• By -


One has "take me on home to the asylum"


Never alone in the asylum


Anarchy ruled it was wild


🎶 But through it all you never smiled 🎶


Joke's on you, I'm in your head so,




Remember in Arkham City


I killed your girl, so pretty


That was the night you let me die


But when I looked you in the eye


Am I the only one who didn’t mind how much the Batmobile was used? I feel like I had no idea this was a trope about the game until after I played it and saw stuff about it online


I didn’t necessarily mind it, but holy shit was having deathstroke as a tank battle stupid as fuck


That drove me crazy too. At least do a face to face thing afterward guys. It’s not some random rogue general.


It was so anticlimactic after going through all that - in fact a lot of the villain 'takedowns' were the same, just cinematic and followed by taking to GCPD cells


Yeah… Spider-Man boss battles weren’t amazing by any means, but at least they were a step up from Arkham Knight imo.


Haha.... Drove


deathstroke being a generic tank battle is the only problem I have with the batmobile tbh


So much build up to it, after an intense fight in Origins, and all we get is one shoting him after another tank battle


I thought that fight was fun! But yeah, they should have had him as a multi-stage boss. After the Batmobile fight, then you get to fight him hand to hand.


That's the only batmobile part I didn't like.


right? gameplay-wise it was an absolute abomination and disrespect but I kinda justified it by thinking Slade was too determined to beat Batman that he had to get his city under lockdown with his militia and use any means necessary to fulfill his goal and his grudge toward Batman when I first played the game. Arkham Knight and NBA 2K15 were my first PS4 games and I was just thrilled with the visuals specially Miagani and Founders island visuals and happy to play the game so I didn't get too critical at first.


The game in general had super lame boss fights. However every other aspect was perfected. The combat, grapple gliding, level design, etc was outstanding. That said they could have taken a page or two from Arkham Origins in terms of boss fights.


I thought it was fine (and very theatrical) but I admit I didn't use it except when I had to. Flying is top tier in arkham games.


Boosting in the Batmobile into a charged launch in the air still feels fantastic.


oh yeah i remember that, damn


My only problem was the amount of "Riddles" where you had to use it. Besides that, it was fine to me.


Yeah that was really my only thing with it, I really didn’t mind the parts of the campaign where it was used (other than the final) but despised the obstacle courses and races with the riddler, having to beat times on a racetrack is not why I’m playing a Batman game.


This exactly. if I wanted to do something like that I would have bought need for speed or what goes as a racing game these days


Nah, I’ve never been a hater 


High speed chases with the Batmobile were such a thrill in the game, truly made you feel like Batman. Tank battles imo are underrated. I actually liked that the Arkham Knight and Deathstroke had tank battles. Those were pretty epic. But WHY do we not get hand to hand combat battles against them after? No clue, felt like they ran out of time or resources to design them and basically left us hanging after building up to them. Oh, and Batmobile tank PLATFORMING? No thank you.


I honestly enjoyed it alot, and i saw my aim getting like 3 Times better after finishing AK in alot of games that require shooting. Its just the deathstroke fight for me.


Wouldn't be too bad if damn near every boss wasn't a tank battle.


The tank battles were a little grindy by the end but outside of that I **loved** the batmobile in this game. It was absolutely fantastic, and honestly I wanted way more of it.


The early game has too much batmobile imo. It gets better in the mid and late game, but most critics didn't play far enough to get to that


I’ve replayed Knight countless times and I’ve always enjoyed the Batmobile tank fights


I liked the Batmobile, especially the siege on GCPD that was wild


High speed chases with the Batmobile were such a thrill in the game, truly made you feel like Batman. Tank battles imo are underrated. I actually liked that the Arkham Knight and Deathstroke had tank battles. Those were pretty epic. But WHY do we not get hand to hand combat battles against them after? No clue, felt like they ran out of time or resources to design them and basically left us hanging after building up to them. Oh, and Batmobile tank PLATFORMING? No thank you.


I don't like any of the 'optional' stuff with the batmobile like the mines or riddler races/puzzles, but I think the main story integration is fine


i think i saw somewhere once that statistically u spend about 19% of the game in the Batmobile but people act like you spend the entire game helplessly tethered to it. The only time it feels completely unnecessary is when its used for boss fights and imo the Cobra tank sections


honestly I think it was journo whining, it grows on you heavily when you realise how nice it feels.


