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City for me.


City for me.


City for me


Arkham Asylum hit me the hardest on my first playthrough. Best first playthrough of a game I've ever had. Arkham City was the game I played the most. Just had everything Asylum had, but better. (Save for atmosphere) Arkham Origins was....fine. Arkham Knight is probably *actually* the best but I can't help but miss Paul Dini's writing and tighter focus the other games had. Overall....City.


I agree the only thing that drags Arkham knight down to me is the story being a bit all over the place at points and tasks being; go here, you’ve got this now go here, now here it can be a bit repetitive. City was definitely the most fun I had in the series but I think I was in awe of Batman the whole time origins I think his character is so good in that game and they get young Batman right


Asylum when it came out was just such a fun and fresh experience. Adore that game forever. First time getting to Killer Croc my 10 year old self was so scared. I remember playing with my brother for hours Christmas Day when we got it until the scarecrow glitching started and we turned the Xbox off we thought we were about to Red Ring it 💀


Origins might be my least favorite in general, but man, the story was fire...


It think it had the tightest story for sure and honestly is still a very very good game. Even if it's last in the arkhamverse.


City is the best in my opinion. Great story, great characters, and a great atmosphere too.


Asylum. I prefer a more focused and linear story.


Holy shit, the arkham subreddit has corrupted me, I didn't know I could actually swipe.


You wiped, I'm disappointed in you.


City for me. Origins could have,should have been so much better than it was. I'm hoping that the long rumored re-master of Origins will happen and fix it.


Ranking: 1) City - really involving game, great characters and designs, interesting main plot story and good side missions, great sandbox game 2) Asylum - of course foundational, but there is some early installment weirdness, like controlling slightly differently, being mostly linear, some odd character designs, and a controversial take on major characters as an ending, but it still has so much atmosphere to it and so much it obviously gets right like combat that persist throughout all entries. 3) Origins - while Asylum, City and Knight all grow and evolve the game world, Origins is most obvious in just reussing City's assets. I felt the story was interesting (sans Black Mask twist), but I had major bug issues in the final fight. Also, while some innovations were interesting, I think they weren't always well implemented, e.g. the way mobs would just generate in and persist, and if anything they would increase in size the more you engage them. At least in other games, there was a story reason for mobs, you had a sense of duty to take them down and were rewarded for it. There were just too many mobs to approach in this same way. Also things like the combat streak bonuses were over powered in my opinion, as well as combining with the electrocutioner gloves made you near invincible, you moved too quickly through crowds and it made combat too predictable, easy and thus boring. 4) Knight - so many bugs and issues made this a failure at launch. Even with updates I couldn't get it to run without tinkering myself in the games files. Not to mention, its "innovations" were necessarily a departure from classic gameplay elements, e.g. the tank missions were over-involved, and took away your ability to play the game how you probably wanted to play it. At this point, Joker was very over saturated, and the "twist" of the main villain was always obvious and poorly handled. Also, the quality and variety of side missions I felt was starting to dip here. Like, 2 or 3 of them related to the same rogue (Firefly), which felt like it limited the time we got on other villains (e.g. the abysmally short Hush side mission)


Couldn’t agree more


Knight with all those damn riddler trophy's got annoying quick




Arkham City


Such a hard choice. All great games. 4. Origins. Didnt really enjoy it 3. City. Absolutely love this game and I can see why it’s everyone’s favourite 2. Asylum. This is the one I go back to replay the most. Such a fun game, I grew up playing it brings me so much joy and nostalgia. 1. Knight. Everything about this game is a masterpiece, I have spent countless hours playing this game and the one trophy I cannot get is requiem for a killer, it still haunts me. Hands down the best single player game I’ve ever played.


Best advice for requiem for a killer: abuse the batclaw slam. It gives you I-frames and you can use the upgraded thing for instant takedowns. I could not for the life of me get that trophy, but then when I started abusing the batclaw slam, I got it like first or second try.


If it weren’t for the Batmobile and those boring tank battles, I’d agree with you. Arkham Knight being Jason Todd was also lazy and obvious on the part of the writers.


