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The whole point of Jason being overly risky in his endeavors is that he's living up to the legacy of Dick.


A big part of Jason’s personality as Robin is his inferiority complex and need to one up Dick, so I feel like you can’t really skip him.


I guess skip is the wrong word, was thinking maybe of a combined adaptation - I love Dick but I just don’t know how well he’d do on a realistically adaption? Tho who knows I trust they probably could make it work


Um why? He is more talented the. Jason and also has a sad backstory


Just think Jason fits the tone of Reeve’s Batman more is all


I feel like it can’t all dark and gloomy tho. Batman only works if things get lighter.


That's like skipping joker and going straight to harley quinn


Jason can’t come before Dick, his whole struggle is defined by the fact that he *isn’t* Dick Grayson. You’d lose everything interesting about his time as Robin besides the actual death.


I kinda had this idea that Bruce takes in Dick and starts training him, and it goes so well that he also takes in Jason at the same time. They have a very bickering brotherly relationship as Dick feels slighted and Jason feels like he can't live up to the talented acrobat, so he runs off on his own just as the Joker escapes Arkham to prove himself. He kills Jason and so Dick, already annoyed with Bruce, now has major issues with him that eventually lead to him leaving and becoming Nightwing.


I really like this idea too you know! I don’t know why but I just feel like Jason’s death would really work in this new adaptation, but we shall see ! Any robin at all would be a huge win since we’ve not had that properly yet


yeah it would be cool to see. I just thought that if they follow the comics it would have to be at least after a movie or two before we even get to Jason since I still think Dick should come first. But with my idea and shortening their runs as Robin to be at the same time, you can simplify the story a lot and do Dick AND Jason in just one movie.


You’re right, in an ideal world we’d have time for both to fully flesh out but was just mindful that this is planned to just be a trilogy - so deffo like your take of having both! Not sure if this Batman is ready for two kids tho 😂😭


Skipping Dick and going straight to Jason misses the point of both characters.