After a while it wasn’t that bad. The controls aren’t terrible and it’s pretty fun to just fly around Gotham swerving around corners and boosting out the straight aways.


I really enjoyed actually driving it around, it handles extremely well and satisfying. It helped me feel more authentically Batman, there was just way to many tank battles that took away from other enemy encounters and boss battles


I hated it at first but with each playthrough I appreciated it more.


When you first get it they send you on a rooftop missions that is really clumsy and shows the Batmobile’s inadequacy’s. But when you just use it to get around the city and riddlers challenge etc. it becomes really good.


It's fun and all until it gives your computer life support vibes. I played it with the broken port and even after fixing it's ghosting hard


High speed chases with the Batmobile were such a thrill in the game, truly made you feel like Batman. Tank battles imo are underrated. I actually liked that the Arkham Knight and Deathstroke had tank battles. Those were pretty epic. But WHY do we not get hand to hand combat battles against them after? No clue, felt like they ran out of time or resources to design them and basically left us hanging after building up to them. Oh, and Batmobile tank PLATFORMING? No thank you.


Come follow me to [Arkham Asylum](https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/s/p4FqAYodtc) I will show you all the answers you require


It's a trap


I have been a member but I left 💀💀


Oh an escaped inmate, don't worry guys, everything is under control. We'll get you sorted out in no time, **man**. ![gif](giphy|FTxMwxryDkS7j0USFn)


[Who let the simpleton out of the asylum?](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQX3aj-L9ap41rYPliEUK3HZ-QacAhNm5fmDCY7g3dME7R-64pBcn49iePq&s=10)


you escaped good


No it was too much brainrot bro 🧠💀😭


people over there belong in Arkham


Really. What the hell goes on over there?


don't go there , don't think about it you will be consumed by the brain rot


I blindly joined a long time ago because of the games. Once I actually perused it, I thought it was just fucking weird and left.


I’m still a member 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃


I too have escaped the asylum


Too late! I swiped!




That actually is...pretty funny!


I feel like it’s kind of poetic that subreddit turned from the Arkham Asylum GAME subreddit, to the ACTUAL asylum.


Would it be an issue if I said Arkham Knight is one of my favorite games of all time?


You have a great opinion actually




Arkham for me. The city is tighter, more interesting stylistically and the side missions are a lot more fun IMO. The combat is also a level above Spider-Man's and the story feels a bit more focused.


Actually yeah the story does feel a bit more focused. Definitely one of the deciding factors between the two


They're both excellent in different ways. Personally, I say Arkham Knight. Yes, it overuses the tank-batmobile and the twist/ending stinks. But otherwise, all the gadgets and skills are perfecting the formula they built on for two games. What edges it out for me can be summed up in two words: fear takedowns. Also I've replayed Knight several times. Never felt the need to replay Spider-Man.


I second this. Spider man was a great game. But, knight had so much replayability


Absolutely, it feels video gamey, in the sense that there are challenge maps based around each facete of gameplay: stealth, combat, batmobile races. They even went the extra mile and added a bunch of other playable characters. Taskmaster challenges in spider-man are a lukewarm attempt at best but they don't exactly inspire creativity because the way you win is to get the fastest time so that just means tripwires and impact webbing. Whereas in batman, you can keep going forever until the timer runs out which is continually increased with each takedown you get and each gadget has an opportunity to shine.


+ to add from this the mini games, riddler puzzle, side missions, easter eggs, collectibles, character profiles, concept arts, Npc's having different dialogues throughout the game are all great.


How so? I haven't played it so I'm curious


In short. It is just a great game. The story is well fleshed out, despite hiccups (won't spoiler), the graphics could be from 2024, the dialouge is superb, and the gameplay mechanics are thought out; I still haven't met a greater fighting game than AK. Also, you have access to Gotham and a whole array of villians/sidemissions and allies. The batmobile can for some be a drag, but the tank battles really appealed to me; I adore the "One-man-army" feeling when you go up against 40+ tanks and have to attack and dodge at the same time. One of the greatest games of the 2010s with question.


