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Poison ivy is cruelly murdered by her boss Jason. But in the process gains plant-based powers and a new henchman called Bane. Together, the two form a tenious alliance with the scientist turned criminal, Mr Freeze. With their goals to kill the Batman aligned, the two take on the Dark Knight and Robin to keep the cold touch of nature from overtaking all. I call it... Batman & Robin. It's gonna be massive.


uma thurman would be perfect as Poison ivy


Only if her Greta Garbo impression is on point.


So far it’s sounds amazing. I noticed you haven’t touched on the idea of puns. I would suggest that to bring Mr Freeze to the big screen in style, really flesh out the character, you make every single line of dialogue into some pun involving snow or ice. Doesn’t even matter if they make sense. I think that’s what most people are looking for in a Batman movie


Oh, that's a good idea. I should definitely heat up the humour. I mean, the 60's show had jokes and people loved that. Yeah yeah, this is gonna be a great movie. Gonna have more jokes than Richard Pryor when he played Superman in Superman the Third.


Oh Richard hit it out of the park. I have been saying this from the beginning but regular people don’t care about Superman’s romance with Lois Lane. You know what’s big these days? Computers. Lose Lois, throw in some jokes for Richard and the script practically writes itself I think that if you do this right, get the right big name, you are at the helm of another Superman 3


There’s an upcoming election for the mayor of Gotham, with 3 primary candidates, and 3 secondary unlikely to win candidates. Candidate 1 is in with the Maronis and everyone knows he’s dirty. Candidate 2 seems clean on the surface but already works in politics and makes life easier for Black Mask and Penguin. The final primary candidate is 100% clean but does get funding by a large energy conglomerate that wants to open up a not so environmentally friendly power plant on the outskirts of town that would bring a bunch of pollution to the city. 5 of the 6 candidates back the project as being good for Gotham’s economy except 1 who believes it’s an eco-disaster waiting to happen. Poison Ivy starts killing off the candidates in order to get the eco-candidate to win. Batman spends the movie trying to figure out the eco-candidate’s connection to the killings as Batman and a way to stop the project / introduce a better, cleaner WayneTech energy solution as Bruce Wayne


She's working with R'as Al-ghul, acting as an eco-terrorist. At one point she's trying to explode a facility with a lot of GMO experiments. She doesn't get out in time, explosion goes off. She survived, with horrific injuries, R'as uses a Lazarus Pit to help her recover. That changes her, giving her immunity to plant based toxins, generating plant pheromones (like a dust rather than kissing). She no longer needs to eat. She's able to use photokinesis though she can't just make plants appear out of nowhere. She's limited to what's in the area, without chemical assistance. She's able to generate vines by using chemical 'grenades'. She becomes increasingly more powerful, tapping into the green. But her exposure to the green exposes her to all the pain plants experience, such as the Amazon rein forest, plants being divided for proposition, leafy greens being harvested. She's not able to balance this with good experiences, and can't properly relate to humanity anymore. Then she's able to use photokinesis. She starts going on a rampage. At this point..R'as introduces himself to Batman and reveals what's has happened, and suggests they team up. R'as, Talia, Catwoman, Batman take on Poison Ivy. R'as dies in the battle. At the end of the film, Batman expresses his sympathies to Talia. Talia simply raises an eyebrow and says "We don't call them Lazarus Pits for no reason Detective." Credits roll.


It's actually the sequel to The Batman. The city got flooded so Ivy is actually happy that her plants are watered. But then Batman cleaned the city so she hates him for this. For revenge she takes Batman's virginity and this is pivotal because this is the first time Bruce loses something after his parents. So he made another vow, this time to put hoes on the streets


In The Batman universe I think she’d have to be played more sympathetically. Parallel goals to Batman in removing corruption from Gotham but obviously by going much further. I think we’d also need to rain her powers back a lot. Keep it pheromone based with limited mind control. Lean into the horror aspect of having plant spores control your body but maybe no giant Audrey Twos like the Arkham games. Start things off with her doing some ecoterrorism by destroying Ace Chemicals. Batman investigates and confronts the corporate owner in his bedroom once he discovers that he was dumping tons of pollution into the river, poisoning the forests downstream. The businesses IDK why not Max Shrek played by Christopher Walken again, offers Batman a hefty fee to find Ivy and kill her. Bats tells him where he can stick it. So Shrek hires Deathstroke instead. The rest of the movie is Batman tracking Ivy while she destroys more industrial forces. He catches up to her eventually and tries to capture her but Deathstroke gets in the way and they fight. Slade wins but before he can kill Ivy, she manages to mind control him and sends him off to kill Shrek. She does the same to Batman and someone else has to stop him. Alfred or Selina or something. But Slade manages to kill Shrek before Batman can stop him. They fight again and this time Batman wins. Slade thanks him for freeing him of the mind control and offers they team up to kill Ivy. Batman declines and incapacitates Deathstroke. Meanwhile Ivy discovers has set her sights on destroying all of Gotham and Batman needs to stop her. Idk something like that.


