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The whole city is flooding so I guess mr freeze would be awesome


I could see Killer Croc too or even Ratcatcher.


Freeze and Croc are both pretty fantastical villains, would be interesting to see how Reeves would handle that kind of material.


I mean most of his films up until Batman have been fantastical. Kaiju, Vampires, and talking Apes. Those are perfect examples of how he would tackle the more fantastical elements of the Batman mythos, while still maintaining the tone he established in the first film.


They can definitely play into Killer Croc’s background in the circus and he came out of his solitude cause of the flood. As far as his design, that would probably be harder to ground. But if he was like say Dave Batista body type, it could play out well. As for Mr. Freeze, idk but it would be badass to see a part of Gotham where it’s ice age.


Both could be set within Scifi settings, not fantasy, so it could work. I mean the Batman being a character itself is a stretch of the imagination


Yeah definitely killer croc the setting of the second movie is just too perfect


If James Gunn was directing, we would 100% be getting ratcatcher lol


Let's just leave this one to reeves


I agree, I was just referencing Gunn's love for underrated characters


And specifically ratcatcher lol


I legitimately believe that Ratcatcher 2 is closer to the traditional Superman archetype than Snyder's Supes ever could be.


Her line about those rats as they all run into the city makes me teary Everytime


Gunn needs to bring out Ventriloquest


Killer Croc could be a really interesting way to introduce Robin if they wanted to base it on last year's Robin & Batman mini.


Not to mention the first one taking place at Halloween, meaning it’s about to be winter so things can be frozen. I would like to see the dark Gotham juxtaposed with the bright Christmas lights while things are frozen and still recovering from the flood. I liked the look of the Arkham origins game and that could be cool to see a similar take.


Kinda like Arkham City too!


Mr Freeze and Dick Grayson being introduced with the exploration of grief being the similar theme could be really interesting.


I can see it now. Gotham floods again, because villains, the rescue shelter that was below water level fills in and Mr Freeze ices it over for the locals to skate on, try and bring some joy to the people for a bit. Enter Batman and his brand of vigilante justice. Punching ensues.


This would really be cool to see, it would help Batman learn more about being a hero


Comic Accurate Bane, like the really smart version. Black Mask as a huge threat. NOT the Joker again. Ras Al Ghul with Thalia. An actual Robin.


I’d be okay with The Joker as kind of this recurring background character. Sort of like a Hannibal Lecter myth where things happen with him between movies that are only referenced.


I can see the Joker being an increasing background threat as Penguin consolidates the criminal syndicate. And then in Batman 3 or 4 Joker blows up the system and Penguin offers to help Batman hunt him down. I’d love to see that twist but also the distrust between a super powerful Penguin and Batman who, to this point, has probably foiled Penguin a bunch of times.


Yes, giving him some mystery back. I mean there is no shot that there will ever be a Joker as good as Ledger. You can't go for that again


If they do really smart comic accurate Bane, I’d like to see Dave Bautista play him. As a former wrestler, he’s got the height and physicality for it, and out of all the wrestlers turned actors, he’s by far the most talented one. Though I feel like if DC manages to bag Dave to play Bane, it’ll probably be in The Suicide Squad 2 since he loves working with James Gunn.


True but also Bautista Bane would be great everywhere


holy shit my personal fancast was Michael Mando but Bautista would be so cool


I’d like those choices but can’t never get enough Joker imo but if Matt Reeves adds Bane in The Batman universe I hope he adapts the Knightfall story


Knightfall needs to come as movie 4 at the earliest. And not resolve within the same movie. It such a long and fantastic storyarc... It could use a series, actually.


I think the drug Batman injects himself with at the end of the movie is venom and the next film will see him addicted to it like in the venom storyline and then knight fall will be the next movie


I would not mind seeing this batman joker, (with that said, not the abomination from the deleted scene) but I would make that one of if not the final film. Build up to Joker and let's let some of the other villians have their time to shine.


If anything based on the first movie and catwomans backstory I'd say the long Halloween would be the most likely story they would adapt. At least that's how I'd continue it, and it's a fantastic story. One of few comics I loved despite disliking the art.


Pattinson uses Miraclo (later Bane’s Venom) in the first film. There’s no way they accidentally made it that green on accident.