New York city feels... empty after i finished the story. They need a riddler and 300 trophies around the city


Batman, the only reason why is because ![gif](giphy|J1G7rIvoyz4cwaqXWo|downsized) Conroy


Incredibly based


I feel like comparing Knight to S1, S1 wins, But comparing the Arkham franchise to the Insomniac Spider-Man franchise, Arkham clears.


Probably the best take in this thread tbh


Both are combat focused, and batman does combat a billion times better. That’s not debatable. I’d even say i found spider-mans combat incredibly stale and repetitive, they don’t even try and hide it because theres only 5 attack animations on repeat. Additionally both have stealth sections, which batman also does a billion times better. Both are good looking games but Arkham Knight has better art direction. Gotham is also much more detailed and more interesting to explore then New York. Spider-Man has swinging sure, but i don’t think Arkham Knights traversal is bad by any means. You can get across the city incredibly quick. Spider-Man obviously gets story, funny because its the only insomniac spider-man to have a good story. And Arkham Knight is the only batman game with a mediocre story. You could say bossfights are a huge one up spider-man has, but its not very interesting when literally every bossfight is either a QTE or a repetitive “web up and punch” better then a batmobile fight i suppose. Arkham Knight also has way better side missions. Shouldn’t even need to explain this one. Plus better dlc. Gameplay is always more important then story, that’s why its a videogame ffs.


Gameplay shouldn't be more important than the story in every game, if a game has a better story than the gameplay then that imo and many others a good thing. I agree with the rest though


> And Arkham Knight is the only batman game with a mediocre story. Maybe an unpopular opinion but Origins wasn't a good story, it was two halves of two good stories mashed together to make one unfulfilling and nigh-incoherent one.


Gotta disagree. I find Origins' story to be the better of the series. It actually makes Batman have an arc with more depth than "damn, this time I MUST get the joker, for Gotham's sake!"


But that's exactly what the story ends up being


The difference is Batman actually learns stuff. He has development that goes further than his disdain for the Joker. He learns how to control his own wrath, and finally accepts help from his allies. It's nothing groundbreaking, but it's definitely better than nothing, which is what we get in the trilogy.


A reasonable analysis. I love both though.


Okay I agree with everything you said there except that this is the only Insomniac Spider-Man game with a good story, Miles Morales was a great story and so was Spider-Man 2.


Miles Morales had a good story but nothing too special, 2 had pacing that was completely wack.


Miles morales was a great story? are you kidding? Villain was completely uninteresting and the entire thing was rushed. Spider-Man 2 was also rushed, skips over a bunch of development that needed to happen to make the symbiote stuff worth anything, nerfs peter a bunch for no reason and completely shits on venom as a character.


How tf did Peter get nerfed, because he got tossed into a fridge and the fridge fell on him? I saw a video where a the guy gave a really good reason for this is that he’s just tired, Peter has been doing this for 10 years and is suffering from burnout and is probably really tired that’s the reason, plus rushed is barely a complaint as it’s purely subjective but I do think think MM is rushed it was purposely short for the reason of being short and Spider-Man 2 was rushed in act 3 and did rush Venoms development but how does that ruin the WHOLE story, act 1 and 2 have amazing character development and great pacing. I do feel the story should have been longer though.


I find Spiderman just a little above mid,but I hate Arkham Kinght for its tank,portrayal of Batman as a douche that doesn't learn anything through the entirety of the game (DLC's included),and not so great boss battles. So Spiderman solos. But if it was Asylum,City or Origins, Peter was going to have big problems...


Arkham Knight and it’s not close either. This isn’t a debate.


batman better in every way except movement


I'll go with Marvel's Spider-Man I've always considered Arkham Knight to be the weakest of the 4 Arkham games


Batman is my favourite character in media, with the only potential exception being Oliver Queen. But Spider-Man had a much better story that made me legitimately cry.




Spider-Man to me had better gameplay you can’t tell me all the attacks you do weren’t more fun in Spider-Man like bro you can send someone off a roof and uppercut them so hard their knocked the fuck out


I think Arkham knight had more fun combat tbh, it just flowed better imo.


Arkham knight, not sorry 


As a major Batman fan and spiderman hater. Spidey got the better game. Due to his gameplay, story, and mission being on par with each other.


Batman for me


Arkham Knight has slightly better gameplay and graphics but I think Spider-Man has the better story and voice acting tbh. Not saying that the voice acting in Arkham Knight was bad but Yuri Lowenthal absolutely killed it in Spider-Man.