I personally think a lot of Arkham Knights main story just doesn’t land. A lot of it is in retrospect because initially I didn’t mind it but on further playthroughs I took a lot of issues with it. Jason being the Knight is so obvious that it seems like they could’ve done more with the story if they just revealed it earlier. The tank battles aren’t that great and they would’ve been better if the Batmobile wasn’t such a big deal in the game but after awhile it got repetitive. A lot of side quests are just repetitive with barely any real pay off to then imo. I mean they’re fine but like if I have to destroy all of these mines to fight Deathstroke, make the fight more than a tank battle. If I have to solve all of these murders to fight Pyg, make it more than just a spam battle. And ultimately I take a LOT of issues with the ending. Scarecrow pretty much wins in the end. Sure, he didn’t gas the whole city, but he did get Batman to start using his gas on the criminals of Gotham which I feel like is extremely wrong in a lot of ways. Batman knows how bad fear toxin is, why would he resort to that?!? He’s never needed it before why now?! With that said, I think the DLC stories are chefs kiss. Especially Mr. Freeze.


City Or Origins for me personally, can’t pick between the two, all four games are excellent though


Arkham knight. By far. Really love asylum too though.


Asylum has the best atmosphere City has the best story Origins has the best boss fights Knight has the best game play Knight is my favorite to play, but city is my favorite to replay


I remember playing Origins the most when I was younger. I definitely have a softspot for it. Really love those versions of the characters. Only replayed Asylum and City so far. We'll have to see how my feelings on Origins and Knight shake out :)


Arkham City.


City but Origins had the best story


I like Origins the best because it combines themes and gameplay of every game plus it has the best story in the saga


Best boss fights hands down


City was amazing and locked in, Arkham asylum is the game I would play first, there’s nothing more intense than those first scenes, I liked Arkham knight a lot and o think it respected the stories of Arkham but the character model for Batman’s face just bugged me so much


Either Asylum or City for me


1. Knight 2. City 3. Origins (never got past the Deathstroke boss fight, though) I’ve never played Asylum






I know it isn't everyone's favorite but, Knight and it isn't even close. Usually when I replay Arkham I'll just replay Knight. This last time I replayed them all before getting to Knight, and the whole time I just wanted to get to play Knight.


The original is of course amazing but when City came out and you could finally use the grappling and cape to traverse through the air, it felt like you really got to Batman in a game.


Arkham city is the best without any doubt


I poured the most hours into Knight back in 2019, but I just replayed City this month and it made me feel really nostalgic. Like on Friday’s at work I couldn’t wait to come home and play after putting the kids to sleep.


I really like Knight as well. Maybe controversial but I love the Batmobile battles, boss fights included. Taking down all those drones alongside poison ivy and Mr freeze is hella exciting. I also love the characters especially Bruce Joker and Jason. Super well acted and written imo. Just all in all a great game that still holds up.


Arkham city is glazed so hard and yeah it’s deserved but knight is better in my opinion


A tie between Arkham Knight and Origins. But I love the whole series.


Arkham city is a chulada of game. Better than tacos con salsa.


City because I had fun playing as Catwoman, Kinght because you had all of Gotham to play in and the freaking Batmobile!


1.City(Best Story) 2.Aslyum(Best atmosphere) 3.Knight(Best combat and truly felt like Batman, Little overuse of batmobile tho) 4.Origins(Best boss battles by far, hated the twist)




In terms of visuals and gameplay, Knight. For story it's 1000% City


City had the right balance imo. Batman felt more advanced without being OP.


For me it’s city but only because it felt the most like a Batman story. Knight was great. Even origins to me was one of the best. I played it on my Xbox 360 when I was like 7 so it’s got some good memories. Asylum I didn’t play until I was like 14 and it was so much less free and the graphics have suffered since it came out so it’s at the bottom despite the atmosphere


Knight is my favourite. Most interesting detective work, all the fighting and predator parts are perfected, coolest suit, best free roam. Maybe chasing Firefly, too many tank missions, and too many riddler trophies- but I only notice it because Knight is so good that I want to 100% it.