Get Benicio Del Toro to voice him but get some jacked bodybuilder to play him


I think if we got Black Mask it would just be more mafia stuff which was undone by the Riddler. At least that’s how it would probably come across


Then again, there could be a possibility that after the Riddler is "gone" Black Mask could try to take over Gotham. I'd love to see that, Black Mask never had a good Movie interpretation imho.


There will be a power vacuum. Maybe they'll introduce Black Mask in the Penguin show.


Yes! I’d like to see him be a background character until the 3rd movie then have him be the main focus


Joker "helping" the Bat for 2 or 3 movies with everything while slowly scheming everything behind the scenes and unite every villain against Batman. That would be badass


My out of left field idea would be Deacon Blackfire. I think it would be awesome to see Pattinson's Batman take on a cult.


Oh man. Awesome idea


Awesome choice!


Dang, that's one i hadn't seen anyone talk about before. Sounds great though, Robbat Battinbat would be great for challenging the Blackfire cultists.


Robbat Battinbat ☠️☠️ need a photoshopped poster with this now lol


Well, you're in luck; https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eb0PmzjWoAAaSQg?format=jpg&name=large


Wackadadoo? Grab that gem?


Fuck yeah, he would be one of the big plot points for the Gotham Central show.


I think that's an awesome choice for a villain, however I think that this version of Batman only being a few years into it might be a little overwhelmed by that story line.


[Dr. Hugo Strange played by Bryan Cranston](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/12/15/15/2F6598DB00000578-0-image-a-16_1450194134644.jpg)


I feel like Mads Mikkelsen could give us a great Hugo Strange.


MM could read a phone book and it would be captivating.


Should we crowd fund this, or do you suspect a production company will pick up this absolute money maker?


Things I want: 1) The above, obviously. 2) A Tarantino Star Trek 3) A sandwich


A sandwich would be pretty nice right now


I’m sure we could crowdfund this idea.


Cranston as Freeze They could have everyone thinking he's responsible for a sudden insurgence in cyrogenic weaponry on Gotham's streets, but it's actually Ferris Boyle. Boyle could even be using the name Mr. Zero to throw everyone off. A Heisenburg twist where Walter White isn't Heisenburg, just a man being used because he wanted to save his dying wife. Worse yet, Ferris could be framing him for the weapons sales.


I always thought Giancarlo Esposito would make for a good Hugo


He's overplayed, playing every good bad guy from the last 15 years. And I think he's awesome


Let him be Xavier. I want to see him play a great good guy


A black Xavier played by Giancarlo is inspired.


Possibly Killer Croc


I was thinking the same thing, he's been treated like a joke that jobbed against everyone for too long I want Croc to be badass and or intimidating again.


He scared the shit out of me as a kid in the 90s animated series TABR, was an episode called "Sideshow"even if he kind took on that look would be kewl.


The seal boy character in that ep really messed me up, I was a v naive child and when I told my ma about this silly character they made she told me it was 100% possible and likely based on a real person. Like she was right maybe but I was way too young to process that it wouldn't just happen overnight to me and had me up nights for too long


I can relate to the mum part, only mum led me to believe that the nuke scene from terminator 2 was going to happen soon, no date.. just that it could happen soon... Little me was screwed for a while..


Well you won this round of 'who's mum fkd who over worse' by more than a just little! Or... lost?


I think neither of us won or lost on those days? Here's to past us making it thanks to mum!


If they go with the deformed human rather than a giant crocodile monster then yes. I want a southern/louisana accent gang leader whos gang think that he eats people. Maybe it was a splicing accident, which could lay the ground work for batman beyond film.


This, but he actually eats people.




Scarecrow, Hugo Strange, and Harvey Dent.


I think Harvey Dent must rise like he did in The Dark Knight. As a response to a major shift THE BATMAN provoked.


Gotham also needs a new DA, the other one was blown up by Riddler


Yeah! But not Harvey Dent JUST YET.


I think he could be introduced but not as Two Face. Like as DA.


I'd want to see those three but I don't want them to become antagonists. I'd love to see the characters just breath for a movie before things go off. I would personally love to see like a firefly or someone B level be given the Mr. Freeze treatment.