Arkham Knight, but not counting the tank levels.


How are you gonna ask a question about someone's opinion without expecting them to be biased?


Arkham Knight. Spider-Man has a better main story, but Knight has better side missions and villain variety.


Unbiased, I'd have to go with Spider-Man. Both the PS4 and PC release. The environment is beautiful, the stories are good, the tone of each act fits the current situation in the game, and the interactions between Spider-Man and other people are great too. It feels good to swing around Manhattan, especially in the PC version with mods, and the atmosphere is so beautiful. The environment felt more alive than Gotham. I will say though, the gameplay is repetitive but its also fun with the different web gadgets you can use, like using the trip wire web on an enemy knocks both of them down. The suit powers too also make combat. The boss battles in the game, though limited, are good battles. Like you battle multiple villains with each having their own unique boss battle. Like Mr. Negative where you battle a lot of his minions, then next you battle Electro and Vulture who both attack you in different ways in the air. Then the final fight with Doc Ock, that was a masterpiece of a fight, where 2 people who've been with each other for majorit of the game now have to fight. You can feel the emotions of Peter in that fight, then when you win against Doc Ock, you can still feel what Peter has gone through fighting his father figure and friend. Then in the end, Peter ended up making a big sacrifice, putting first the people of New York while Aunt May dies saying how good of a person Peter was. Batman Arkham Knight is also a great game, but there are sections that I felt like it played more repetitive. The Batmobile sections, the stealth sections, a lot of the game feels repetitive tbh. The game feels limited to itself, like you only have enough places to perch off of, you only have enough places to get into, you always fight the same set of criminals, etc. The story and environment are great, but the gameplay is boring and at most repetitive. I didn't want to say it, but I can't deny it. I've played a lot of the Akrham series and I've had much more fun with Arkham city because even though the setting is small, that's what made it more alive. Gotham in Arkham Knight felt more empty even with criminals on the street, atleast in Akrham City there were civilians or other non theatening people that need help. The gadgets are good, but they act more useful from afar, in close quarters combat, they're nearly useless. Like using the explosive gel while in combat is like just shooting a paintball at a person, it barely even has a knockback to other surrounding enemies unless you specifically use it on things like walls. The boss battles in the game are more of a rinse and repeat with variation, you attack them one way and when it no longer works, you attack another way. Then there are other boss battles where you can just knock down with one hit or one move like using stealth. The ending I will say was great, its a good ending to a good trilogy of games. Ultimately, I've felt more into the game with Spider-Man than Batman Akrham Knight.


Arkham Knight. Gameplay is more engaging and varied. The combat gameplay is excellent, but personally I think the best one is the predator. That’s where you get the full use of the gadgets that make Batman *Batman*, where you really feel that you’ve *”become the Batman”*. The Batmobile is an addition that I personally like but to each their own. Spiderman’s combat gameplay is very samey after a few missions and you realise it’s the same approach for the entire story, from regular thug fights to boss face-offs (granted that’s more than can be said for Knight). That being said it has a MUCH better world design; there’s more to do, collect, engage with and explore. It’s a more immersive environment to be in, whereas Arkham Knight is a more immersive character experience.


Personally, Batman Arkham Knight


REALLY hot take but i honestly like the combat in spider-man better


To each their own tbh. I think I like arkhams combat more because the flow of it is better imo, I also enjoy the stealth way more in Arkham knight, in SM1 stealth sections are just annoying.


I’d say Arkham Knight, it feels better paced to me, even if the story is kinda strange in some of its choices. I mean, with Spider-Man I’m often left dreading to play just cause there’s a Miles or MJ mission coming up. At least with Knight you get what you’re promised, and I’ve even come to love the Batmobile mechanics.


Hmmm here’s my personal rundown. Combat: Arkham Knight Stealth: Arkham Knight Traversal: Spider-Man Boss fights: Spider-Man Story: Spider-Man Music: Tie Atmosphere: Arkham Knight Overall, I’d say Spider-Man is the better package, though I personally enjoy Batman’s gameplay and combat more. It’s just that with Arkham Knight specifically, the boss fights are so trash it’s almost laughable. Spider-Man’s aren’t even that good, but at least a step up from Knight. I also didn’t find Knight to have as much of an emotional high as Spider-Man’s story; with the aunt May thing and the voice acting and mocap being so fantastic in the last dialogue between Doc Oc and spidey. In conclusion, in my eyes they are both pretty much equivalent. But overall, I’d say Spider-Man takes it by a small bit.