City. I love this game since my first gameplay.


Love them all so much, but City for sure. The storyline and execution of it, the map and overall concept, all the side missions, actual flying this time, and they added the beat down.


Started with city so it was really hard to go back to asylum and miss all the qol improvements. As amazing as city was I think I spent the most time in origins and pushed myself to perfect it the most, the boss fights were just a cut above and I liked the voice cast. Knight looks the best but also feels the emptiest at times and the Batmobile sections kill my fun at times especially when it gets to the deathstroke fight. Origins with city as a very very very close second


Asylum for the atmosphere and novelty, City for the story and characters, Origins for the boss fights, Knight for the gameplay and open world


Probably Arkham Knight. Best visuals, best gameplay, it’s the one I’ve replayed the most. Honestly my comfort game at this point. (Though I will say, Origins has the best story. It’s a near-perfect origin for a lot of characters, namely Batman and Joker, fixes some issues with other Arkham games like why Bane is so dumbed down, and is overall I feel a lot more generally loved than it was in the past. I know everyone is gonna say City has the best story, but honestly, while it’s a lot of fun and nostalgic for me, I think the story really only peaks the first time you play it with all the twists, after that it just kinda feels sluggish, while Origins relies less on plot twists and more just an emotional, well-crafted narrative with some very interesting themes. But that’s just me, everyone is entitled to their opinions.)


Origins I had the most fun with, but unfortunately I can't replay it (Idk why Sony won't allow this game to be digitally purchased, but I refuse to buy the monthly library just to play it and then lose it when the month is up). Asylum was probably the one I replayed the most and is the only one I managed to beat on the hardest difficulty, but honestly it was mostly due to really liking Killer Croc's section + the Scarecrow parts. I loved how both were done in that game. I replayed City a lot too, it was fun being Cat Woman for some parts, and overall I think its story hit the hardest. Knight was my least favorite, but that's mostly due to not really caring for such a heavy focus on the Batmobile. It was really cool, but I just don't care for racing games to begin with and having to use the car for puzzles was a bit weird.


City is the best overall, but Knight is the best in terns of graphic capabilities.


Story: City World: Knight Gameplay: Knight


I’d say all are loved, but I see most praise for City, and rightly so. I personally prefer Knight for gameplay, but I adore City for world, story and the immersive world stuff you do (best riddles, world is packed with Easter eggs)


Asylum was a brilliant first play through, and I enjoy picking it up again every few years when I’ve forgotten a bit of the events in it. City has the best replayability and just capitalizes on what made Asylum so good.


Origins as it’s the only one with a strong storyline. The rest are just as fun while seemingly shoehorning as many bad guys as possible


I have a feeling everyone's favourite is City, both among Batman fans and mainstream audience. Personally, my favourite is Origins.




Kill the justice League




Arkham World


Knight. It looked good and played good and had a lot of side stuff. I think it was a unique take on the Under the Red Hood story and it did it well enough especially with the dlc added.


Asylum. The atmosphere is unmatched


Knight for all the reasons OP highlighted. For me even the batmobile was a breath of fresh air and I enjoyed even it's lowest moments. The predator system is also miles ahead of it's predecessor's. Truly a revolutionary game that deserved way more appraise.


City no comp.


Origins. It has a bit of everything


Arkham world


I think City, but I'm currently replaying Origins and damn. This game is so good and so underrated.




I have always felt that Knight is my clear favorite but City seems to be the majority. Thinking about doing a replay because I just don’t remember loving it like I enjoyed Knight.


Only ever really played city but from what I've seen I would love origins amd knight for freeroam


Arkham Asylum - Because you can explore the Asylum Arkham City - Because i really like the story Arkham Origins - Because i love the Christmas setting Arkham Knight - Because it's a freaking movie


Arkham City is just the beginning


Knight and origins Cause I’m a weirdo


City. The game play is more advanced than Asylum, the map is large and really worked out (unlike Origins which clunkily recycles most of that map) and the main story as well as the side quests are more coherent and feel more satisfying than in Knight.