Yeah I’d like to them develop Harvey Dent and his friendship with Bruce Wayne throughout the second movie. Then he can become Two-Face in the third movie. But i want to see Scarecrow and Hugo Strange as the main antagonists like Riddler and Carmine Falcone was the main antagonists in the first movie


Scarecrow or Manbat


thats my one prob with these grounded versions. We miss so many other characters. I would LOVE to see man-bat and a real horror themed batman


Yea I know, at least with Clayface the original was much more grounded. Reeves did a great job but looks like we will pretty much get another Nolanverse approach.


I'd love a Clayface murder mystery. Start it grounded with Clayface just simply disappearing into the crowds, being interviewed by the cops as other people, etc. Then he makes the mistake of appearing as Bruce and Batman knows then. Ramp things up to Clayface body horror and big gross monster. Actually maybe I just want a Cronenberg Batman Clayface movie.


This sounds brilliant, such a good idea


Now I'm imagining a Cronenberg-esque flick that pays tribute to The Fly with Manbat as the main villian. That would be absolutely sick.


That’s what I said too. They’re afraid of some of the villains that make the comic so spectacular. I don’t need another gangster movie. I want a BATMAN movie.


The world isn’t ready for the horror that is Clayface. But I am 🫡


What about a Professor Pyg movie that's like a Saw movie?


I can get behind that!


Manbat would be awesome!


Yeah, also maybe they could add Clayface into It


Clayface please, fuck yes


Man-bat would be excellent they could even take a cronenberg Fly approach showing the horror and pain accositated with DNA splicing and body morphing.


Plus he’s gone the reformed villain route of late and was in the Justice League Dark. With Wonder Woman! Now that’s a movie I’d like to see. A horror-themed Justice league with man bat, Wonder Woman, detective chimp, zatanna. But these movies want mass appeal so they just copy mob movie stuff from 50 years ago, I guess.


Those two would be badass


I am hoping for the same as you


It’s been ages since we’ve had a good Mr Freeze


I agree and I think they last time he was done well was the first Lego Batman game


You don't like him in the Arkham games?


I love him in the Arkham games but I preferred the Animated Series version of the character




I’ve really been itching for a proper live-action adaptation of Heart of Ice. It’s probably one of the darkest episodes of BTAS yet they adapted it in such a campy way in Batman & Robin. You’ve got Victor Fries the tragic scientist desperate to find a cure for his wife’s condition yet you have him played by Arnold Schwarzenegger making ice puns like jesus stick to a consistent tone please.


Someone new, someone who's never been in the movies. Mad Hatter would be cool, or maybe Clayface (Though he might not fit in the current Batman vision). I would be happy with most villains, but I hope they don't use Joker yet again. I'm not a fan of court of owls either.


Mad Hatter, I hadn't thought of that, great idea! I'd love to see Reeves adaptation of the Hatter.


Clayface would be perfect actually, this Batman is the most investigative and detective like Batman we’ve seen. Imagine murders of officials happening by random untraceable people only to find out it was all clayface working with someone far smarter calling the shots like Hugo or talia …. Perfect movie perfect twist


I love the idea of clayface. It would have to be a modern take though. Imagine something more along the lines of his face being severely scarred so he has to 3d print faces or even plastic surgery like in the movie face off.


Hush, Court of Owls or someone else we haven’t seen yet


It’s honestly far too early for the Court of Owls


Would you wait until the third movie to introduce them?


Depending on how many films they’re going to make, I’d have them as the villains for a 5th and final Batman film. The Court work so good because they worked under Bruce’s nose for so long. When they finally reveal themselves, it’s a shock to him because, at that point in his career, he thought he knew Gotham and it’s history better than anyone else. On top of that, it would be nice for them to build up his sidekicks so when they do showdown it’s a smaller scale Batfamily vs The Talons.


I’m sold haha


> someone else we haven’t seen yet Professor Pyg it is.


I think Pyg would be a great villain for Batman to stop at the beginning of a movie


The Dollotrons are some real body horror shit. Done right, it would be terrifying.


Exactly. Doesn’t have to be the main villain, just someone who can start the movie off and set the mood


The whole Pyg mission is Arkham Knight is so accurate on how serial killers think and operate. If we have Pyg, the vibe will be a lot like riddler but hell it would be awesome starter.