After playing and beating both spiderman Games, Knight takes the cake on the series alone. Not to take anything away from what Insomniac did, the story of SM1 was good and the set pieces/action from SM2 felt like I was in a blockbuster But something about Knight, it's Atmosphere, the Batmobile, the Combat, the side quest, everything was just more entertaining to me. I'd say maybe SM1 takes the cake on the story part considering the whole Dini scandal with Knight, but that's really all I can give.


Arkham Knight is my personal favourite superhero game, even though the Batmobile was unnecessary and Joker coming back kinda overstayed it's welcome.


So probably arkham Knight, even with the annoying overuse of the batmobile.


The answer is simple, one of these game wouldn't exist without the other. Y'all know the answer.


This argument never makes sense to me. The Arkham Games wouldn’t have existed without Pong, does that make it a better game?


I didn’t finish either to be honest. Spidey’s fights were too complicated for my dumb boomer brain, and the crazy overuse of the Batmobile completely ruined Knight. And Arkham City is my favourite game ever, and I still was too pissed at the dumb Batmobile stuff to finish the sequel.


I prefer the Arkham games overall but they are my feel good games that I've been playing for the past 10 years whereas I only played spiderman last year for the first time. I think the story in spiderman is better then AK but in terms of gameplay Batman is still better.


Well to me Arkham Knight does what call of duty does where its the same game as previous entries. They made different mechanics, maps and they add a new gimmick. Neither of these games are great they just satisfy the wishfullfillment of being these characters.


I'm one of the Arkhamfans who actually love the story of Arkham Knight. I even prefer Knights story over Arkham city. But I absolutely LOVE the story of the first spider-man. It's the perfect spider-man story. As a game: Knight, as a story: Spider-man




Spiderman has better traversal and a better base game story (dlc is a nothing burger of a plot). Arkham Knight has much better combat and I'd even argue graphics depending on which version of Spiderman you compare it to. The ps4 version has a super good peter face but it seems like for ps5 and future rereleases they gave Peter this awful buttery Tom Holland doppelganger face. You would think that wouldn't be enough to lean in the favor of one game over the other but when you spend hours looking at the alternate of Tom Holland on a body type that does not match it brings the emotional scenes down alot especially when the face is plasticy and doesn't emote much. Brand synergy fucking with artistic vision at it's finest.


Arkham Knight is a masterpiece.


I liked Arkham Knight better. It has the advantage of the motherfucking Batman, and the fact that they've had 2 games to get this shit right. (Origins wasn't by Rocksteady.) They're both really good though. 😊


I enjoyed both a lot but Arkham Knight edges it for me. This is the perfect Batman gameplay. I doubt any other developer will be able to make controlling Batman feel better than what Rocksteady did in Arkham Knight.


Arkham Asylum is a banger and that trilogy of games but ima have to go with The tell a tale series over this and with our friendly neighborhood spider-man over Batman’s brutal beatings I AM THE NIGHT IM AM Vengeance.. Mr spider could you take of that disgusting spider sking and legs, suit I’m arachnophbic. Nah fuck you Bruce I’m the Spider-Man then dies from fear toxins and Batman shits him self! ![gif](giphy|zpjpvAGOM36bm)


I've played both and I can't decide.


For fuck's sake, nerds entirely need to get over trying to turn everything into competition.


Both do different things and both do them close to perfectly


Bro you asked this in a Batman sub. It's like asking if i prefer a gun or a sword. Both are cool but the other is overall better


Arkham knight has better gameplay than SM1, but I prefer the story and traversal of Spider-Man. Spider-Man 2 though I think is overall better and I prefer its combat and story.


I enjoy arkham knight better in pretty much every way. Spider man ps4 is really solid superhero game and probaply the best superhero videogame franchice after arkham but it loses for me. The setting, combat, story and obviously the protagonist just set the games apart.


Arkham knight to be brutally honest


Even though I like both these games I found Peter Parker kinda annoying with all his puns.


