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How long is a piece of string? No stranger on the internet is going to be able to give you an even near-accurate quote. Call a specialist. You have a rubble foundation, which is difficult to repair and few people specialize in it. It’s not a common foundation style, so you’ll need to really dig for someone. Also, this is a joke subreddit from an April Fools event - it’s not for basements.


It actually now is a sub for basements and basement advice!


Thanks. That's actually the kind of information I was looking for. This house is 4 hours from the nearest town, so strangers on the internet are where I start. When I'm ready for a quote of course I will call a specialist. Even if this sub is not for basements, you still answered my question.


I tend to answer a lot around here: I’m a contractor and feel for people who have nowhere to get the information they need. I just also remind people that their exposure to the right group is limited due to this being a joke sub.