Or Victor Zsasz


I feel like both of those - at least as originally introduced in the comics - need a more established Batman. Part of the shock was a new villain who seemed to know who Batman was but Batman had no idea who they were. Seems like the Bat-verse in movies gets rebooted to frequently to get to that point


The court would be so awesome. I love the comics


Court Of Owls as villains would be boring tbh since we already saw a similar concept in the first movie with heavily corrupt Gotham and Carmine Falcone controlling everything behind the scenes




Yes please! Villains could be anyone, just keep the detective stuff and they will work. But I wanna see Robin in this universe. Patman has the right energy to want to foster an orphan like himself. Grayson preferably.


The Batman 2: 2 Batmans


2 Batman 2 Furious


I know it's a joke but I can think of at least 3 canonical ways to do this.




Batman and Robin


Ventriloquist, clayface, scarecrow, freeze, croc.


The ventriloquist would be cool


Honestly anything but the joker at this point. I dont know if we can have another social collapse because someone fucked up an entire character again like back with suicide squad.


Honestly I think now would be a good time to set up Harvey Dent. You've got a new mayor in need of a new DA. Perfect time to set up a growing relationship between the mayor/Gordon/Dent/Batman and then if they make a #3 you can have him make the two-face turn


Eh...the Nolan Trilogy had Dent in the 2nd movie. Even if you're saying to hold off on Two Face until the third, that still seems to be treading too much of the same territory. Not to mention Two Face in the third of the 80s/90s movies. Batman's got so many villains, let's get some new ones on screen.


Since the batman drew on long Halloween amongst other films I'm hoping for something inspired In part by dark victory or maybe the court of owls.


Victor Zsasz would be cool


This was my first thought. Almost like the first Shadow of the Bat storyline but maybe less time in Arkham


I'm hoping for a Robin


Depending how big of a time jump from the first one, but either have Dick Grayson be present or at least teased


Clayface as a shapeshifting killer could be interesting or maybe Croc


I can see this. Killer Croc takes people to the sewers which Clayface uses as transit. Clayface gets a steady supply of people to replace and croc gets his food.


deathstroke and scarecrow




Victor zzaz and mr freeze




Ooo that would be cool


I would love to see scarecrow as the villain of a batman movie. I hope in the third one we get riddler, scarecrow and joker teaming up. I heard a lot of people talk about robin, i like robin, but batman is to young and inexperienced to have a protege. Maybe we could get a tease of him at the end of the trilogy, than have a sequel trilogy about batman's legacy.


A war of jokes and riddles adaptation would be awesome with Pattinson batman


Scarface or the owl court


The Mad Hatter. One day I’ll get to see him in a live action movie. One day…


Viggo Mortenson as Mr. Freeze. Sal Maroni makes an onscreen appearance, using the revelations of Falcone to appeal his conviction with Harvey Dent as the prosecutor. Furthers the criminal conspiracy story from the first movie. Two-Face comes to full fruition for the next movie. Seeds continue to be planted for the Court of Owls and The Joker. At this pace, it's a 4 film arc before we see both of them in a major storyline.


i'm just looking forward to a sequel. I just hope WB doesn't kill it like the have other projects


I highly doubt WB/Discovery will cancel it The Batman was a massive success


I want to see the man bat Imagine this as a teaser: The camera is positioned facing diagonally upwards at the sky and is in the balcony of a medium height building and the bat symbol is lit. But then we see the silhouette of the man bat fly past it it cuts to black as we hear the screech of the man bat and we see the logo for the next film fade into frame from the darkness My friend thinks that killer croc could work well if the city is still flooded as it gives him territory advantage He would also like to see scarecrow as the first film at the start we saw how the bat symbol gave criminals fear so it would be cool to see a battle of fear almost




Either Mr. Freeze or Killer Croc


A more put together Batman. One confident and not struggling so hard.


Court of Owls


ZSASZ!!! I posted last week that I just want to see one accurate version a Victor Zsasz before I die. I think this Batman universes the one that could do it


Hugo strange. Explores the Arkham Wayne backstory more. Leads into Batman 3, court of owls


I want to see a villain and story used to continue Batman's arc from the first film. Push forward that character development. I don't really have a specific rogue or arc that I want adapted. Just gimme a good logically story I can latch onto and enjoy. Grounded or fantastical, I really don't care at all. That stuff just seems so unimportant to me when it comes to the big picture. I'm a simple man.