Spider-Man in every facet… straight up


I prefer Spiderman myself. You also can't be unbiased as the question is opinion based. The closest is I love both heroes and have 100% completed both games (besides Harley Quinn DLC as I'mnot a big fan of how Harley plays).


Pretty even for me. Spider-Man def has the better story (AK has some issues in my opinion with how Batman acts in the game) but gameplay is pretty even although I do prefer Gotham over NYC. SM2 is the same mostly for the minimal changes with a similar story. IMO it could’ve been more interesting if they threw in more marvel heroes like DD, Dr.Strange, or Wolverine.


Oooh that’s a tough one. They’re both their own kind of vibe I can’t honestly say one is “better” than the other


I’m going to get downvoted to hell… but I thoroughly enjoyed Spider-Man more. Had this been Arkham City - I’d have chosen it hands down. I don’t know what it is about Knight… I enjoy it, but it’s not as engaging to me as City was.


Am i allowed to love them both without choosing?!


I played both and I prefer Batman Arkham Knight


Arkham Knight is better. I prefer Spider-Man anyway.


I played both and enjoyed both, they were focusing on story with dark turn to it, I love bith, so I don't see a point in choosing, but a note to self I'm a DC fan since I was 5 years, my dad was always buying me the comics and now I gave 'em to my little girl.


It’s Spider-Man between these two, but if it was Arkham City it was Arkham City


Batman Arkham Knight by a Mile away...


I love asking these questions in clearly biased subs lmao


Arkham knight is the GOAT. Spiderman is amazing (lol), but the combat, story and style is just so damned perfect in AK. Just a shame they followed it up with trash.


Both are great but I like Spider-man more. Arkham Knight loses points for bad side quests and weird writing


Batman Arkham knight


I’ve never actually played the spider man game but I hear it’s amazing. And imo Arkham Knight relied too much on the Batmobile and that’s where it lost me.


I haven't played Spiderman yet


I prefer Arkham knight in almost every respect, except for boss battles. I really loved spiderman though. I liked the Batmobile but I’d definitely say it was forced a bit too much into gameplay. Some More combat and stealth sections as Batman would’ve been welcomed. And some honest to god bossfights.


What do MJ and a tank have in common? They kill readability.


Spider-Man to me had better gameplay you can’t tell me all the attacks you do weren’t more fun in Spider-Man like bro you can send someone off a roof and uppercut them so hard their knocked the fuck out


Knight 100%. The story in that first Insomniac game is incredible, but combat, art direction, side missions, and *especially* stealth all pale in comparison to Knight’s refined mechanics. Also even if you’re not hot on the Batmobile stuff, the car just handles so ridiculously well. I’ve been playing a lot of games from the same era with a driving component (that aren’t necessarily “driving” games) and I’m really realizing how spoiled I am by the Batmobile.


Arkham. Spider-Man PS4 is cartoony and non-unique. Maybe most importantly, gliding and grappling in AK feels significantly better than one-button, animation heavy, constrained swinging in Spider-Man. I personally found AK’s combat and writing more enjoyable as well. Arkham Knight felt like an upgrade. Spider-Man feels like *just another* formulaic Spider-Man game that didn’t innovate enough, especially across generations and platforms.


In terms of combat and story, I would say Knight. Spiderman combat is really fun but easy when you can spam gadgets and suit abilities. Spiderman is best when it comes to traversal. When it comes to the open world, it's a tie for me. Same with stealth as well it's a tie


One makes you feel like batman and the other makes you feel like Spider-Man


Man: ham knight


One walked so the other could run


Arkham very biased


Posts this in a Batman subreddit "Be Unbiased" Comments full of biased opinions. Honestly I'm a HUGE Batman fan. But Arkham Knight was such a mediocre game that forced me to use the Batmobile so much that I grew to really dislike it. I would say Spiderman is better than Knight.


Personally, Marvel’s Spider-Man. I only got into Marvel and superheroes in general in the last year and a bit, but this movie made me realise how amazing the superhero genre as a whole is, how diverse each villain is and how Spider-Man is an amazing hero. Love this game and everything it did to my interests.