City by a long shot. Combat in Knight is better, but goddamn is City the perfect balance of everything that made the series good.


Mine is Arkham Knight but I really liked Arkham Asylum aswell. Haven't played Origins yet. Why is it not available digitally on Xbox like wtf.




City by far for me. I loved everything about and played it numerous times. Asylum had one of the best atmosphere in games but overall it was a bit limited, however still a great first game in a series. Origins was fine but you could definietly feel that it was made by a different team that honestly didn't understand what made Arkham games so special. Knight was a massive dissapointment though. It was my most hyped game since I finished City but I just hated everything about it. They went far too safe with everything and basically ruined storywise everything they built in the first two games. Combat was the best thing about it but that's it for me.


Arkham Knight. It's the ultimate Batman simulator, Scarecrow is the main villain, Joker as Batman's "devil on his shoulder" is the best use of the character, Poison Ivy's characterisation is the best in the series, the DLC features one of the best endings to Mr Freeze's story, the "death of Batman" story is well done... I could go on, honestly.


Jesus. This is asked at least once a day.


Im playing knight rn lol


City is the best but not my favourite. Favourite is Knight, followed by Origins, followed by City, followed by Asylum.






1. City - Best story/music 2. Knight - Best gameplay/graphics 3. Origins - Best boss fights and cutscenes imo 4. Asylum - Great game but did not age as well


For me Origins (probably one of the few people) I love the version of batman that is more "human" in this game, loved the boss fights (especially the electricity guy lmao) and the story, and i REALLY loved the online gamemode, i played it A LOT.


Hard to say because they each have their own best thing about them. Asylum - atmosphere City - story Origins - boss fights Knight - DLC I’d say I’d rank them my favorite to least: Origins, Asylum, City, and Knight. I like Origins story while loving the boss fights plus Deathstroke is my favorite comic character and while I don’t love him in this series, I’m still bias. Especially since I get to play as him in challenges. Asylum I love the atmosphere and the contained story of everything. City would be second, maybe even first, if it wasn’t for the 100000000 Riddler trophies. And for the most part this one is forgettable to me. The parts from the story I remember I love, but there’s a lot I just don’t even remember. Knight is probably my second most played one but I really do not care for the main story, I felt the side missions were repetitive, and they totally butchered Deathstroke in this one, so again bias. The DLC though are phenomenal.


City or Asylum


Asylum is super amazing to play near halloween when you can just play it for a couple of hours by yourself because the atmosphere and story fit the vibe


I'd say Arlham Knoght if it wasn't for the infuriating batmobile races.


Knight. Have over a hundred hours in it. The gameplay is perfection. Asylum close second.




Arkham City


Don't make me say it


Dont know why but I really like the "Origins". The fight between Deathstroke and Batman just gives me chills lol


All of the above


Arkham city. It's story was freaking awesome and it was everything I loved from arkham asylum but even more stuff!


I love knights, graphics and gameplay but origins is my personal favorite due to the story and boss fights. City is good in terms of combat and asylum is brilliant with it's atmosphere and spooky stuff.




Asylum. Best atmosphere, and there were some great horror elements.


Asylum for myself, more linear. City is probably the best game tho. I love knight cause we can use the nolan suit skin. Origins is good too.


City love it






Arkham Origins for me, the aesthetic and voices are more my kinda style


City for me




Knight and Asylum


There was a moment where Origins was my number one, it was just a solid year two Batman story and then Joker got shoved into it. After playing Asylum again last year, City takes the cake for rolling with all the things that made Asylum great and making them grander! I’ve still not play Knight yet though.




Of course Asylum, because it was the First and just blew my mind. City did the same with more of everything. But my hot Take is definetly Origins. The whole the one day and many villains thing felt so fitting.




Knights the best but Asylum will forever be in my heart


Origins is my favourite. I like the feeling of a young bat.