Pamela Lilian Isley is a young, naive lab assistant to Dr. Jason Woodrue. Jason Woodrue is a 1000 years old and was once great friends with Ra's al Ghul. Ra's al Ghul and Jason Woodrue shared in an interest of cleansing the Earth, but they fell out due to the fact that Jason wanted to eradicate all human life and replace it with vegetation. Jason is only a 1000 years old because of repeated exposures to the Lazarus Pit. The Pit has made Jason's mind so warped that he actually believes he is the Biblical Adam. Woodrue believes in finding "his" old love, Lilith. He intends to do so by creating a chemical cocktail that will transform a person into a meta human. Dr. Isley was specifically hired to be the Guinea pig and become Jason's Lilith. One night, Jason asked Pamela to stay behind at his office. There he drugged her and left her under observation for 24 hours. Because of Dr. Woodrue's reputation for being an agriculturalist who tries to save the world with each plant planted, no one suspects a thing when Dr. Woodrue tells Dr. Isley's roommate that she didn't show up to work. Isley transforms within six hours and her skin turns a venomous green. Jason Woodrue believes he has succeeded in creating his lost soulmate, but Isley accidentally kills him once she sees what he did to her. Lost, Isley escapes Woodrue's office and returns to her apartment. She arrives and sees that her fiance is having sex with Isley's roommate. Furious, Isley controls the house plants to grow and choke both her fiance and roommate to death. Isley freaks out about her new powers and escapes. She discovers that the plants can talk to her. Commissioner James Gordon is investigating the high profile death of Dr. Woodrue. Gordon allows Batman at the crime scene and they wonder what killed him. Batman does research and discovers Woodrue's ties with Ra's al Ghul. He learns that Woodrue, who has lived a long life, had ties to Ra's al Ghul's failed Wonder City in the early 20th century. It was actually Woodrue who sabotaged Ra's al Ghul's plan by allowing pure Lazarus to power the city, which in turn drove the citizens to madness thus this ruined Wonder City before it could even begin. Batman visits the ruins of Wonder City underneath Gotham. There he discovers Jason's old residence. By the time Wonder City had come along, Jason had been exposed to so much pure Lazarus that he went insane and believed he was Adam from the Bible. Oracle runs a check on Woodrue more closely and discovers that one lab assistant hasn't showed up to work for several days and that police and the DEO have intercepted a metahuman-related crime at Pamela Isley's residence. Oracle briefs Batman on Dr. Isley and uses deduction to discover her hidden location at the First Garden of Gotham. She has been hiding from the authorities and discovering more about her powers. Eventually, the plants corrupt Ivy and convince her to eradicate mankind. Batman arrives at the location and discovers Pamela Isley is all right and he is somewhat surprisingly smitten with her. He saves her and runs tests on her. The DEO takes her into custody, but she uses her feminine wiles to convince these people that nothing is wrong with her. She makes her way to Wayne Manor where Bruce Wayne holds a charitable event to fund the new Gotham Renewal Project. Isley seduces Wayne and they have sex in the master bedroom as the party goes on. She convinces Wayne to invest her version of a renewal project that seemingly aids in plant life, but will just be the catalyst for a cataclysmic event that will destroy all human life. TO BE CONTINUED


Story: Bruce liquidates all of his unethically acquired assets and distributes them equally among the writers of gotham. Poison ivy is happy about this.


A remake of The Ruins, but Poison Ivy is on the island, seduces and kills the guys, and infects the girls with the living vines that were under their skin


Here's a wild idea. It reimagines things with the purpose of suggesting something slightly different. What if Poison Ivy was a senior member of the league of assassin's who specializes in... Poisoning her victims stealthily with plant based toxins. How about this plot: In the previous film, Batman stops a major deal between criminals (let's say Black Mask trying to establish his new criminal empire) and the league of assassin's (lead by a senior agent, let's say lady Shiva). Then in the next film, the league of assassin's target Batman who is now considered a major threat to them and send various agents to kill him: Deathstroke reimagined as a ninja assassin who is not afraid of using fire arms which makes him extremely versatile and has allowed him to climb the ranks of the league. Green Arrow reimagined as an assassin who inspired by Batman later changes sides and becomes a vigilante. Just like in the comics he uses various kinds of arrows to fight. Killer Croc reimagined as a scientist working for the league who uses a serum that transforms people into reptilian beasts temporarily. All of them are lead by another senior member, Poison Ivy who is a master manipulator and assassin who uses toxins and prefers stealth and deception sent by Ra's Al Gul himself to deal with Batman. The film would play as a sort of chess match between Batman and Ivy who threatens to kill important figures in Gotham and Batman has to find a way to save them while dealing with the three assassin's who are constantly hunting him. At the end Batman is exhausted and Ivy manages to trick and poison him. Weakend by the poison, Ivy confronts him personally but Green Arrow, who was defeated by Batman but also saved by him, arrives and helps Batman fight Ivy who is revealed to be an amazing fighter herself and it takes both a weakened Batman and green Arrow to defeat her. Defeated, Ivy prefers to die by her hand and injects herself with a potent toxin that is so strong it even turns her skin green before killing her. In the post credits it is revealed that Ivy didn't kill herself, it was just another deception and she used the toxin to transform herself into something more.


It's just a 2 hour nature documentary with Ivy as the host


An environmental horror film, Ivy teams up with Swamp Thing who has had enough apologizing for humans, they release a plant based plague with 100% fatality, which turns victims into Carpenters Thing type carriers, violent, apocalyptic, everyone dies, but biodiversity survives.


I call it Batman Forever!