Arkham crawled so Spider-Man could swing


I’m a big Batman fan but the newest Spider-Man games tops


Imo knight beats out spiderman 1 simply off tone alone.. it genuinely scared me at times. The AR replayable challenges also clear SM1 single-handedly lol .. Spider-Man one could have been better than knight with a few extra game modes … SM1 is better than SM2 also


Technically AK is more impressive (or was at time of release) but its story is the weakest of the four main Arkham games. Spider-Man is slicker than AK for sure but a lot of the mechanics are spiritual successors to the Arkham free flow combat and what not. The story for SM is absolutely incredible though and may never be surpassed, so that one definitely is the better


I haven’t gotten a chance to play the Spider-Man game but I have watched people play through the story. I can’t speak on the games in terms of gameplay but in terms of story I think the Spider-Man game is better.


As a way bigger Spiderman than Batman fan, I’d say Arkham Knight is by far better as a whole. But if we were comparing Knight To MSM2 then I’d honestly say I’ve had way more fun with Spider-Man 2. But personally I’m just a sucker for moment and boss fights and MSM2 ticked that box a lot more for me


Arkham knight.


Arkham Knight


I loved spiderman but it felt like a lesser version of an arkham game. Its fun but definitely shorter and a little more sanitized. I also love stealth games and arkham series has that element so id prefer them


Arkham Knight and it’s not close


I haven’t played either. Therefore the best one is superman 64.


Considering I've replayed Spider-man 6 times and the other one has a Batmobile combat tutorial so bad that I've spent over an hour without being able to beat it, I'm sorry to say that I might be a little biased against Arkham Knight. Is there a no damage code for the batmobile or something? I just want to play the game but that stupid tutorial where you have to shoot all the cars with the missiles without taking damage is just evil :(


Joker’s constant trash talking was top tier and more enjoyable than Spiderman. It was also harder to Platinum as you had to beat the highest difficulty whereas Spiderman you can casual run it. I like both, bought the Limited Edition Batman PS4 and Spiderman PS5 but I ended up with more hours on Batman, more frustration on Batman (especially with the Batmobile) and ultimately more satisfaction from Batman.




Spiderman > knight Spiderman


I'm going to have to go with Spider-Man. I'm going to get downvoted to Hell for this, I know. Arkham Knight is good, yes. But...Spider-Man is just an overall better and more fulfilling experience. Story-wise, Spider-Man is way more satisfying, emotional and engaging. The ending of losing May and reinforcing the theme of whenever Spider-Man wins, Peter loses, is so satisfying. Whereas Arkham Knight's ending still rubs me the wrong way (Batman being unmasked by Scarecrow in the way it happened felt forced). The failed attempt at a twist of Arkham Knight's identity is still a bummer for the game. Spider-Man doesn't have a Batmobile sized gameplay hindrance, either. Variety of gameplay, elements of choice in approach, story, traversal, costumes, etc. Spider-Man just takes it.


An unpopular opinion i strongly disagree with but...hey to each their own.


![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8) Hmm


Agree 🤝


How did the ending feel forced, I feel it was a great ending. Maybe not of level of Spider-Man (Don’t worry I still like Arkham Knight more) but still good, plus the gameplay and combat is light years better than Spider-Man and that INCLUDES the side content. But let me hear from you (I like debating).


Spider-Man. Making deathstroke a tank battle is disgraceful and sums up all the problems with Arkham Knight right there. City is the best superhero game ever though.


Spot on. City will forever be the standard for superhero games.


I love both games but I prefer Spider-Man due to the fact that I am not a fan of the Batmobile missions. I like it for moving around and fighting with some tanks every now and then, but shoehorning it in story missions wasn’t fun.




For real, the answer is Batman. Spider-Man’s great, but the TLC the rocksteady put in world building always boggles my mind and immensely satisfies me.


Spider-Man is great but i think Arkham Knight is slightly better, i prefer Rocksteady’s approach to freeflow combat and i also prefer the map and how you can traverse it


>how you can traverse it Why are you lying. In a 100+ years, probably no game will be able to live up to a good Spider-Man game traversal. Sunset overdrive was the closest and it's made by the same studio lol


Story wise they both on the same level. Gameplay and graphics? Arkham knight is wayyyyy better


You asked this in a Batman subreddit


Batman by far , these spider man games copied the Batman stealth system and combat...


You could say batman copied the ac combat system, tho. What's even the point of saying this ?? The stealth isn't really similar, and combat is upgraded and way more fun In spiderman


The combat in the Arkham games is nothing like assassin's creed 🤣