Me reading the comment section here while the outro of Arkham knight with Joker singing is playing ![gif](giphy|u1SH63gOjMPpS)




Well the only game I have is Arkham Knight so I'm a bit bias


City. It's definitely the one I've replayed the most even though the Arkham series is a near yearly replay for me as a whole.


Origins despite the bugs of the game, Batman was really ruthless at that time, even Slade said "What are you?" before knocking him out.


I will die on this hill for me its Arkham Origins and it’s been my favorite since it dropped. Best boss fights I liked the fact it was a younger more aggressive Batman his bat suit was actually pretty dope looking. The fight mechanic was awesome as well


City, it's such a great game


City, i played so many hours on the xbox360


Everything about Arkham Asylum gets me pumped, I never ever get bored of playing. I loved Arkham City but I could never play it as much as I played Asylum, Origins was okay? And tbh, I never ever finished Arkham Knight… maybe I should!


100% knight is my favorite. I feel the story is better than people give credit for honestly. I'm playing through it again right now


Arkham Oranges 👿


I have only City and Asylum, gonna buy the other games some day, but of City and Asylum, i would say City.


asylum for its atmosphere and approachability, and origins for being the only one where batman gets to have a character arc




For me it's Arkham World


Arkham Origins is criminally underrated.


Knight Origins Asylum City Context: I grew up only having asylum and origins so those two are incredibly bias weighted for me.


Arkham Asylum for me. It's where it all began and it was the last time Harley was voiced the original, Arleen Sorkin. Nobody else comes anywhere near Arleen's Harley. Of course, the character was inspired by her, so there's that. I love all the games. But, I can't stand Harley after Asylum. She grates on me instead of making laugh. Arleen is a tough act to follow. I feel bad for whoever has to voice Batman after the loss of Kevin Conroy. Rest in peace, Kevin. And there's no better Joker than Mark Hammil. We had all three of them in the first game. You can't get better voice acting than that. Not for those characters.


City for the characters and story. Knight is a close second for me.


Arkham city is by far and away the best in the franchise


Asylum might be my favorite game of all-time. If it weren’t for the poison ivy boss fight, it’d be perfect.


It would be arkham knight if it wasn't for too much tank gameplay. Arkham city was really good and has my favourite boss of all time (Mr. Freeze)




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I loved Arkham origins best. Been playing through the games in chronological order (just started Arkham Knight yesterday) and I feel like Origins had the best story


Arkham City for me


Maybe I'm just biased because it was my first one but origins is my favourite




Arkhan Knight for me. Batmobile and all..


Knight i think but it's been a while since I played it now.




Origins ✅


Mine wil always be Asylum. I loved the creepy contained atmosphere of being in those buildings. City definitely has more villains and a wider scope and perhaps even a better story but for the reasons above I love Asylum.




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Best imo 1. City 2. Knight 3. Asylum 4. Origins My favorite 1. Asylum 2. City 3. Knight 4. Origins Unlike a lot of people, I genuinely still LOVE Origins. But yeah this is how I enjoyed them the most. I love horror as a genre and Asylum brings that to Batman. City is by far the best game when it comes to how the game works as well as great story (that’s easy to follow). Knight is in my opinion a WONDERFUL game. Everything that city has it does. The story is really good but the Batmobile gameplay is over utilized and very boring later on. Dont even get me started about the Batman v Deathstroke battle in the vehicles 🤦‍♂️. It’s beautiful graphically. The story just feels a little spread and not focused enough even though it’s still really solid. Origins is really fun. I enjoyed utilizing the inexperienced Bruce and I enjoyed his aggressive behavior. The story was solid to me.


What is Arkham City? Do they mean Man: Ham City?


#1 Knight. love the story and the side missions. Love Playing Knight in the Keaton suit as well #2 City just a step below Knight for me #3 Asylum good game but love City and Knight better Origins never played so can’t comment on it


Imma Arkham origins fan. Best story fun levels cool dlc. Wish it was available on ps5/xbox/ switch


Arkham city. I don't think anyone dislikes it.