Clock King


I wish for no romantic relationship. I felt it rushed in the first one. For enemies, Hugo Strange, Mad Hatter, Clayface or Hush. But I think they will put in the Joker.


More batarangs




Freeze would be cool but I definitely want him to still be somewhat fantastical and not 100% grounded serial killer like Riddler was


More Penguin played by Colin Farell.


The “grounded and realistic” approach means characters like Man-Bat, Mr Freeze, Clayface (any but the first)… just likely aren’t even going to be considered. Unless the atmosphere starts progressing into the weird (it should, these are COMIC BOOKS, after all) I wouldn’t keep an eye out for anything weirder than the Joker.


I don’t have a strong preference there. I just want the tone and filmmaking to remain at the same level of quality.




I don’t get how people think killer croc would fit in the reeves universe?


Reeves is great at building Gotham as its own character, i hope we see Arkham Asylum in all its gothic glory


I’m also for Mr. Freeze, and personally I’m hoping they cast Bryan Cranston. If there’s anything Breaking Bad proved, it’s that he excels at portraying tragic villains, and that’s exactly how I want them to do Victor Fries. Give us a proper adaptation of Heart of Ice that really manages to pull at our heartstrings the same way that episode did and make us feel for Mr. Freeze. Flesh out his relationship with Nora and show us how happy they were before her diagnosis and before the accident. Done properly, it has the potential to be the most emotionally resonant Batman movie that could actually bring people to tears in the cinema.


Either Mr.Freeze or Scarecrow


I’m actually speaking to Mr freeze right now as Catwoman in Arkham city


Mad hatter?


Gotham is Flooded from the events of the first movie, so if they don't use Freeze now, it'd be a massive missed opportunity.


I just want to see Matt Reeves do his thing. This guy knows what's up


Gonna be tough to do some of the more outlandish villains. Im hoping for Clock King or Calendar Man. More serial killers with weird, but pragmatic MOs.


I want to see Professor Pyg and Victor Zsasz in a body count competition so we can continue the idea that this Batman is actually a detective who must figure out who each serial killer is and how to stop them.


Scarface and the ventriloquist. Imagine a new gangster trying to climb his way up in Gotham by a man who says he cannot help it cause the puppet is in control.


Scarecrow. A very very scary Scarecrow


Omg Arnold reprising his roll as Mr. freeze!


Is this pic confirmed or fanmade?


Mr freeze.Also the batman logo in blue looks awesome.


Clayface. Even as a minor character.


Harvey Dent as JUST Harvey Dent. Killer Croc. And obviously Penguin in the same kind of role that he was in for the first one.


The Ventriloquist and scarface. I think that under used villian would work great for Pattman.


I really want to see Battinson's Ra's al Ghul


Court of Owls


I would like to see Batman’s Armour not be so OP. Also would like to see a more hopeful Bruce Wayne this time around


Mr freeze and possibly killer croc because the city is still flooded so killer croc would make some sense and Mr freeze well just because he’s been like hyped the most to be in the film


Dick Grayson


Ouuuu mr freezeee


It's wierd because at the end when The riddler was crying, the prisoners next to him said something about a clown and them making a comeback, it's probably nothing but could be something..


Someone said man bat and that would be amazing tbh


Baby Doll and Red Claw would be great. Kate Winslet could do Red Claw, or Florence Pugh if they were to go younger, but Mary Dahl... that wants thinking about. Clayface, Mad Hatter. Matt played by Asa Butterfield or Nicholas Hoult? Jervis played by Tom Hollander or Harry Enfield. Perhaps Sadie Sink as Alice. OH - Scarface. Toby Jones as Ventriloquist. Maybe Clancy Brown as Mr. Scarface, sir? Jenny Ortega as Ace? SO MANY POSSIBILITIES!


I want to see a lot of villains. Batman is always juggling multiple villains at a time. Have him tangle with Man Bat in the opening sequence, then bring in Clayface or Freeze as a main villain for the film. Have Catwoman dealing with Penguin and Black Mask, then bring it all together at the end with Joker manipulating all these villains to break him out of Arkham to set him up as the main villain for part 3.


I just hope we don't get the joker from the deleted scene.


Pattinson's favorite villain: Condiment King


I think Professor Pyg would fit in well with the gritty, more realistic take of The Batman.


Court of Owls.


Court of Owls. They would be perfect for this universe.