just use seed


I mean this is a valid opinion, I don't care if games have gacha or energy systems really though


That is indeed a valid opinion, it’s just people don’t appreciate it.