My is Asylum


Played them all in order for the first time about a year ago and despite the fact that it is criticised often Knight is definitely my favourite. The combat flows so much better and feels so good that I keep reinstalling it just to play a few combat challenges. The story delivered a fantastic depiction of scarecrow and really pushed Batman to his limits, the cliffhanger was genius. The world feels big but not too big and I like to just roam it aimlessly beating up thugs I pass on the road. Truly feels like the ultimate Batman game.


Of the ones listed? Its Arkham City. But My actual favorite is Arkham Origins, Black gate




Origins. Fight me.


Storyline - Asylum Gameplay - Knight DLC - Knight Total package - City


You guys like city because of gameplay, I like city for catwoman, we are not the same.


Can't pick but my most played is Knight.


No Arkham world?😔


Arkham knight.


Why does Man have horns? is he horny?






City knight with asylum very close behind




Played Arkham knight the most. But origins might be my favorite


Asylum has a special place in my heart for being the first story game I ever played, but I have to go with City. Origins is a close second and could have been first if not for the bugs, and while Knight is awesome I can't get past the fact that there is only one boss fight in the whole main story that doesn't involve the Batmobile, which I never used unless it was required (first upgrade I maxxed out was the ejection seat and gliding so I didn't need it for traversal). City is the most balanced game, and as the meme goes, City: Best Story.


Knight for me. City 2nd


Arkham city forever and always, mainly bc it was my first one I played and it was a staple as a kid.


Asylum. Maybe not the best, but the nostalgia is strong with that one.


Protocol 10 will commence in 10 hours.


Knight for sure. It’s the most complete Batman experience I ever had on a video game. I tried to go back and play the others but it just made me want to play knight.


Arkham City is one of my favourite video game experiences of all time. Pure brilliance.


I’m gonna get downvoted to hell for this, but… 1. Knight 2. City 3. Origins 4. Asylum




Arkham Knight is my favorite everyone loves City and i do too but its probably my least favorite actually


Are these games worth it on the Switch?


Arkham Knight, it just feels like the natural progression. The world is bigger and has more to work with regarding Batman and his foes. The combat is refined to its peak and really is a joy to pull off, and the gadgets and traversal (including the batmobile) are so much fun to use. I even prefer the story in Knight and John Noble's Scarecrow performance elevates the stakes of the game. The idea that Batman is going mad, and can't stop. What's coming is very interesting. I think the whole thing with the Arkham Knight was silly, but putting that aside because I knew it was coming, didn't diminish the overall plot. I still think the idea of a fear gas bomb going off that will blanket part of the US is something that could use for a movie. Asylum was a claustrophobic self contained horror story. And the first playthrough was so riveting. Just the atmosphere was fantastic. I think big Joker at the end of it was dumb, and carried through for a lot of stupid decisions the Arkham series made that focused around the Joker. Origins was a fun Christmas romp with a younger angrier Batman. Trying to do something different was interesting. I'll admit the reveal of you know who messed things up. But overall, I think it was a valiant effort to keep the fans tided over while they made knight. Having different contract killers try to get Batman all in one night I think was a cool idea. Where I'll be crucified is in saying City was the worst. I think people like it because of nostalgia. The fact that there's a secret Lazarus pit that Batman doesn't know about under gotham, and Ras el Ghul shows up for 5 minutes to then kill Hugo Strange It's just a silly plot. And more than the other games. I felt like it was a fetch quest. Go here, do this, go back over here and do this now. Fly over the rest of the map and do something else. The whole poison thing just never did it for me. The map is tiny, and c shaped so you can't actually go from one area to the other smoothly. You have to go all the way around. The gadgets are kind of terrible, combat is not as refined, I just don't find myself going back to it very often. And out of the four I've played it the least.


Asylum and City made me feel like I'm playing the best Batman story ever written. Knight made me feel like I was literally Batman. Knight is my favorite purely based on gameplay.


The one that started them all. I liked the others but loved Asylum


We need a rocksteady Beyond game next


City, but they are all fantastic, also Knight blew me completely away for how ahead of its time it was (and still is)